
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 25

  This town belonged to his Pride. Stay out.

  The last two nights had seen no sign of trouble, the message taken. Good. It was about damned time.

  He nodded at Sammy as he padded up the stairs. His Mate was home now. In his bed. Better.

  Lee suffered through a quick bath and then went to curl around Rex, sleep with his Mate. Touch. Taste. Rex purred in his sleep, pushing close. He purred back, slowly grooming, gentle and careful not to disturb. It infuriated him -- that someone wanted to hurt Rex. His Mate. His.

  The dark green eyes opened, Rex's purring growing stronger. He rumbled and nuzzled, tongue sliding over the warm face. Loved this one. Loved his Mate. Rex's tongue tangled with his, his Mate pushing closer still.

  Oh. Oh, yes. He wrapped his arms around his Mate, rocking them together, kissing until the flavors were rich and sweet and familiar. Slowly they shifted, fur becoming skin, sliding together.

  "Mate." He held and touched, happy purrs and soft moans vibrating his entire body.

  Rex growled a little and pushed him over, taking a longer, deeper kiss. Oh. Oh, yes. He pushed up into Rex's heat, rubbing hard, hands sliding down to pull Rex closer, deeper. "Mate. Need you."

  "Are you well?" He reached down, wrapped their cocks together, growling low.

  "Yes." Rex cried out the word, pushing hard into his hand.

  "Mate..." He growled low, arching, thrusting so their cocks slid together.

  Rex whimpered. "Need you, Lee. Need you."

  "I'm here, Mate. Right here. I have you." His hand moved faster, pumping and stroking. Rex moved wildly above him, need and hunger pouring from him. He pumped Rex hard, moving fast, squeezing hard, thumb rubbing that weeping slit. Rex screamed, seed spilling over his hand.

  It was the scent that sent him over, rich and male and strong.

  Rex was heavy and good on him, his Mate panting and nuzzling into his neck. He began petting, stroking and easing those long muscles. Rex purred, licking at his neck. "Mate. Lee. Love you."

  "Mmm... Love you. Better? I've missed you."

  "Starting to be better. I didn't think Leah was ever going to let me come home."

  He settled Rex into the curve of his body. "You were hurt bad, Mate. She knew better than to risk you."

  Rex growled, but the noise soon slid back into a purr. "I'm okay now."

  "Good. Need you." He licked, nuzzled, breathed in the good scent of his Mate. Rex purred louder, hands stroking, petting lazily.

  "Mmm..." He closed his eyes, just let himself touch and love on Rex, let himself sink into the smells and tastes.

  "Gonna nap now," Rex told him. "But after -- want you to claim me."

  "Shh. Sleep, Mate. With me." He cuddled, draped himself over Rex.

  "Need you to take me after, Lee. Promise me."

  "As soon as we can, kit. I need you."

  "After my nap," Rex told him, head lifting, green eyes dark as they gazed into his own. "I need."

  He nodded, purring low, rubbing their cheeks together. Yes. Yes. "After your nap."

  Rex relaxed, head going back down, purring. "Love you. Mate."

  "Love. Mate. Mine." The words were growled and then he was dreaming, stalking in high grasses, following Rex's tail.

  ~Chapter Eight~

  The morning after the moon began to wane was always a bit... dicey.

  You were never sure how hard the Beast rode you. Whether you hunted or slept, growled and snapped or snuggled. Lee opened one eye, stretched out each leg, slow and easy, checking for soreness, wounds. Nope. Whole and healthy.

  Next he looked for his Mate, to assure Rex had survived the moon intact. Rex was asleep next to him, lying on his back, making a snuffling noise with each breath. He looked healthy enough.

  He purred softly, curling towards his Mate, cuddling close. Mmm... smelled good. Rex rolled toward him with a purr, his Mate still asleep.

  "Mmm..." He draped himself over Rex's body, licking soft and slow, grooming and scenting. Even in his sleep, Rex responded to him, arousal making the air tart. It made his movements slower, slinkier, his tongue trailing over his Mate, tasting.

