Worlds Apart

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Worlds Apart Page 8

by Isis Brown

  Isabel didn’t even get a chance to respond before Virginia asked the other person in the room to start the recording. As soon as they started, Virginia turned into a completely different person. Warm, attentive, flirty. Isabel didn’t know what to make of this quick about-face, but she did her best to be charming and engaged for the short video.

  After they signed off, Virginia turned to Isabel.

  “Not bad Isabel, who knew that underneath that shy exterior you were so witty.”

  Isabel forced a smile. “Well, thanks for having me. This is all kind of new, anything I need to do now?” Besides get the hell out of here.

  “No, we will handle the rest on our end. I’ll tag you of course on social media, and it would be great if you could retweet and post the link to make sure we are reaching the widest audience possible. We need clicks! That way people learn about you and your show if they don’t already know about it and folks that might not know me or my channel will get sent there from you. Win-win.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  Not knowing what else to say, Isabel stood up from the couch and started to make her way towards the exit. When she turned around to wave goodbye, Virginia was already back on her phone, as if Isabel was never in the room in the first place.


  The rest of the festival went by in a blur. Isabel sat on one more panel about representation in media and thoroughly enjoyed her time autographing photos, merchandise, and taking fun photos with fans. She was always so humbled to hear about the difference the show made in people’s lives, especially the young adults who had not yet come out to their parents or friends who felt like they had an escape in this little show of theirs that told stories of queer people like it was the most normal thing in the world, because of course, it was.

  When Isabel got on the plane from Los Angeles to Portland, her heart was full of dozens of stories and interactions with the amazing people she met. She couldn’t wait to tell the person she was most excited to see, Layla, all about it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Layla and Isabel sat across from each other in Layla’s oversized bathtub while Isabel told her all about the last two days.

  “Okay, favorite Photo Op?” Layla asked.

  “Definitely the one with the five cheerleaders and human pyramid.”

  “Come again?”

  Isabel laughed. “Yep, five young ladies dressed like my character from the show. It was comical trying to get me on top. We had to get the photographer to help, and it was even more comical trying to get me down. The poor gals on the bottom got absolutely flattened.”

  “See, you go away for two days and are in a cheerleader pyramid. Meanwhile, I was over here eating cereal for dinner and going to bed at 8.”

  “We all have our crosses to bear,” Isabel joked.

  “So how does it feel you big star? Being adored by the thousands?”

  “I wish. Maybe. It wasn’t like that. I mean there were some interviews my publicist lined up where the actual famous people who have YouTube channels with like, millions of subscribers. I had one with Virginia Rodriguez, do you know who she is?”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen a few of her videos and reviews on stuff. Strikes me as a little immature, but I get the appeal.”

  “She didn’t even know who I was or want to give me the time of day.”

  “Ouch. Then I stand by my assessment. She sucks.”

  “Oh she was ever the professional, she turned it on for the camera as if we were best friends and she was a long-time fan of the show, which I’m pretty sure she has never seen.”

  “And here I thought politicians were disingenuous.”

  “You have no idea,” Isabel said, absentmindedly twirling the bubbles on top of the water.

  “Mark my words Isabel, by next year your two movies will be out, and the Virginias of the world will be begging your publicist for round two.”

  Isabel’s eyes connected with Layla’s. “You just have to say that because I’m your girlfriend.”

  Layla sat forward in the tub and slowly leaned towards Isabel, spreading her legs and sliding her fingertips down her inner thighs, towards her center.

  “The only thing I have to do, as your girlfriend, is make you feel so good you won’t give two shits about those YouTube narcissists.”

  Isabel leaned her head back, resting it on the edge of the tub. Closing her eyes, she let Layla take her far away from Los Angeles.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Layla unwrapped a new layer on the lint roller and went over her blazer one final time, making sure she got all the random specs off it.

  “Babe. If you keep rolling that thing over your blazer you’re going to rub a hole in it.”

