Worlds Apart

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Worlds Apart Page 11

by Isis Brown

  Layla looked at Isabel reverently. “Wow. Isabel, I have no words. You look stunning.”

  “Sound like words to me,” Toni said.

  Isabel lowered her head at the praise and looking into the phone offered Layla a half-smile.


  “Okay, give us a twirl,” Toni commanded, backing into the hallway to make sure to get all of Isabel in the frame.

  Isabel twirled slowly, holding the bottom of her dress that was almost too long since she didn’t yet have her heels on.

  “You are going to own that red carpet Isabel,” Layla said.

  “Yeah you are, and remember, when people ask ‘Who are you wearing’ you’ll answer, ‘Who cares, now the real question is who did my hair,’ and then you start singing my praises and--”

  “Okay, I’ll take that,” Isabel said, taking the phone out of Toni’s hands despite Toni’s playful protests. She switched the camera’s view so they could see each other. “Now, where were we?”

  “I was just ogling you. Smart choice on the green dress really brings out your eyes.”

  “Thanks. That’s what Toni said too.”

  The silence between them hung heavy.

  “Ready for tonight?”

  “I think so. I’m really glad Toni is coming with me.”

  Layla winced at the comment. While they had moved past the issue on whether or not to go public with their relationship, TIFF hung over them like a dark cloud. “Yeah, me too. At least I get to see you this weekend to celebrate your birthday with everyone.”

  “It’s nice of you and Penny to throw a party for me. You didn’t have to.”

  “If we can’t celebrate you for your birthday, when can we? Plus, I’ll use any excuse to see you.”

  “Not any excuse,” Isabel said, then instantly regretted it. “Sorry, that was shitty. Okay, well I better get going so we aren’t late.”

  “Of course. Have a great night, Isabel. I can’t wait to hear all about it. I love you.”

  “You too,” Isabel said before hanging up.

  Layla set the phone down on her desk, blew out a long breath, and leaning her head back in her chair, yelled, “FUCK.”


  Isabel and Toni arrived at the red carpet and after-party with Isabel quickly finding her stride. She enjoyed the interviews, posed with old and new friends alike for photos, and on the two occasions she was asked a question about her personal life was able to steer the conversation elsewhere adeptly. Once inside the after-party, Isabel looped her arm in Toni’s and headed towards the bar, picking up a couple flutes of Champaign.

  Toni raised her glass towards Isabel. “To you, my sweet friend. You just fucking crushed that red carpet, I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  “To us. I wouldn’t be here without you and Penny. Thanks for always having my back.”

  They clinked their drinks together, and arm in arm walked around the party, saying hello to the few people they knew and getting introduced to others.

  “Isabel Martin? Is that you?”

  Isabel turned towards the familiar voice and recognized the pink hair that belonged to Virginia Rodriguez, who was heading towards her with arms extended. She was dressed in a gorgeously tailored black suit, with a pink tie that perfectly matched the tips of her hair. Virginia pulled Isabel into a quick hug, gave her a peck on the cheek, and lingered by her ear. “You look hot.”

  That comment caught Isabel off guard, but she regained her composure quickly as she stepped back from her embrace. “Thanks, you too.”

  A server came by, and Isabel and Toni deposited their empty flutes down on his tray.

  “So, is this your girlfriend?” She asked, motioning to Toni.

  “No, one of my best friends, Toni.”

  “Oh sure, best friend huh?” Virginia said. “I’ve heard that before. Hell, I’ve said that before.”

  Toni stuck her hand out and gripped Virginia’s hand probably a little tighter than necessary while shaking it.

  “No, really just best friends. Since childhood.”

  “Good for me, then,” Virginia said before looping her arm through Isabel’s and dragging her towards the bar, with Isabel looking apologetically over her shoulder at Toni.

  Virginia grabbed two more Champaign flutes, handing one to Isabel.

  “So, how have you been?” Virginia asked.

  “Pretty good, excited to be here, it’s all kind of crazy, to be honest. How about you?”

