Learning to Stand

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Learning to Stand Page 38

by Claudia Hall Christian

  “I’m so sorry John,” Troy said. “I killed our beloved Alex.”

  “Troy! Is this Celox?” John asked again.

  “Yes,” he said. “Pro.”

  “I have a Celox A, John,” Emily said.

  “Won’t help us.” John pointed to the swelling below Troy’s wound. “The artery is ripped under this puncture. We’ll have to operate.”

  “Here?” Emily asked.

  “We can’t move him. It’ll have to be here. Erin? Can you get my bag? It’s next to the door in our bedroom upstairs.” John flipped over Troy’s dog tags. “Vince? There’s plasma, blood, and saline in the meat compartment of the basement refrigerator. Would you be a mate and get it for me? Bring all of it. Thanks. Eoin? Can you bring the whipped cream from downstairs?

  “The entire stash?” Eoin asked.

  “Everything,” John said. “Em, we need to do this here. Would you mind assisting? I’ve never… never operated alone.”

  “I’ll get dressed,” Emily said

  “Joseph?” John asked. Looking up, he saw Joseph and Nancy watching from the hallway. “Alex has some sensitive documents on the table in the carriage house. Would you mind taking care of those?”

  Joseph ran out the backdoor.

  “Troy,” John said. “I need you to stay very still. Until we get some fluids in you, you’re only losing blood.”

  “I want to die.”

  “Alex would want you to live,” John said. “She’s waiting for you in the carriage house.”

  “Alex is alive?”

  “Alex is most definitely alive.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “I would never lie about whether Alex was living or dead,” John said. “Never. Now, will you lay still for me?”

  “I’ll do it,” Troy said.

  Erin ran down the stairs with John’s bag. Opening his bag, he made a cocktail of medications to put Troy asleep.

  “This is for pain,” John said. He injected the medications into Troy’s arm. Pointing to the plastic wrapped whipped cream, he asked Eoin, “Can you cut those open for me?”

  Eoin cut open the whipped cream. John yanked the mask off the air bag and placed it over Troy’s mouth. One at a time, he released the nitrous oxide propellant under the mask until Troy’s head fell to the side.

  “Helene, I need a lot of clean towels. Lots and lots. You’ll find them in the basement next to the laundry. You can go see Alex when you’re done. Cian? Can you wake Samantha? She’s in with Raz.”

  “Why Samantha?” Cian asked.

  “I’m going to need a solicitor,” John said. “Chris, would you mind assisting us? I’ll need you to dress. Clean your hands and arms – scrub them with lots of soap and warm water.”

  White Boy nodded and went downstairs to get dressed. Vince arrived with the saline, plasma and blood. John asked Vince to warm them under warm water. Emily returned wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. She pulled a cloth gown from her doctor’s bag.

  “John, you need to scrub. I set out everything for you in the bathroom on this level. While you scrub, I’ll set up the IVs.”

  John went into the bathroom next to the kitchen. Emily had set a nail brush and antiseptic soap on the counter for him. Scrubbing his hands and forearms, he allowed his mind to wander.

  He was terrified. He’d never operated alone before. Never. Not this complicated of a case. Not in a kitchen. Not while kneeling on the floor! Fuck. No anesthesiologist, no lasers, no nurses, no attending physician, and barely enough blood.

  “Let’s make an impossible surgery a tad more unfeasible,” he thought to himself.

  What had Da said? No one survives an assassin’s cut. Yeah, fuck you Da. I hope you’re rotting in hell.

  John exhaled and stared at himself in the mirror. He was Troy’s only hope in surviving. He made a tight bandage for his tooth-cut finger.

  “Get a hold of yourself John Kelly,” he said to himself in the mirror.

  “Lord, help me to be a blessing to this patient.” John whispered the prayer he said before every surgery. Exhaling again, he repeated the prayer for good measure then went out to the kitchen.

  Emily put a shower cap over his hair then helped him into a sterile gown. They helped each other with gloves then sterile gloves. Emily helped White Boy with sterile gloves.