  Layla’s head snapped up. “I just want to make sure I look okay.”

  Isabel rolled her eyes. “You’re meeting my family, not the Prime Minister.”

  “Honestly, I’d be less nervous meeting the Prime Minister,” Layla grumbled.

  Isabel laughed. “I’ll take signs you’re dating a political staffer for $100, Alex.”

  Layla set the lint roller down and turned towards Isabel with a nervous expression.

  “How do I look?”

  Isabel wrapped her arms around Layla’s waist and gave her a tender kiss on the lips.

  “You look great. Don’t worry Layla, my family is going to love you. You’re smart, and you’re kind, you have a good job and make me happy. Also, we don’t need to leave right this second. We’ve got another half hour or so before we have to hit the road.”

  Layla ran her hands through Isabel’s hair and put on her best Alex Trebek voice. “This common sign of dating an Arab, when you have to do what, before going to someone’s house for the first time.”

  Isabel thought for a second before groaning once she realized the answer. “What is not showing up empty-handed?”

  “DING DING DING,” Layla responded, before slipping out of Isabel’s arms and smacking her on the ass before extending her arm. “Shall we?”

  An hour later, Isabel and Layla arrived at Isabel’s parent’s house, with a cake and paired dessert wine. Isabel knocked on the door before letting herself in, loudly announcing their arrival.

  Ramsey sprinted to the sound of Isabel, jumping around her excitedly. Diane wasn’t far behind, walking towards them with open arms.

  “Hello, my beautiful daughter, welcome home.” Isabel stood up from where she was petting Ramsey and walked into her mother’s arms, giving her a tight hug. Diane then turned to Layla, who offered her the cake and bottle of wine.

  “Nice to finally meet you in person Diane.”

  Diane took the gifts from Layla, as she looked at Isabel with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t have to bring anything, Isabel shouldn’t have let you.”

  Isabel threw her hands up. “Believe me, Mom, I tried, but she’s even more stubborn than I am.”

  “She exaggerates,” Layla said in her defense.

  “Don’t I know it,” Diane responded with a wink.

  “Oh, fun. This right here,” Isabel said, pointing between her mom and girlfriend, “Is going to be so fun. The two of you teaming up.”

  Layla laughed and got ready to greet Ramsey as he ran to Layla to say hi. He jumped up onto his hind legs and put his paws on Layla’s legs before she firmly redirected him. “Easy Ramsey, no jumping. Get down.” Ramsey immediately sat, his tail eagerly thumping on the floor.

  Isabel raised an eyebrow at the behavior, then looked to Diane. “Ramsey never listens to me like that.”

  “Now you know how I feel,” Diane said with a smirk on her face as she walked towards the living room.

  Layla got down on one knee to greet and pet Ramsey, giving him a ton of love before standing back up. Isabel shot Layla a surprised look, before pointing to Ramsey and Layla shrugged.

  “What can I say? I didn’t want to get hair on the blazer,” she said smiling, following Isabel and Diane to the living room to meet the rest of the family.

Layla was introduced to Isabel’s dad, Gregory, and her grandparents, who affectionately went by Poppa and Neeno. They all regaled Layla with tales of Isabel when she was younger, much to Isabel’s embarrassment, and they asked all about Layla’s life, her work, and her family over dinner and dessert. After dinner, Layla insisted on she and Isabel doing the dishes while Diane and the rest of the family went back into the living room.

  “How do you think it’s going in there?” Layla hesitantly asked as they worked side by side at the sink, with Layla cleaning the dishes and Isabel putting them in the dishwasher.

  Isabel rolled her eyes. “Oh shut it. You know you’re crushing it in there. And this? Doing the dishes? My mom is going to trade me in for you.”

  Layla laughed and pressed a quick kiss to Isabel’s cheek.

  Once they were done and they joined Isabel’s family in the living room, Isabel took the open seat next to Poppa, leaving Layla to sit down next to Diane on the couch.

