Vega: Book Four of The Stardust Series

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Vega: Book Four of The Stardust Series Page 15

by Autumn Reed

  Yeah . . . definitely not complaining.

  A phone rang from inside my purse, and I realized from the ringtone that it was the cell my dad gave me. I didn’t normally carry it, but he didn’t know about my new schedule, and I figured he’d call me somewhat early in the day.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “Happy birthday, Haley! Are you having a good day so far?”

  “I am,” I said simply, wisely deciding not to mention my breakfast in bed. “How are you? Any updates?”

  “No.” He sounded defeated.

  “Look, I’m sure you’re going to be completely opposed to this, but it is my birthday, so you can’t get too mad at me.”

  “You know I can’t come visit. As much as I want to, and think I probably should.”

  “I know, Dad. That wasn’t my question.” I would dwell on his thoughts about visiting later. I sucked in a deep breath, wondering how he would react to my proposal. “I think you should consider letting the guys help you. They have resources and skills that could make a difference. And, they want to.”

  Silence. Not a good sign.


  “I know you’re trying to help, but we can’t expose ourselves or anyone else more than we already have.”

  “They can protect themselves. They can protect us, if need be. Just promise me you’ll think about it.”

  “We can’t, Haley. You know we can’t.”

  I sighed. There was nothing more to say for the moment, and we both knew it.

  Finally, he said, “I hope you have an amazing birthday. You deserve all the happiness in the world, kiddo.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  So much had changed since a year ago, and my mind flashed back to that fateful dinner when my dad revealed the truth about our history, my mom’s death, why we lived in hiding. If I could go back and do it all again, what would I do differently? It was a question I had asked myself many times, but when I thought of living my life without ever knowing Knox, Chase, Theo, Jackson, and Liam, I couldn’t fathom it.

  My time at the training center passed quickly, and before I knew it, I was getting in Knox’s Jeep to drive back to the loft. I had checked my phone at every break throughout the day, and while I received texts from Kara and a voicemail from Jess, I hadn’t heard from any of the guys. I assumed they were still busy, but I couldn’t deny that I was hurt none of them at least sent a text. Especially Theo . . . that was so out of character.

  Not that I was expecting much today, anyway. They’d announced earlier in the week that I needed to clear my calendar this weekend, because they had something planned. I’d insisted that they didn’t need to make it into an event, but they refused to listen.

  Back at the loft, I dropped my bag in my room before continuing to the living room.

  “Happy Birthday!”

  Jackson, Knox, Chase, and Theo stood across the room, grinning beneath a blue and purple watercolor banner with the words, “Happy Birthday” scrawled across it in white script. Shiny, silver, star-shaped balloons hung from one of the dining chairs.

  “I thought we were celebrating this weekend,” I said, secretly delighted to have my very first surprise party.

  “We are,” Theo answered, “but we couldn’t let your actual birthday go by without some hoopla.”

  “Well, of course not. I’m just surprised you didn’t jump out of a gigantic cake.”

  “Fudgsicle! Why didn’t I think of that?”

  Staring at the candles on my matching watercolor cake, I glanced around at my guys, thinking about how lucky, how happy, I was. I closed my eyes. I wish . . . my heart knew what I wanted, the words whispering through my head before I could stop them. I wish I didn’t have to choose.

  I blew out the candles before I could think it through, before I could take it back. It was something that could never, would never, happen, but that was the purpose of a wish, right? To dare to dream the impossible.

  * * *

  Resting my arms on the wooden railing, I surveyed the scene before me and inhaled the fresh air. Perched several stories off the ground, everything was green as far as the eye could see. Apart from camping, I had never felt so at home in nature, and I wasn’t sure I’d want to sleep in a tent again after staying at the incredible tree house.

  “Here, gorgeous, have some Prosecco.”

  Liam handed me a champagne flute while the rest of the guys gathered on the deck, drinks in hand. Penny nudged her head into my palm, inviting me to pet her.


