The Gallows at Midnight

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The Gallows at Midnight Page 17

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  Stretching out beside me, he finally kicks his pants off. My eyes drift down his naked body, my stomach tightening again. The idea of having him all to myself, forever, makes my head swim. His fingers move under my shirt, stroking my stomach.

  “I love you,” he whispers. His voice is so full of passion and sincerity . . . it's breathtaking.

  Rolling onto my side, I snuggle against him, resting my hands on his chest. “I love you, too. No matter what happens, I have and always will love you, Blake.”

  He’s going to be pissed when I take Bates’ mission alone. But, it’s the right thing to do. Even if something happens to me, whether it’s now or five years from now, Blake has possessed the very best parts of me. He has my heart to hold even long after my body is gone. He’d bounce back— move on. Not that I intend on dying any time soon, and certainly not on this mission, but . . . my luck hasn’t been the best lately.

  His deep and steady breaths, the musical beat of his heart, lull me to sleep. Our bodies twisted together like vines, perfectly fitting, at ease. His scent, a mix of coconut shampoo and sunlight, swims around me, intensified by the heat from his skin. It’s like sleeping on a beach.

  God, I love this man.



  27 days left.

  I swear on my life, if Blake, Vlad, or Hastin ask me about my biological family one more time, I’m going to lose my temper something fierce. What part of, ‘I don’t want to find them’, is too hard for these bitches to understand? I’ve got enough on my mind without this to add to it.

  The porch is quiet at least. Nothing but the clink of ice as I swirl the Tequila in my glass. Sorina wanted fresh air this afternoon, so I’m hanging out while she and Caleb’s brother, Carson, sit on the benches in the front yard. She’s handling Samuel’s death better than I thought she would, though I know she’s hurting. His necklace still hangs around her neck, her fingers fidgeting with it every few minutes.

  She stares at the ground as she talks, and Carson just listens. His hand rests against her back, keeping distance between them, as his eyes never leave her face. He seems like a good kid and it’s obvious Caleb at least taught the boy manners.

  “He’s rather taken with her lately, isn’t he?” Caleb sinks down onto the step next to me, his guns hanging in holsters at his sides.

  “Yeah. She’s got some healing to do though.” I take a long draw from my glass, the burn in my throat soothing rather than annoying as the fiery liquor warms my stomach.

  “He knows. Carson handles death well. He had to when our parents were killed.”

  “Maybe he’ll help her. Lord knows I’m not in any state to do a thing lately.” The last few days have agitated me beyond belief. Every thought consumed with what I’m going to do in a few weeks and the possibility of coming face to face with the man that raised me . . . and possibly betrayed me.

  “You’ll get through this. We all will.” He places his hand on my back, mimicking his younger brother.

  “I know. Just sucks ass in the meantime.”

  The wood steps creak as my weight shifts off them, my body aching in protest as I stand. When this is all over, spending a week at a massage therapist might not be a bad idea. My boots thump across the patio, lessening as I move through the entrance door and into the kitchen.

  Blake, Vlad, Rhett, and Sammi sit around the island, whispering like teenagers. My eyes narrow, as I slam the door forcefully, making them all jump. Their heads whip around in my direction, Sammi’s cheeks flushing a bright red.

  Hmm . . .

  “Hey, baby,” Blake says with a little hitch in his deep voice.

  “What the fuck are you four up to? Sammi’s blushing like she got caught giving head behind the bleachers during the homecoming game.”

  Rhett coughs, covering his mouth while Blake and Vlad snicker.

  “How do you know what goes on at high school football games?” Vlad spins in his chair, an amused grin on his face.

  “Jameson told me all about his years in high school and the things his friends did. Very interesting stuff American teenagers seem to get into.”

  Booming laughter resounds through the kitchen. I set my glass on the island and move to lean against it. Blake grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap, my back against his front. His fingers send shivers down my spine as they brush my hair away from the side of my neck. Trembles of desire spike through me, my eyes closing on their own as his lips gently caress my skin.

