by Janny Wurts
south-east principality of Kingdom of Havish.
pronounced: hav-i-stock
root meaning: haviesha - hawk; tiok - roost
Lord Mayor of Erdane, father of Princess Ellaine. pronounced: hell-fin
root meaning: hal - white; fiomn'd - a fib
city sited near the stone quarries on the coast of the Bay of Eltair, located in Daon Ramon,
Rathain. Also contains a sisterhouse of the Koriani Order.
woman who founded the caithdein's lineage for Tysan.
pronounced: ee-ahm-meen-e
root meaning: iamine - amethyst
cousin and heir designate of Lord Maenol s'Gannley, caithdein of Tysan, sent to fosterage with
High King Eldir of Havish in Third Age Year 5652.
pronounced: ee-an-far
root meaning: ianfiar - birch tree
centaurs, one of three semimortal old races; disappeared after the Mistwraith's conquest, the last guardian's departure by Third Age Year 5100. They were the guardians of the earth's mysteries. pronounced: i-li-thar-is
root meaning: i'lith'earis - the keeper/preserver of mystery
city located on the southcoast of Shand at the delta of the River Ippash. Birthplace of Halliron Masterbard. Formerly known as 'the Jewel of Shand,' this was the site of the high king's winter court, prior to the time of the uprising. pronounced: in-ish
root meaning: inniesh - a jewel with a pastel tint
body of water off the Gulf of Stormwell, separates principality of Atainia, Tysan, from Deshir, Rathain.
pronounced: in-strell
root meaning: arin'streal - strong wind
river that originates in the southern spur of the Kelhorns and flows into the South Sea by the city
of Innish, southcoast, Shand.
pronounced: ip-ash
root meaning: ipeish - crescent
etheric Name for the black stallion ridden by Asandir.
pronounced: ees-far-en
root meaning: is'feron - speed maker
town on the eastshore of Orvandir, Shand.
pronounced: ish-leer
root meaning: ieshlier - sheltered place
Historically significant in the First Age, site of a Paravian focus, a Second Age Paravian stronghold, and a Third Age ruin; built on a fifth lane power-node in Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain, and inhabited until the year of the uprising. Site of the Compass Point Towers, or Sun Towers. Became the seat of the High Kings of Rathain during the Third Age and in Third Age Year 5638 was the site where Princes Lysaer s'Ilessid and Arithon s'Ffalenn battled the
Mistwraith to confinement.
pronounced: ith-a-mon
root meaning: itha - five; mon - needle, spire
city located at the edge of the principality of Vastmark, on the south-coast of Shand. Where the
Vastmark wool-factors once shipped fleeces.
pronounced: ith-ish
root meaning: ithish - fleece or fluffy
energy sprite, and minor drake spawn inhabiting Athera, not visible to the eye, manifests in a
poltergeist fashion by taking temporary possession of objects. Feeds upon natural energy
sources: fire, breaking waves, lightning.
pronounced: ee-at
root meaning: iyat - to break
city located on the coast of Eltair Bay at the southern border of the Kingdom of Rathain. Once a Second Age power site, with a focus circle. Now a merchant city with a reputation for extreme snobbery and bad taste. Also the site where Arithon s'Ffalenn played his eulogy for Halliron Masterbard, which raised the powers of the Paravian focus circle beneath the mayor's palace. The forces of the mysteries and resonant harmonics caused damage to city buildings, watchkeeps, and walls, which has since been repaired. Site where Fionn Areth was arraigned for execution, as bait in a Koriani conspiracy that failed to trap Arithon s'Ffalenn. pronounced: jay-lot root meaning: jielot - affectation
sixth-rank initiate priest of the Light who had a seer's talent. Died of madness during the Alliance
war host's invasion of Daon Ramon Barrens in Third Age Year 5670.
pronounced: jeer-ee-ah-yish
root meaning: jier'yaish - unclean magic
daughter of Jieret s'Valerient and Feithan, born Third Age 5653; appointed successor for her
father's title, Caithdien of Rathain.
