Jacopo: sailor
Camilla: Naples prostitute
Filin: ship’s captain
Captain Alberto: captain of theMarea di Alba
Acosta: Valencian doctor
Count of Lerin: Spanish count, 1430–1508
Caterina Sforza: the Countess of Forlì, daughter of Galeazzo, 1463–1509
Lorenzo de’ Medici, “Lorenzo the Magnificent”: Italian statesman, 1449–92
Piero Soderini: governor of Florence, 1450–1522
Amerigo Vespucci: friend and advisor to Soderini, 1454–1512
Rodrigo Borgia: Pope Alexander VI, 1451–1503
Cesare Borgia: son of Rodrigo, 1476–1507
Lucrezia Borgia: daughter of Rodrigo, 1480–1519
Vannozza Cattanei: mother of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia, 1442–1518
Giulia Farnese: Rodrigo’s mistress, 1474–1524
Princesse Charlotte d’Albret: wife of Cesare, 1480–1514
Juan Borgia: Archbishop of Monreale and Cesare’s banker, 1476–97
Général Duc Octavien de Valois: French general and Borgia ally
Michelotto da Corella: Cesare’s right-hand man
Luca: Michelotto’s diehard
Agostino Chigi: Pope Alexander’s banker, 1466–1520
Luigi Torcelli: Cesare’s banker’s agent
Toffana: Lucrezia’s servant
Gaspar Torella: Cesare’s personal doctor
Johann Burchard: Pope Alexander VI’s master of ceremonies
Juan: Guard at La Mota
Egidio Troche: Roman senator
Francesco Troche: Egidio’s brother and Cesare’s chamberlain
Michelangelo Buonarotti: artist, sculptor, etc., 1475–1564
Vinicio: Machiavelli’s contact
Giuliano della Rovere: Pope Julius II, formerly cardinal of San Pietro in Vincoli, 1443–1513
Ascanio Sforza: cardinal, uncle of Caterina, 1455–1505
Agniolo and Innocento: assistants to Leonardo da Vinci
Pietro Benintendi: Roman actor
Dottore Brunelleschi: Roman doctor
Georges d’Amboise: the cardinal of Rouen, 1460–1510
Pope Pius III: formerly Cardinal Piccolomini, 1439–1503
Bruno: a spy
Aiutateme! Help me!
Aiuto! Help!
albergo hotel
Altezza Highness
altrettanto a lei also to you
Andiamo! Let’s go!
arrivederci goodbye
Assassini Assassins
Ayúdenme! Help me!
bastardo, bastardi bastard/s
bellissima very beautiful
bene good, well
bestiarii gladiators
birbante rascal, rogue
brutissimo most horrible, ugliest
buona fortuna good luck
buona questa good one
buona sera good evening
buon giorno good morning
calma/calmatevi calm down
campanile bell tower
campione champion
Capisci? Do you understand?
capitano captain
caro padre dear father
cazzo prick, shit
Che cosa fate qui? What are you doing here?
Che diavolo? What the devil?
cher ami dear friend
che tipo brutto what a brute
Chiudi la bocca! Shut your mouth!
Come usciamo di qui? How do we get out of here?
Commendatore Commander
compadre comrade
condottieri mercenaries
con piacere with pleasure
Consummatum est! It is finished!
contessa countess
Corri! Run!
Cosa diavolo aspetti? What the devil are you waiting for?
Curia the Roman law courts
déclarez-vous declare yourself
diavolo devil
dio mio my god
dio, ti prego, salvaci Lord, I beg you, save us
dottore doctor
Eccellenza Excellence
el médico the doctor
Eminenze Eminence
è vero it’s true
figlio di puttana son of a whore
figlio mio my son
Firenze Florence
forze armate armed forces
fottere fuck
fotutto Francese fucking Frenchman
fratellino little brother
furbacchione cunning old devil
gonfalon banner
graffito graffiti
grazie thank you
Halte-la! Stop there!
idioti idiots
il Magnifico the Magnificent
Insieme per la vittoria! Together for victory!
intesi certainly, understood
ipocrita hypocrite
ladro thief
lieta di conoscervi pleased to meet you
luridi codardi filthy cowards
Ma attenzione! But be careful!
ma certo but of course
Ma che merviglia! But what a marvel!
Madonna my lady
madre mother
maestro master
mais franchement, je m’en doute but frankly, I doubt it
malattia venerea venereal illness
maldito bastardo damned bastard
maledetto cursed
mausoleo mausoleum
medico doctor
merda shit
messer/e sir
mille grazie a thousand thank yous
miracolo miraculous
mis piernas my legs
molte grazie thank you very much
molto bene very good
momentino one moment
morbus gallicus French disease
nessun problema no problem
nomenclatura influential
Nos replegamos! Fall back!
onoratissima most honored one
ora, mi scusi, ma excuse me
padrone father
palazzo palace
panpepati e mielati pepper and honey breads
Papa Pope
perdone, Colonnello sorry, Colonel
perdonatemi forgive me
perfetto perfect
pezzo di merda piece of shit
piano nobile the principal floor of a large house
piazze squares
pollo ripieno stuffed chicken
porco pig
por favor please
pranzo lunch
presidente president
puttana whore
requiescat in pace rest in peace
rione district
rocca fortress
salute (to your) health
salve hello
sang maudit blood curses
scorpioni scorpions
Senatore Senator
ser sir
sì yes
signora lady
signore sir
Signoria governing authority
Sul serio? Seriously?
tesora, tesoro sweetheart, treasure
Torna qui, maledetto cavallo! Come here, damned horse!
un momento one moment
va bene all right
vero true
Vi ringrazio di tutto quello che avete fatto per me, buona Contessa. Addio. I thank you for all you have done for me, good Countess. Goodbye.
virtù virtue
Vittoria agli Assassini! Victory to the Assassins!
La Volpe Addormentata The Sleeping Fox
zio uncle
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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Page 36