Secrets and Sacrifice: A Christian Romance (The Shadows Series Book 4)

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Secrets and Sacrifice: A Christian Romance (The Shadows Series Book 4) Page 1

by Juliette Duncan

  Secrets And Sacrifice

  A CHRISTIAN ROMANCE Book 4 in "The Shadows Series"

  Juliette Duncan

  Copyright © 2017 Juliette Duncan

  All rights reserved.

  The books that form The Shadows Series are all a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used for fictional purposes. Any mentioned brand names, places, and trade marks remain the property of their respective owners, bear no association with the the author, and are used for fictional purposes only.

  THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Other Books by Juliette Duncan

  About the Author


  Hello! I’m so glad you’ve purchased a copy this book, and I do hope you enjoy it. If you haven’t already received my free book, “Hank and Sarah - a Love Story”, click here to get the ebook for FREE, and to be notified of future releases.


  As "Secrets and Sacrifice" is set in Northern Ireland and Scotland, you may come across some unfamiliar words as you read the story. They should all make sense in context, but the following may also help.


  Wig…………..………..A head piece that British judges and barristers are required to wear


  Sassenach…………...Englishman (derogatory)

  Smirr………………….Fine rain

  Ceilidh………………..A social event with Scottish or Irish folk music and singing, traditional dancing, and storytelling. Pronounced "Kay-lee"

  Wellies…………….….Rain Boots


  Curlew……………….A large wading bird

  Chapter 1

  Belfast 1985

  Grace rose, pausing momentarily before marching to the front of the court room. The twelve members of the jury sat in their box, looking weary after a week of listening to the despicable deeds of Donal Patrick O’Malley. Now it was up to her to convince them they should find him guilty of murder.

  A hush fell over the court room as Grace cast her gaze over them. She’d prepared for this moment, but would it be enough? Niall would no doubt have a brilliant closing argument. Hers had to dazzle.

  Grace took a deep breath to steady herself, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, a tall, thin man with darkish hair, shaved on the sides and spiked on top, entered the room, catching her attention. Grace’s body stiffened. Caleb? No, it can't be. Or could it? Her brother never came to court, even when she was prosecuting a high-profile case such as this. But it sure looked like him. Grace’s heart raced and a feeling of dread flooded her body. He would only come if something bad had happened. Regardless, she’d have to ignore him and focus on the job at hand. Besides, it might not even be him.

  Returning her attention to the jury, she began her closing arguments, affording herself the occasional glance at the man. It was Caleb, no doubt about it. His face, normally pale, was deathly white. Something bad must have happened.

  Somehow she focused on her speech. She needed to win. No way could she allow O'Malley to walk free after beating his wife to death, but with Caleb sitting in the back, it was a challenge. Finally, she reached her conclusion. “So, members of the jury, after all you've heard, I beg you to find the accused, Donal Patrick O’Malley, guilty as charged. Thank you.”

  Grace’s stomach tightened as her gaze met Caleb’s on her short walk back to her seat. She was tempted to go to him, but that would be breaking protocol. She’d have to wait to find out what had happened.

  Her head hurt. She’d put everything she had into her speech, and now she felt drained. Normally she could relax a little after her job was done, but now… with Caleb sitting behind her? Impossible.

  Bryan leaned over and offered his congratulations. Grace gave him a half smile. Bryan, her trusted assistant and most ardent advocate, would always say she’d done well, even if she hadn’t.

  Grace inhaled deeply to settle herself as the Judge called for the Defendant’s closing arguments. Niall stood, and as he walked to the front of the room, she chastised herself for allowing him to unnerve her. Even after a week of seeing him every day, she failed to treat him like any other man. Because he wasn’t any other man.

  He’d aged a little. Small flecks of grey peppered the dark hair poking out from under his wig, only serving to increase his appeal. He’d also changed. It wasn’t just the suit. Or his lean body. There was something else. Grace had seen it from the front of the court room when he’d caught her eye on the first day of the trial. A sadness, and no doubt, she was partly responsible. But it puzzled her—surely three years in London would have given him enough time for him to move on.

  He wasn’t quite the same man she’d fallen in love with in the heady days of college, but his nearness still stirred something deep inside her.

  A tap on her shoulder jolted her, and she looked up into a clerk’s concerned eyes.

  “Miss, your brother’s asking to see you urgently.”

  Grace spun around. It must be bad.

  Her stomach churned as she grasped the rail and pulled herself up before making her way as unobtrusively as possible to the back of the room.

  Sliding into the seat, Grace grabbed Caleb's thin arm and leaned close to him. She looked into his troubled eyes. “What’s happened, Caleb?”

