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  Missed him.

  They both almost fell over as Malik pushed into them, purring and rubbing, so Happy. His Raj had missed it too, he knew. It felt good, the three of them touching and loving.

  Their Man kept touching him and Malik, too.

  So Good their Man. So Good Rishi. So Strong and Brave and Beautiful Raj!

  He licked and headbutted, nuzzling and Purring and growling and loving so hard.

  His strong Raj pushed him down and nuzzled his belly, growling low at their Man to get him to scratch there, too.

  Their Man did, fingers digging in, making him feel so good.

  His paws batted the air, claws rolling with pleasure.

  So good. Like before. Malik rolled with him, almost like a cub, biting at him and chuffing, making Lynn oof again.

  Oof meant So Good Rishi. He licked Lynn's belly.

  Lynn laughed, fingers digging in.

  It was happy and right, the three of them rolling in the grass, and Malik sounded so happy. Things were Right. Or at least more right than they had been in a long time.


  Malik growled at the water that lapped at his belly. He growled at the fly that tried to land on his nose. Snapped at in fact.

  The ache in his belly made him very unhappy. Growly. Swimming did not help. Napping did not help. Only one thing would ease him, but they had not done that since Lynn's return.

  Not at all.

  Not once.

  He had not wanted to push Lynn, or Rishi, who were still distrustful that things could be as they once were. Nor did he try to get one of them alone, for it was sure to hurt the feelings of the other.

  So Malik had waited. And waited. And it soon became clear to him that neither of them was going to initiate any sort of loving save petting and brushing.

  They were going to be the death of him.

  Malik splashed out of the water, growling and snapping some more, this time at a large water rat. Shaking out the excess water, he headed for his rock to bask a bit. The sun felt good. Hot, but good, and Malik stretched out, letting go of his tiger and letting the human come upon him. The sun felt even better on skin, and in this form he had hands.

  He would just have to do it himself.

  The very thought made him harden, and Malik moaned a little, putting his hands to himself and stroking.

  He heard the grasses beside the rock swish, felt Rishi's breath on his hip. Curious kit.

  Planting his feet to tilt his hips up, Malik pulled on his cock, slow and steady, breath beginning to come unevenly. Oh. Yes. Better.

  Rishi's purr was low and rich, whiskers tickling him.

  His Rishi slowly crawled up onto the rock, climbing to stretch out beside him.

  The grasses beside his rock swished again and Lynn appeared. "I was wondering where you'd... Oh. Oh. I didn't mean to interrupt." Lynn started back up.

  "Lyyynnnn." Malik held out his hand, wanting their Man to join them. There would never be a better time than now.

  "Are you sure?" Lynn asked. "I do not wish to intrude."

  "Please." Reluctantly, he let go of himself with his other hand, reaching to pet Rishi. "I need."

  Rishi morphed, snuggling beside him. "Lyyynnn... Rrrrrraj..."

  "Oh. Good. I... I have missed finding my pleasure with you both." Lynn quietly and quickly removed his coverings and joined them on his rock.

  Oh. Yes. Rishi and Lynn crowded in close and Malik thought he might burst into flame. So good, their heat, the feel of them against him made his belly hurt worse, easing it at the same time. "Yes. So good."

  Lynn's hands slid over his skin, his and Rishi's, the long fingers of their Man trembling.

  His Rishi purred, sliding against him, tongue dragging over his skin. "Rrrrraj."

  "Mmm." He purred, arching under the touch, hands sliding over warm skin on either side.

  "Oh, I have wanted this..." Lynn's mouth slid over the skin of his shoulder and neck, sucking and licking at him.

  He turned to Lynn to take a kiss, catching sweet lips with his. He had wanted too, still wanted, and he tugged at Rishi, pulling his young one to join them in the kiss. Rishi purred, gold eyes smiling at them, watching them and wanting them, tongue pushing deep to taste them both. Lynn moaned softly, rubbing hard against his side.

  He did not have enough hands. He wanted to touch them both, wanted to kiss them both, wanted everything. He pulled Lynn closer, feeling the sweet hardness against him, and used his other hand to find Rishi's cock, testing its heat.

  "Raj!" Rishi arched, head lifting and blinking down into their faces. "!"

  Lynn's hand slid over his belly and wrapped around his shaft.

  "Oh!" He cried out, body arching up, the pleasure too big to hold down. How he needed them, his Rishi and his Man. His hardness throbbed and Malik purred his need loud and strong.

  "Oh..." Rishi bent forward, tongue sliding on his throat, teeth threatening.

  Lynn's mouth moved alongside Rishi's, teeth scrapping over his skin.

  Malik screamed his triumph to the sky as he spent, holding them so tight, letting the scent of all three of them wash over him. Rishi growled, his mate bending to lick and lap, purring over his belly. Lynn rubbed harder against him, leaving a trail of liquid heat along his thigh. When he recovered from his own pleasure it occurred to Malik that it was just a matter of a push and a roll and Rishi's mouth would be on Lynn's heat.

