The Dark Streets

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The Dark Streets Page 7

by Matthew Smith

  “Well the Blue Brotherhood is taking over they’re turf and that Axe Man has been threatening the 47’s.” I wrote that down and put my notepad away,

  “You certainly have a lot of information on the inner workings of the 47’s, you a member?” He shook his head,

  “No but I have family in the gang though.”

  “Like who?”

  “The leader is Lucas Grant, he's my dad's brother's oldest son, so in short he's my cousin, he's a different kind of person, when we were seven he told me he would start his own gang and run the streets of Chicago and make a real change to the city, he was my only friend when I was kid, we were like the Dukes of Hazzard and then we grew up and split apart, I went to college and well... he accomplished his childhood dream and actually was able to get junkies to follow him and created his own gang The 47's they stared off by doing petty theft, then grand theft auto and drug smuggling and trafficking and gun smuggling and trafficking and even gambling and alcohol smuggling and trafficking, the gang quickly had the other gangs fuming and well Lucas, knocked them all down and has been top dog of the city for years until this cult came back and have been making moves against Lucas.” I nodded,

  “I see, so does Lucas know where they are located?" He chuckled,

  “Fuck no! That’s why he’s pissed right now.”

  “Do you think you could take me to him? We need all the help we can take and I could help him as well, you’ve met Stake, you know I’m not lying and you could even help and Stake and I will help you and you’ve already agreed with Stake anyways.” He smiled and took a cigarette out and lit it and puffed on it and blew the smoke towards me,

  “Can I atleast have a smoke?”

  “Well you kinda already lit it, so I have no say in the matter.” He took another puff and smirked at me,

  “If I am as important and strong as you say I am, you can wait for me.” I nodded and he took another puff,

  “True but Drogoth is slowly killing our Dimension as we speak and if that happens, no more smokes forever!” He sighed and put it out,

  “Fine but you owe me a smoke, I only took two puffs off of that one!” I chuckled,

  "When this is all over said and done with, I’ll buy you a whole carton.” He smiled,

  “I’ll hold you to that Jack, I’ll be right back.” He walked away into his bedroom and I stood up and after a while he came back and he was dressed in different clothes and he had a gun in a holster at his hip,

  “I presume you have extra ammo, right?” He nodded and cocked his gun and put it back in his holster,

  “Of course, always gotta be prepared!” He got his shoes on and we walked out into the hallway and he closed his door behind us and locked it and we started walking down the hallway towards the elevator and we reached it and I pressed the call button, the elevator doors opened and we walked into the elevator. I pressed the main floor button, and the elevator doors closed and the elevator started going down,

  “I forgot to say, before I came here I was travelling with my girlfriend, her name is Willow, we came across one of the members of the Blue Brotherhood, I knew and trusted her, so I let my guard and so did Stake and they took off us guard and knocked me and Willow out and they kidnapped her and took her back to their hideout but thankfully she’s tougher than they thought, because she escaped the cage they put her in and know she’s exploring their hideout gathering intel, until I can locate her and take them down and rescue her.” The elevator stopped and the doors opened and we walked out of the elevator and we started walking towards the front door of Tony’s apartment,

  “Jack I'm so sorry to hear your girlfriend got kidnapped but we'll find her I swear and we’ll make those fuckers pay!” We reached the exit and opened the doors, “so do you have a set of wheels because I'm not really down to walk everywhere like this is The Lord of the Rings or some shit.” I nodded,

  “Yeah this way, follow me.” We started walking towards the parking garage where I parked my truck at. We reached the truck and Tony looked at the broken window and then he looked at the wires,

  “I have a strange feeling you didn't forget your keys home... did you?” I shook my head,

  “No not exactly, I may have cashed in my five finger discount to get it.” He started laughing,

  “I think I'm starting to like you Jack.” We got in and buckled our seatbelts in, and I turned the truck on and started driving out of the parking garage and down the street towards the 47's turf.

