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WULF: Elementals MC

Page 7

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Please take me home!” He reluctantly let go of the man. Dropping him like a stone unconscious to the floor.

  “Bjarni, is he alive?” Ceric asked as Bjarni bent down to feel his pulse.

  “Yip, the motherfucker is still breathing.”

  “We should go.” Looking at Wulf, Bjarni noticed that he was still fighting to regain control. He had pulled Jas towards him and buried his face in her hair as he hugged her, but in the process, he squeezed her shoulder making her flinch.

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was still low and rough with anger. Lifting his head, he started to examine her. Noticing her torn T-shirt he snarled, exposing his teeth again. His eyes were such a dark amethyst that they looked black. Running his hands over her body he tried to check if she was okay. Keeping a brave face, she tried not to flinch, but when he probed her shoulder she cried out.

  “Son of a bitch! I’m going to kill him!” gently pulling her jacket down her arms to see her shoulder. He was gently probing her ever so lightly, you would never say he was as angry as he was.

  “It seems dislocated.” Turning he headed towards the unconscious man, but Bjarni jumped towards him placing his arms around him from behind.

  “You can’t kill him My Man, there are people around that can identify you.”

  “Get out of my way!”

  “Sorry man, but I can’t let you do this.” Bjarni knew that if it was him he would be wanting blood too.

  “Wulf … Please just take me home. Bion needs to look at my arm.” Holding his hand and pulling him back, she could see the rage in Wulf’s’ eyes. She didn’t want him fighting Bjarni because of her.

  “His friends are starting to notice that he’s missing. We need to go!” Ceric called from the entrance. Turning abruptly, Wulf pulled her towards him, helping her with her jacket. Flinching as he adjusted it across her shoulder and noticed her paleness.

  “Okay, let’s go! Bion will look at your arm as soon as we get to the compound.” They started to make their way out of the pub just as Suzy stopped them.

  “Where you going? You haven’t finished your drinks.”

  Wulf didn’t even stop as he guided her around Suzy and out of the Pub. Ceric apologised with an excuse about having to leave unexpectedly and paid for their drinks. As they walked towards the bikes Jas noticed a huge split on the paving outside the pub and it was relatively wide crossing the width of the parking, noticing that one of the car’s parked there, its wheels had sunk into the crack where it was wider.

  “What happened here? There must have been an earthquake? I didn’t even feel anything.”

  “Ask your man.” Bjarni nodded towards Wulf while mounting his bike

  “Was this you?” She knew that he had the power of the earth element but she never imagined that he could do this.

  “Let’s get you home and checked out; we will talk about this later.” He mounted the bike, slanting it so she could get on easier. Swinging her leg over, Wulf used his left arm to pull her up into place. The jolt made her grit her teeth, it was painful now.

  “We will be there soon. I will try and make it as smooth as possible. Let me know if you want to stop. Okay?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Nodding he squeezed her leg, starting the bike and they were off. Five minutes into the ride she did not think that she would make it to the compound without fainting. She tried to keep her arm as still as possible, but it wasn’t helping. Over a bump she heard Wulf swear. She knew he was worried about her and she did not want to worry him anymore, so she kept quiet. Nearly losing consciousness, she hung on. Ten minutes into the ride, she was crying openly, ready to walk if need be. Wulf was riding like a maniac breaking all the speed limits, Ceric and Bjarni right behind them.

  As they parked in the garage, she didn’t move, worried that if she did there was a possibility that she was going to black-out. “Can you get off?” turning around, Wulf looked at her worriedly. Her head was down so he couldn’t see that she was crying. She shook her head.

  “Ceric help Jas off please.” She knew Wulf didn’t like other men touching her, no matter what, but he couldn’t get her off without jolting her more. Ceric placed his hands around her waist and lifted, the slightest jolt was too much for her after the ride. She blacked out.

  When Ceric felt her go limp, he panicked. “Wulf! Hey! Hey! Hey!” He tried to wake her even though her back was to him. Wulf jumped off the bike, taking her into his arms.

