
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 57

  "Keith." So deep. Seamus' voice vibrated through him, against his lips. "Need you."

  "Yes. Love. Please." His anger shifted and slid and ended as a hard ball of need, deep in his belly, eating him alive.

  Cloth ripped as his shirt and jeans were torn from him, Seamus nuzzling his chest, the skin under his arms, his belly. All the while Seamus pushed against his leg, each thrust rubbing that heavy bulge against him.

  Seamus' t-shirt was pulled free and he pushed up, curling around his lover, touching and scratching and nipping whatever skin he could find.

  "Yeah. Babe." Seamus pushed away for a moment, yanking off the remaining cloth that separated them. Then his mate was on him, heavy and hard and so hot, spreading his legs.

  "Fuck! Love!" He drew his legs up, eyes rolling as his body begged, aching for that deep, stretching touch.

  "Now." The deep growl was all the warning he got before Seamus surged into him, thick, pushing so deep.

  Yes. Oh, yes. Just there. Just what he needed and oh... Oh, please. Seamus. Love. More. His entire world was spinning, the only constant the heat of their bodies together and that burn inside his belly.

  Seamus thrust into him so hard that they slid across the floor. Deep sounds came with each thrust, growls and moans mixing, Seamus' breath hot against his cheek. His hands pulled at the heavy hair, holding on, refusing to let go. He turned his head, licking at Seamus' face.

  "Soon, babe. Soon." Harder, faster, Seamus ground into him, pressing his cock between them.

  A howl split the air, pushed from him like the seed from his balls, hot and burning and... "Seamus!"

  "Yeah! Babe. Fuck!" Seamus shoved into him one last time, hips pumping, cock pulsing in him, filling him.

  He whimpered, trying to catch his breath, fingers gentling in his mate's hair.

  Seamus nuzzled, so gentle now, so good and right. "Love you."

  "Yes. Love you." Keith slid their cheeks together. "'m sorry."

  "Yeah." That low sound, the one that soothed something deep inside him, pushed into his lips as Seamus kissed him. "Sorry, babe."

  Oh. Oh, that was better. Even good.

  Keith cuddled in, rumbling softly.

  Curling around him, protecting him from the whole world, Seamus nuzzled and licked the sweat from his skin. Sooner or later they'd have to feed the pups. For now they'd let the argument fade, and the making up sink in. And nap a little.

  ~Chapter Sixteen~

  Well, the twins were safely back with the pack.

  Only Bruiser was left, and the pack Elders wanted him to stay with Seamus and learn some old fashioned Alpha behavior. Lovely. He just hoped Bruiser was still alive and kicking when he got home. The damned pup was showing some serious growly tendencies now that they had taken Jade away, and Seamus figured Keith was just going to bean the kid with a frying pan.

  Keith. God he missed his mate. Was gonna explode, that was how much he fucking missed him. He ached, not just in his balls, but in his belly too, a dull, constant need.

  Logically, he knew why they had to split the pups up, especially when they traveled like that, but logic had nothing to do with this need.

  He got in early in the morning, long before sunrise, slipping through the door like smoke, not sure if he'd find peace or carnage.

  What he found was a little of both -- the house was trashed, cushions and shit all over the place. Right in the middle was Bruiser sound asleep, with a worse for wear Keith laying right on top of him, one hand petting even in sleep.

  He couldn't decide if it was sad or cute.

  Maybe both.

  He knew just how Bruiser felt, though, because he had no doubt in his mind that boy and Jade would end up mates. Err. Or possibly Bruiser and both of the twins. You just never knew.

  Seamus dropped his duffel and went over, squatting down and stroking the sweet spot at the base of Keith's back.

  Keith moaned, whining softly as his nostrils flared. "Seamus? Love?"

  "Yeah. M'here babe. You okay?" Oh, God, that skin felt good under his hand.

  "Uh-huh. Little gnawed on, Bruiser is not a happy pup." Keith pushed up into his arms, warm and close and wanting. "How're my girls?"

  "Sad. But they were glad to be back with the pack, too, so it worked. They miss you and Bruise, though. Kept looking for you." Damned near broke his heart, too. He hauled Keith close, pressing them together. "Fuck, I missed you, cub."

  "Missed you." Keith buried that warm face into his neck. "Was scared they'd keep you, that they'd decide to not let you come home."

  He chuckled, stroking Keith's hair. "Nah. If that was the way they were gonna play it, Bruiser would have come with me." He pushed Keith away a bit, looking at him, serious as Hell. "You're pack now, love. Mine."

  Keith nodded. "I know. I do. It just... With Bruiser panicking, my imagination got away from me." He got a grin, a soft kiss. "God, it's good to see you."

  "Yeah. Let's take the pup to his room and I'll show you how much I missed you." He couldn't help it, had to rub up against Keith, let the cub feel it.

  A whimper sounded, Keith's eyes flashing as his bottom lip was nipped. "Love..."

  "Soon." Seamus pulled Keith to one side and hoisted Bruiser into his arms, the poor pup just making an exhausted whimpering sound and licking his hand. They got Bruiser settled, and Seamus turned on Keith, scooping his cub up just as easily and heading for their bed.