  “Come outside, Grace.” Caleb took her arm and led her into the foyer as Niall began his closing argument. She shouldn't leave, but this sounded like an emergency, and besides, Bryan was more than capable of taking notes.

  “What’s wrong, Caleb? It’s not Caitlin, is it? Or the girls?” Grace gripped him tighter. “Please don’t tell me it’s the girls.”

  Caleb faced her. "If you stop talking, I’ll tell you.”

  Grace pulled herself up. He was right… she needed to stop talking. She was jumping to conclusions. Best get the facts.

  “Okay. Who?” Grace’s heart beat faster. Was she ready to find out?

  Caleb gulped, his protruding Adam’s apple bobbing in his heavily tattooed neck.

  “Brianna’s been found.”

  Grace’s eyes widened and she grabbed his arm again.

  “Brianna? Where is she? Is she okay?”

  Caleb paused, holding Grace’s gaze.

  “She can’t be…”

  “She’s alive, Grace, but only just. She was found this morning, unconscious.”

  Grace covered her mouth with her ha
nd. “I thought you were going to say she was dead…” She let out a huge sigh. Was it wrong to be relieved when your sister had been found unconscious?

  “Where was she?”

  “In a dingy apartment. Looks like an overdose.”

  “She promised.” Grace huffed and narrowed her eyes. “She promised, Caleb. If only she’d kept her word.”

  “It’s not that simple, Grace. You know that.”

  Grace sighed heavily. “Yes, I do. Where is she?”

  “St. Vincent’s. I’m going now. Can you come?”

  “Not yet. But I will as soon as I can. Have you called the others?”

  Caleb ran his hand along the side of his shaved head. “No—I only just found out and I came straight here. I’ll call them now.”

  Grace pulled a cigarette from under her robe and lit up. She didn’t offer one to Caleb. “She'd better pull through.” She took several quick puffs.

  “Yes, she'd better. Caitlin’s at home praying. She said that’s the best thing she can do to help.”

  Grace rolled her eyes. That’s exactly what Caleb's wife, Caitlin, would do.

  Caleb leaned in and hugged Grace. “Come as soon as you can.”

  Grace hugged him back and held his gaze. “You’re a good brother, Caleb.”

  As she watched Caleb hurry off, she took several more quick drags on her cigarette before grinding it out in an ashtray on the windowsill.

  When she re-entered the court room, Niall was towards the end of his speech. Grace remained at the back to avoid creating a disturbance. It was difficult to focus. All she could think of was Brianna, her younger sister, lying in hospital, unconscious. What if she dies? Grace needed to get there as quickly as possible. But what could she do to help? At least Caitlin could pray. Grace couldn’t even do that. It didn’t matter. Being there would be enough.

  Grace allowed her gaze to follow Niall as he took his seat. Just the look of him stirred her insides. Why did he come back to Belfast? Surely London would have been more exciting.

  Moving forward quietly, she slid into her seat beside Bryan as a general buzz filled the room.

  Bryan lifted his head and looked at her.

  “Miss, are you alright?” Bryan’s concern for her always warmed her heart.

  “Yes, Bryan. Thank you. Just some family issues. I’ll be okay.” She gave him a weak smile.

  Judge Atkinson cleared his throat, and the buzz in the court room died down.

  “Thank you, members of the jury. We’ll adjourn for now and reconvene at nine o’clock tomorrow for final instructions. Good night, and thank you for your time.”

  Everyone rose as the Judge stood and exited the room. Gathering her papers, Grace tossed them into her brief case.

  “I’ve got to go, Bryan. But how did he do?” She nodded her head towards Niall who stood with his team on the opposite side of the bench. An unwelcome pang of jealousy stabbed her as a young attractive blond hung on his every word.

  “Oh, he did well, as expected, but I think we’ve got it.”

  “Nothing’s ever definite until the jury comes back. You know that, Bryan.”

  “Yes, Miss, I do. They can go either way. But if I were a betting man, I’d bet on you.”

  “Oh Bryan. What would I do without you?” Grace let out a small laugh. “I really do have to fly. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, Miss. Good night.”

  “Good night, Bryan.” Grace swept her robe around her shoulders and hurried towards the exit, shooting one quick look at Niall before leaving the room. The blond was standing way too close. Grace sighed dejectedly. Will I ever get over him? Stupid, really. It was her fault they’d broken up. She didn’t want to get married. He did. Too late now. The blond had her hooks into him.

  Grace glanced at her watch. She should change, but no, time was of the essence—she’d go straight to the hospital. What if something happened to Brianna in the time it took to return to Chambers?

  As Grace turned into Frew Lane, a biting wind caught her robe and sent it flying. Grabbing it, she pulled it tighter, but as she paused, a deep voice she’d know anywhere called out.