  “Angel, wake up!” Carrying her into the compound he made his way to the infirmary.

  “Bjarni, get Bion!” Getting to the infirmary he noticed that she was starting to wake up.

  “Bion will be here soon, Angel,” he whispered close to her ear, he didn’t know if he was trying to calm himself or her. His heart was pounding, he just wanted to hold her close and not let anything hurt her. What kind of a man was he? He wasn’t even able to protect her the first time they went out, and it wasn’t even the Keres MC. Now she had to go through more pain to get her shoulder sorted out, and it was all his fault.

  She rubbed her cheek against his chest, feeling comfort from his closeness. He was still standing in the middle of the infirmary holding her when Bion, Bjarni and Draco walked in.

  “So Beautiful, I hear you can’t keep out of trouble. Let’s see what you did to yourself? How about you sit her over here so I can have a look.” Bion moved a chair closer to them as he spoke in a calm voice. Wulf knew he had to do this, but he also knew that to pop the shoulder back was going to hurt her and he just couldn’t make himself let go.

  “Come on Wulf. To help her you need to let me look at her.” Wulf reluctantly lowered her to the chair, standing next to her with a penetrating look in his eyes.

  “How about we let Bion do his work and we wait outside.” Draco suggested to Wulf, knowing that if Bion started probing and she cried out in pain, Wulf might attack him.

  “No!” he stated. Looking down at her and tenderly stroking her hair. She looked up at him, trying to smile to lesson his anxiety. Bion pulled down her jacket to see her shoulder. She bit her lip trying to not cry out in pain. As Bion examined her arm and shoulder Jas flinched in pain.

  “Stop hurting her!” Wulf snarled.

  “It’s fine Babe, it’s not too bad.” She lied, knowing that Wulf would most probably attack Bion if he hurt her. Bion gave him a dry look, then looked back at Draco and Bjarni and nodded. They promptly moved to stand one on each side of Wulf, just in case he tried to attack. Bion took hold of Jas’s arm with one hand and with the other he braced the back of her shoulder where her tattoo was visible. Slowly he lifted her arm until she flinched, he then twisted and pulled her shoulder back into place so quickly that she just had time to gasp in pain as the shoulder popped back into place. Tears ran down her face but already the pain was going away. Wulf’s breathing was erratic and she noticed his eyes were that very dark amethyst, nearly black colour again. Draco and Bjarni had a hand on his shoulders, holding him back.

  “The pain is going away.” Holding his hand, she squeezed. Not letting go, as Bion bandaged her shoulder.

  “Keep your arm like this for about a week, with as little movement as possible. It might be tender for a few days,” Bion advised, looking at Wulf. “Give her blood and she will mend quicker.”

  “Thank you Bion, it’s feeling better already.”

  “My pleasure, but you have to promise to keep out of trouble for a while or I will have to be treating Wulf for heart failure.” Bion joked, winking at her. Draco and Bjarni had already moved away, noticing that Wulf was calmer now that she wasn’t in pain.

  Once Bion was finished with her, Wulf carried her to their room laying her down on their bed. “I’m never taking you out again.”

  “I’m feeling much better.” She stroked his leg as he sat next to her; she was trying to calm him as she could still see the darkness in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, this is my fault. I should have gone with you but you were upset a
nd I wanted to give you some space.” Angrily looking at her he got up and started to pace. He just wanted to get on his bike and go find the asshole and decimate him. He could still feel the anger coursing through his body; he needed to calm down.

  “Why do you say that, if anyone is at fault it’s me? I was angry and wasn’t paying attention, so when he bumped into me I wasn’t prepared,” she divulged, looking at him apologetically.

  “It is my duty to protect you and I failed. It won’t happen again.”

  “I know you will protect me.” sitting up she placed a kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry that I overreacted about the waitress. I don’t know what came over me, and just thinking of you with her makes me mad,” she confessed. Wulf hugged her close, careful not to hurt her arm.