  “Get a room,” Dresden says as he joins us, his heavy strides breaking the serenity around us.

  “Nice to see you too, Python.” I sit up straight, staying on Blake’s lap but leaning my elbows and forearms on the counter.

  “Why haven’t we heard from Bates, Lily?”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Relax, man. He’ll contact us when something important comes around.”

  “Shannon’s morning sickness is starting to get worse. I don’t know if I’m cut out for that shit.” He sighs and leans against the counter as chuckles wave through everyone else. “It ain’t funny, assholes.”

  “Not like I can help it.” Shannon runs her hand up his back, and he shivers.

  “I know, mein schatz. Just hate seeing you like that.” Dresden straightens up and pulls her into his arms, splaying his hand across her stomach.

  Blake tightens his arms around my waist, and I lean into him. I’ll be lucky if I can pull off doing this mission alone. He and the others are too observant. I’ve got to take extra care not to make them suspicious of anything.

  The front door opens and closes as Caleb, Carson, and Sorina join us. It’s getting too crowded in this kitchen. Sorina’s eyes are puffy and she shuffles her feet as she walks. It hurts to watch her suffer still. Losing someone you love is never easy, and unlike losing Dresden and me temporarily, Samuel won’t ever come back.

  “Mom, can Carson and I go watch a movie?”

  My mouth pops open slightly. She’s never really asked permission for something like that before.

  “Of course. Do you need anything?”

  She shakes her head and shuffles toward her bedroom. Carson stays behind for just a moment.

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Lily. She’s going to be okay. Takes time.” He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns, following her into the bedroom.

  Blake sighs and kisses my shoulder. The tension in the room has grown considerably. No one knows how to help Sorina. This isn’t like helping the girls we saved from auctions. We’re all too tied to Sorina and trying to deal with Samuel and Jameson’s deaths as well.

  “I’m going to go lay down.” I stand and plant a quick kiss on Blake’s cheek. His gaze follows me all the way to the bedroom. I can feel the pull on my back, his energy the strongest thing in the house.

  Dropping my guns on the nightstand, I flop into bed, the tears coming instantly, running down the sides of my face. I miss Jameson. The shit with my pending wedding is overwhelming. I never thought anything would be more stressful than the year I spent away from Blake, but fuck if all this shit ain’t playing hell on my nerves.

  I let the tears fall until my eyes get heavy. Sleep is nothing but nightmares, but hell, right now, reality hasn’t been much better.


  24 days left.

  Sammi and I spent the last three days holed up in the tech office. It made keeping things from Blake and the others easier than I could’ve hoped for. Caleb and Dresden keep checking on us though. Probably making sure I don’t get angry and try to kill her. I wouldn’t at this point. My whole fucking, insane plan falls apart if I don’t have Sammi’s help.

  “Seroquel takes too long to go into effect. If you’re going to knock them out and have a helicopter land within fifteen minutes, you need something quick and strong, mate.” Sammi taps her thumb against her desk.

  I pace back and forth. The sleep meds the doctors have won’t cut it. I’d be waiting over an hour for most of them to take effect since I can’t give them through
injection. This whole idea is stupid. I can’t back down though. Deep down, I can feel it in my gut— I have to do this one alone.

  “Figure it out, Sammi. I don’t give a damn what we use, as long as it does the job at this point. We’re running out of time.” I flop down in the chair in front of her desk and put my head in my hands.

  “Relax, Lily. I’m not gonna let you down.” She scoots her chair up and types with lightning speed, her eyes darting from monitor to monitor.

  This mission has to be wrong. It can’t be Jax. I don't believe that. This is the Taurus trying to make it look like something it isn’t. Jax would never betray me or this team. He trained us, brought us together. We’d be nothing if it weren’t for him. Under his command, we all made it home, every time. I sigh, rubbing my face.

  I’ve got two agents killed.

