WULF: Elementals MC

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WULF: Elementals MC Page 11

by Alexi Ferreira

  Wulf had walked out of the room but stayed outside the door. He too had sat with his back against the broken door, his head leaning against it, listening to her cry. Feeling helpless, giving her the space that she needed. He couldn’t see a way of fixing this. He had to go and meet Katya, she was the only way of getting those children to safety before they attacked the warehouse. All he knew was that he was not going to lose Jas no matter what. Draco walked up to him sitting next to the door against the wall. He didn’t say anything, he just sat there waiting.

  “She doesn’t believe me. She doesn’t want to talk to me right now. She asked if I wanted her to leave,” he whispered not wanting to wake her. Draco looked at his friend seeing the pain that Wulf was going through.

  “I will never let her go, it would kill both of us.”

  “I will go and meet Katya. You stay here, lock yourself in that room with your woman and only come out once everything is fine,” Draco suggested, hoping that by giving it time she would come around.

  “Katya won’t talk to you, and we need her help on this.”

  “Don’t worry, just sort this mess out. I will go and meet her and I’ll see if I can get her to talk to me without you having to go.” He got up placing a hand on Wulf’s shoulder.

  “Make this okay my friend. I don’t like seeing you like this.” He left. Wulf stayed like that for a while longer. Getting up he moved back inside the room and closed the door from the inside. Placing everything back against the door just as Jas had it. He went to her, picking her up and placed her on the bed as gently as possible. Jas opened her eyes as he was drawing away, and just looked at him. He moved around the bed pulled off his shirt stretched out on the bed behind her and pulled her towards him holding her there. She tensed but didn’t fight him.

  “I will never let you go. I love you, and I want you, no other woman. You are my other half. We will only leave this room when you believe me.”

  Jas lay quietly in his arms without fighting, dejected wanting with everything inside her to believe in him. She could not share him. She would not. They were locked in their room. Wulf would not let her leave. He spoke to her about when he was small, about how he became a warrior, about his fears and his likes, about the other brothers. Jas listened but she didn’t comment or ask questions. He held her close, except when she needed the bathroom. Wulf tried his hardest to get her out of her mood. He tried to keep away from anything that came close to speaking about his relationship with Katya, but at the end of the day without getting any responses or reactions from her he decided that it was time to bring it up. He hoped that she was calmer, that she would listen to him even get angry with him. Anything was better than this indifference, he just wanted the sparkle back in her eyes. He could feel that she was hurting but she had blocked him out and wasn’t letting him help her or himself. This coldness between them was agony.

  “How can I show you that you are the one and only woman for me?” He pleaded with her to give him anything he could work with. She was leaning against the pillows on their bed. Wulf was sitting next to her with his feet on the floor. He now lowered his head to his hands that were resting on his knees, dejected. He didn’t know what else to do. Jas did not respond to anything he said or to his touch.

  “Angel, I don’t know what else to say to you, to show you that you are the only woman in my life now and always.” He mumbled still holding his head.

  “It’s not what people say that show what they really mean, but what they do. And that isn’t what you showed me,” Jas said suddenly surprising Wulf, he nearly didn’t hear what she was saying. He lifted his head and looked at her. Her voice had been soft and dejected but her answer gave him hope.

  “You can’t say that, you know that I do everything for you. I live to please you. I should be on patrol right now but I’m here with you.” He placed his hand on her cheek as he spoke. “Look at me, know that what I’m saying to you is the truth,” he pleaded.

  After a minute, she lifted her eyes to his. “You go out on this stake out and I have to stay here all the time. You don’t let me go out. How do I know you are not meeting this woman? I want to believe you but, how can I? My dad also said that he loved me but one day he just left. I never saw him again. My foster parent was supposed to take care of me, but he beat me and locked me up until I had to run away so I wouldn’t be killed by him.” Wulf was listening to her, trying not to react to what she was saying. Who the fuck was this foster parent that had hurt her? “Have you seen her since we have been together?” she queried, her anger rising as she spoke.