  “You know you’re the only woman for me, don’t you? No other woman can ever incite me, even before you I felt no attraction to her. But I know what you are saying. If I see any man trying to flirt with you I will rearrange his face, you are mine.” Possessively, he kissed her pouring all his feelings into the kiss.

  “Wulf, you’re the only man I want.” He kissed her again passionately, relieved that she was now safe in their room. Pulling away, he tore at his wrist with his teeth, bringing his wrist to her mouth. “Take my blood my Angel, it will help you heal quicker.” She lowered her head taking him into her, while suckling at his wrist. The sound made Wulf hard instantly.

  He groaned, lowering his head, he licked her neck preparing her for his bite. As Elementals, they would have to take blood at least once a month. But when elementals were mated they only drank from their woman. That’s the reason why they also couldn’t stay away for too long. Also, if their woman didn’t drink from the men they could start feeling sick and finally die. Their bodies don’t accept blood from anyone else except their man.

  Wulf pulled away, lifting his wrist and replacing it with his lips. He could taste himself on her lips. “Try and sleep a bit; you have been through quite an ordeal today. I will stay here with you for a bit until you fall asleep then I need to go speak to the guys.” Stretching out next to her, he cradled her in his arms, waiting for her to fall asleep.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me,” she said against his chest. He kissed the top of her head, not agreeing with her, as he didn’t take care of her at all today, but not saying anything. He waited until he heard her breath deepen in sleep before he went looking for his brothers.

  Chapter 10

  Crossing the courtyard Wulf found Bion heading his way. “I was coming to see if you were going to join us. How’s Jas doing?”

  “She’s fine, thank you again Bion. Sorry for my reaction, I just don’t like to see her hurt, it’s stronger than me.”

  “Don’t think about it, I understand,” and he pushed him playfully. They walked towards the computer room where all the other brothers were already waiting. As he walked in Draco approached, giving him a pat on the back.

  “How are you after today’s events my brother?” Draco, knowing how Wulf was taking everything on himself, knew he would be blaming himself for not stopping the attack. Wulf was like a blood brother to him. He respected and loved all his brothers, but Wulf and he had a special bond. They had fought for centuries together and if there was anyone in their MC that deserved the love of a good woman it was him.

  “Still pissed. I want to go back and beat the fuck out of the guy again, but at least now she’s safe.”

  “Let it go, it doesn’t help pondering about what could be.” Turning, Draco returned to his position at the head of the table. Wulf followed sitting on his right, everyone was already sitting at their places, some had coffee others had cold drinks or draughts. Draco was the President of the Elementals MC, Wulf the VP with Bjarni as Sergeant at Arms.

  “I’ve contacted Special Agent Jack and we have agreed to meet next week at our normal spot. Celmund, we need to make sure the area is safe. Block cell phone reception when we arrive. Wulf, you will accompany me. Ceric and Bion stake out the area before and during the meeting to make sure we’re not being watched.” Ceric and Bion nodded in agreement

  “Burkhart, you and Brandr will arrange Booby Traps on our way out, make sure we not being followed.” Burkhart smiled at Brandr, he was an adrenalin junkie; anything for the rush. Brandr was the bomb expert in their group. Every time there was something to blow up, Brandr was involved. The men usually joked around with him saying that his temper was just like his bombs. When Brandr lost his temper, you knew that there would be destruction.

  “How are you guys planning on leaving the area this time? They might have cameras at the train station,” Brandr asked.

  “Well, there is a tunnel about a kilometre away. We will drive a rented car to the tunnel, then arrange with a civilian to take the car back. We will follow the underground tunnel to the nearest opening. Burkhart, you will be there to pick us up,” Draco finished.

  “How long is this tunnel? Do we know if there is a proper passage?” Wulf queried.

  “It’s about two hundred meters in length and yes, it goes right through with no problems to the first opening,” Celmund reported. Laying a map on the desk he showed them a highlighted route they would have to follow. The meeting continued for another hour before they were all happy with the plan.