pronounced: jay-in-sa
root meaning: jieyensa - garnet
former Earl of the North, clan chief of Deshir; caithdein of Rathain, sworn liegeman of Prince
Arithon s'Ffalenn. Also son and heir of Lord Steiven. Blood pacted to Arithon by sorcerer's oath
prior to the battle of Strakewood Forest. Came to be known by head-hunters as Jieret
Red-beard. Father of Jeynsa and Barach. Husband to Feithan. Died by Lysaer s'Ilessid's hand in
Daon Ramon Barrens, Third Age Year 5670.
pronounced: jeer-et
root meaning: jieret - thorn
town at the mouth of the harbor inlet from the Cildein Ocean, enemy of Alestron. pronounced: cal-esh
root meaning: cattle'iesh - stubborn hold
Crowned High King of Rathain, a tragic figure who died of his conscience under the fated influence of the maze in Kewar Caverns, built by Davien the Betrayer under the Mathorn Mountains.
pronounced: cam-rid-ee-an
root meaning: kaim'riadien - thread cut shorter
younger brother of Duke Bransian of Alestron, older brother of Parrien and Mearn. pronounced: keld-mar
root meaning: kiel'd'maeran - one without pity
son and heir of Lysaer s'Ilessid and Princess Ellaine; born at Avenor in Third Age 5655. At age fourteen, in his father's absence, he exercised royal authority and averted a riot by the panicked citizenry of Avenor. Commonly held to have died by Khadrim fire in Westwood, but in fact was spared by an interaction with Ath's Brotherhood. Became an adept in Third Year 5670, at the hostel in Northerly, Tysan. pronounced: kev-or root meaning: kiavor - high virtue
cavern built beneath the Mathorn Mountains by Davien the Betrayer; contains the maze of conscience, which caused High King Kamridian s'Ffalenn's. death. pronounced: key-wahr
root meaning: kewiar - a weighing of conscience
drake-spawned creatures, flying, fire-breathing reptiles that were the scourge of the Second Age.
By the Third Age, they had been driven back and confined in the Sorcerers' Preserve in the
volcanic peaks in north Tysan.
pronounced: kaa-drim
root meaning: khadrim - dragon
Sorcerer of the Fellowship of Seven; discorporate since rise of Khadrim and Seardluin leveled Paravian stronghold at Ithamon in Second Age 3651. It was by Kharadmon's intervention that the survivors of the attack were sent to safety by means of transfer from the fifth lane power focus. Currently working the wardings to defer a minor invasion of wraiths from Marak. pronounced: kah-rad-mun
root meaning: kar'riad en mon - phrase translates to mean 'twisted thread on the needle' or colloquialism for 'a knot in the works'
name for a brigantine built at Merior and owned by Arithon; also a small spotted wildcat native to Daon Ramon Barrens that became the s'Ff alenn royal device. pronounced: key-et-ee-en root meaning: kietienn - small leopard
/> one of the four compass points, or Sun Towers, standing at ruin of Ithamon, Daon Ramon Barrens, in Rathain. The warding virtue that binds its stones is compassion. pronounced: key-eh-ling
root meaning: kiel'ien - root for pity, with suffix for 'lightness' added, translates to mean 'compassion'
possessive and singular form of the word 'Koriathain'; see entry. pronounced: kor-ee-ah-nee
south-western principality of Tysan. pronounced: kor-ee-as
root meaning: cor - ship, vessel; i'esh - nest, haven
KORIATHAIN order of enchantresses ruled by a circle of Seniors, under the power of one Prime Enchantress. They draw their talent from the orphaned children they raise, or from daughters dedicated to service by their parents. Initiation rite involves a vow of consent that ties the spirit to a power crystal keyed to the Prime's control. pronounced: kor-ee-ah-thain - to rhyme with 'main' root meaning: koriath - order; ain - belonging to
influential trade minister from Erdane, renowned for his hatred of the clans and his support of the
head-hunters' leagues.