  “Italian Champagne.” Knox leaned against the railing with his whiskey, the sun setting on the forest at his back.

  “Actually, it’s not Champagne unless it’s from the Champagne region of France,” Liam corrected.

  “Thanks for clarifying,” Knox said dryly.

  After Jackson joined us, Liam raised his glass. “Here’s to the birthday girl. And, to a year full of happy memories.”

  “A year of new adventures,” Theo added.

  “A year of achieving your goals,” Knox said.

  “A year of developing your talents.” Chase smiled.

  “And, to a year of being fearless,” Jackson finished.

  I smiled at each of them as they spoke, still wondering how I had gotten so lucky. A year ago, I was sheltered, lonely, and frustrated. Since my eighteenth birthday, my life had been one big adventure, from the move to Santa Cruz, starting anew on my own in Portland, then finally returning home to the guys.

  After everyone drank to the toast, or rather toasts, I felt like I should say something. “Thank you for my birthday surprise. You guys went overboard, but I love it.”

  “Did you have any idea what we were doing this weekend?” Theo asked.

  “No. I kept wondering if we were going camping, but when I checked the truck this morning, there was a noticeable lack of tents and sleeping bags. I never would’ve guessed we’d be staying in a tree house.”

  “We’re one big happy Swiss Family Robinson.”

  I saw Chase bristle out of the corner of my eye, and I was surprised that he seemed so worked up about Theo’s innocuous comment.

  Jackson jumped into the conversation. “I’ll take our setup over maneuvering a makeshift raft out to our shipwrecked vessel to retrieve food and supplies any day.”

  No joke, I thought. Not only did we have a well-stocked kitchen, there was a cozy living room with a futon and wood-burning stove (which seemed like more of a fire hazard than anything else), two bedrooms, two bathrooms, an expansive deck with a hammock and hot tub, not to mention the private hiking trails that spread over several acres. As much as I loved sleeping in a tent under the stars, it didn’t hold a candle to the feeling of being up in the trees.

  “Knox did suggest camping, but . . .” Chase hesitated.

  “Lord Carlyle will accept nothing less than Egyptian cotton, twenty-thousand thread count sheets,” Knox finished for him in a fake accent.

  “You can tease me all you want, but we both know you have expensive taste as well,” Liam said to Knox.

  “Haley?” Knox asked, clearly expecting me to take his side.

  I thought about it for a moment. “Well, you do own the Mustang, Black Beauty, a truck, and now the Jeep.”

  “Black beast,” he interrupted, glaring at me, while the other guys chuckled.

  “And,” I continued, “you may not have Liam’s extensive wardrobe, but I imagine that the items you own are of very high quality.”

  Liam said nothing, the smug look on his face proof enough that he found my response more than adequate.

  “Plus . . .”

  “I think we’ve heard enough,” Knox said.

  Liam winked, and I held back a laugh. The guys had been like this all day, relaxed and joking, sometimes even goading each other. It was rare that the six of us were all together, and I was thankful everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Despite my doubts that I could date all five of them
simultaneously without damaging the group, days like today made me hope it would all work out in the end.

  “What would you like to do now?” Jackson asked.

  I eyed the hammock, wishing it was big enough for the six of us and knowing it was a completely ridiculous notion.

  “How about a relaxing soak in the hot tub?” Theo suggested.

  “No swimsuit.” I shrugged.

  “Not a problem. You can finally cross skinny dipping off your list.”

  “Yeah, that’s not on my list.”

  “It should be.”

  “Theo.” Knox’s voice held a warning.

  “Fine. What if you had a swimsuit?”

  “I guess the hot tub would be nice after our long hike.”

  Theo leapt out of his chair. “Great! I’ll go get it.”

  “Get . . . what?”

  “Your swimsuit. I brought one, just in case.”

  Liam high-fived him.

  “Are you regularly in the habit of rifling through my things, Theodore?”

  “Only your underwear drawer,” Theo said over his shoulder as he practically skipped into the house.

