100 Documents That Changed the World

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100 Documents That Changed the World Page 20

by Scott Christianson

  Cholera Map (Snow) 112–13

  Chou, Duke of 15

  Christopher Columbus’s Letter 48–49

  Churchill, Winston 153, 156

  Clark, William 95

  Clavius, Christopher 60

  Cock, Gerald 151

  Code of Hammurabi 12, 16–17

  Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 84

  Colby, Bainbridge 139

  Collins, Michael 192

  Columbus, Christopher 12, 48–49, 56, 59

  Communist Manifesto, The (Marx & Engels) 108–9

  Condell, Henry 67

  Confucius 15

  Constitution of the United States 83, 86–87, 88, 138–39

  Cooper, Susan 156

  Cornelius, Robert 100

  A page from Charles Darwin’s notebooks on his theory of natural selection. His findings transformed the way that scientists viewed the natural world (see here).

  Creamer, T. J. 207

  Crick, Francis 178–79

  Crick, Michael 179

  Crick, Odile 178, 179

  Cromwell, Oliver 70

  Cruz, Hernán Santa 172

  da Vinci, Leonardo 12, 44–45

  Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé 100

  Daladier, Edouard 152

  de Gaulle, Charles 180

  de Gouges, Olympe 12, 90–91

  de Stoeckl, Eduard 120

  Darwin, Charles 12, 104–5

  Dead Sea Scrolls 12, 13, 22–23

  Declaration of Independence, The 9, 12, 79, 82–83, 88

  Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 79, 88–89, 91

  Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen 90–91

  Declaration of War Against Japan 156–57

  Delbrück, Max 179

  Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo) 68–69

  Diary of Anne Frank 13, 162–63

  Diary of Howard Carter 144–45

  Diary of Samuel Pepys, The 72–73

  Dictionary of the English Language (Johnson) 80–81

  Dina, Yossi 184

  DNA notes 178–79

  Dorsey, Jack 206–7

  Doubleday, Abner 116

  Drexler, Anton 143

  Duyvis, Frits Donker 13

  Eck, Johann 54, 55

  Eckhardt, Heinrich von 135

  Edict of Worms 12, 54–55

  Edison, Thomas 12, 124–25

  Edward VIII, King 148–49

  Eichenwald, Kurt 203

  Eichmann, Adolf 160

  Elcano, Juan Sebastián 56

  Ellsworth, Annie 107

  Ellsworth, Henry 107

  Emancipation Proclamation 12, 118–19, 187

  Empire State Building plans 146–47

  Engels, Friedrich 108–9

  English Bill of Rights 78–79

  Epstein, Brian 184

  Execution warrant of King Charles I 70–71

  Farley, Henry S. 116

  Ferdinand II, King 47

  Fermi, Enrico 159

  First Folio (Shakespeare) 66–67

  Fort Sumter Telegram 116–17

  Fourteen Points (Wilson) 136–37, 140

  Frank, Anne 13, 162–63

  Franklin, Benjamin 60

  Fraser, Eric 150

  Freud, Sigmund 12, 126–27

  Fu-Hsi, Emperor 15

  Galbraith, John Kenneth 183

  Galilei, Galileo 68

  Gandharan Buddhist Texts 30–31

  Gates, Bill 44

  Geneva Convention 174–75

  George VI, King 148

  Georges-Picot, François 131

  Gernsheim, Helmut 100

  Giáp, Võ Nguyên 20

  Gladwell, Malcolm 207

  Glass, Noah 207

  Goldwater, Barry 191

  Göring, Hermann 160

  Gracie, Archibald 128

  Gregorian calendar 60–61

  Gregory IX, Pope 36

  Gregory XIII, Pope 60

  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 190–91, 204

  Gutenberg, Johannes 43

  Gutenberg Bible 11, 42–43

  Hall, Reginald ‘Blinker’ 135

  Hammurabi, King 16

  Hancock, John 83

  Harmonice Musices Odhecaton A (Petrucci) 51

  Harrison, George 184

  Heminges, John 67

  Hereford Mappa Mundi 40–41

  Heydrich, Reinhard 160

  Hibbert, Susan 164

  Hitler, Adolf 142–43, 152, 155, 160

  Hitler–Stalin Non-Aggression Pact 154–55

  Homer 18–19

  Humphrey, John Peters 172

  I Ching 13, 14–15

  ‘I Have a Dream’ speech (King) 186–87

  Iliad, The (Homer) 18–19

  Inaugural Address (Kennedy) 182–83

  Innocent IV, Pope 36

  Instrument of Abdication of Edward VIII 148–49

  Instrument of Surrender 164–65

  Internet Protocol (Postel) 196–97

  Interpretation of Dreams, The (Freud) 126–27

  Iraq War Resolution 204–5

  Isabella I, Queen 47

  Jackson, Mahalia 187

  Jackson, William 87

  Jaggard, Isaac 67

  James I, King 63

  James II, King 72, 79

  Jefferson, Thomas 83, 88, 92, 95

  Jikji 43

  Jobs, Steve 194–95

  Jodl, Alfred 164, 165

  John, King 35

  Johnson, Lyndon B. 191, 204

  Johnson, Samuel 12, 80–81

  Jones, Clarence 187

  Journal of Magellan’s First Voyage around the World (Magellan) 56–57

  Kahn, David 135

  Kahn, Robert 196

  Kama Sutra 26–27

  Kennedy, John F. 182–83, 192

  Kharosthi manuscript collection 30–31

  A page of mathematical calculations from one of Isaac Newton’s notebooks. Newton left behind an enormous stack of writings that run to almost ten million words (see here).

