The Dark Streets

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The Dark Streets Page 13

by Matthew Smith

  “Wacky Beaver, I am in the rear of the nest, what is your location?” I hear people talking in a room nearby, I put the radio back in my pocket, “hello! Come out I can fucking hear you!” A door opens and a guy comes out and starts to shoot at me and hits me twice in the chest and I shoot at him and I hit him in the head and I fall down, I grabbed the radio,

  “I’ve been hit, I repeat I’ve been hit!” I drop the radio on the ground beside me and I fall to the ground and the Brothers crowd around me and start shooting at the Knights, I black out, it feels like I'm dead but I know that I am not, I see a dark figure with red eyes,

  “Hello Jack, glad to finally meet you.”

  “Drogoth!? Why are you in my mind? Or even better, how are you in my mind?” Drogoth laughed,

  “Good questions, let me start by saying, you’re dead that’s how I’m technically in your mind.”

  “I’m dead!?”

  “Well not dead dead but you’re in a really bad coma and pretty much brain dead, that’s the how, now the why? Well that's simple really it’s to kill the one thing stopping me from taking full control of your whole pathetic Dimension!” Then Stake appeared in front of me and in his left hand was a giant sword and he slashed the sword down at Drogoth and he smashed into a bunch of pieces,

  “Don't you even think of killing Jack Darring! He will bring about your demise Drogoth!” Drogoth smirked at Stake,

  “We’ll see about that brother, we’ll see each other again soon Jack and when we do meet again, you won’t have your friend Stake here to help you out.” Drogoth then disappeared and Stake's sword disappeared and he looked back at me and smiled,

  “Don't worry old friend, I’m not going anywhere, I’ll always have your back, even when you're half dead, like now.” I awake to someone hitting me with the back of a pistol, I was tied to a chair, I looked up and saw, Detective Marcus Johnson,

  “Hello again Jack, It’s a pleasure to see you, I have to confess something to you Jack, your father found out about my questionable involvement with the Blue Brotherhood and even about my possible connection to the Blue Knights and he well blabbed to the Guardians, and well as you probably already know I had to do the right thing and get rid of him, but I didn't want anyone to connect it to me, so I hired someone to do it.” I looked at him,

  “Who? You motherfucker!” Marcus smiled at me,

  “So you really want to know the biggest mystery in this city and who the Axe Man is?”

  “Yes I do, I did fucking ask you! And I think I am owed that!” Marcus put his hands up,

  “Okay, okay, just making sure because you won’t like who it is.”

  “Okay just who the fuck is it?”

  “Well the Axeman is…” I heard footsteps behind me,

  “Do you mind if I tell him, Marcus.” Marcus smiled,

  “Of course, I think it’d be best.” Just then I see the face of Tony,

  “Hey Jack, can you blame me? Like you and Stake said, I’m fused with the Darkness, it’s in my DNA, also I’m sorry but I also killed Lucas, he got in my way.” I stared at him,

  “No it’s not like that Tony! You have a choice, I told you that and why did you do that! He was your family Tony!” He looked at me and smiled and looked at Marcus then back at me and picked up an axe by my feet and put the blade up to my neck,

  “Yes I know, but I’m choosing power!”

  “You really think Drogoth is going to give you power! He’s killing everyone but himself then recreating everything in his image.” He took the axe away from my neck and the smile left his face,

  “You know absolutely nothing! You know nothing of what my lord promises!” I tried to punch him, but I remembered that I was tied to a chair, “you forgot that you were tied Jack?” Tony hit me in the face with the back of the axe and Marcus walked in front of me and grabbed my face and forced me to look at him,

  “We're going to have fun torturing you.” I see a man with a group of soldiers with him behind Marcus, they all have assault rifles and the man in the middle seemed to be the leader aimed his gun at Marcus,

  “Put your fucking guns down now!” The men with rifles all aimed at them, Tony throws his axe on the ground and puts his hands up in the air and Marcus' eyes glow red and he smirks and disappears and leaves a black cloud where he used to be. The man unties my hands and hands me my jacket and I put it on and he hands me my gun, I aim at Tony's head,

  “Where the fuck did he go!? And if you don't tell me or tell me a lie, I will blow your fucking brains all over the fucking wall, do you understand me!?”

  “Jack I know you’re angry but I got this.” I heard a voice behind me and turned around and aimed my gun at the source of the voice, a man,

  “Who the fuck are you to tell me to calm down this is the fucker that killed my fucking father!” He put his hand on my gun and pushed my hand down and eventually took the gun out of my hand,

  “Jack trust me, I am a friend of Stake, where is he by the way?” Stake then appeared and looked at me,

  “I’m so sorry Jack, they were using the Darkness to stop me from helping you.” He then looked at the man and his grew wide, “Rowan!?” He smiled and nodded,

  “In the flesh.”