  A knock at the door snaps me back to reality. Sammi quickly starts closing out of whatever she was looking at before she yells for the person to come in. As the door creaks open, I stand, my stomach instantly clenching as Blake steps into the room, followed closely by Caleb, Vlad, and Dresden. Dresden and Blake are getting along well considering all the things over the last few weeks.

  “What’s going on?” Caleb’s voice is even and stern. The voice of a Fed.

  Sammi and I glance at each other, feigning ignorance. “What do you mean, mate?”

  “Don’t fuck with us, Sammi. You two have been holed up in here for days. What gives?” Dresden takes a step forward, crossing his arms over his chest.

  His mood isn’t going to improve until this is all over. He’s got more to lose now than any of us, and Shannon’s pregnancy is finally starting to show. Not much, but that little bump is going to become a beach ball quickly, and every day Dres gets more irritated.

  “Nothing’s going on. You guys need to chill the fuck out. You’re starting to piss me off.” I walk with purpose toward the door, attempting to slide between Caleb and Vlad to leave.

  Caleb grabs my upper arm, halting me in place. My eyes narrow and I look slowly from his hand to his face.

  His voice is low, still stern, but laced with confusion. “I don’t know what you’re planning, Viper, but Blake and I can feel it. Don’t do something stupid.”

  My eyes flicker toward Blake, his face tight, eyes shining with pain again. He reaches around Caleb and gently cups the side of my face. Involuntarily, my eyes close and I lean into his touch. My heart pounds against my chest and it takes everything in me to keep my mouth shut. I hate lying to Blake, but this time, well, every time I have, it’s been necessary.

  Opening my eyes, I stand straight and pat Caleb’s cheek. “You worry too much. Both of you.” I glance at Blake again before stepping away from them and walking from the room.

  I exhale loudly, making my way to the kitchen. Teresa is doing dishes and singing quietly to herself. She’s been too quiet lately. It makes me nervous. Sliding one of the stools out, I sit and watch her. Her head turns slightly in my direction, acknowledging I’m here.

  “Want a drink?”

  I chuckle as she shuts the faucet off and dries her hands, finally turning to look at me. “Tequila.”

  A grin spreads across her face as she moves around the kitchen making my drink. She leans against the counter as she sets the glass down and slides it to me. It hardly burns my throat anymore and tastes delicious.

  “So, you excited about all dis wedding stuff?” Teresa doesn’t even crack a smile.

  I huff and take a sip of my drink. “I’d be more excited if they’d leave certain shit alone.”

  “Ha! I told ‘em to leave the family thing alone, Lily. Men don’t listen though.”

  “Ain’t that the goddamned truth.” I slowly shake my head and down the rest of my Tequila before glancing at my watch.

  It’s 7:00 P.M. and the sun is going down. An attack isn’t expected but, who knows what could happen at this point. I’ve hardly slept for weeks, and while someone new stands guard every night, I find myself sitting up, staring out the windows. I’ve waited for a response to the message I sent, but so far nothing. Anyone else would respond to a message carved into a corpse . . .

  Something big is coming though . . .

  I can feel it.



  Getting lost in an auction is a hell of a way to spend my twentieth birthday. Thankfully, Dresden and Vlad find me fast enough. The rape almost doesn’t matter at this point. I don’t feel. Jax says it’s a risk we have to take. He probably wouldn’t say that if it was his body on the line, but, it’s whatever. I got to use my new hunting knife. It cuts through muscle like warm butter.

  “You gonna hold that thing forever?” Dresden stares at the blade as I twirl it on the table. “You ain’t careful and you’ll cut a finger off.”

  “Do I look that fucking clumsy?” I balance the tip of the hilt with my finger, drawn to the way the dim light of the office shimmers off the barely used silver.

  “Never said you were, Lily. You okay?” He reaches over and tries to touch my arm.

  Jumping from my seat, I snatch the knife up and speed walk to the other side of the table, tremors and shakes taking over my shoulders. That was too fucking close.

  “I’m good. The mission got a little fucked up. Not a big deal.”