  Keith wrapped right around him, mouth fastening on his neck and pulling, raising a mark. Thin legs were tight around his waist, hips rocking against him in time with the suction on his throat.

  Fuck! Yeah. He was just gonna come in his pants. "Keith, need the clothes off, babe. Need to feel you."

  "Mmm... yeah. Need skin..." The words were more growl than anything else, pure need and want and sex. Still, Keith started working on buttons and snaps and zippers.

  The rip of cloth was loud in the dark, quiet room, louder than their harsh breath. Seamus got the scraps of Keith's clothes off at the same time, then lifted the cub again, rubbing his cock against that sweet ass. Fuck, yeah.

  Keith's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging their mouths together. "Mine. Oh, love. Need you."

  "Now." He tossed Keith on the bed, watching the cub bounce before scrambling to get the lube. He needed the lube, because this was gonna be hard and fast.

  Keith grabbed those thin legs, pulling them back and up, exposing that hungry little hole to him, spreading for him.

  He wanted to lunge right in, but he took the few moments he knew he should to prepare Keith, slick fingers pushing inside hurriedly. He needed. Fuck, he was fucking frenzied, growling and snarling.

  "Now. Love. Now." Keith was panting, dancing on his fingers, wild for it. "Please."

  "Yes. Now." Keith was so open, so ready for him, that he didn't need to wait anymore, and Seamus pressed the tip of his cock against that tight hole, feeling need shudder through him as he pushed in, bit by bit. So fucking hot.

  The cub arched, growling low, throat stretched and exposed for him.

  That long, pale throat had haunted his dreams, and Seamus went right for it, lips and teeth fastening hard, bringing up dark blood. He slammed into his cub, over and over, making them both feel it, drinking in Keith's soft sounds.

  His mate wrapped around him, hands hard on his shoulders, legs wrapped around his waist.

  "God..." his own voice was shocking loud, the need almost pain, his cock throbbing. Seamus pounded Keith harder, hand going between them for that red prick.

  "Yes. Mate. Love." Keith keened, hips jerking harder and harder, seed spraying between them at the first touch of his hand.

  He came with a sharp bark, hips smacking against Keith's ass, his entire body jerking out a good week's worth of need. "Oh. Love."

  His lips were taken in a long, sweet kiss, Keith cuddling into his arms. "Love you. Oh, fuck. Missed you."

  "Yeah. Too hard, babe. Next time I have to go see the pack you come with me. End of story."
br />   Keith nodded. "Bruiser, too. He needs the girls, he cried and cried."

  That hit like a punch to the gut. "Yeah. So did they. I hate it, but the Elders had a point. They're too young." Keith's skin was damp and smooth, and Seamus licked at the sweat.

  Keith nodded, gave a little moan. "Hard stuff, raising teenagers. He'll understand when he's grown."

  "He will." The scent of them, the taste of Keith, they were making him rise again, making his skin prickle. He wanted to howl. "Love you."

  Keith's growl was sweet, needy. "Yeah. Love you. I can feel you in me, love. Feels so good."

  "Yeah. My hand just wasn't the same, babe. And they kept trying to give me some female or other, but I couldn't." That was the way it was, when you went back to the pack they wanted you to mate, if you were an Alpha, but all he could see was Keith.

  The sound that filled the air was angry, possessive, Keith's body clenching around his. "Mine. They should know you are mine."

  Oh, fuck that was good. His cub, all growly over him. He chuckled. "Hope springs eternal, babe." This was Keith's show now, and Seamus let the cub set the pace.

  Those pretty eyes flashed and Keith snarled, hips moving against him. "My mate. I won't share."

  "Yours." Eyes rolling, Seamus started thrusting again, needing so bad. Answering Keith's need.

  "Yes." Those teeth were sharp on his throat as Keith latched on. "Mine."

  He growled, allowing the claim, encouraging it with hands and hips. They shifted and rolled, Keith settling in his lap, arms tight around his neck.

  "Cub." He moaned, reaching down to grab Keith's ass. "So good."

  "Yes. Love you." Keith took one sharp-toothed kiss after another, his cub so hungry for him, bruising his lips.

  All he had, everything he could give, Seamus let go, hips rising and falling, soft growls coming up from his chest. Too long. He'd been away too long. They found a rhythm as familiar as hunting, slow and steady and real. Keith's eyes were focused on his and he could see himself reflected back.

  Mate. A closed circle of love and need. Seamus cried out, hips jerking hard as Keith bit once more into his neck, hands squeezing, holding Keith to him.

  Keith whispered out his love as he came, just close in his arms.

  "Mmm." Oh. Better. He smelled right again, felt easy in his bones for the first time in what seemed an age.

  His mate cuddled close, just rocking gently, soft sounds filling the air.

  "Love you, babe." They'd rest, nap until morning. And then they'd figure out how to make Bruiser clean up his damned mess.

  ~Chapter Seventeen~

  Keith woke up and stumbled for the hallway. Something had woken him up -- maybe he had to pee, maybe the newspaper hit the front door. Hell, maybe Seamus had farted.

  Didn't matter.