  “You know Tony, you’re not so bad of a person as well, I have to tell you something that I might as well say now before it's too late and I have a gun pointed to my head, I honestly thought you were hiding something but I know you don't after talking with this much.” He looked at me and smiled,

  “You know Jack, you're the first person since Elizabeth that actually has trusted me this much, so i’m with you and Stake to find these fuckers that took your girl and add some light to these dark streets!”

  Chapter Nine

  After a while of drinking through the city, we reached the 47's turf,

  “We’re here, this is all the 47’s’ turf and it all could taken at anytime by the Blue Brotherhood and by the Axe Man, so even during the day keep your eye out, the police don’t com here that often, so this part of the city is like a warzone but that’s because the 47’s police this part of the city, people think the Blue Brotherhood, is the mayors way of dealing with the gangs in the city by killing, the people and gangs in those parts of the city.” I nodded,

  “I can see why people believe that, the mayor and the rest of the city have just completely turned their back on this part of the city, how far are we?” Tony chuckled,

  “You'll know, trust me just follow the graffiti.” I nodded and saw the graffiti Tony was talking about, as I was driving I looked around and saw the homeless people sitting on the streets and the condition of the streets,

  "I’ve seen war torn countries look better than this, this is just sad!" Tony chuckled,

  "Now you see why gangs like the 47’s that are here to actually help people, need to stay, they help build up communities." I nodded,

  “Yeah my father has said the same to me a long time ago.” Tony chuckled and smiled,

  “Well your father was a smart man, my cousin liked him, he was my cousin counsellor and sponsor when he became sober and found God, mind you he’s not sober anymore but God is still with him.” Tony pointed at an abandoned warehouse, “there it is!” I turned into a parking lot across the street from the warehouse and I turned the truck off and we unbuckled our seatbelts and we got out of the truck and we started walking towards the warehouse. We reached the front door and Tony knocked on the door which had a mail slit on it in the middle of the door, the mail slit opened,

  “Who are you?”

  “It’s me Tony Brooks I'm here to see my cousin, my friend Jack Darring wants to speak to him about helping with the problem with the Blue Brotherhood, they messed with him, they kidnapped his girl and knocked him out.”

  “Okay hold on.” The man closed the slit,

  “I hope they don’t take long, how long do they take?” Tony shrugged,

  “It’s different for everyone, they’ll let you know.” Just then the slit opened,

  “You may enter.” The guy behind the door unlocked and opened it, we walked in. We saw gangbangers smoking, drinking and playing darts and pool. The place smelled like smoke and marijuana, the smoke was so thick you could see it in the air, “Lucas is waiting for you upstairs.” We walked up the stairs on our right and opened the only door we saw at the top of the stairs, a man was sitting on a chair behind a desk,

  “Hey cuz, been a while since you’ve graced your presence here, it’s a pleasure.” He gets up and gives Tony a hug and and sat back down,

  “Hey Lucas, and yes it’s been too long and how's life treating you these days?” Lucas smiled,

  “Life has been good except for those Blue Brotherhood fuckers still trying to take down my
fucking business! Other than that though it’s been good.” Tony smiled,

  “Sounds like you could use a hand or maybe two or three?”

  “Well not that I really want to admit it, but I do need some extra help but what is the catch cuz?” Tony pointed at me,

  “That’s where my friend here Jack comes in, he’ll tell you.” Lucas looked at me and I looked at him,

  “Well we have a common enemy and well the three of us are an unstoppable force that anyone wants on their side and our Dimension is at stake, our very existence is at stake.” Lucas looked around,

  “Umm there’s only two of you here not three of you.” Just then Stake appeared in front of him. Lucas looked at me then back at Tony,

  “You saw that too right!?” Me and Tony nodded our heads,

  “Hello Lucas I am Stake, I’m a Morpher from the Ether Dimension and your cousin and my friend Jack here are telling you the truth, your existence is at stake, my brother Drogoth is working with your enemy, the Blue Brotherhood, to merge all the Dimensions into a One Dimension Universe.”

