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Publication History
Chapter 2 was published in New Political Science. Copyright 2007 Taylor and Francis. Reprinted with permission. New Political Science is available online at http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk.
A portion of chapter 3 was published as "Archive and the Poetics of 'Exotica Tibet,'" in Tibetan Borderlands: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IATS, 2003, ed. P. C. Klieger (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2006). Reprinted with permission.
Chapter 4 is adapted from "The Tibet Question and the West: Issues of Sovereignty, Identity, and Representation," in Contemporary Tibet: Politics, Development, and Society in a Disputed Region, ed. Barry Sautman and June Teufel Dreyer (Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 2006). Reprinted with permission.
Chapter 4 draws on "A Story to Be Told: IR, Postcolonialism, and the Tibetan (Trans)Nationalism," in Power, Postcolonialism, and International Relations: Reading Race, Gender, and Class, ed. G. Chowdhry and S. Nair (London: Routledge, 2002). Reprinted with permission.
Chapter 5 draws on "(Re)Imagining Nationalism: Identity and Representation in Tibetan Diaspora in South Asia," Contemporary South
Asia 9, no. 3 (2000): 271-87, and "Travel-routing Diaspora…: Homing on Tibet," Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 12, no. 3 (2003): 211-29. Reprinted with permission. Contemporary South Asia may be found at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals.
Chapter 6 was previously published as "A Guide to Little Lhasa in India: The Role of Symbolic Geography of Dharamsala in Constituting Tibetan Diasporic Identity," in Tibet, Self, and the Tibetan Diaspora: Voices of Difference, ed. P. C. Klieger (Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers, 2002). Reprinted with permission.
subjectivity and,
American foreign policy,
American social science: international relations as,
Amin, S.,
ancient Greeks,
archive; Shangri-La as Utopian,
Aris, M.,
autonomy, xviii,; real,; suzerainty and,. See also Chinese suzerainty-Tibetan autonomy formula
Bell, C.,
Blavatsky, Madame H.,
Bogle, G.,
Bradley, H.,
British expedition of Tibet of 1903-4,; Younghusband's account of the,.
See also Invasion of Tibet, British; Tibet mission of 1903-4; Younghusband expedition
British expedition of Tibet of 1922-23,
British imperialism;
and Tibet, xviii
Brown, C.
spread in the West
See also Tibetan
Buddhism Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism,
The, Butler, J.
See also performativity Buzan, B.,
Campbell, D.,
Candler, E.,
Chan, S.,
Chapman, F. S.,
Chinese nationalism,
Chinese representations of Tibet
Chinese suzerainty-Tibetan
autonomy formula,
Chos srid gnyis Idan (religion and politics combined),. See also religion and politics
Christian missionaries
civilizing, imperialism as
Clapham, C.,
Clifford, J.,
Clinton, B.,
Cold War, xv,
constructionist theories,
Cultural Revolution,
cultural turn,
Curzon, Lord,
Daily Mail
Dalai Lama;
dual role as religious as well as political leader;
and the emphasis on preservation of culture;
the figure of,; Hein-rich Harrer and,; Nobel Prize,; Shugden affair,; as a symbol of peace; as a symbol of Tibetan nation; and Tashi Lama
(Panchen Lama)
Tibetan government-in-exile, led by, xiv, xix
Dalai Lama, Fifth
Dalai Lama, Fourteenth
Dalai Lama, Thirteenth
Dalby, S.,
Darby, P.
Das, S. C.,
David-Neel, A.
Davidson, L.
Deasy, H. H. P.
debasement, xvii,
deconstruct/deconstructive/ deconstruction,
Desideri, Ippolito,
Dharamsala, xix,
diaspora, xv-xviii; Tibetan,
antidisciplinarity, xiv, discipline: IR as,
Discovery of America, The,
Doty, R., xv,
Dreyfus, G.,
Du Halde, P. J. B.,
East India Company,
Ekvall, R. A.,
eroticization, xvii,
ism and,
See also strategic essentialism
ethnocentrism, xv, xvii,
Evans-Wentz, W. Y.,
exile: conscious adoption of the term,;
cultural survival of Tibetan identity in,;
Dalai Lama in,;
homeland and,;
nationalism among Tibetans in,;
Tibetans in,
feminism,; as critical IR theory,
Forbidden City,
Foreign Office,
Forman, H.,
Foucault, M.,
Free Tibet,
Ganden monastery,
Gere, R.,
Goldstein, M. C.,
Great Game, xv,
Grenard, F.,
Grueber and D'Orville,
Grunfeld, T.,
Guru massacre,
Gyatso, Palden,
Harrer, H.,
Harris, C.,
Hastings, W.,
Hedin, S., hierarchization,
Hillary, E.,
Hilton, J.,
Hobsbawm, E.,
Hoffman, S.,
Holsti, K. J., 2
homeland,; diaspora and,; return to,; Tibetan,
146; unified/original Tibetan,
Hopkirk, P.,
Huber, T.,
human rights,;
Dalai Lama and,;
as a tool, xvi,;
violation in
Tibet, Hunt, M.,
idealization, xvii,
; Tibet's,
imagining community,
imperialism, xviii,; and
IR, xv,;
and Orientalism,; and postcolonialism,; and representation of the non-Western
Other,; Western,
India and Tibet,
infanitilization, xvii,
instrumentalist-primordialist debate,
International Commission of Jurists,