  Lynn cried out, hips snapping. Rishi's head was bobbing, soft, happy little growls filling the air, throat working as he sucked. "Oh, Rishi! Good. So good."

  Another cry and their Man was coming, hands sliding through Rishi's hair.

  Malik inhaled deeply, the scent making him happy, and rolled Rishi back, reaching for his young one's shaft once more and pumping hard. Low roars and snarls filled the air, Rishi moving hard, wanting, fingers gripping his shoulders tight as his young one spent, eyes wide.

  "Oh, so beautiful. Both of you." Their Man's hands slid over them both.

  Purring loud, Malik fought the tiger, trying to stay as a man for Lynn, petting and nuzzling both his Man and his So Good Rishi. "Mine."

  Rishi nodded, nuzzling and purring, fur soft on his skin, tail heavy on his leg.

  "Oh. Yes. Yours and Rishi's man. I am yours."

  Malik pulled Lynn between he and Rishi and let the tiger have him. Lynn would have Malik and Rishi to cushion him from the rock, and they could nap together in the heat of the day.

  There was not a growl left in him.


  He was humming.

  Singing as he washed his clothes, beating them against the rocks and scrubbing them together with soap.

  Lynn felt better than he had ever before. He was back where he belonged, with his tigers. And they'd made love again.

  Oh, he had missed those purrs.

  He sang some more, washing vigorously.

  Everything suddenly went silent as it only did when he was being stalked, the universe stilling as he went from predator to prey. Lynn looked around, noting the gold eyes staring at him. He looked away, shrugging nonchalantly, pretending he hadn't seen the young tiger. He went back to his singing and washing, waiting.

  The roar came about a heartbeat before the pouncing and splashing, Rishi rolling him in the water before bouncing away, prancing playfully.

  He gave a roar of his own and splashed water at Rishi.

  From the other side of the pool another roar sounded, Malik bounding through the water, splashing both of them with one enormous pounce. Rishi squeaked, eyes closed, paws coming down again and again, water flying.

  Oh, he was outclassed and that was just fine. He splashed happily, getting himself more wet than the tigers.

  Malik looked like a kitten, blue eyes bright and happy, tail high as Malik bounced toward him, growling and sending water slapping against his legs. Rishi growled, leaping for Malik's tail, looking completely confused when Malik flicked it out of the way, leaving the smaller tiger with nothing but

  Lynn chuckled and clambered up onto his washing rock to watch his two tigers play.

  They went round and round, Malik leading Rishi on a merry chase, coming by him every so often to make sure he did not dry out. Rishi was having the most fun, water dripping from his whiskers and ruff, huge paws slapping the water.

  It made him laugh. Oh, how could he have for a moment thought the city would be better than this?

  Just about that time Malik bounced up to him and gently bowled him over, shaking over him like a wet dog. Still laughing, he shielded his face with one hand and pushed ineffectively at Malik with the other. Rishi landed next to Malik, tongue lolling, happy little rumbles and purrs filling the air. Those gold eyes were shining, bright, warm.

  He wrapped one hand in Rishi's ruff and the other in Malik's. "I love you," he said. "I love you both."

  Malik purred, nuzzling him softly, licking at his neck. Rishi's rumble was pure pleasure, pure joy. He made a purring rumble of his own, though his was soft and tame compared to theirs.

  Malik changed before his eyes, the man replacing the cat, hands sliding up over his skin, lips against his.


  Oh, yes.

  He arched, pushing up into the kiss.

  Rishi rumbled, fur rubbing against his skin before Rishi changed, pushing into the kiss with a wanton sound.

  The three of them kissed and touched, feet dangling in the water, the weight of them pressing him and his freshly washed clothes, into the warm mud at the bank. His arms were wrapped around them, keeping them close.

  Rishi was licking and lapping at his face, at Malik, undulating slowly against them. He purred for them, the movements of his hips matching Rishi's, tongue chasing Malik's.

  Malik moaned, pushing harder against him, hand tangling in his hair to hold him there. "Lynnn."

  Rishi nodded, growled. "Rrrrrrrrraj."

  "Oh, so good. So good, Malik and Rishi." He moved and moved, and kissed and rubbed. It was so good.

  "So good. Yessss. So good Rishi. So strong Raj. Their Man." Rishi's low voice rang out, rich and lovely.

  One of Malik's legs wrapped about his and Malik rolled him, putting him between Malik and Rishi, both of them moving more fully against him, hard and hot. He gasped and moaned, rocking with them, humping as well as he could. Teeth scraped against his shoulder, Rishi growling against his skin. Malik rocked him into Rishi, the three of them rolling together in pleasure, Malik giving him sweet words, giving Rishi praise, mouth moving against his shoulder, Rishi's hand.

  He cried out to the wide sky as he came, heat splashing between his own body and Malik's.

  Rishi rolled over him, hips canted, offering himself to Malik, tongue sliding over Lynn's belly, cleaning him. A low snarl came from Malik, and Malik took what Rishi offered, lunging and pushing, teeth closing on Rishi's neck.

  Rishi growled, cheeks rubbing furiously against Lynn's belly, fingers digging into the mud. His hands slid through Rishi's hair, reaching back to touch Malik.

