Unicorn Truth (Valentine Pride Book 3)

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Unicorn Truth (Valentine Pride Book 3) Page 8

by Laura Greenwood

  With a sigh, I stepped forward, making my way through the huge front doors and into the academy. A small part of me would have preferred it if one of my parents was still with me, but the other part realized that was the quickest way to ensure that I ended up without any friends here. No one wanted to be that person.

  Especially not at eighteen. The humans would’ve considered me an adult, but paranormal education continued on to twenty-one, at a minimum.

  The halls were surprisingly quiet, almost as if the place was deserted. I checked my watch. Ten past nine. I supposed that would probably mean that the students were all in class. Maybe that was why no one was around. At least I was on time for my meeting with the headmaster.

  I followed the instructions I'd been sent on the email, traveling through the academy and trying not to let the fired sconces intimidate me as their shadows danced against the stone walls. I'd heard that this place kept things traditional, but I hadn't realized it was quite this severe. At least they used email and the internet.

  Turning into a corridor to the left, I breathed a sigh of relief to see the word headmaster scrawled across the door at the very end. I quickened my pace, hoping he'd see me sooner and not later. My appointment was technically at nine-thirty, and I didn't look forward to sitting around for twenty minutes waiting for him. That was a quick way to fry my nerves.

  I knocked on the door as soon as I reached it. Part of me wanted to run away from the whole situation, but that wouldn't get me the education I needed.

  "Come in," a woman's voice called.

  I frowned. Here was me thinking that Headmaster Ian Schmidt was a man. Even so, I pushed the door open and found myself in a small reception room.

  Ah. That made sense.

  "Hi, I'm Ta—uh, Lou Davidson..." I trailed off. I should have practiced this more.

  The woman smiled at me. "Take a seat, Miss Davidson, the headmaster will be ready for you in a moment." She pressed a button on her desk as she said it and my heart beat faster. Hopefully, that would just alert the man that I was there, and not call in a security detail to escort me from the premises. That would be just my luck.

  The other door in the room swung open, and a portly man in his forties beckoned me in.

  "Sit down, Miss Davidson, let me grab your file." He took it off the pile on his desk and sat down in his chair, gesturing for me to do the same.

  "Thanks," I muttered, trying not to let the nerves show. I didn't know if it would do anything bad if he knew I was feeling anxious, but a big part of me just didn't want him to know.

  "I've been following your parents' research papers for years," he told me. "They're fascinating people."

  "Yes." I didn't engage him further. I'd spent my whole life with people talking to me about how much they loved my parents and what they did. It got kind of boring after a while.

  "Are you looking to specialize in Zoomagology too?"


  "What are you more interested in?"

  "Plants," I admitted quietly. "And I'm good with them."

  "Magical botany then?"

  I nodded. It wasn't something I'd ever told my parents about, scared they'd be unhappy with me spending more time with plants than with animals. But it was also something I was certain of. I'd always had a little bit of green fingers, and I wanted to make the most of it.

  "Ah, good. We have an after school club, the Greenies, you'll want to join. They have a prize show coming up towards the end of the year, and they'd do well to have someone with your knowledge on the team."

  "My knowledge?" I squeaked. What did he know? Was he some kind of clairvoyant?

  "From your entrance exam." He tapped the file he was holding.

  "Oh." That made sense. I'd almost forgotten about that. It had been a fairly easy exam for me. I might have been taught from home, but my parents had done a good job of making sure my education had been thorough.

  He handed me a bunch of papers and tapped the top of it. "There's information about all the extra-curricular activities in there. None of them are compulsory, but we do encourage our students to take part in at least one."

  "Okay." I nodded, already feeling a little overwhelmed. Maybe this wasn't a good idea at all.

  "There's also your class schedule and a map of the academy. Your dorm is clearly marked. You'll be sharing with two of our best students, Estelle Ford and Taylor Michaels. My secretary should have just gone to get them so they can show you around."

  "Thank you." Meeting people already? This was officially the worst day ever. I'd hoped to have gotten my bearings before having to make small talk with other students.

  "Attendance matters here. As does following the rules. You'll find those in there too. One of the most important is no drinking on campus. We know that students are going to want to, but we don't condone it here at all."

  "Alright." I wasn't a big drinker anyway and suspected I would end up a lightweight if I even tried.

  "Boys aren't allowed in the girls' dormitory and vice versa. There are spells in place to stop that kind of sneaking around."

  I gulped and nodded. Was that the kind of thing I'd have to deal with now?

  "Excellent. I think that covers everything I have to say. If you go through the doors there, you should find your new dorm mates waiting. They'll show you where to go. The three of you are expected in class at ten."

  "Thank you." I rose to my feet and scraped my chair back, eager to get out of there but not so that I could spend time with people I didn't know. I just wanted to be away from the headmaster.

  He didn't say a word as I exited the room and found myself back into the reception room.