  “Why are you here!?” He looked over at Stake,

  “Well Stake is in obvious need of assistance and I’m her to offer mine, so do you accept Stake?” He looked over me,

  “What do you think Jack?” I nodded,

  “Yes we should accept.” Stake looked over at Rowan and nodded,

  “Yes we will help you.” He smiled,

  “Okay good, I also have a familiar face with me to help as well.” A soldier type walked towards us and stopped in front of us, he looked at the soldier “take off the mask!” The soldier removed it’s mask and I saw a face I was longing to see for too long,

  “Hello Jack, yes it’s me, I’m really here.”

  “Willow!” She walked over to me and we kissed each other, I looked into her eyes, “I thought you were dead for sure.”

  “I would’ve been if it wasn’t for Rowan and the Guardians.” I looked over at him,

  “Thanks Rowan!” He smiled,

  “No problem Jack.” He looked over at me and whispered in my ear,

  “Jack, Willow has a special connection to the Life Energies as well, I felt it but I thought it was just Drogoth getting stronger but now… but now I know it was her.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “She’s the key to the destruction of Drogoth.” She looked at Rowan,

  “I’m the key to the destruction of Drogoth!?” Rowan nodded,

  “Yes, you, Jack and Tony.” I walked over to Tony who was now tied to the chair, Rowan looked at me, I looked at him and nodded, he handed me my gun, I pointed the gun at Tony’s head,

  “So Tony I’m going to ask you this once, where did Marcus go!?” He spat at me and I wiped the spit off me and hit him in the face with my gun, I put my gun under his chin, “now come on, I know you were bullshitting the whole time but we still been through hell and back, I don’t want to kill you, I really don’t, so please just tell me.” He closed his eyes and opened them again and a tear started running down his left cheek,

  “I’ll tell you Jack, but you have to promise me one thing.”

  “Sure thing, what is it?”

  “You kill me, I don’t want to live, I can’t live, the Darkness has fucked me up mentally and I just can’t live, it will always be there and I can’t anymore.”

  “Okay tell me and I promise to release your pain.” He looked me in the eyes,

  “He went to the Ether Dimension.” He looked up at me,

  “I kept my side of the bargain now it’s your turn.” I nodded and took out my gun and aimed it at his head and closed my eyes and pulled the trigger, when I opened my eyes I see Tony’s head leaning back against the back of the chair and a bullet hole under his chin, I put my gun away and I puke on the floor, Willow puts her hand on my shoulder,

  “He’s living a better life now, better than he ever did here.” I look at her,

  “I know but… he was still my friend, I know he killed my father, but I could see it in his eyes that he didn’t want to.” I looked at Stake, “looks like we’re going to the Ether Dimension.” He nodded,

  “Yes, I guess so.” I looked at Rowan,

  “Are you coming with us?” He shook his head,

  “Unfortunately no, I can’t, I got other matters in other Dimensions, it seems the Darkness has spread to the other Dimensions as well.” I nodded,

  “Alright sounds good Rowan, you get back to it then.” I saluted him, and he saluted back, and then he disappeared, Stake looked at me and Willow,

  “Okay, we need to get back on the task at hand, we need to get to the Ether Dimension.” We looked at Stake, and nodded,

  “I agree with you Stake, let’s get going!” Stake looked at me and Willow and closed his eyes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He started mumbling an incantation, in an alien language and a portal started forming around us. I could feel the energy inside of me being sucked into the portal and I looked at Willow and saw that some of her was being sucked into the portal,

  “Stake!... I can... feel the... portal sucking... my energy… and I can see... Willow being... sucked into... the portal!”

  “Don't worry it's normal!”

  “It doesn’t... feel... normal!” Me and Willow completely went into the portal, Stake stopped and fell to the ground on his feet. I landed on my feet and Willow fell on her back, I looked at Willow,

  “You okay?” She looked at me and nodded,

  “Yeah I’m okay, where’s Stake?” He looked at me and Willow,

  “Hey guys, welcome to the Ether Dimension.“ He got up, me and Willow looked around then I looked at him,

  “Well then let's find you brother and take him the fuck out!” Willow and Stake looked at me and nodded, I looked at Stake,

  “Can you sense where he is?” He nodded,

  “Yes I can, I'll sense his Principle energy and see where he is.” He closed his eyes, he started to mumble in the alien language again, Willow looked at me,

  “I can’t believe we’re actually here!” I looked at her and nodded,

  “I know right, I’ve been hearing about this place for as long as I knew Stake and now finally after all those years of hearing about it, I’m finally here... it’s unbelievable.” Then Stake fell to his knees and he looked at up us,

  “He’s at the harbor.” We looked at Stake,

  “Okay, let's fucking finish this!” We started walking out of the building, and a car was parked out front,

  “Is this your car Stake!?” He looked at Willow and nodded,

  “Yes it is, you can’t be that surprised, can you? I am an DBI agent and they pay me well.” She nodded,

  “Yeah I guess, that makes sense.” Stake chuckled and we got into the car and Willow got in the back seat. Stake turned the car on and we started driving towards the harbor, he looked at Willow and then at me,

  “So what do you guys think of Rowan?” I looked at him,

  “Well I haven’t known him long but seems like a nice guy, looks like he really wants to help.” Stake smiled and nodded,