  He rocked as Malik thrust into Rishi, setting them all in motion, growls and grunts filling the air around him. "Lyynnnn. Touch. Touch Rishi."

  Malik pulled back, sitting back on his heels, still inside Rishi, letting Lynn have access to Rishi's body. He reached out, hand wrapping around Rishi's heat. Rishi roared, arching, head tossing.

  It was not long after that Malik roared as well, the sound muffled by Rishi's skin, blue eyes meeting his over Rishi's shoulder.

  He smiled at them both. He was happy.

  He was in the muck and all his clothes were dirtier than when he'd started, but he was happy.

  ~Chapter Seventeen~

  Lynn sat under the banyan tree, watching the sun go down over the savannah. It was very beautiful.

  Much of the land was, especially after the squalor of Bombay. Still it was uncivilized out here, as his Master had found out the hardest way possible. The thought of how he'd last seen the man... or parts of him, was still enough to send a shiver through him.

  He wasn't sure how long it was before he noticed bright gold eyes staring at him from the grasses, striped body tensed to pounce.

  His stomach clenched for half a second, his thoughts of his former master haunting him, before he realised it was Rishi and then he tried to relax, knowing what was coming, knowing being loose would be better. The pounce rolled him, the cat tumbling with him, Rishi's triumphant, happy roar ringing in his ears.

  He laughed, how could he not? Bruises were a small price to pay for Rishi's love.

  Wrapping his arms around the tiger's neck, he pushed against the soft fur of Rishi's underbelly.

  Rishi was rumbling and vocalizing, low sub-vocal purrs vibrating his whole body. The rough tongue slid over his cheeks, his chin, Rishi so careful, so sure not to bite or catch with the heavy claws. He purred back, a small echo of the noises Rishi was making, hands sliding over the fur covered muscles, petting.

  Enthusiastic, happy -- Rishi groomed him as if he were Malik, as if he were one of their own kind. He wasn't even sure the young cat remembered he was simply human, as Rishi chirruped and rumbled, obviously chattering at him.

  He returned the favor as best he could though, digging his fingers in and scratching, following Rishi's spine up to his ears as he scratched.

  Rishi arched, stretching and pushing into the touches. Slowly, like magic, Rishi changed for him, became a tall, thin man, with a copper shock of hair. Those eyes stayed the same, as did the faintest striped pattern in the tanned skin.

  A shiver of delight went through him, as it always did. "Rishi," he whispered, bringing their mouths together.

  Rishi opened eagerly, body sliding over him as their tongues met and slid together. Such a wanton, so full of sweet need. His hands gentled, slid over Rishi's skin instead of scratching and digging in. Rishi's body was soft and warm and wonderful beneath his fingertips. Rishi's purrs were gentler as a man, but they spoke of the same pleasure. The fingers that slid on his skin were clumsy, jerking, but still so gentle.

  He slid one hand down to Rishi's ass, cupping it, guiding Rishi as he pushed up with his hips, sliding their heat together.

  "Mmmmm..." Rishi shivered, headbutting him as their cheeks were rubbed together, Rishi attempting to mark him, scent him.

  He chuckled and nuzzled. "Sh... gentle Rishi, softly."

  "S-s-s-s-softly." The word was purred, Rishi rubbing again, so careful, so soft.

  "Y..yes." Oh, it felt good, when Rishi was gentle like that. It made him shiver, made him need and ache and want. He rocked up harder, sliding their pricks together with more force. Rishi whimpered, mouth open against his throat, his lover panting, breathing him in as their bodies thrust together. He slid one leg around Rishi, wrapping both hands in his lover's hair. Rishi arched, hips snapping now, his lover's strength stunning, driving him higher, faster. "Rishi!"

  He was so close, body tight and straining.

  A roar sounded, the nip to his neck sharp and quick as Rishi came, marking his skin. His own cry was nearly silent, the heat of his seed joining Rishi's on his belly.

  The purrs began again, low and steady, Rishi licking his throat, his chest, before cleaning his belly with that soft tongue. He panted, catching his breath, fingers sliding through Rishi's hair. "Love you," he murmured.

  Those shining eyes smiled up at him and Rishi nodded. "L-l-l-love our L-l-l-l-ynn."

  He smiled back and continued to pet Rishi.

  It was an uncivilized land, but he had grown to love it and its denizens.


  Rishi woke from his Nap with a Growl, head lifting from the warmth of his Rock.

  In his Napping world, their Man had Gone Away and not Come Home.

  He frowned and snarled, jumped off his Rock, went to find their Man.

  To make sure.

  Not that he was Worried.

  But, Still...

  Their Man was not in his cage-like shelter. And their Man was not down at the water.

nbsp; Rishi Sniffed and Growled and Roared. When that didn't work, he put on his Man Self and Yelled.




  Then he heard it, faint, but sure. "Rishi!" and the sound of the grasses being disturbed, coming from the savannah. "I'm coming, Rishi!"

  He hurried toward the sound, losing his Man Self and bounding. His Lynn. His. Their Man. Home.


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