  King Jr., Martin Luther 12, 186–87

  King James Bible 62–63

  Kohl, Helmut 199

  Koltsov, Nikolai 179

  Lafayette, Marquis de 88

  Lamb, William F. 147

  las Casas, Bartolomé de 12, 59

  Lawrence of Arabia 131

  Le Barbier, Jean-Jacques-François 88

  Lennon, John 184

  Leo X, Pope 55

  Lewis, Meriwether 94–95

  Life of Samuel Johnson, The (Boswell) 80

  Lilius, Aloysius 60

  Lincoln, Abraham 12, 116, 119

  Lippmann, Walter 136

  Litchfeld, Leonard 76

  ‘Little Red Book, The’ (Mao) 188–89

  Litvinov, Maksim 155

  Livingston, Robert 92

  London Gazette 76, 77

  Louis XVI, King 88

  Louisiana Purchase 92–93

  Luther, Martin 12, 52, 54, 55

  Macmillan, Harold 180

  Madison, James 88

  Magellan, Ferdinand 56

  Magna Carta 12, 34–35

  Mahabharata 13, 24–25

  Making of Johnson’s Dictionary, 1746–1773, The (Reddick) 80

  Malthus, Thomas 80, 104

  Manhattan Project Notebook 158–59

  Manning, Chelsea 208

  Mao Tse-tung 188–89

  Marbois, Barbé 92

  Marshall, George 171

  Marshall, John 92

  Marshall Plan 170–71

  Martin, George 184

  Mary II, Queen 79

  Marx, Karl 108–9

  Massey, Stephen 67

  Mayflower Compact 64–65

  McCartney, Paul 184

  Mein Kampf (Hitler) 143

  Melzi, Francesco 44

  Mitchell, Leslie 151

  Molotov, Vyacheslav 155

  Monroe, James 92

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis 88

nbsp; Morse, Samuel 106–7

  Muhammad, Prophet 32

  Munich Agreement 152–53, 155

  Mussolini, Benito 152

  Napoléonic Code 96–97, 172

  Newspaper, first English 76–77

  Newton, Isaac 12, 72, 74–75

  Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore 100–101

  1984 (Orwell) 168–69

  Nineteenth Amendment 138–39

  Ninety-Five Theses (Luther) 52–53

  Notebooks (da Vinci) 44–45

  Notebooks (Darwin) 104–5

  Obama, Barack 206, 207

  Odyssey, The (Homer) 18–19

  Of Plimoth Plantation (Bradford) 64, 65

  On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection (Darwin) 104

  Orwell, George 168–69

  Oxford English Dictionary 80

  Oxford Gazette 76

  Pearson, Charles 114–15

  Pepys, Samuel 72–73, 76

  Petrucci, Ottaviano 51

  Phillips, Jack 128

  Phonograph 124–25

  Photograph, first 100–101

  Pigafetta, Antonio 56

  Pius VII, Pope 37

  Plato 13, 19, 28–29

  Population Registration Act 176–77

  Postel, Jon 196–97

  Potsdam Agreement 199

  Queneau, Raymond 19

  Quran, The 12, 32–33

  Radio Times, The 150–51

  Rajan, Rajeswari Sundar 24

  Rankin, Jeannette 156

  Raveling, George 187

  Reddick, Allen 80

  Republic, The (Plato) 13, 28–29

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von 155

  Ricardo, David 84

  Roget, Peter Mark 12, 110–11

  Roget’s Thesaurus 110–11

  Roosevelt, Eleanor 172