pronounced: kosh-lynn
root meaning: kioshlin - opaque
term for a sect of necromancers, also called the grey cult. pronounced: kray-low-veer
root meaning: krial - name for the rune of crossing; oveir - abomination
heir designate and youngest son of the High Earl of Alland, Lord Erlien s'Taleyn, caithdein of Shand.
pronounced: key-ree-alt
root meaning: kyralt - word for the rune of crossing with the suffix for 'last,' which is the name for the rune of ending.
-northernmost principality in the Kingdom of Havish. Name taken from the wastes at Scarpdale, site of First Age battles with Seardluin that blasted the soil to slag. pronounced: lahn-sheer-e root meaning: lan'hansh'era - place of hot sands
founding order of the powers of the Fellowship of Seven, as taught by the Paravians. The primary tenet is that no force of nature should be used without consent, or against the will of another consciousness.
a narrow pass in the Mathorn Mountains in the Kingdom of Rathain. pronounced: lay-ens-gap root meaning: liyond - corridor
Duchess of Alestron and wife of Duke Bransian. pronounced: lee-ess
root meaning: Hesse - state of accord, based from the word 'a note in harmony'
former First Senior Enchantress to the Prime, Koriani Order; failed in her assignment to capture Arithon s'Ffalenn for Koriani purposes. Currently under the Prime Matriarch's sentence of punishment.
pronounced: leer-end-ah
root meaning: lyron - singer; di-ia - a dissonance - the hyphen denotes a glottal stop
principality located in the Kingdom of Havish. pronounced: lith-mere
root meaning: lithmiere - to preserve intact, or keep whole; maintain in a state of harmony
a city located in the westshore of Carithwyr, Havish. It's best known for its libraries and scholars. pronounced: loss-mar
root meaning: liosmar - letters, written records
Sorcerer of the Fellowship of Seven - discorporate since the fall of Telmandir in Third Age Year
5018. Luhaine's body was pulled down by the mob while he was in ward trance, covering the
escape of the royal heir to Havish.
pronounced: loo-hay-ne
root meaning: luirhainon - defender
instrument played by the bards of Athera. Strung with fourteen strings, tuned to seven tones (doubled). Two courses are 'drone strings' set to octaves. Five are melody strings, the lower three courses being octaves, the upper two, in unison. pronounced: leer-anth-e (last 'e' being nearly subliminal) root meaning: lyr - song; anthe - box
prince of Tysan, 1497th in succession after Halduin, founder of the line in Third Age Year One. Gifted at birth with control of Light, and Bane of Desh-thiere. Also known as Blessed Prince since he declared himself avatar. pronounced: lie-say-er
root meaning: lia - blond, yellow or light; saer - circle
caithdein of the realm of Havish. In service under High King Eldir at Telmandir. pronounced: mak-ee-el root meaning: mierkiel - post, pillar
former steward and caithdein of Tysan; put on trial for outlawry and theft on the trade-roads; executed by Lysaer s'Ilessid at Isaer, Third Age 5645. pronounced: may-nahl-e (last 'e' is near subliminal) '
root meaning: maeni - to fall, disrupt; alii - to save or preserve/colloquial translation, 'to patch together'
heir, after Maenalle s'Gannley, Steward and caithdein of Tysan. pronounced: may-nail
root meaning: maeni'alii - to patch together
town at the head of the Valenford River in Taerlin, Tysan. pronounced: main-meer
root meaning: maeni - to fall, disrupt; mierereflection, colloquial translation, 'to disrupt continuity'
splinter world, cut off beyond South Gate, left lifeless after creation of the Mistwraith. The original inhabitants were men exiled by the Fellowship from Athera for beliefs or practices that were incompatible with the compact sworn between the Sorcerers and the Paravian races, which permitted human settlement on Athera. pronounced: maer-ak
root meaning: m'era'ki - a place held separate
daughter of the caithdein of Melhalla. pronounced: mar-ee-tha root meaning: mier'atha - kindly MATHIELL GATE
last gate to the inner citadel in Alestron, Paravian built to withstand the fires of dragons. It was the Mathiell garrison who secured the span guarding incursion from the Wyntock Gate during the uprising that threatened clan rule in Third Age Year 5018.