  I followed him inside, and he reemerged from the bedroom he and Knox were sharing, twirling a piece of plum-colored fabric around his index finger. “Here you are.”

  “That’s not my swimsuit.” I eyed the skimpy bottoms critically.

  And, there was no way I’d wear the matching top—two triangles attached by some string. He couldn’t be serious.

  “Yes, it is. Jessica emailed me a gift certificate to Victoria’s Secret and told me to pick something nice for you.”

  “What? Since when are you and Jess pen pals?”

  “Since I e-mailed her last week.”

  “Wasn’t she suspicious that you had her e-mail address?”

  “Why would she be? I told her you gave it to me.”

  “Theo!” We both knew he only had her e-mail address because Chase hacked her account.

  “Meet you at the hot tub in five.” He grinned and shut the door before I had a chance to protest.

  I held up the scraps of material that could scarcely be called a swimsuit and downed the rest of my Prosecco. Wearing that wouldn’t be much better than skinny dipping, which meant I needed to be the first one in the hot tub.

  I changed quickly and wrapped myself in a towel, tiptoeing down the stairs to the base of the tree house. Peeking my head around the corner, I sighed in relief when I confirmed the hot tub was empty, no one in sight. I dropped my towel, and was on the verge of dipping my toes into the warm, bubbling water, when I heard Jackson exhale, “Fuuuck.”

  Whipping my head around, I discovered him standing in the doorway of a storage shed that housed the hot tub controls and discarded cover. His eyes were fiery, and he didn’t even try to hide that he’d been staring at me. I quickly submerged my body, hoping he would assume that the pink in my cheeks was from the heat instead of from him ogling me half-naked.

  Jackson stalked toward me like a man on a mission, never taking his eyes off mine, and I felt my breath quicken with every step. He dropped into the hot tub, and without saying a word, crowded my space. Cupping my cheek, he smoothed his hand over my neck and down my collarbone, coming to rest above the swell of my breast.

  His hand lingered there heavily, possessively, and I wondered if he could feel the furious beat of my heart beneath it. With his face a mere inch from mine, he spoke, his voice strained. “I don’t want to fight this anymore.”

  “Then don’t.”

  When Jackson’s mouth met mine, the kiss was all-consuming, leaving no room for uncertainty. I wrapped my arms around his neck and shivered as his hand slid over my breast and down to my stomach. His tongue dipped in my mouth, and I lost all sense of reason, kissing him greedily in return.

  Our tongues danced while the water bubbled around us, the steam rising into the cool night air. Unable to stop myself, I ran my hands over the smooth planes of his back, relishing the feel of his hands gripping my waist.

  The sound of a throat clearing caused Jackson to break the kiss, and I glanced up to find Liam standing beside the hot tub looking down on us. I shook my head to clear it, but the heat from the hot tub, the steamy kiss with Jackson, and now Liam’s bare chest were clouding my ability to think clearly.

  “Well, well, what do we have here?” Liam smirked and slid in next to me.

  He pulled me onto his lap, and my chest rose above the level of the water. Both of their gazes strayed to my flimsy bikini top, which was doing nothing to hide my pebbled nipples.

  “Damn, gorgeous.”

  Liam leaned forward, as if to kiss me, but bypassed my lips and went for the sensitive spot behind my ear instead. I was tempted to close my eyes, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from looking at Jackson, who was watching me with naked heat in his own.

  “Hot tub time, hot tub time,” Theo chanted.

  I jerked away from Liam as if I’d been shocked, unintentionally pushing myself into Jackson’s arms. I frantically batted his hands away and waded to the other side of the hot tub. Wiping my face with a towel, I tried to compose myself.

  Fortunately, with the way the hot tub was situated, I wasn’t too concerned that the other guys witnessed whatever it was that just happened. But, I could barely look at Liam and Jackson, afraid the others would see what I’d done written across my face.

  What was I thinking? As if dating five guys wasn’t bad enough, I was getting too comfortable with the situation. Allowing myself to kiss Liam at Jackson’s house when he was around, and now kissing Jackson when I knew the other guys could show up at any moment. I was taking too many risks.