  Rex's purrs got sexier, rumblier and one of his Mate's eyes opened, green, dark, exposing his Mate's need.

  He rumbled softly, licking his way up the beloved body for a kiss. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrex."

  Rex growled lightly and headbutted him playfully before licking his face.

  Oh, his Mate made him happy! Lee rolled them slowly, bumping and bouncing along the cushions. Rex chuffed with laughter, body rubbing against his wherever possible. Their cheeks rubbed together, the strong, good, male scent of them everywhere.

  Rex was purring and growling, tongue licking, paws batting at him. They wrestled and he pushed against those paws, enjoying the touch, the strength there. Rex wasn't challenging him though, not today. Today Rex was wrestling for fun, for sweet, slow arousal's sake. Chuffing with laughter, little playful nips making them both needy, they settled in the sunlight, stretching on the warmed spots.

  They continued to rub and shift against each other, licking and nuzzling, the arousal building until Rex shifted. His Mate gasped, rubbing a hard cock against him.

  He purred, vibrating his whole body, offering the softness of his belly to Rex's touch.

  "Oh, Lee... Mate." Rex's hands buried in the fur of his ruff, shaft sliding along his belly.

  Yes. Mate. Good. He stretched and purred, pleasure filling him. Rex whimpered, moving faster, his Mate's cock like a brand against him. So hard. So hot. So good.

  He growled softly, eyes watching his Mate closely, the need a hot burn in his belly. Those green eyes gazed at him, full of heat and hunger. Panting, he rubbed harder, pelt sliding over Rex's heat.

  "Lee! Oh love. Mate." He could tell from the smell that Rex was close, body working hard for its pleasure.

  He growled, arching, teeth closing gently over Rex's wrist. Rex screamed, heat splashing against his belly. Lee jerked, his own body responding to the scent, the taste of his Mate's skin. He spent, roaring, muscles rippling in pleasure.

  Rex whimpered, hands scratching now, face nuzzling his muzzle. He purred, bending to lick the salt and cream from his Mate's belly.

  "Lee...oh, love you." Rex scratched up along his back and behind his ears.

  Oh. Oh, yes. More. Mate. He stre-e-e-e-e-e-e-etched.

  Rex chuckled. "You are such a sucker for this."

  His Mate's fingers dug in harder though. His tongue lolled, paws kneading the air. Good. Good.

  "You're lucky I love you, you know." Rex kept scratching. "Someone who didn't would take advantage of you while you were like this."

  Purr. Happy. Good. More. Mate. Good. Good.

  "Love you," Rex said again, voice becoming a purr as those fingers kept making him drool.

  He panted, vision blurring, completely blissful. Rex never stopped, just kept scratching, face nuzzling his muzzle.

  He licked and nuzzled, melted and warm. Slowly he morphed, blinking into Rex's eyes. "Love."




  They curled together in the sun, letting the heat bake their bones.


  He came home mad and ruffled, one ear bit, cheek bruised and sore, a deep cut on one paw.

  Granted, he was still alive, which couldn't be said for the fool who jumped him, but still...

  Lee growled, pacing in front of the door, impatient to be let in.

  He was going to just drive to Centreville and kill Diego himself. He'd had enough. Just drive in, tear the bastard's throat out and run like hell before the Pride attacked en masse. He'd have to go in disguise, because once they killed him, they'd come for the pack. Rex and Joseph were strong enough, but to hold strong against another Pride?

  He roared again. Somebody open the fucking door!

  Chris opened the door, eyes widening. "Lee!"

  He loped in, rumbling and snarling, limping more than a little now. He watched until the doors w
ere locked and secured and then started prowling, making sure his Pride was safe. Chris paced him, shifting and trying to groom, to lick at his wounds, offering concern and comfort.

  He made it everywhere but upstairs before he collapsed, let Chris help him, let the huge one-eyed golden cat lick away the scent of a foreigner's blood. He was so tired of fighting.