  “We’ll put him way under. I need you to keep him breathing,” John said to White Boy. He gave him an air pump bag and mask. “Use this bag. It’s a lot of work. Can you do that?”

  “I can do it,” White Boy said.

  “If I say so, you’ll have to give him more nitrous oxide. I believe I have enough meds to keep him under, but we may run out. Nitrous gets us half way there. Half way is better than none.”

  “I’ll help,” Vince said. “We’ll count together and trade off.”

  “Clean up first,” John said.

  Vince jogged to the bathroom.

  “Mattie, can you take a blood pressure?”

  “I have done it before,” Matthew said.

  “I need you to keep track of the blood pressure in his leg. I need to hear his pressure every fifteen minutes. Oh, and when I ask for it. But I need you to clean up first?”

  “Of course.”

  Matthew jumped into action.

  “No wait.” John shook his head. “You’re too injured to do it. Can you show Larry how to take the pressure? You can keep the time. But Larry needs to scrub up.”

  “Consider it done,” Matthew said.

  Vince arrived with the warmed saline and blood. Emily hooked them to her IVs. Looking around for a place to hang them, Erin took them from Emily’s hands.

  “I’ll hold them,” Erin said.

  “Make sure you clean up,” John said.

  “I did,” Erin said.

  “Perfect. We need to move him back.”

  Samantha took one shoulder and Eoin took the other. They pulled Troy to the center of the kitchen floor. On his knees, John leaned over Troy’s right leg to make the first incision.

  Fuck, there isn’t enough light.

  “Anyone have a head torch?” John asked.

  “All of our gear in the carriage house,” Matthew said.

  “Amie, honey, don’t you have a head lamp?” Emily asked her daughter.

  Amelia had been standing with Samantha, Raz, Eoin, his girlfriend and the Marine, Margaret Peaches.

  “Yes, Momma,” Amelia said. “I use it to read in bed. Should I bring it?”

  “That would be lovely. Thank you Amelia,” John said.

  Cian came from the basement with a pillow for John’s knees. He helped John kneel on the pillow then offered one to Emily. Amelia reappeared from the basement.

  “Put it on his head,” Emily said.

  Amelia nodded then carefully put the lamp over the shower cap on John’s head.

  “Would you mind pointing it? Yes, down a bit more,” John said. “That’s perfect. Thank you, Amelia.”

  “Amelia?” Nancy called from the basement door. “Why don’t you come with me? I was going making some hot chocolate.”

  “Momma?” Amelia asked.

  “Go ahead, honey. Nancy makes great hot chocolate,” Emily said.

  Amelia ran to the basement stairs.

  Finishing his review of Troy’s wound, John sat back on his heels. He closed his eyes and allowed a plan to form in his mind.

  “Glasses, please,” John said.

  Emily gave him the magnifying glasses he used for surgery. Looking like Mr. Magoo, John took a breath.

  Emily had swabbed the area of Troy’s wound with a Betadine swab stick. She left a Betadine antiseptic pad on the towels she set under his leg. John swiped the area with the antiseptic wipe.

  “Ready doctor?” Emily asked.



  “Yes, doctor,” John said.

  From first incision to close, Troy’s wound absorbed John’s entire focus. He didn’t notice the paramedics run through the hou
se, and then assist under Emily’s instruction. At some point, Troy was hooked up to monitors for his heart and blood pressure. John didn’t hear Samantha arguing with the Denver Police. He didn’t notice when they took Alex, and Max of course, to the hospital.

  He only heard Larry’s leg pressure updates and the steady count for the air bag.

  “Do you see anything else?” John asked Emily.

  “No, I think that’s it.”

  “Do we have our instruments?”

  “Yes, John. Would you like me to close?” Emily asked.

  “I’ve got it.”

  He began the work of putting Troy’s leg back together. Troy would never know about the delicate stitching along his artery. He wouldn’t understand the way the stitches held his muscle and tissue together so they could heal. But he would certainly complain if it looked bad. Tying the last stitch, John leaned back on his heals and pushed off his magnifying glasses.