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 156, 167

  Rosetta Stone 12, 98–99

  Rothschild, Walter 132

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 88

  Schwarzkopf, Norman 20

  Sargent, Aaron A. 139

  Seward, William 120

  Shakespeare, William 66–67

  Shallus, Jacob 87

  Sharpe, Sam 103

  Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies, A (Las Casas) 58–59

  Simpson, Wallis 148

  Skyscrapers and the Men Who Build Them (Starrett) 147

  Slavery Abolition Act 102–3

  Smith, Adam 80, 84–85

  Snow, John 112–13

  Snowden, Edward 13, 212–13

  Socrates 28

  Soprano, Tony 20

  Sorenson, Ted 183

  Spencer, Herbert 104

  Stalin, Josef 155

  Starr, Ringo 184

  A Penguin paperback edition of George Orwell’s dystopian novel that coined the terms ‘doublethink’, ‘newspeak’ and ‘Big Brother’ (see here).

  Starrett, William A. 147

  Stevenson II, Adlai 183

  Stone, Biz 207

  Sude, Barbara 203

  Sukenik, Eliezer Lipa 23

  Summa Theologica (Aquinas) 38–39

  Sun Tzu 20

  Sykes, Sir Mark 131

  Sykes-Picot Agreement 12, 130–31

  Telegram, first 106–7

  Televison listings, first 12, 150–51

  Thabit, Zayd ibn 32

  Thatcher, Margaret 84

  Titanic sinking 128–29

  Tolstaya, Sophia 123

  Tolstoy, Leo 122–23

  Toombs, Robert 116

  Treaty of Rome 180–81

  Third-century AD papyrus fragments from Plato’s Republic—one of the most influential works of philosophy and moral/political theory ever written (see here).

  Treaty of Versailles 12, 140–41, 143

  Trugillo, Sebastian 59

  Truman, Harry S. 167, 171

  Tully, Grace 156

  Tutankhamun’s tomb 144–45

  Tweet, first 206–7

  Twenty-Five-Point Program (Hitler) 142–43

  Two Plus Four Treaty 198–99

  2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) 210–11

  Tyler, John 107

  Underground Train System, first 114–15

  United Nations Charter 166–67, 199

  Universal Declaration of Human Rights 172–73

  Urban VIII, Pope 68

  Vail, Alfred 107

  Vatsyayana 27

  Vyasa, Rishi 24

  Wannsee Protocol 160–61

  War and Peace (Tolstoy) 122–23

  Watson, James 179

  Wayne, Ronald 194–95

  Wealth of Nations, The (Smith) 84–85

  Website, first 200–201

  Weizmann, Chaim 132

  Wên, King 15

  WikiLeaks 13, 208–9

  Wilberforce, William 102–3

  William III, King 79

  Williams, Evan 207

  Williamson, Joseph 76

  Wilson, Woodrow 135, 136–37, 139, 140

  Wozniak, Steve 194–95

  Yinqueshan Han Slips 20

  Young, Thomas 99

  Zimmermann, Arthur 135

  Zimmermann Telegram 134–35

  First published as Hardback and eBook in the United Kingdom in 2015 by Batsford,

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  eISBN: 9781849943581

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