  Leah came in, growling softly. "Where's Rex?"

  Chris shrugged and morphed. "Out. He didn't say where but I think he's looking for Lee."

  "That kit's going to be pissed."

  "I'll impress upon him the need to be here helping Lee." Chris morphed back and gave him one last lick before slinking off.

  Leah gave him something cool and clear to lap up before checking him over. She put stitches in his left paw and bandaged it and his ear, then gave him a shot of something that made him dizzy and lazy, made him growl at shadows.

  He had no concept of how long it had been before Rex showed up, his Mate growling and angry, pushing close and beginning to groom him. He relaxed, melted, purring loud, finally able to stop thinking and just feel. His Mate was home.

  Rex cleaned him everywhere, sniffing suspiciously at his ear and paw before licking the bandages, making them smell like his Mate. He stretched, rubbing against his Mate, whimpering as he started kneading the air and his sore paw hurt. Rex growled again, nuzzling and licking his muzzle. Soft whimpers of concern filled the air. He started chewing off the bandage, wanting Rex's touch there, Rex to clean and soothe the wound.

  Rex headbutted him and then morphed, fingers warm and gentle, stroking his head and then his paw. "Sh... let me get the bandage off before you rip out the stitches."

  He panted and nodded, watching patiently, trusting his Mate completely.

  Rex growled as the bandage came off. "I'm going to kill him." He growled low. Oh, he so didn't think so. Diego was his. Rex gave him a look. "You aren't in any shape to protest, Mate."

  Then his Mate shifted and gently licked at his paw.

  Lee whimpered and nuzzled. His mate's touch was so good, easing the ache and the itch, Lee's body responding to Rex's strength. Rex finished cleaning him and then licked his muzzle, lying close and offering comfort and heat and strength.

  He nestled close, offering his Mate the highest honor, offering Rex his weakness and need. Rex curled around him, grooming idly and purring, keeping him warm and safe.

  Lee closed his eyes, nestling close, wrapping himself in that purr.


  Lee wasn't as badly hurt as he'd been, their Alpha having only suffered a few cuts and bruises. Still, it made Rex snappish, snarling at anyone who came too near, even the kittens. Lee was his. His Mate. His Lee. His.

  The instinct to go back to Centreville and take down Diego was large and screaming. Louder than that though, was the instinct to stay and protect his Mate, so that was what he did, soothing Lee back to sleep whenever Lee awoke.

  Lee was shifting again, licking restlessly at the wounded paw, fussing and worrying at the stitches. He went to his Mate and nosed Lee away from the paw, taking it between his own and holding it still as he gently licked. His Mate relaxed, began grooming him, purring with a low, peaceful rumble. He growled softly and shifted, hands going to rub Lee's ears, knowing his Mate went wild for this.

  Lee's eyes rolled, big head landing on his lap. The torn ear had already healed under his care and tongue. Still it was odd and bumpy against his fingers. It made him growl again and he buried his hands in the fur just behind Lee's ears, scratching hard. If Lee purred any louder, he was going to shake the paintings off the wall. Rex grinned at those pleasure-dazed green eyes, the tongue sticking out between sharp teeth.

  "Love you," he murmured. "My Mate. My Lee. Mine."

  Lee morphed for the first time since the attack, cheekbone bruised, but healing. "Yes. Yours. Rrrrrrrrex."

  He ghosted his fingertips along the bruised cheek, feeling the heat of blood there, near the surface.

  "Love you," he said again, bending and bringing their mouths gently together. Lee opened to him with a soft rumble, lips parting for him, tongue sliding against his own. He whimpered, not wanting to hurt his Mate, but needing so much, needing to touch and feel and love, to know that Lee was good. Not hurt. So he deepened the kiss.

  Lee purred, pushing closer, opening to his kiss. The scent of arousal flared, heady, addictive. So male. He shifted, lying down and encouraging Lee to lie on top of him. Wrapping his arms around Lee's neck, he held his Mate close and one kiss pushed into another and another.