  "Ah, Miss Davidson. May I introduce Estelle Ford and Taylor Michaels, they'll be showing you around the academy." The secretary gestured to two seated students.

  They rose to their feet.

  "I'm Estelle, this is Taylor," the first one said. She looked the furthest thing from an Estelle I could imagine. She was small and dainty, with a punky look completed by pink and black striped hair and a nose ring. Nope, nothing like I'd have expected an Estelle to look like.

  "Hey." Taylor's voice was deep, husky. Dirty blonde hair fell in front of her face. Well, I assumed she was a she. After all, we were sharing a dorm and that must mean she was female. Probably. If she said she was a she, then she would be. I nearly snickered at the silly rhyme in my head.

  "Your stuff is already in the room," Estelle said.

  "Yes. My parents sent it ahead," I responded needlessly.

  "Come on, we'll show you where it is." Taylor turned and walked out the door, followed by Estelle. They waited for me in the hall, whispering to each other.

  I paused for a moment, though I wasn't sure what I was waiting for. Maybe for the secretary to actually say something.

  When she didn't, I trudged out of the room behind the two other students, already questioning what I'd done in deciding to come here. This could either be the best or the worst decision of my life. I hoped it was the former, but feared it might be the latter.

  Only time would tell.

  Get your copy of Magical Mischief here: http://books2read.com/magicalmischief

  Other Series by L.A. Boruff

  The Unseen War (Paranormal Reverse Harem): https://laboruff.com/books/unseen/

  War of Fangs http://www.books2read.com/WoFangs

  War of Fire http://www.books2read.com/WoFire

  War of Wings http://www.books2read.com/WoWings

  Coven’s End (Complete Paranormal Reverse Harem co-write with Lia Davis): https://laboruff.com/books/ce/

  Kane http://www.books2read.com/CovenKane

  Voss http://www.books2read.com/CovenVoss

  Quin http://www.books2read.com/CovenQuin

  Jillian http://www.books2read.com/CovenJillian

  Academy’s Rise (Paranormal Reverse Harem co-write with Lia Davis): https://laboruff.com/books/ar/

  Hell Fire http://www.books2read.com/AR1

  Dark Water http://ww

  Dead Air http://www.books2read.com/AR3

  Valentine Pride (Complete Paranormal Reverse Harem co-write with Laura Greenwood): https://laboruff.com/books/valentine/

  Unicorn Mates http://www.books2read.com/Leola1

  Unicorn Luck http://www.books2read.com/Leola2

  Unicorn Truth http://www.books2read.com/Leola3

  A Platypus and Her Mates http://www.books2read.com/Platypus1

  Magic and Metaphysics Academy (Paranormal Academy Reverse Harem co-write with Laura Greenwood)

  Magical Mischief: http://books2read.com/magicalmischief

  Magical Mistake: http://books2read.com/magicalmistake

  The Firehouse Feline (Paranormal Comedic Reverse harem co-write with Laura Greenwood and Lacey Carter Andersen): https://laboruff.com/books/the-firehouse-feline/

  Feline the Heat: http://www.books2read.com/FirehouseCat1

  Feline the Flames *coming soon

  Southern Soil (Sweet Contemporary Reverse Harem): https://laboruff.com/books/southernsoil/

  Literary Yours http://www.books2read.com/LiteraryYours

  Snow Cure http://www.books2read.com/SnowCure

  About L.A. Boruff

  L.A. (Lainie) Boruff lives in East Tennessee with her husband, three children, and an ever growing number of cats. She loves reading, watching TV, and procrastinating by browsing Facebook. L.A.’s passions include vampires, food, and listening to heavy metal music. She once won a Harry Potter trivia contest based on the books and lost one based on the movies. She has two bands on her bucket list that she still hasn’t seen: AC/DC and Alice Cooper. Feel free to send tickets.

  Also by Laura Greenwood

  Books in the Paranormal Council Universe

  The Paranormal Council Series (shifter romance, completed series)

  The Dryad’s Pawprint (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/thedryadspawprint

  The Vixen’s Bark (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/thevixensbark

  The Necromancer’s Prey (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/thenecromancersprey

  The Vampire’s Bite: http://books2read.com/thevampiresbite

  The Witch’s Stripes: http://books2read.com/thewitchsstripes

  The Paranormal Council Boxed Set: http://books2read.com/theparanormalcouncil

  Fated Seasons: Winter (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  Saving Eira (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/savingeira

  Reigning Eira: http://books2read.com/reigningeira

  Fated Seasons: Spring (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem)

  Chasing Aledwen (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/chasingaledwen

  Thornheart Coven (witch romance)

  Witch’s Potion (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/witchspotion

  Witch’s Spark (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/witchsspark

  Blessed (paranormal post-apocalyptic)

  Wolf Blessed (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/wolfblessed

  Fae Blessed (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/faeblessed

  Elf Blessed: http://books2read.com/elfblessed

  Paranormal Criminal Investigations (paranormal mystery reverse harem)