  “Better now,” She said, appraising Isabel again. “You are killing that dress.”

  Isabel blushed and felt slightly uncomfortable at Virginia’s lack of subtlety, taking a large sip of Champaign.

  “Thanks. All credit to Toni really, she’s been dressing me since we were kids.”

  Virginia narrowed her eyes. “Really nothing going on there, huh?”

  “Really. Toni is like a sister.”

  “But I am right? About you? My gaydar pinged the first time we met, you know.”

  “How do you know that wasn’t just wishful thinking?” Isabel said, smirking.

  Virginia leaned in close. “Give me a little credit. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  Isabel knew she should put some distance between them, but she was feeling good and had to admit she was enjoying the attention. She smiled coyly at Virginia and took another long sip of her Champagne. “What a coincidence, it isn’t mine either.”

  “Then how about we take this to the dance floor?”

  “Sure, but I should find Toni.”

  “She’s a big girl, she’ll find us if she wants to,” Virginia interrupted, as she took Isabel’s hand and pulled her through the crowds into one of the neighboring rooms where the music was playing. Isabel tried to look for Toni but couldn’t spot her, and felt vaguely guilty as she was pulled away.

  Virginia picked a spot near the middle of the dance floor, and Isabel noticed Virginia was in her element. She was an incredible dancer, and people nearby made a little room for Virginia to watch her. As people recognized Isabel, they came up to exchange quick greetings since the music was so loud and the dance floor wasn’t the place for a long conversation. A few songs in, Isabel went from being buzzed to being drunk courtesy of the alcohol on an empty stomach. She let herself get carried away by the music and Virginia, who started pulling Isabel close to dance with her.

  There was a tiny voice in Isabel’s mind that said maybe she shouldn’t be dancing this close to Virginia, whose hands were getting more daring as the night went on, but she couldn’t deny the irresistible combination of the music, the atmosphere, and Champaign. She didn’t know how much time had gone by, only that she was having the time of her life, and she didn’t want to overthink it.


  Toni circled the party again for Isabel, wondering where Isabel had gone. She had kept an eye on her for a while when she was hanging near the bar with Virginia, but when Toni returned from the restroom, they were no longer there. Toni walked towards the dance floor hoping to find her and was sidetracked when she ran into the few people she recognized from the weekend. As the evening got later and it was nearing time to go, Toni started searching for Isabel again and found her and Virginia on the dance floor, and her stomach dropped seeing them all over each other.

  Toni hurried towards them, making her way through the crowd, but she was too late. She watched helplessly as Virginia pulled Isabel in, and kissed her.


  Alarm bells went off in Isabel’s head as she felt Virginia’s body move closer, her hands sliding down her back to settle on her waist. She knew this dance, how people’s bodies moved together in a promise of what was to come. Isabel knew she shouldn’t have been dancing with Virginia like this, but she just felt so good at the moment, so wanted. Ignoring the alarm bells, Isabel looked up at Virginia knowing what came next. Virginia pulled Isabel towards her, dipped her head down, and claimed her mouth. Isabel returned Virginia’s kiss, sliding her hand up to cup Virginia’s face as her brai
n caught up to her body. Isabel expected the kiss to be sexy, exciting, but instead, it was off, unfamiliar, making Isabel pull back. Virginia didn’t release her grip on Isabel’s waist and tried pulling her in again, but Isabel turned her face, and reached behind her to Virginia’s hands, pulling them off her waist.

  “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that. I…. I have to go.” Isabel said before stumbling away from Virginia, moving as quickly as she could out of the crowd and towards the exit. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest as she started to understand the weight of what she just did.

  Isabel could barely see where she was going as her eyes teared up, and the combination of the dark dance floor, loud music, Champagne and strange faces were starting to send Isabel into a panic. Toni intercepted her and looped her arm in hers to keep her steady.

  “Toni, I just--”

  “Shh, not now, let’s get out of here,” Toni said. She led her outside and hailed a cab to take them back to the hotel.