  “Thank you for doing that Layla, I could get used hanging out after dinner without having to do the cleaning. You hear that, Greg?”

  “I think I left the oven on, in the garage, I’m going to go check,” he joked, as he pretended to get up off the couch.

  “I was merely trying to butter you up so you can pull out the photo albums of Isabel as a child,” Layla added.

  “Smart gal,” Poppa said. “Looks like she’s picked up a trick or two from the politicians she works for,” he laughed.

  “Don’t I know it, Poppa. I’ve got to keep my eye on her,” Isabel replied while giving Layla a reassuring smile.

  After hanging out for a little while, they were all persuaded by Poppa to head into the backyard for a game of croquet. They split up into teams, Diane teaming up with Layla, Isabel with her Poppa, and Gregory with his mother, Neeno. They all laughed as they tried to distract each other as they took their shots, settling into the game and conversation. Near the end of the game, Isabel relaxed with her arm around Layla, relieved at how well everyone got along and the simple pleasure she had of those she cared so much about all being in the same place together.

  After the game ended, which Isabel and Poppa won, they all started to say their goodbyes. Isabel went and gathered all of Ramsey’s things that she left at her mother’s house while she watched Ramsey for her. When she came back to say goodbye, she stopped in her tracks to see Poppa holding Layla’s hand and speaking to her very seriously about something she couldn’t hear.

  Layla squeezed Poppa’s hand as she nodded, then she went to make the rounds with the rest of the family members, giving them all hugs goodbye.

  Diane walked Isabel, Layla, and Ramsey out and stood in the doorway.

  “Thank you so much for having me over for dinner Diane, it was a total pleasure,” Layla said as she gave Diane a big hug.

  “Pleasure was ours, dear, nice to see you put that smile on Isabel’s face in person.”

  “Come on Ramsey,” Layla said, and they walked to the car to get settled in.

  Diane leaned against the door frame, looking smugly at her daughter.

  “What?” Isabel asked, trying her best to suppress a smile.

  “I don’t know who has bigger hearts for eyes when they look at Layla, you or Ramsey.”

  Isabel laughed. “Yeah, I know. He really loves her.”

  “And you?”

  Isabel looked back at Layla and Ramsey by the car, as she was giving him commands he was obeying, and she was giving him plenty of adoration in return before looking back at her mom.

  “I am in deep, deep trouble.”

  Diane reached for Isabel and gave her a tight hug.

  “You look happy, Isabel, so I think she is marvelous.”

  Isabel groaned. “Not you too, Mom.”

  “Would you rather I not like her? Like, remember that girl you dated a couple years ago? Sam? Was that her name?”

  “Oh God. Don’t remind me.”

  “I will hold that over your head for eternity. Almost gave me a heart attack when you brought her home,” Diane said, laughing at the memory and letting go of Isabel.

  “Thanks for taking care of Ramsey while I was gone and for being so great to Layla. And me.”

  “You’re welcome. Don’t make me wait too long for your next visit, okay?”

  “Okay, I promise,” Isabel said, walking backward towards the car.


  Isabel and Layla were curled up on the couch, Layla’s head on Isabel’s lap, and Ramsey curled up by them on the floor. Isabel was running her fingers through Layla’s hair massaging her scalp, Layla murmuring in gratitude.

  “Have fun today?”

  “Oh no, absolutely dreadful time. The way they were kind, welcoming, and how cute you and your grandpa were. Truly excruciating,” Layla teased, reaching down and scratching the top of Ramsey’s head. “Thank you for introducing me to your family. They are wonderful Iz, and it’s nice to see where you come from.”

  Isabel sucked in a quick breath. “Oooh, that makes this awkward then. They just hated you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mhm. That’s what my Mom and I were talking about before we left. Quick recap of How To Lose A Guy in 10 days, for tips.”