  Spell Caster (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/spellcaster

  MatchMater Paranormal Dating App (paranormal romance)

  Reluctant Dragon Mate: http://books2read.com/reluctantdragonmate

  Bewitched Incubus Mate: http://books2read.com/bewitchedincubusmate

  Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe (each story stands alone)

  Frost’s Forfeit (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/frostsforfeit

  Death’s Choice: http://books2read.com/deathschoice

  Stories From the Paranormal Council Universe Collection: http://books2read.com/pcstories

  Blood & Deceit (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/bloodanddeceit

  A Touch of Necromancy: Six Tales of Necromancers: http://books2read.com/atouchofnecromancy

  Books in the Obscure World

  Ashryn Barker Trilogy (urban fantasy, completed series)

  Shattered Illusions (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/shatteredillusions

  Broken Illusions (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/brokenillusions

  Tarnished Illusions (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/tarnishedillusions

  The Ashryn Barker Trilogy Boxed Set (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/ashrynbarker

  Grimalkin Academy: Kittens (paranormal academy romance)

  First Time’s A Charm: http://books2read.com/firsttimesacharm

  Second Time’s A Curse: http://books2read.com/secondtimesacurse

  Third Time’s A Crime: http://books2read.com/thirdtimesacrime

  Grimalkin Academy: Catacombs (paranormal academy romance)

  Catching A Vampire: http://books2read.com/catchingavampire

  Catching A Wizard: http://books2read.com/catchingawizard

  Books in the Forgotten Gods World

  Consorts of the Goddess Trilogy (paranormal/mythology romance)

  Quest of the Goddess: http://books2read.com/questofthegoddess

  Standalones in the Forgotten Gods World (paranormal/mythology romance)

  Protectors of Poison (Zodiac Shifters) (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/protectorsofpoison

  Priestess of Truth (Zodiac Shifters Short Story): http://books2read.com/priestessoftruth

  Daughter of the Sun (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/daughterofthesun

  Servant of Chaos: http://books2read.com/servantofchaos

  Other Books

  Untold Tales (urban fantasy fairy tales)

  Balanced Scales: http://books2read.com/balancedscales

  Golden Wings: http://books2read.com/goldenwings

  ME Contemporary Standalones (contemporary romance)

  Sweet About Me (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/sweetaboutme

  Kneel For Me (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/kneelforme

  Heard From Me (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/heardfromme

  Laid By Me: http://books2read.com/laidbyme

  If The Shoe Fits (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/iftheshoefits

  ME Collection Volume One: http://books2read.com/mevol1

  Rats: Tori (steampunk one shot stories, completed series)

  Ruler of Rats: http://books2read.com/rulerofrats

  Collector of Rats: http://books2read.com/collectorofrats

  Yuletide of Rats: http://books2read.com/yuletideofrats

  Rats: Tori Collection: http://books2read.com/ratstori


  Permission to Breathe Denied (dystopian, Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/permissiontobreathedenied

  Glass Heart (urban fantasy, Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/glassheart

  Reaper (fantasy romance, Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/animareaper

  Co-Written Books

  Twin Souls Trilogy, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance, completed series)

  Soulswap (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/soulswap

  Soulshift: http://books2read.com/soulshift

  Soultrade: http://books2read.com/soultrade

  Twin Souls Trilogy Boxed Set: http://books2read.com/twinsoulstrilogy

  Dragon Soul Series, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal)

  Torn Soul (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/tornsoul

  Bound Soul: http://books2read.com/boundsoul

  The Renegade Dragons Series, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal)

  Fifth Soul (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/fifthsoul

  Fifth Round (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/fifthround

  Fifth Flame: (Audiobook Available) http://books2read.com/fifthflame

  Renegade Dragons Boxed Set (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/renegadedragons

>   Vampire For Hire, co-written with Arizona Tape (paranormal romance/mystery)

  Fangs For Nothing: http://books2read.com/fangsfornothing

  What The Fangs: http://books2read.com/whatthefangs

  Seven Wardens, co-written with Skye MacKinnon (paranormal/fantasy reverse harem, completed series)

  From the Deeps (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/fromthedeeps

  Into the Mists (Audiobook Available): http://books2read.com/intothemists

  Beneath the Earth: http://books2read.com/bte

  Within the Flames: http://books2read.com/wtf

  Above the Waves: http://books2read.com/atw

  Under the Ice: http://books2read.com/uti

  Rule the Dark: http://books2read.com/rtd

  Beyond the Loch (series prequel): http://books2read.com/btl

  Through the Storms (to be read between From the Deeps & Into the Mists): http://books2read.com/tts-sw

  Below the Baubles (to be read between Above the Waves & Under the Ice)

  Seven Wardens Boxed Set: Books 1-4: http://books2read.com/sw1

  Seven Wardens Boxed Set: Books 5-7: http://books2read.com/sw2


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