  Grace stopped and turned. Niall was jogging towards her. Her heart fluttered. Drat the man! How does he do that?

  Niall stopped and stood before her, wig in hand, his chest expanding and contracting heavily as he caught his breath.

  “Grace, what’s happened? I saw you disappear.” His warm brown eyes gazed into hers as he touched her arm lightly, threatening to dismantle her resolve to remain aloof. “You don’t look too good…”

  Grace lowered her eyes. Allowing him back into her life would be asking for trouble. But she could surely do with a friend right now. No. She was strong, and she didn’t need anyone. Especially Niall. Get a grip, Grace.

  She inhaled deeply and lifted her head. “It’s nothing, really, Niall. Just a small family matter.”

  Niall tilted his head, a quizzical look on his way too handsome face. “Doesn’t look like that to me, Grace.” He knew her too well. “Where are you racing off to?”

  Grace shook her head and pulled her robe higher around her neck. A light drizzle had begun to fall. People scurried past, hurrying to get home before the skies opened up. Niall opened the umbrella he’d been holding in one hand and held it over her. The gentleman as always.

  “Come on, Grace, let’s get out of this. Let me drive you to wherever you’re going.”

  Grace stiffened. Should she let her defences down just a little? If she did, would she be able to put them back up again? Or would she succumb to Niall’s charms and let all her resolves fly out the window? She looked into the eyes of the only man she’d ever loved and weakened.

  Niall’s hand rested on her elbow as he guided her towards the car park around the corner, stopping in front of a silver, 1982 Alfa Romeo Spider. Grace cast her eyes over the tiny sports car and approved. She and Niall had always shared a penchant for fast cars.

  Niall’s seatbelt clicked. As he turned the key, the Spider sprang to life, the roar of the engine thrilling her. He turned and looked at her. “So, where are we off to?”

  Grace had to tear her eyes from his before she did something she’d regret. He was way too close for comfort.

  “St. Vincent’s.” Grace’s gaze was firmly fixed on the road ahead. “Brianna’s overdosed.”

  Chapter 2

  Niall manoeuvred the Spider into a tight car park and turned off the engine, turning his head towards her.

  “I can go in by myself, Niall. You don’t have to come.”

  “I’d like to, if you'll let me.”

  Grace let out a heavy sigh. “I really am okay on my own.”

  “I know, but I’d like to be there for you.” His steady gaze bore into her, unnerving her.

  Grace inhaled deeply. How much longer could she resist him? But she had to. Nothing had changed, and she couldn’t, or wouldn’t, allow her past to possibly destroy the career of the only man she’d loved. He could have the blond. It would do Grace no good to get entangled with him again.

  She pushed her door open. “We need to hurry. She’s in the Emergency Department.”

  “Okay then. Let’s go.” He jumped out of the car and joined her.

  Grace strode as fast as she could in her high heels. Niall easily kept up. She knew exactly where to go… how many times had she and Caleb been through this? Not only with Brianna, but with Brendan, their younger brother, too. What a messed up family they were.

  Would Brianna make it this time? Or would she finally succeed with her death wish? It didn’t seem to matter how many times Grace and Caleb talked to her about making changes in her life, she never saw them through. Of course, Caleb always talked to her about God. “God can help you, Brianna,” he’d always say. Grace would roll her eyes, and then go on to tell Brianna to get a grip on herself. Neither approach had worked. Brianna had a death wish. Grace hoped that today her wish would once again be denied.

  “She’s in t
here, Miss O’Connor”. The nurse at the reception desk tilted her head towards a curtained off cubicle to the right. Not only was Grace a well-known figure in the Emergency Department, she was often featured on the nightly news. The high profile barrister with the drug addicted sister. Both with secrets they'd hidden since fleeing Aunt Hilda's all those years ago… if ever the media got wind of… no, she wouldn't go there. She'd worked too hard to leave it all behind. And she'd done well for herself. No one would have expected poor, motherless Grace O'Connor to amount to anything. She'd shown them. But Brianna? Different story altogether. Brianna was allowing her past to destroy her.

  Grace followed the direction the nurse indicated and paused before entering. What would she find? Each time this happened Brianna looked worse. Grace drew a steadying breath. Time to find out…

  Brianna lay in bed with a myriad of tubes hanging out of her nose and arm. Her eyes were closed, but she was breathing. Grace sighed in relief.

  Caleb squeezed her arm. “Looks like she’s going to make it, Grace.” Caleb looked better than he had an hour or so ago. Colour had returned to his face, and his troubled look had eased.

  “So glad to hear that, Caleb. What did she do this time?” Pulling her scarf off, Grace placed it on the chair beside her bag and took Brianna’s hand.

  “Tablets. They've pumped her stomach.”


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