  "What are you talking about?" Tony looked at Lucas,

  “Basically life is made up of two Energies, Principle and Nepharia and there is this virus called the Darkness, it is actually fused with my Principle and Nepharia. Jack and Stake are observing it because me and Stake’s brother are the only two living creatures that have fused our Energies with the Darkness and the Darkness manipulates the host’s brain and drives them insane and evil except me, I’m immune, I may be the key to stopping the Darkness, well not me but my immunity might be, but I can control and use this Darkness fused with my Energies to my advantage. Drogoth is slowly killing the dimensions by fusing all the Dimensions Energies with the Darkness.” Lucas slowly nodded his head,

  “I don’t fully understand it but I get that life is in danger and the Blue Brotherhood is involved and I knew they were up to no good, I’ll help but on two conditions.”

  “What exactly is that cuz?” Lucas stood up,

  "I have a plan, I've been sitting on this plan for sometime, if I agree, we follow my plan.” I looked at him,

  “Deal and what is the other condition?”

  “You need to join the 47’s” me and Tony looked at one another and then back at Lucas,

  “Are you being serious?” Lucas nodded,

  “If you want mine and my 47’s’ help, then you need to become a 47 yourself.” I looked at Tony,

  “I mean he’s your cousin, do you trust him?” Tony looked at Lucas and then back at me and nodded,

  “Yes I do, I will join.” He looked at me,

  “What about you Jack?” I nodded,

  “Yes, we need to stop Drogoth at all costs!” Lucas smiled,

  “Okay good guys, well it's getting late, tomorrow we can do the whole initiation for you guys and we'll discuss the plan further, I'll have Maria bring you to your rooms, Maria!” Just then a mexican girl, with a denim vest and jean shorts that just barely covered her ass walked to the room where we were and walked to the left hand side of Lucas,

  “Yes Lucas my darling?”

  “Show these fine gentlemen to their rooms.” She looked at Tony and then she looked at me, with her green eyes, she gave me a seducing smile,

  “With pleasure, follow me boys… how are you little brother?” Tony looked at her,

  “I’m doing good, I see you're still the gang bitch.” She slapped him in the face,

  “You know what Tony, fuck you and you’re just jealous because I am doing something with my life and I enjoy it and so do other men.” He put his hand on her shoulder,

  “Okay, okay, jesus I’m sorry Maria.” She smiled at him,

  “It’s okay Tony, I forgive you Tony.” She turned around and started walking down the hallway and we followed her, Tony looked at me,

  “She’s a loose cannon man, she can start a war, I fucking swear man, she’s fucking Helen of Troy man!” She walked us down the stairs and we were in the main room we first entered, there was only a handful gangbangers left, smoking cigarettes, meth and marijuana and drinking, she led us into a hallway, and she opened the first door on the left,

  “This is your room, little brother.” Tony looked at me,

  “Looks like we’re one step closer to getting your girl back bro.” I nodded, Tony walked into his room and closed the door. Maria led me down the hallway, she stopped at the second last room and opened the door,

  “And this is your room.”

  “Thanks, Maria.” She walked away and I walked into the room,

  “Hey Jack, looks like you’ve met some colorful characters?" I nodded,

  “Hello Stake and yes I have, me and Tony have become members of his cousin's gang, he has a plan to attack the Blue Brothers, I don’t know if he knows where they are located yet though, but we are using his plan of attack, with Tony and the 47’s and me and you, your brother should not stand a chance against us.”