International Studies Quarterly,
invasion of Tibet, British,
. See also British expedition of Tibet of 1903-4
invasion of Tibet, Chinese
Kabbani, R.,
Kapstein, M. K.,
Kawaguchi, Ekai,
Kibreab, G., 126
Kim and Kim,
Kipling, R.,. See also Kim and
Klein, B. S.,
Klieger, P. C.,
Knaus, J. K.,
Knight, G. E.,
Kolas, A.,
Korom, F. J.,
Krishna, S.,
Lamaism, 45, 47, 48, 81, 144
Lamaist state,
Lamb, A.,
land of snows,
Landon, P.,
Lhasa,; government of,; Lamas of,; monks of,; protests,; race for,. See also "Little Lhasa in India" Lhasa and its Mysteries, Lhasa Convention,
Little, R.,
"Little Lhasa in India,"
See also Dharamsala; McLeod
Gunj Lonely Planet,
Lopez, D.,
Lost Horizon,
Macdonald, D.,
Malkki, L.,
Manning, T., 26, 53 Marco Polo, 38-39 masculinity, 28, 137 Mathiessen, P., 59
McClintock, A.,
McGranahan, C.,
McLeod Gunj,
. See also
Dharamsala medieval,
Millington, P.,
Moran, P.,
Mount Everest,
Murdoch, Rupert,
Neumann, I.,
New Age,
New Internationalist,
New York Times,
Noel, Captain J.,
Norbu, J.,
Norbulingka Institute,
Norgay, T.,
Nowak, M.,
O'Connor, W. F.,
Old Tibet,
Orientalism, xviii,
; Tibet and,
Panchen Lama,
patron-client relations,
patron-priest relations,
political and ethnographic Tibet,
preservation ethos
preservation of culture
primitive Buddhism,
pro-Tibet lobby,
See also Save Tibet
Rampa, T. L.,
Rawling, Captain Cecil,
; as a term,
religion and politics, See also Chos srid gnyis Idan
representational strategies, xvii,. See also strategies of representation
Richardson, H.,
Riencourt, A., de.,
Rockhill, W. W.,
romantic paternalism,
"rooftop of the world,"
roots and routes,
Rosenau, J.,
Said, E.,
Samuel, G.,
Sandberg, G.,
Save Tibet,
See also pro-
Tibet lobby Scott, D.,
Segal, S.,
self-determination,; right to,
Seventeen Point Agreement (1951),
Seven Years in Tibet,
Shakya, T.,
James Hilton and,; myth of,;
Tibetans as prisoners of,
Shaumian, T.,
Sheffer, G.,
Simla Talks,
Sino-Indian relations, xv,
Sino-Western relations, xv
Smith, A.,
Smith, S.,
Snow Leopard, The,
Snyder, R. S.,
sovereignty, xvi, xviii,
Sperling, E.,
Spivak, G. C.,
stereotyping, xvii,
Strasbourg Proposal,
strategic essentialism
strategies of representation,
See also representational strategies
Tibetan, xv,
suzerainty, xvi, xviii,
Sylvester, C.
Tashi Lama,
See also
Teshoo Lama Teshoo Lama,
also Tashi Lama
Thargyal, R.
third debate, xiv
Third Eye, The,
Thurman, R. A. F.,
Tibetan Books of the Dead, The,
Tibetan Buddhism,
; comparison with classical Buddhism,; as idealized Buddhism, 49; as impure Buddhism
Tibetan Review,
Tibet mission of 1903-4
. See also British expedition of Tibet of 1903-4
Tibet question
Tibet support groups
Tintin in Tibet,
truth claims,
Tsering, L.
Turner, S.,
UN General Assembly, 82, 133 UN Security Council
Unveiling of Lhasa
Venturino, S.,r />
"victimisation paradigm,"
Waddell, L. A.
Waever, O.,
Ward, F. K.,
Weldes, J.,
Wellby, M. S.,
white man's burden,
Willoughby, M. E.,
Wilson, A.,
Wolff, Joesph,
Younghusband expedition, See also British expedition of
Tibet of 1903-4
Zizek, S.
David Campbell and Michael J. Shapiro, series editors
Volume 30 Dibyesh Anand, Geopolitical Exotica: Tibet in Western Imagination
Volume 29 Prem Kumar Rajaram and Carl Grundy-Warr, editors, Borderscapes: Hidden Geographies and Politics at Territory's Edge
Volume 28 Louiza Odysseos, The Subject of Coexistence: Otherness in International Relations
Volume 27 Denise Ferreira da Silva, Toward a Global Idea of Race
Volume 26 Matthew Sparke, In the Space of Theory: Postfoundational Geographies of the Nation-State
Volume 25 Roland Bleiker, Divided Korea: Toward a Culture of Reconciliation
Volume 24 Marieke de Goede, Virtue, Fortune, and Faith: A Genealogy of Finance
Volume 23 Himadeep Muppidi, The Politics of the Global
Volume 22 William A. Callahan, Contingent States: Greater China and Transnational Relations
Volume 21 Allaine Cerwonka, Native to the Nation: Disciplining Landscapes and Bodies in Australia
Volume 20 Simon Dalby, Environmental Security
Volume 19 Cristina Rojas, Civilization and Violence: Regimes of Representation in Nineteenth-Century Colombia
Volume 18 Mathias Albert, David Jacobson, and Yosef Lapid, editors, Identities, Borders, Orders: Rethinking International Relations Theory
Volume 17 Jenny Edkins, Whose Hunger? Concepts of Famine, Practices of Aid
Volume 16 Jennifer Hyndman, Managing Displacement: Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism
Volume 15 Sankaran Krishna, Postcolonial Insecurities: India, Sri Lanka, and the Question of Nationhood
Volume 14 Jutta Weldes, Mark Laffey, Hugh Gusterson, and Raymond Duvall, editors, Cultures of Insecurity: States, Communities, and the Production of Danger
Volume 13 Frangois Debrix, Re-Envisioning Peacekeeping: The United Nations and the Mobilization of Ideology
Volume 12 Jutta Weldes, Constructing National Interests: The United States and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Geopolitical Exotica Page 22