  He was awake now and needed coffee in the worst possible way.

  The beans were ground, the water measured and Keith found himself standing in front of the fridge, staring at eggs and sausages and bacon and...

  It was a damned good thing the Pack subsidized them, because Bruiser ate like a horse.

  A really big, meat-eating, shaggy horse that howled.

  And liked bad kung-fu movies.

  Keith shivered. Oh, it was just too-fucking early to be thinking.

  He pulled out some bacon and a dozen eggs, setting them on the counter and bending to grab the electric skillet when he heard... something.

  A sob?

  He frowned, heading down the hall, nostrils flaring.

  There. There it was again. It sounded like Bruiser, but not.

  He bristled, growling low. God help anyone in there bothering their pup.

  Keith pulled Bruiser's bedroom door open, set to battle and protect and...


  Oh, God.

  A naked kid was curled on the floor, blue eyes wide and scared, blond hair mussed. The look on that unfamiliar face broke his heart and Keith dropped to his knees, one hand carefully reaching out.

  "Oh, Bruiser..."

  Bruiser, or the kid who used to be a pup, just snapped at him, the strangest sound coming out of him. Like he didn't know how to growl with human vocal chords.

  "Hey, pretty boy. Don't be scared. You'll be okay. You're just fine." Keith leaned his head out the door. "Seamus! I need you!"

  Bruiser whimpered, scrambling back away from him so awkward and floppy. Seamus though, was there in seconds, considering that he was so rudely awakened.

  "What is it, cub... oh. Oh, Lord."

  "Yeah. He won't let me touch him. Does it hurt?" He was so utterly out of his league.

  "Kinda. Get a blanket, yeah? Softest one we have." Seamus' voice went low and soft, soothing, just like it had for him when they first met, deep and rough.

  "'kay, love." He stood up, heading for the linen cabinet and pulling out a big fuzzy comforter, hands shaking. Poor Bruiser -- the pup looked so scared.

  When he got back Seamus had backed the pup into the corner by the door and was talking to him, low, nonsense words. Those green eyes cut to his, the expression rueful. "Gonna need help. We need to get him wrapped up, get some food in him, maybe get him to sleep."

  "Okay. What do you want me to do?" Keith looked at Bruiser, clicking his tongue, heart just breaking. "Sweet, pretty boy. Are you cold? You want to come curl up with me?"

  Teeth bared, Bruiser barked, the sound so full of fear that it tore his heart.

  "He's not sure about anything right now, babe. Everything looks different, smells different, sounds different. I just need you to cut him off if he tries to run."

  "Seamus? I love you. He was bigger than me before he changed." He stood by the door, trying not to feel like bait.

  "I know, babe. But he doesn't know how to use those arms and legs yet, and he'll hurt himself before he hurts you."

  Unfolding the blanket, Seamus moved in slowly, reaching for Bruiser, who shook, panicked whimpers coming from him.

  Keith wanted nothing more than to go over and tackle the pup, hold him tight and pet him and assure him everything would be fine.

  Just fine.


  There was a blur of motion from Seamus, so fast, and a yelp from Bruiser that sounded like a very human shriek and then Seamus was holding a struggling, flailing set of limbs, grunting with the effort. "Okay, babe. I got him. Time to work your magic voice. Get over here and talk to him 'til he calms.'

  He hurried over, hands stroking whatever bit of Bruise he could reach. "Come on, Bruise. You need to relax. We got you, yeah? You're right here at home and it's all okay. We're right here. Right here, pretty boy."

  He kept talking, kept petting, kept offering Bruiser his warmth, his scent, voice rumbling in his chest.

  He had no idea how long they went on, but suddenly Bruiser went limp, panting and nuzzling his hand, not fighting them anymore.

  "Oh man." Seamus gathered the pup, kid, whatever, into his lap and gave him a grateful look. "How about some food?"

  "Bacon and eggs or something simpler?" He stroked Bruiser's hair, just petting, touching, soothing both of them.

  "Bacon and eggs. It'll be easy for him to eat. I'll haul him out to the kitchen with us." So they went, a motley procession of trailing comforter and whimpering pup, Seamus carrying Bruiser easily beside him.

  Keith got into the kitchen and started cooking, pouring Seamus a cup of coffee once the bacon started. "Can he understand us? Can he talk?"

  "He can understand us. Or he will when he stops freaking out. Talking he can do in theory, but the practice will take a few days."

  Settling, Seamus held Bruiser in one arm and took the coffee carefully. And gratefully if that look was anything to go by. "It's been a long time, you know? But I remember I was freezing, with no fur. And everything felt close, without the fur too. Like it was gonna get right in and hurt me."

  "Can he switch back and forth -- you know, go fuzzy?" Weird. He still tended to fuzz out when he got scared or hurt; he couldn't und
erstand how Bruiser could be so... Not fuzzy?

  "He's kinda disoriented. And for the first few weeks? It'll be like, yes, no, fuzzy, not. He'll have no control over it."

  Seamus sighed, petting Bruiser gently. "I was hoping we'd have more time."

  "It's that hard?" Keith whimpered, turning the bacon and cracking eggs.


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