  “I wouldn’t count my brother out just yet, he could have a trick up his sleeve and I’m afraid he might, as I still haven’t been able to fully locate him since he found out I was on trail and we don’t have all the mysteries solved yet, we still need to find out who the Axe Man is, be careful Jack and see you later.” I nodded,

  “Okay thanks Stake, I’ll be careful and see you later.” He disappeared and I then laid down on the bed in the room and fell asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  I woke up and I got up off the bed. I then hear a knock at the door and I opened it and I see Tony on the other side,

  “Good morning Jack, Lucas is waiting to discuss his plan with us... By the way, did you… You know, do it with Maria?” I shook my head,

  “No I didn’t, I love Willow.” He patted my shoulder,

  “Congrats! You did what most men could not.” I gave him a questionable look,

  “What's that?” He smiled at me,

  “Well, you resisted my sister’s seducing looks."

  I was going to ask about that, so she’s your sister eh?” He smiled,

  "Yes she is, She's actually my step sister... Her dad married my mom that’s why she’s something to stare at and I’m something not even a blind woman wants to look at." I laughed,

  “Well you aren’t lying there.” He punched me in the arm,

  “Shut up!” We walked into Lucas' office,

  “Take a seat guys.” We sat down in front of Lucas,

  “So what's this grand plan of yours?” Do you even know where their hideout is?” Lucas shook his head,

  “Well no not really, but I know someone who might and that’s where this plan starts.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me Lucas you don’t have a fucking plan!?” Lucas looked at Tony,

  “Would you fucking calm down! Jack would you tell him to calm down, there’s more to it than that if you let me finish.” I looked at Tony,

  “Calm down Tony, let him finish.” Tony stopped,

  “Okay, okay go ahead Lucas.”

  "Well you're not going to like the person I know where the Blue Brotherhood are.”

  “Why’s that? Who is it?”

  “Well it's Mark Thompson.”

  “You gotta be fucking kdding me Lucas, of all the people, him!?” I looked at Tony,

  “Who's Mark Thompson exactly?”

  “He was an old friend of mine in high school. We hung out all the time... after high school, when I went to college, we stopped hanging out but after my first semester. On my summer break, I went back home and we met up and we hung out again, like no time has passed at all. He was the one that got me into drugs, around this time is when I dropped out of college and he led me down the bad path... but after a while me and him became hostile towards each other, we would fight each other just to hurt one another, one time, he almost killed me, shortly after that he joined up with the Blue Knights... so yeah I guess if anyone knows where the Blue Brotherhood are hiding, it'd be him.” I looked at Lucas,

  “Do you at least know where he
is?” ,

  “Yes I do.” Me and Tony nodded,

  “Okay good.”

  “So are you coming with us cuz?” Lucas shook his head,

  “No, Maria is going with you guys, she’s has a personal touch on this outing.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “You didn’t hear about them? Maria didn’t tell you? I’ll have her tell you.”

  “Tell me what!?”

  “Maria! Come here!” Maria came in,

  “Yes what would you like, Lucas?”

  “I would like for you to go with Tony and Jack here to go and see Mark and see if he really knows where the Blue Brotherhood is and see if he will help us?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Tony looked at Lucas and then at Maria,

  “Why is that not a good idea?” Maria looked down at her feet and then back up at Tony,

  “Well me and him dated a while back.” Tony balled up his fist and punched the wall beside him and he looked at his bloodied knuckles and shook his hand and looked back at Maria,

  “After all the shit he put me through! You and go fuck the bastard! I thought you were raised better, I thought I taught you better.” Maria started to cry and walked up to Tony and put her hand on his shoulder and he turned around and looked at her,

  “You can’t help who you fall in love with, and he’s not himself and hasn’t been for a while and we all know why.” I looked at her,

  “I'm not trying to be that one guy but actually I don’t know why.” Maria wiped her tears and looked at me,

  “Well a couple of years ago he family was killed in a motor vehicle accident and Mark was the only survivor, he was such a happy person before that and then well his family was ripped from him and well now he’s even worse than he’s ever been before.” I nodded,

  “I don’t think I blame the poor guy, why did things not work out between you two?” Tony chuckled,

  “I can only guess but I’d say it’s because he’s a fucking dirtbag loser methhead dealin’ piece of shit!” Maria walked up to him and slapped him in his face,


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