  Isabel didn’t say a word the entire ride back, instead resting her head against the back window of the cab, doing everything she could to steady her breathing. Once they got into the room, Isabel kicked her shoes off and sat on the bed, leaning over with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands.

  Toni brought a bottle of water to Isabel and handed it to her.

  Isabel took a long sip before setting the bottle on the nightstand. She looked at Toni, who sat next to her on the bed.

  “Toni, I am so stupid, and I did something terrible.”

  “I saw.”

  Isabel started sobbing, before abruptly stumbling into the bathroom and retching the entire contents of her stomach, which was mostly Champagne. Toni joined her in the bathroom, rubbing her back and doing her best to comfort her friend. Once the dry heaving stopped, Toni helped Isabel change and get into bed.

  Isabel had never felt worse than she did at that moment. Stuck between guilt and self-loathing, she had no idea how she was going to talk to Layla about this. Toni got ready for bed and slid in next to Isabel, the look of disappointment on her face sent Isabel into a fresh round of tears. Without a word, Toni wrapped a supportive arm around Isabel as she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Layla and Marco rang the doorbell at Penny’s house, arms full of items for the birthday party.

  “Hello my darlings,” Penny said, opening the door wide, and taking a bag of ice out of Layla’s hands. “Follow me into the kitchen.”

  Once they had deposited everything where it should go, Penny turned and greeted Layla and Marco.

  “How was the drive?” she asked, hugging them both.

  “Not bad,” Marco said, “I just had to hear all about how this one over here can’t wait to see Isabel.”

  Penny chuckled. “What’s so wrong with that?”

  “The drive is five hours Penny. FIVE HOURS,” Marco complained.

  “Give me a break. I haven’t talked to her in days. I miss her,” Layla whined, carrying the gift bags as she followed Penny into the living room. “Anything else you need us to set up?”

  “No, everything is set, now we wait for them to arrive. Tom is over there behind the bar if you’d like a drink, and Marco, Elliott is in the yard with the kids.”

  Marco bee-lined for the back yard while Layla went and greeted Tom with a peck on the cheek and request for a glass of wine. They all socialized for a while, Layla going outside to say hi to Elliott and the kids, then walking around the living room taking in the decorations.

  “Penny, this place looks awesome.”

  “Thanks! As a mother of two, one thing this gal can do is throw a fucking party… as long as it ends by 8.”

  Layla laughed as she picked a seat on the couch, where they sat to catch up one on one. They were broken out of the conversation when the doorbell rang, and Penny’s oldest daughter ran to answer the door.

  “Auntie Isabel!” Jen yelled as she jumped into her arms. “Happy Birthday!”

  “Thank you, sweetheart!” she said as she picked her up and spun her around before lowering her back to the floor.

  Isabel and Toni made the rounds saying hi to everyone, as Layla hung back so they would be able to take their time saying hello. When they finally made eye contact, Isabel gave Layla a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. The ball of anxiety in Layla’s gut grew.

  Layla stood with her arms out, inviting Isabel to say hi, which she did by sliding into her arms.

  “Hey you,” Layla whispered into Isabel’s hair, “I’ve missed you.”

  “Hey,” Isabel said, with a thickness to her voice.

  “Are you okay?” Layla asked, sensing something was off. Their reunions were usually a lot more affectionate than this.

  “Yeah, I’m just really tired.”

  “Of course,” Layla said, feeling the sting of rejection and stepping back from Isabel.

  “Alright, now that the guest of honor is here, I’ll fire up the grill!” Tom said as he stepped into the back yard, and Layla took the excuse to follow him out to avoid any further awkwardness between them.

  The party was soon in full swing, with Isabel making the rounds catching up with everyone and Layla helping Tom by bringing in the food as it cooked. On her way back out to the yard, Layla noticed Isabel, Toni, and Penny conversing about something that looked serious, as Penny wore a hard, tight-lipped expression while Toni spoke.

  They served up dishes and took them to the brightly decorated family room, surrounded by presents. Everyone was engaged in their side conversations, and Layla couldn’t shake the feeling something was up. She had dealt with enough political problems to read a room.