  “No. How can you say that? I make love to you basically every day. Do you really think I would have the stamina or even the inclination to go out and fuck someone else after what we share?” he angrily answered.

  “Celmund said that you always came back happy after being with her, that she was expecting … how did he say it? Oh, sexy time. Were you going to meet her knowing that she was expecting to make love to you? What were you going to do if she only gave you the info if you made love to her?” She asked raising her voice in anger, tears were starting to fill her eyes again.

  “Why are you doing this to yourself? Fuck Celmund and his big mouth! He was teasing nothing was going to happen, and I never made love to her, we fucked. Very, very different from what we do. Trust me. I would never jeopardise what we have for sex.” He angrily informed her.

  “How would you feel, if you found out that I was going to meet someone that wanted to have sex with me and I hadn’t said anything to you?” she asked, tears streaking down her face, as she spoke, Wulf had tensed at her words.

  “Just the idea of anyone coming near you with any sexual intentions angers me to such a point that I want to tear someone to pieces!” Wulf warned in a growl.

  “Well then you know how I feel, and I’m hurt knowing that the man I’m with prefers someone else,” she cried, her tears now unchecked down her cheeks. Wulf grabbed her upper arms, bringing her towards him.

  “Listen to me. You are the only woman I want. How can you think that after what we share?” He said bringing her close. He kissed her passionately. He put all his feelings into the kiss until they were both breathless. He stretched her out on the bed, kissing her neck, her eyes, and the tears on her cheeks.

  “Angel, you are the only woman for me, the only woman I have ever loved, the only woman I will ever want, our race only bonds once and it’s for life, I told you this. Once I bonded with you there would never be anyone else for me.” He then went ahead to demonstrate his love to her kissing each breast tenderly suckling her nipples, nipping. Driving her crazy, he lowered his head kissing a path down her stomach until he reached her sex. He opened her legs bringing his thumb down over her clit, he rubbed it gently making her moan in pleasure. Lowering his head using his tongue where his thumb was playing. He used his tongue in such an erotic rotational movement that she nearly came undone.

  “Oh! Oh! Wulf!” she breathed moving her hips to the rhythm of his tongue. He penetrated her tight sheath with his tongue, plunging his tongue in and out to a slow rhythm that was slowly driving her crazy. “Please Wulf, I want you inside of me,” she pleaded. He raised his head looking at her with a hungry look that made her catch her breath.

  “Later, now I want to savour you as you come on my tongue. I will take every drop, then I will start all over again. You will know that I only want you.” He went back down as promised working her over and over, only after she had come undone twice did he climb up her body. Placing himself between her legs, inserting just the head of his penis. He was so hard. If he had to plunge into her hot little furnace now he would orgasm instantly. He stood very still for a minute while he took control of himself.

  He entered her feeling her muscles adjusting to his width, she was so tight. He ground himself to the hilt stopping. “I love you,” he declared, moving them in a slow rhythm. As the tempo changed and he could feel her starting to orgasm once again he pulled out, turning her around, placing he
r on her knees. He stood behind her, entering her sheath. This brought him deeper into her; he bent over her as he plunged over and over bringing them both closer and closer, he brought his mouth to her neck preparing her for his bite. As he sank his fangs into her neck, she came crying out in pleasure. Wulf was so horny that when she started to contract around him and the feeling of her milking him with the taste of her in his mouth threw him over the edge.

  He orgasmed so hard over and over he thought he would lose consciousness. When his body calmed he withdrew from her neck. Laying her on her stomach, he laid down on top of her, still inside. He was still hard. He started moving again in and out ever so slowly building up to another explosion. Wulf made love to her for the rest of the day, only letting her fall asleep in the early hours of the morning. He lay awake, holding her close, never wanting to let her go. He knew that she would still be wary every time he had to go out, but they would work through this. He would not let her doubt her worth to him. She was his world. They both slept the morning away in each other’s arms. Jas was the first to awake, she lay in his arms listening to his heart, her body felt tender and thoroughly loved, and she was tender in places that she didn’t know could feel tender.