  Fuck. Breath. Dresden has got to learn space. It’s been the same shit with him for three years. He keeps pushing it and I’m going to cut his fucking fingers off.

  “Why can’t we touch you? People in the ring do and—”

  “And they die shortly after. Want to touch me? Fine. Just remember I’ll slit your throat as soon as you go to walk away.”

  “Someday you’ll have to explain.” He stands, squaring his shoulders.

  “Someday you’ll have to learn to mind your own fucking business.”

  I glare at him as he shakes his head and leaves the room. The truth is, even though I went into convulsions when Dresden held me the other night, carrying my very worn out and bruised body, his warmth was kind of nice . . .



  “Baby, are you okay?”

  “Ugh, I’m fine. Morning sickness sucks,” Shannon says, flushing the toilet again.

  I run my hand over my head and sigh. It can’t be healthy for her to puke so damn much. Dr. Monroe says it’s normal, but seriously, this is getting to be a bit much. It doesn’t help that I can’t focus on a damn thing. All my energy and time should be focused on Shannon when I’m not on patrol, but my thoughts stray to Lily too often.

  She’s hiding something. Blake knows it and so do I. Whatever it is, it’ll probably get her killed, injured, or God knows what else.

  Why does she have to be so stubborn?

  I love that girl, but some days I just want to shake the living fuck out of her. All the progress she and Blake made, and we’re on the verge of losing her again. I can see it in her eyes— the desperation and pain that lingers just in the back of those sapphire irises.

  “What’s on your mind, baby?” Shannon climbs into bed next to me and lays her head on my chest. She’s so warm, and the small bump of a stomach she has is sexy as hell.

  Gently, I run my fingertips across her belly, just above her waistline. “Nothing, sweetheart.”

  “Bullshit, Dres. You’ve been zoning out for over a week. What gives?”

  I sigh loudly. “Lily is hiding something, and I can’t figure out what it is.”

  Shannon swiftly sits up and straddles me, making my dick hard instantly. I trail my fingers up and down the middle of her back, looking anywhere but her eyes.

  “Dresden, you’ve got to stop treating Lily like a child. Whatever she’s up to, it probably isn’t as big as you think.” She grabs the sides of my head and forces me to look at her.

  She’s so beautiful.

  Her lips touch mine and my hips flex, pushing my erection into her. She moans and deepens the kiss. Before long, her tongue is dancing with mine, and I’m teasing
her nipples through her sports bra. She grinds into me, a low appreciative hum in her throat. I’ve been gentle with her lately, but today I don’t want to.

  Grabbing her ass, I roll, pinning her under me. Before she can protest, I pull her shorts off, pull down my own, and bury my dick inside her so hard she cries out. It’s music to my ears. She wraps her legs around my waist as I move, hard and fast, just wanting to find release for a moment.

  “Dres . . .” She moans.

  Her body clenches around me and within minutes I come, burying my face in her chest, trying to catch my breath.

  “I love you, mein schatz,” I whisper against her skin.

  “Mmmm. I love you, too.” She runs her nails down my back and I shiver.

  That one night with Lily is still in the back of my mind, but this is where I belong. Shannon, despite the few mistakes we’ve both made, is perfect in every way for me. She’s my solace, my home, my world. I’d be anything, do anything to make her happy. Even if it kills me . . .



  14 days left.

  Sitting at the dining room table, the tip of my hunting knife is stuck in the wood as I vertically balance the hilt against my finger, letting the blade spin slowly to catch the light— I’m irritated. It’s been over ten fucking days and the bullshit tactic of withholding sex is getting old, really quick. Blake has never done this before and if he’s smart, he won’t ever try this crap again. I’ve been up since 5:00 a.m., which is when I tried to get laid and he made it clear that until I can be honest, he won't be touching me.

  Two can play at that game.

  Jealousy will make a man crack quicker than anything else, and Blake Mason has some ugly jealousy lurking inside him. So, I’ll just make sure I push myself to be as friendly as possible with everyone else today.


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