  “Okay Isabel, spill it, tell us all about it you big movie star,” Marco said.

  Isabel scrunched her face at the comment, then waved it away.

  “The film was well-received, so that was great,” Isabel said, shooting Toni a quick look.

  “That’s it? That’s all you have for us?” Elliott asked incredulously, as he took his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it.

  “Well, we did meet the fine ass Isaac Dent, who is even better looking in person, I shit you not,” Toni supplied. “I just chased him around the festival, trying to get him pregnant.”

  “Get him pregnant?” Tom asked.

  “Damn right, Tom, it’s the year of the woman. We’re taking over up in here,” Toni laughed.

  “I’ll drink to that,” Layla weakly offered with a half-smile, trying to get in a festive mood.

  “OH MY GOD,” Elliott said, as his head snapped up, looking at Isabel then covering his mouth at his outburst.

  “What is it?” Marco asked. He leaned over to look at Elliott’s phone, then snatched it out of his hands.

  “I just went to look up the reviews, and this popped up. Isabel--” Elliott began to explain.

  “What the FUCK Isabel, is this real?” Marco asked accusingly.

  “What is happening?” Tom asked, looking back and forth between everyone.

  Marco stood up. “Isabel Martin comes out at TIFF, kissing famous YouTube personality Virginia Rodriguez,” he read aloud for everyone in the room.

  Layla felt like she had just been drop kicked. She couldn’t have heard that right. Standing up quickly, she walked over to Marco and took Elliott’s phone out of his hand to look at the article and photo. Layla took in a shaky breath, and without a word, she handed Elliott his phone back. She felt everyone’s eyes on her, and the blood rush to her face, her heart hammering in her chest. She escaped into the back yard, not daring to make eye contact with anyone, especially Isabel.

  “Layla wait,” Marco said as he quickly ran after her, passing Isabel as she hung her head in her hands.

  Layla turned, taking a deep breath, reaching out for Marco. She broke out in a choked sob as she folded into him. He wrapped his arms around her holding her tight. He saw Isabel trying to come out in the yard and he held his hand up, and shook his head, motioning for her to stay i
n the house.

  Taking a few moments to steady her breathing, she stepped out of Marco’s arms, wiping her tears.

  “Can you please go in the house and grab my purse? I need to get out of here.”

  “Of course, I’ll come with you.”

  “No, you stay. I need you to keep everyone here away from me. I need to collect myself.”

  “Layla, you shouldn’t be alone right now,” Marco protested.

  “Please, Marco. I need you to do this for me. Okay?”

  Marco sighed. “Fine.”

  As Marco turned towards the house, Layla turned away from it. She wrapped her arms around herself, focusing on her breathing, counting down the seconds until she could get the hell out of there. Marco returned holding her purse in one hand, her keys in the other.

  “Thanks,” she said, barely looking at him as she walked around the side of the house towards her car. Without looking back, Layla climbed in her car and drove straight to Isabel’s house. Layla could hear her phone vibrating in her purse. She decided to ignore it, not ready to face whoever might be on the other end of the line. Using her key to Isabel’s apartment, Layla let herself in and was bombarded by an excited Ramsey. Layla bent down and scratched his head.

  “Sorry old friend, I can’t stay,” She said through tears that were starting to fall again.

  Layla wandered, collecting the important items she had come to keep at Isabel’s place, with Ramsey following closely at her heels. Through blurry eyes, Layla took Isabel’s key off her key chain, leaving it in the center of the coffee table. She sat on the couch for what could have been minutes or hours. Ramsey followed her to the door, where she bent down and pet his face again, scratching behind his ears. “I’m going to miss you, buddy,” she whispered to him, before flipping the lock on the doorknob and closing the door behind her. Her phone vibrated for what felt like the millionth time. Taking it out, she saw she had eight missed calls; she didn’t bother to check who they were from. When she saw Isabel’s face pop up as an incoming call, Layla rejected the call, then turned her phone off. Within minutes, Layla was in her car on the way home to Portland.


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