  Wulf had made love to her like a man possessed. He had made sure that every part of her was worshipped. Assuring her over and over that he loved her and only her. She believed him, but she didn’t like the idea of him having to meet this Katya woman. Having temptation in the way. What if she threw herself at him, would he be able to resist? The idea of him touching someone else the way he touched her, was enough to drive her crazy. The only way, going forward, was for her to trust in what he said, and to be honest she wanted to believe him. If he ever had to want someone else, she didn’t think she could go on without this man’s touch, without his love. The idea of not seeing him again made her want to tear her hair out in anguish.

  “You awake?” he murmured, stroking her hair.

  “Mmm,” she answered, stretching like a cat. “Argh,” she groaned, all her muscles complained.

  “What’s wrong, was I too rough?”

  Lifting her face, he looked at her. “No, not rough, just thorough. I’ve got aches in places I didn’t even know existed.” Wulf smiled, he felt utterly sated.

  “I don’t think I can lift my carcass off this bed, woman. You used me like a stallion.” Seeing her blush, amazed that she could still be embarrassed after everything that they had shared.

  “No one will doubt how you abused me, when they see how haggard I look.” She laughed, there was nothing haggard about him. He lay flat on his back with one arm behind his head, his muscles looking as if they were sculptured, he was a very handsome specimen. His abs felt like warm steel under her fingers as she drew them over each one. The ink on his body was a work of art; the pattern of the tattoo on his arm like the one on her shoulder, still drew her eye again and again every time she saw him naked. The Elementals tattoo on his chest looked like the wings were moving as he breathed; but what stood out was the Amethyst that he wore against his heart. She had noticed that the stones tones changed with his moods. When he was angry it was a deep colour, when he was calm it was a much lighter and calmer colour.

  “I don’t think that I can get up, my legs still feel like jelly,” she revealed, stretching one to try its sturdiness.

  “You don’t have to, I will carry you to the bath,” he said promptly lifting her off the bed and taking her with him. In the bathroom, he sat her down on the side of the bath as he bent down to fill the bath for her. Lifting her up against his chest he stepped into the bath sitting down with her against him. The water felt so good, she groaned in pleasure. Wulf slowly washed her body, massaging her back, relaxing her. Gently washing her hair, he took his time making sure she was squeaky clean. She could feel this was affecting him, he was hard and pulsing against her hip. She pushed her hand down between them taking him into her grip hearing him groan in pleasure.

  “No Angel, you’re too sore for this,” he said, holding her hand still around his throbbing cock. “Come, let’s get out and get dressed. I will bring you something to eat. You’ve eaten hardly anything for three days.” While Wulf had been talking to her yesterday about anything and everything he had fixed the hinges of the door and moved the furniture back into place. As soon as he was dressed he left to go find them something to eat. When he returned twenty minutes later her stomach growled at the aroma of coffee, toast and eggs.

  “Did you make those?” She had never seen him cook.

  “Of course. I have to know how to take care of my woman.” She smiled, moving towards the bed where he had placed the tray with two plates and the coffee. They sat in silence, enjoying the food.

  “Thank you, those were really good,” she said placing her empty plate back on the tray. Wulf had finished a little while earlier and was now leaning on his elbow, looking up at her and smiling.

  “I’m going out in about two hours to stake out the building. How about we go for a walk in the woods until then?” he asked, taking in her reaction. She had tensed when he said he had to go out, but she nodded, agreeing to go out. He knew that this had shaken her and that it was going to take time; he would have to be patient, there was nothing more important than his woman.

  Chapter 15

  Wulf took the opportunity of asking her about her father and foster parent that she had mentioned while they were arguing, as they walked outside. At first, she was quiet, he thought she wasn’t going to say anything as he could see her reluctance, but after a while looking away from him she started to speak.