  “And to think I paid good money for that dessert wine,” Layla sat up and facing Isabel, popping a quick kiss on her lips. “Well, I’m glad you told me before I embarrassed myself.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Here I was going to pour my heart out to you, but hey, if we are breaking up I’ll just gather my things and Ramsey here, and be on my way.”

  “AND RAMSEY?” He perked up at hearing his name, raising his head like a meerkat out in the wild hearing something in the distance.

  “Obviously. We are a bonded pair,” Layla explained, petting his head.

  “Fine, fine. Perhaps I was hasty. What was it you were going to say? Something about a pouring of some sort?”

  “Hmm, no, doesn’t ring a bell,” Layla shrugged.

  Isabel climbed on top of her. “Spill it, LebaNinja, or face dire consequences.”

  Layla laughed deeply, then wrapped her arms around Isabel’s waist.

  “This has been great, you know?”

  Isabel felt a lump in her throat. “Oh God, now it sounds like you’re breaking up with me.”

  “Well, it’s the opposite, actually.”

  Isabel waited, not knowing where this was going but felt the blood rush to her face.

  “I just wanted to say thank you for sharing so much of your life with me, and for introducing me to your family. I was watching you with your Poppa today, and my heart just swelled.” Layla took a deep breath. “I love you. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way--”

  Isabel interrupted her by pressing their lips together softly, extending the contact for a few moments.

  “Smooth moves for a woman trying to steal my dog,” Isabel finally said.

  “I’m a monster, I know.”

  Isabel sighed. “I’m in love with a monster.”

  “You too?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Shit just got so real.”

  “It sure did.”

  “While we are talking about serious things, are we going to talk about how you and Poppa cheated your way to that croquet win or what?” Layla said against Isabel’s lips.

  “I’m not even going to dignify that jealous comment with a response, and suggest we go to bed instead,” Isabel said as she climbed off Layla’s lap.

  Layla jumped on and then over the back of the couch, walking quickly to the bedroom. Speaking over her shoulder she said to Isabel, “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

  Isabel laughed as she followed her back, talking to no one in particular as she whispered, “A monster indeed.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Layla’s phone buzzed in her pocket, diverting her attention from the meeting she was currently in with sen
ior-level staff and the Oregon Attorney General’s office. She saw it was Isabel, and she reluctantly hit ignore. She was on hour 14 of her day, and she had missed the phone date they had set for an hour prior.

  Twenty minutes later, as the meeting adjourned, she stood up to stretch some of the tension in her neck while people left the conference room. Looking around, she realized the only two remaining were her and Sasha.

  “I don’t know if I’m more tired or hungry,” Sasha said, leaning back in her chair.

  “Ugh, me neither. I didn’t think that meeting would go on so long.”

  “I could tell, you missed a few phone calls there,” she said, pointing to Layla’s phone. “Isabel?”

  “Yeah, we had a phone date like…ninety minutes ago,” she responded, cringing.

  “Shit. Okay, I’ll let you get to it.” Sasha stood up and gathered her things.

  Layla’s stomach audibly growled, which made them both laugh.

  “Want to grab a bite? I’m starving,” Layla asked.

  Sasha looked quizzically at Layla. “Sure, but, don’t you have a call?”

  Layla twirled her phone around in her hands as she mulled things over. While Layla did want to catch up with Isabel, she was also starving. The desire to eat and debrief the meeting with Sasha won out. She sent a quick text message to Isabel.

  “Hey. Sorry about missing our phone date, work has been crazy and went long. I am going to grab a bite with Sasha. I’ll call you when I get home. Miss you!”

  Layla slid her phone into her pocket and gathered her things.

  “I’ll call her as soon as I get home. Now, I think we have fajitas and at least two shots of tequila in our immediate future. You in?”

  “TWO shots?” Sasha asked with a hint of concern in her tone.

  “Hey, it’s Friday night. We have earned it.”

  “Lead the way, oh fearless leader.”

  Layla had to admit; she liked the way that sounded.


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