  Lee shifted, rocked against him, rumbling softly. The kisses were lazy, long, but edged with his Mate's need, that ever-present hunger. He spread his legs, cradling his Mate, feeding noises of need and want into Lee's mouth. Their cocks slid together, Lee hot and sleek above him, kisses devouring him.

  "Need you, Mate. Need to feel you deep inside."

  "Mmm... ride me? My hand..." Lee held up the cut paw, nuzzling and nipping at his jaw.

  He nodded and pushed Lee over, his own hand cradling Lee's head. He straddled his Mate, teasing them both as he slid back and forth, rubbing Lee's cock along his crack. Lee rippled beneath him, a wanton rumble filling the air, lean hips pushing up against him.

  He leaned over, kissing and licking at Lee's skin. Then he sat back, guiding his Mate's prick into himself.

  "Mate! Love!" His Mate stretched, so beautiful in passion, in need. He kept pushing down until he was sitting on Lee's hips, that thick shaft buried deep inside him. He whimpered. So good. So very good.

  "Love you." Lee was panting, muscles twitching. "My Rex. My Mate."

  "Yes, Mate. Yours." He started off slowly, pushing himself up and then dropping back down again, hands on Lee's chest for leverage. Lee was deep inside him, filling him, stretching and claiming. He purred and growled, moaned and groaned, letting Lee hear everything, hear how much he loved this.

  One hand reached up, trailed down his belly, petting, stroking. He moaned, body bucking once before settling back into its rhythm. His cock was taken in hot fingers, Lee panting and watching him, soft growls filling the air.

  "Lee! Oh, Mate." He roared softly, moving faster, coming back down harder on Lee's cock.

  "Yes. More. Good." Lee lifted his knees, hips pushing up.

  They moved fast and hard together, Lee's need sending his own soaring. Lee roared, fingers squeezing, heat filling him as his Mate came. He screamed, his own seed shooting from his body.

  His Mate relaxed, purring, slowly licking long fingers clean. "Mmm... Mate."

  He tightened his ass around Lee's cock. "Yes. Mate. Mine."

  Lee's eyes flashed. "Rrrrrrrrrrrex! Yours."

  He purred and carefully lay down upon his Mate.

  "Love you." Lee nuzzled. "Have I been asleep long?"

  "Long enough," he complained, nuzzling back.

  Lee chuckled. "You're the one who kept petting me."

  "Leah said you needed your sleep. And you didn't smell right."

  Lee purred, stroking his spine, his thigh, his cheek. "And now, Mate? Do I smell right?"

  He nuzzled Lee's neck, breathing in the pride and Lee and himself and sex. "You smell perfect."

  "Good." Lee yawned and stretched. "Mm... let's go eat, Mate. Hungrrrrrry." He climbed off his mate and shifted, licking Lee's face. His Mate lifted his chin, purring. "Rex."

  He headbutted his Mate gently. Come on, Mate. Food. You need to eat.

  "Pushy kit." Those green eyes twinkled, then Lee slowly got to his feet. He growled. Not a kit. He pushed closer to Lee, offering his Mate support if it was needed. Lee draped over him, scenting him. "Thank you, Mate. I needed you."

  He purred, head going back to rub against Lee.

  "So brave, my Mate. So strong." His Mate stroked his belly. "Not a kit, yes?"


  Oh, no. No he wasn't.

  His purrs increased and he rubbed hard against Lee's legs.

  Lee shifted, rumbling and vocalizing softly, leaning against h
im as they limped into the kitchen for the Pride to see. See the Alpha leaning on him. No. Not a kit. Not a kit at all.

  ~Chapter Nine~

  Rex loved the feeling of his motorcycle between his legs. Engine thrumming, noisy and vibrating, wind rushing past him, wheels hugging the road. It was almost as good as sex. Almost.

  All right, no where near as good as sex, but it was the next best thing, so all that proved was that Lee could make him purr faster than anything. Thinking of his mate made him hungry and he turned the hog at the next corner, winding his way back through the dark, midnight streets.


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