  “Yes, he does and he works really hard at helping and takes it seriously, so don’t get in his way unless you plan on helping.” Me and Willow nodded, we reached the warehouse, and Stake turned the car off and looked at me and then at Willow, “so you ready guys?” I looked at Willow and she nodded and then I looked at Stake,

  “Yeah we’re ready.” He nodded and he opened the door and got out of the car, Willow and I opened our doors and got out as well. We started walking towards the warehouse in the harbor where Drogoth and Marcus were. I took my gun out and cocked it, Willow took out her gun and cocked it as well and Stake took out his sword. We reached the door to the warehouse and Stake walked up to the left side of the door, Willow walked up to the right side and I walked up to the front of the door. I looked at Stake and he nodded, I then looked at Willow and she nodded, I kicked the door open. Two guys instantly started shooting at us, I side stepped to the left behind Stake, and Willow leaned out and started shooting at the guys. I leaned out and shot at one of the guys and hit him on the head and he dropped to the ground. Stake ran into the warehouse and we followed him in, he sliced the head of the other guy off and the body fell to the ground, we looked around to see if we could see Marcus or Drogoth,

  “Well we’re here, now where are they?” Just then we heard someone laughing,

  “Glad you could make it, Jack, Stake… Willow.” We all looked at Marcus,

  “Marcus, give it up! You and Drogoth have lost!” Marcus started to laugh maniacally,

  “You're too funny, the way I see it, you're on the losing side, Drogoth has amassed a massive army, he’s taking your Dimension down little by little! Stake chuckled,

  “Is that what Drogoth's telling you? Because I know for a fact that he's not as powerful as you think he is Marcus, he’s got you under his little thumb and he knows that his little pawn will listen to anything he tells him and also Marcus think about it, he’s killing the place you live and trust me, he’s not giving you a place in his new Dimension.” Marcus looked at Stake,

  “You think so? If that’s the case, then why don’t you come and attack him then?” Just then Drogoth jumped from the rafters of the warehouse and slashed at Stake but he deflected it, he smiled and started laughing,

  “Hello brother, you really think you can beat me? I've gotten a lot stronger since we last met.” Stake looked at Drogoth and smiled,

  “So did I!” Just then Marcus pulled out a gun and started shooting at me and Willow, I started shooting at him,

  “We don't have to do this Marcus!” He shot and hit me in the chest and I fell down, Willow looked at me, and ran to me and knelt down,

  “Jack!” She started shooting at him, and he dodged her bullets by moving side to side, he then walked up to her and backhanded her and she fell to the ground unconscious and dropped her gun. He then walked up to me and kicked my gun away and knelt down and put his gun to the side of my head and looked at me and whispered in my ear,

  “I know somewhere deep inside of that small brain of yours, you saw this coming.” He then pulled the trigger and shot me. Everything went black and then I felt a drop of water hit my face, I opened my eyes to see that I’m laying in an alleyway and it’s raining. I stand up and I see a black figure at the end of the alleyway and I start walking towards the figure, I reached the figure and I saw that it was a man but I couldn’t see his face as it is covered by his hat, and he’s also dressed in a trench coat,

  “Hello Jack, I’ve been expecting you, follow me.” The mysterious man starts walking away and I follow him,

  “Who are you and where the fuck am I!?” The man looked back at me and smiled,

  “You’ll come to know me very well Jack don’t you worry and where do you think you are?” He turned his head and looked back at the road,

  “That’s the thing I don’t know where I am, I remember things going black and then waking up in the alley, I can’t remember anything before waking up in the alley, why can’t I remember anything from before!?" He turned and looked at me,

  “Memory loss is common for new souls but don’t worry it’ll come back to you.”

  “Did you say souls!? Am I in the Soul Dimension?” He nodded,

  “Yes you are Jack.”

  “Are you a Lynar?” He nodded,

  “Yes I am, and I am a spiritual being that brings souls to the Soul Dimension, in your world you called us Death or the Grim Reaper, we also protect and guard the Soul Dimension and we also govern it as well, we also sometimes escort souls to where they need to go, like right now I am escorting you to where you need to go and by the way we are here.” I looked at the Lynar,

  “Before we go our separate ways, what’s your name?” He looked at me and smiled,

��I can’t tell you my name since you’re not a resident here, only a visitor.” He turned and walked away, I turned around and looked at a building and walked up to the door and knocked on it,

  “Come on in, Jack, it’s unlocked.” I opened the door and walked into the building and it was so dark inside that I couldn’t see a thing,

  “I can’t see anything, where are you?” I tried focusing in the dark to see if I could make out anything but I couldn’t, it was as if there was nothing here but darkness,

  “Just follow my voice Jack.” Right after the voice said this I could see the outlines of rooms, I started following the voice, I checked all the rooms downstairs and couldn’t find anyone. I saw a staircase, I started walking up it and started looking in the rooms up there. I opened the first door I saw and walked into the room and saw that the light was on, there was someone sitting on a chair in the left corner of the room. I walked up to the person and tapped them on the shoulder, the person turned the chair and looked at me, I noticed that it was my father,

  “Dad!” He looked at me and smiled,

  “Hello my son, am I glad to see you, even if you being here is also very upsetting.” I looked at him,


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