pronounced: math-ee-ell
root meaning: mon'thiellen - sky spires
range that bisects the Kingdom of Rathain east to west.
pronounced: math-orn
root meaning: mathien - massive
way passing to the south of the Mathorn Mountains, leading to the trade city of Etarra from the west.
pronounced: math-orn root meaning: mathien - massive
youngest brother of Duke Bransian of Alestron. Former ducal emissary to Lysaer s'Ilessid's
Alliance of Light.
pronounced: may-arn
root meaning: mierne - to flit
name used by Arithon when he traveled incognito with Halliron Masterbard as apprentice in
Third Age Years 5638 through 5647.
pronounced: med-leer
root meaning: midlyr - phrase of melody
High Kingdom of Athera once ruled by the line of s'Ellestrion. The last prince died in the crossing of the Red Desert. pronounced: mel-hall-ah
root meaning: maelhallia - grand meadows,'plain - also word for an open space of any sort.
small seaside fishing village on the Scimlade peninsula in Alland, Shand. Once the temporary site
of Arithon's shipyard.
pronounced: mare-ee-or
root meaning: merioren - cottages
small body of land in Methlas Lake, site of Methisle Fortress in Orvandir.
pronounced: meth
root meaning: meth - hate
an animal descended from a host warped by possession by a methuri, an iyat-related parasite that infested live hosts. Though the Methuri were destroyed by the Third Age, their cross-bred, aberrated descendants continue to breed mutan
t offspring in Mirthlvain Swamp. pronounced: meth
root meaning: meth - hate
METHURIEN (plural form) an iyat -related parasite that infested live hosts and altered them for the purpose of creating new hosts. Extinct by the Third Age. pronounced: meth-you-ree root meaning: meth'thieri - hate wraith
bog-lands located in Midhalla, Melhalla; filled with dangerous, cross-breeds engendered from
drake spawn. Guarded by the Master Spellbinder, Verrain.
pronounced: mirth-el-vain
root meaning: myrthl - noxious; vain - bog, mud
see Desh-thiere.
town on the westshore of Lithmere, Havish. pronounced: more-nos
root meaning: moarnosh - a coffer where the greedy store valuables.
Prime Enchantress of the Koriathain since the Third Age 4212. Instigated the plot to upset the
Fellowship's compact which upset the seven magnetic lanes on the continent. Her death on winter
solstice 5670 left an irregular succession.
pronounced: more-real
root meaning: moar - greed; riel - silver
city on the coast of Install Bay, built as a craft center by Men in the early Third Age. Best known
for dyeworks.
pronounced: narms
root meaning: narms - color
young girl taken in by the Koriani Order as a child candidate for initiation. pronounced: nay-lah root meaning: nayl - lack
a merchant courtier and member of the regent's council in Avenor. pronounced: oh-dree not from the Paravian
pass through the Thaldein Mountains, also location of the Camris's clans hidden outpost, located
in Camris, Tysan.
pronounced: or-lan
root meaning: irlan - ledge
principality located in north-eastern Shand.
pronounced: or-van-deer
root meaning: orvein - crumbled; dir - stone
name for the three old races that inhabited Athera before Mankind. Including the centaurs, the sunchildren, and the unicorns, these races never die unless mishap befalls them; they are the world's channel, or direct connection, to Ath Creator. pronounced: par-ai-vee-ans
root meaning: para - great; i'on - fate or great mystery
younger brother of Duke Bransian s'Brydion of Alestron, Keldmar, and older brother of Mearn.