  Looking up, he blushed. He was surrounded by a crowd of people from Denver Policemen and paramedics to Alex’s entire team, everyone watched in silent fascination.

  “When can we move him, doctor?” the paramedic asked.

  “If you’re very careful, you can take him on a stretcher. Do NOT move his leg. These guys will help.”

  The paramedics hooked Troy up to oxygen and slipped a back board under him. Matthew, Vince, Joseph, and Larry lifted Troy to the stretcher. They carried the stretcher through the house and down the stairs.

  When John turned, White Boy was crying into his gloved hands. John hugged the huge man.

  “That’s the coolest thing I’ve done. Ever. In my entire life.”

  John patted the giant man’s back. He was taking off his sterile gown and gloves when the Denver Police moved to speak with him. Samantha stepped between him and the police.

  Yes, Dr. Drayson would be available for questioning. Yes, Dr. Drayson was happy to cooperate with the police. He was going to get cleaned up then go to his wife. Of course, he will be available this afternoon. Sam’s smile and strong presence worked wonders on the police. She and John would go to the downtown Denver Police station for questioning around 1 P.M. that afternoon. She walked the police to the door then hugged John.

  “Alex told me about this file,” Samantha said. She held John Kelly’s intelligence file. “I had a chance to skim it before the police arrived. I didn’t know about… you.”

  Sam’s baby blue eyes scanned his face. She hugged him again.

  “We need to talk. Alex taped her review of the journal on something she calls the map phone. What is that?”

  “It’s a phone and video message line the intelligence center set up so soldiers can call in map issues,” John said.

  “Well, Raz is downloading a copy right now. The video cam shows the entire interaction between her and that woman.”


  “There’s a lot of yellow pencil tapping and humming… like an hour… of humming and yellow pencil tapping. She plays with her Magic 8 ball for another half hour.”

  Samantha wrinkled her nose at John. He smiled at her sarcasm.

  “And the conversation with the assassin is there as well. She felt like reviewing the small journal needed to be documented.”

  “You’re one lucky sod,” James said.

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up? We can go see Alex, get some breakfast, and talk,” Samantha said. “This kind of thing takes some time, maybe six months, to clear up, but I think you should be all right. The woman is very clear on the tape. She was going to kill, Alex.”

  “Can you recommend a solicitor for me?”

  “I thought I was your attorney.” Samantha batted her lovely eyes as if she was offended. “I was even going to give you a family discount.”

  “But you don’t have time for this. Your Senator is running for office.”

  “Well, that’s a weird thing.” Sam’s face flushed with emotion. “The Senator called me last night and apologized for taking so much of my time. He’s decided to withdraw from the race. He gave me six months pay. I… I’m free. For the first time in a long, long time, I’m free to do what I like. I’m moving home. As soon as I can pack, I’m moving home.”

  Sam’s eyes welled with tears. Her hands bat at her tears.

  “Alex didn’t say anything to you, did she?” Samantha asked.

  “No. Why?”

  “The Senator was at the party for Troy’s father. He called me while he was waiting in the line to get in. He barked orders for about fifteen minutes then hung up on me. I mean thirty-five items I was supposed to do first thing today. When he left the party, he was withdrawing from the race.”

  John worked to keep his face neutral.

  “Yes, that’s what I thought too,” she said with a shrug. “So I have lots of time now. And money. I’d love to represent you. Does that work for you?”

  “Of course Samantha. Thank you,” John said.

  “Come on, brother,” James said. “Let’s get cleaned up and visit the wife.”

  Looking from James to Sam, John started to laugh. James joined in while Samantha looked at the brothers as if they had lost their minds.

  Stepping into the shower, John said a silent prayer of thanks: for Alex’s safety, for the operation that went well, for his brothers’ return in his life and for this weird trip he called life.


  The cruel wind that brought all of this pain and misfortune into Alex’s life shifted.