  Jas found the men an hour later having a drink by the bar, Ceric was on one of the couches with two Jezebels. One was sitting on him, rubbing against his crotch, his hand on her boobs while he kissed the other. Caelius was standing behind the couch with his back to the open area and all Jas could see was a Jezebels hair near his crotch.

  Draco and Wulf were playing pool near the entrance and the others were sitting around the bar drinking beer. Looking at Wulf she smiled; her man was so serious all the time unless she was around him. Bjarni had told her how Wulf never used to smile before he met her. She had already managed to get him to laugh, okay not often but it was a start. Walking up behind him she placed her hands on his ass, squeezing. She smiled as he tensed.

  “You’re playing with fire, Angel!” he growled, not turning around but puling her hands around his waist placing her front flat against his back. Her head came to just below his shoulder blades, she started to giggle as he held her hands in front of him with one hand. Seeing as he was holding her hands she brought her leg up gently between his legs rubbing with her leg up his calf, over his knee up to his inner thigh. She heard his breath catch and his muscles tense, as she continued stroking up and down his leg.

  Suddenly he pulled her around to his front taking her mouth in a blistering kiss. She could feel his erection against her stomach as he held her against himself. The men at the bar started whistling. Smiling she pulled away, looking up at him. “Do you know how hot you are?”

  Growling, Wulf picked her up over his shoulder and started walking towards the inside of the compound. The men all started laughing. Jas was giggling so hard she could hardly breathe.

  Wulf opened the door to their room, walking in, he kicked the door closed behind him. “So, my woman wants to play, does she?” He dropped her onto the mattress with a bounce. Looking up through her hair she saw him smiling down at her. “Undress!” he ordered, standing over her while he unbuckled his belt.

  When she was naked Wulf was still standing at the bottom of the bed fully clothed with his belt in his hand. “On your hands and knees!” Looking up at him, a bit worried now she turned around. Suddenly Wulf was behind her, taking hold of her arms, he brought them behind her and tied them together.

  “Wulf?” Her head was on the bed her ass was up in the air, she couldn’t see Wulf behind her and she started to worry that maybe he was upset with her.

  Then she felt his breath on her pussy and all thoughts disappeared as she felt his tongue at her opening, she was so sensitive that as he licked from her opening to her clit she could feel herself clench. It was so erotic having her hands tied while he was playing with her, she moved against his tongue rubbing herself against him. Sh
e could feel her orgasm building but she needed Wulf inside of her.

  “Wulf … I need you!” she tried to move faster, but he slapped her right ass cheek, making her gasp. Jas was so horny she could feel the wetness between her legs. Wulf slapped her again now on her left ass cheek then sucked hard on her clit making her scream his name, as her orgasm exploded.

  While she was still coming down from her high, Wulf plunged into her making her gasp as he stretched her pussy. “You make me so hard Angel, I’m not going to last long.” His voice was a growl as he moved in and out of her, faster and faster. Jas could feel another orgasm building this one stronger than the other, her knees were shaking; she didn’t think she would be able to keep herself up. Wulf was now breathing raggedly behind her sinking into her faster and faster, he brought his left arm around her to hold her up and the right hand went to her clit rubbing in circular motion with just enough pressure to make her go over the edge again with such an explosion that she was sure she lost consciousness.

  “JAS!” Wulf grunted as he came shooting his cum into her so hard she could feel it coating her insides. As he stilled he loosened the belt, letting her arms drop to her sides, lying down next to her he brought her back to his front still breathing raggedly.

  “Are you okay Angel?” she heard the worry in his voice as he stroked her arm.

  “Okay? There isn’t a word for how I’m feeling now, just WOW! You completely blew my mind.” She heard him chuckle behind her. Turning she faced him looking into his eyes, he had a relaxed air about him. He looked down at her, tenderly. Smiling she kissed his jaw. “You seem at peace,” she whispered.

  “With you I am.”

  Chapter 11

  A few days later after a long sexual marathon, Jas lay spent, half on top of Wulf. “Not bad for an old man, hey?” he teased. Since she had found out that Wulf was six hundred years old she had been teasing him every chance she got, about their age difference.


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