  “My mom died at child birth, so it was just my father and me. He worked hard and tried to be with me as much as possible. A year before he left he started drinking heavily and coming late to pick me up at the sitters. One day he just didn’t pick me up anymore. I was eight when I was taken into foster care. The first couple who I was with were friendly and took good care of me until I was twelve and then they noticed the art works I was painting. When I painted my foster mom’s car accident where she was hurt quite badly by a drunk driver, they started to look at me differently and whispered behind my back. Three months after the incident I was integrated back into the system.”

  She was standing next to him looking at the trees, but Wulf could see that she was seeing the past and not what was around them. She had her arms wrapped around herself as if she was cold or to protect her from the memories. He wanted to hold her and try to keep her memories at bay, but he also knew that he had to know about her past, that it was a big part of her insecurities, of her fears.

  “Fred, took me in when I was thirteen. From the beginning, I was wary of him. He used to drink quite a lot and went into rages where he shouted and threw things, but he never hurt me at the time.” A tear slipped down her face at this stage. Wulf could feel his heart constrict and he knew that he wasn’t going to like the rest of this story.

  “The first time I went into a trance at Fred’s, he laughed at me and made fun of what a retard he had got, but two weeks later when the train derailing I had painted happened, he started trying to force me to paint other things, but it doesn’t work like that. I can’t paint when I want to, it just happens. He didn’t understand that and started to beat me and locked me up without food. Then one day a friend of his came to the house. That day I painted a house on fire. Apparently two days later, this friend’s kitchen caught fire and the house was nearly engulfed in flames. This made Fred think that he would be able to make money with my paintings, so he started to bring people to the house. For some I would be able to paint occurrences, but for others I couldn’t. When I couldn’t paint anything, he would get into a rage and beat me. Once he beat me so badly that I had to go in for stitches and a concussion.”

  Wulf was glad that she wasn’t looking at him. He wanted to find this man that had hurt her like this and make him suffer. He could feel his rage growing at her pain. A few times through her recounting he went to hug her but then he held back. He
had to let her finish her story. He had to try to get the fucker’s full name. As soon as he had his name; Fred did not know it yet but he was a dead man.

  “Just before my eighteenth birthday I heard him talk to someone about how he was finally going to make a lot of money with me. That night I ran away. It wasn’t easy but I managed to dodge him for eight months before he found me. I was living on the streets then. I managed to slip away but it was close. After that time, he nearly caught me twice more, but I manged to keep ahead of him. I knew that if he caught me I wouldn’t live long as I wasn’t able to do what he wanted me to do.”

  By now the tears were running down her face. Wulf couldn’t take anymore. He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her head against his chest. He stroked her hair, trying to calm her and drive the memories away. He was also trying to calm himself but he knew the only way he was going to calm down was when he found the weasel and ended his life.

  “What was his last name, Angel?”

  “Fred Steytler,” she whispered. He could feel her shudder at his name. Just the thought of her fear made him want to leave right now and put an end to him. Steytler would feel the pain. The fear that he had made her feel, before he died. Before he left to stake out the building he would ask Celmund to find this Fred Steytler and then he was going to go and pay him a visit.

  “Angel, don’t think about him anymore. I promise he won’t hurt you anymore. Come with me, let me show you the horses.”

  They had been outside for about an hour. Wulf had introduced her to the horses. She was patting one of the horse’s flanks when Wulf tensed, raising his head. After a few seconds, he relaxed. “Draco’s coming,” he said.

  A few minutes later she heard the bike. It still amazed her how good these men’s hearing was. Draco came into view. He was riding such an unusual bike. It was a real beast of a bike but it suited him; full of character. Stopping the bike next to them, he said, “I’m glad to see you two here.” He was smiling, but she noticed that the smile didn’t reach his eyes.


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