  The Denver Police Department dropped their charges against her. The police detectives spent a day at her bedside gathering her evidence against the Boy Scout. Two days later, an unmarked envelope with a map inside arrived on the Denver Police detective’s desk. The next day, James Kelly extradited the Boy Scout to England.

  The day she was released from the hospital, Perses dropped by to tell her the contract on her life had been canceled. In fact, someone had put a bounty on anyone who attempted to kill her. The word was someone high up in the US government was pissed off. They made bets as to whether it was the Admiral or her father. Alex suspected it was both.

  Max negotiated with Homeland Security for a lump sum settlement for over ten years of back pay. In return, they wouldn’t go to the press or ask for interest. She accepted the large check, which Max and John had all ready spent. She agreed to take Ben’s job and his salary. Raz would technically be her ass-istant, which they thought was hilarious.

  Cee Cee Joiner beat up another prostitute in the Virgin Islands. Somehow, he disappeared from a jail cell before the Feds could move in. While the Feds assured her it was a matter of time before they picked up Cee Cee Joiner, Alex knew they would never find him. The only way to catch him was to figure out what he was up to. And if she didn’t know, no one knew.

  The FBI was on the trail of the kidnappers. They were confident they would find the men responsible for killing Daniel, David and Marvin Joiner. Alex was on their update and notify list. After a flood of information, the notices dwindled to almost nothing. With Sue Ann near death, and Marvin’s mother not talking, there was no one to push the FBI to find the kidnappers. Like Joiner, the kidnappers slipped out of sight and mind.

  To her chagrin, her video of fighting the Boy Scout was voted ‘Best viral video’ and ‘Best video taken with an iPhone’ for the month of March. The video was in the running for ‘Best video of the year.’ There was no killing the video. Sergeant Larry Flagg came up with the idea of creating the Alex the Fey video channel on YouTube. He and Helene were working out the final details.

  Around the time the Jakker went back to flying Dragon Ladies over Afghanistan, Trece and White Boy were reassigned to their security detail. Trece cried when he and Alex parted. Ten minutes later, Alex’s phone rang. Trece wanted her to know that his allergies were acting up. Alex assured him that he, and his allergies, would return the moment she needed him. This launched such a severe allergic reaction that Trece had to get off the phone.

  After her hip was replaced, Alex
joined Troy in a private hospital room. Soon they shared baby holding duties as Patrick Michael Hargreaves arrived the day after her surgery. The gorgeous blue eyed black haired baby was less than a day old when he picked up the name Paddie.

  And things returned to an Alex kind of normal.



  Three weeks later

  Wednesday afternoon

  April 23 – 12:15 P.M. CDT

  San Antonio, Texas

  “Emmy called last night,” Alex said.

  “Oh?” Vince asked.

  Vince was driving a rental car to the San Antonio River Sanitarium. They were on their way to speak with Sue Ann Joiner. According to Krystal Joiner, the doctors had expected Sue Ann to die last Sunday. Against all expectations, Sue Ann survived. Alex insisted on traveling to Texas to speak with her.

  Vince jumped at the chance to spend time alone with Alex. So far, they had laughed the entire way to Texas.

  “Emily wondered if I might refer her to the woman who made my wedding dress last year,” Alex said. She turned to look at Vince’s face. “Personally, I think thirteen is a little young to get married. But I guess if it’s what Amelia wants. Who’s the groom?”

  Vince burst out laughing. Slowing to a stop light, he turned to look at Alex.

  “You were going to tell me...”

  “Emmy and I are getting married, Alex,” Vince said.

  “Finally getting married,” Alex said.

  “Yes, thirteen years later, we’re finally getting married,” he said.

  “Have you picked a date?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, Miss Smarty Pants. I can tell by the look on your face you already know that. Is this it?”

  “I think so. The address matches the one Krystal sent me,” Alex said. “I do love weddings. Raz loves the cake.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard that somewhere,” Vince said. Pulling into a parking spot, he turned off the car. “How is it to share a room with Troy?”

  “At St. Joseph’s? Good,” Alex said. “We’re having fun. We’ve held baby Patrick every day this week.”


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