  Theo, Chase, and Knox stripped off their shirts, and I fanned my face. How had I not realized this was going to be pure torture? It was like being a kid in a candy store where all the treats were off-limits.

  “You okay, Haley? You look a little flushed,” Knox said.

  Jackson and Liam grinned innocently while I struggled to find my tongue. “Maybe I’ve been in the water too long.”

  “You can’t have been down here more than ten minutes.” Chase gave me a quizzical look.

  Chase and Knox hopped in on either side of me, and it wasn’t long before Chase placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. Dear god, was the hot tub shrinking?

  “You can always sit on the edge for a few minutes.” Jackson arched an eyebrow.

  And be on display for all of them? No thanks. That was exactly what I hoped to avoid by rushing down to the hot tub. But, I was already hot, and the temperature was rising; everywhere I looked there were broad shoulders, muscular arms, and kissable lips.

  “How about some water?” Knox suggested, linking our fingers beneath the surface.

  “Why drink water when you have Prosecco?” Theo handed me a full glass, and I took a big gulp.

  “Maybe you need mouth-to-mouth.” Liam grinned wickedly, unflustered by our earlier encounter.

  “Oh, please.” Chase waved his beer in the air. “You’re the last person who should be giving medical advice. You barely passed the advanced medical training refresher.”

  “But, I passed.”

  “Whatever.” Chase sipped his beer. “In an emergency, I’d rather have Knox give me mouth-to-mouth than you.”

  “What about me?” Theo pouted.

  Chase rolled his eyes. “Fine, you can give me mouth-to-mouth.”

  When Theo leaned in as if to do just that, Chase shoved him away. Theo threw his head back and cackled with laughter.

  Once he recovered, Theo asked, “Who’s up for a game?”

  “As long as it’s not another round of truth or dare.”

  He stuck his tongue out at me. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “Why haven’t we ever played truth or dare?” Liam griped.

  “You didn’t ask. Besides, we both know you prefer wagers.”

  I tilted my head toward the sky, hoping the breeze might cool me off. Between the h
ot water and even hotter company, I was sweltering. The stars caught my eye, and I quickly spotted several familiar constellations, including Lyra. Thanks to Vega, one of the brightest stars in the sky, it was easy to find.

  Theo clapped his hands together. “Never have I ever?”

  “What’s that?”

  “A terrible idea,” Knox responded.

  “Flip, sip, or strip,” Theo offered.

  “Let’s rule out any games with the word ‘strip’ in them,” Jackson said.

  “Fine,” Theo huffed. “Anyone else have a brilliant idea?”

  “What about fact or fiction?” Chase asked, and I finally tore my eyes away from the stars.

  “Excellent idea, Mr. Phillips.” Theo raised his glass to toast him. “Care to explain the game?”

  “You state two things about yourself. One statement is true, and the other is false. For example, I stood on the pitcher’s mound at Angel Stadium, and I hacked into the Caltrans network and customized one of the highway message signs. The rest of you have to decide which statement is false.”

  They were both somewhat outlandish, but he said them with such conviction, I had a difficult time deciding which was the fiction. Even the guys seemed torn, and Jackson was the only one to answer correctly—in this instance, hacking was the falsehood. Maybe Chase was more capable of deception than I gave him credit for.

  “I’ll go next,” Theo said. “I suck at skateboarding, and I have seven tattoos.”

  I voted for seven tattoos as the false answer, as did Chase, while the rest of the guys chose skateboarding.

  Theo shook his head in disappointment. “My own brother doesn’t know me.”

  “I thought you had seven tattoos?” Liam asked.

  “You must have forgotten about this one.” Theo started to pull the right side of his swim trunks down before Knox stopped him.

  “How did Haley know that was the fake answer?” Liam cut his eyes to me, clearly insinuating that I was intimately familiar with Theo’s body. He seemed more curious than jealous.


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