The Dark Streets

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The Dark Streets Page 15

by Matthew Smith

  “You really think he would Stake!?” He shrugged,

  “That’s what scares me, I don’t know if he would, he’s completely changed from the person I knew he was to the person he is now because of the Darkness.” I looked at him,

  “Let’s hope for the best Stake.” He looked at me and nodded,

  “Yeah, let’s hope for the best.” We reached the house where Drogoth was in, I parked the car in a driveway across the street and turned the car off and I looked at Stake, “we’re here, so what’s the plan?” Stake looked at me and Willow,

  “I'm going in alone.” We looked at him,

  “What!? Oh no you aren’t Stake, we’re going in with you!” He shook his head,

  “No Jack, no Willow, I’ll call you guys if I need help.” I nodded,

  “Okay, but we'll be waiting for the call.” He nodded and got out of the car and started walking across the street. He walked up to the stairs to the front door of the house and opened it and he closed the door behind him, “and now we wait.” Willow looked at me in the rearview mirror,

  “So do you think anything bad will happen to Stake?” I looked down and then back at her,

  “I honestly don't know, we should be in there to help him.”

  “And what would we do Jack?” I looked at her,

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like that he’s alone.” She nodded,

  “I know, I don’t like it either but they’re brothers, maybe Stake can end this without conflict.” I nodded,

  “Maybe, but I don’t think Drogoth will let it go without any conflict.” I then hear the radio turn on,

  “Jack! Willow! Get in here! I need assistance!” We then heard gunfire in the background, I took out my gun and cocked it, Willow did the same. We got out of the car and run across the street, we reach the front door, I looked at Willow,

  “You come through this door and I'll enter from the back door, and wait for my signal okay Willow?” She nodded and I walked down the stairs and started walking towards the backdoor, “I’m at the backdoor now, on my count, we run in and clear the house and find Stake and take down Drogoth!”


  “One... two... three... and go!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I kicked the door in and I immediately saw someone and shot him in the face,

  “I encountered someone, there may be other people in here with us Willow, be on high alert.”

  “Okay, I will be, thanks Jack.”

  “No problem, Willow.” I walked into the living room from the kitchen, I didn't see anyone in there but the TV was on and it was on the news channel but it was muted, I turned it off, “The living room is clear.” I walked up the stairs to the second floor, “heading up the stairs.”

  “Meet me in the bedroom to the right of the stairs.”

  “Okay, will do.” When I reached the top of the stairs, I went right like Willow told me to and I saw a door to the room, and I opened it and then I walked in and closed it behind me. I saw Willow standing in the room,

  “Hey Jack, how are you making out?” I shrugged,

  “I'm doing okay, but I haven’t found anything yet and it seems a little too quiet for my liking as well.” She nodded,

  “Yeah I agree with you on that one Jack, it’s way too quiet, do you know where Stake is?”

  “No, but I can use my Life Energies to locate him.” I closed my eyes and knelt down and focused my Principle energy on locating Stake, after awhile I got up and opened my eyes, Willow looked at me,

  “Well, where is he, Jack?” I looked at her,

  “He's in the basement, but so is Drogoth… we need to be very careful.” We walked out of the room and down the stairs and we found the stairs to the basement and we went down. We saw a door and I opened the door and we walked down into the basement, I saw Stake tied up on a chair and Drogoth was standing behind him with a gun aimed at his head,

  “Hello Jack, Willow, glad you guys could make it and see the demise of your friend Stake.” I looked at Drogoth,

  “Drogoth, what do you think you’re going to do?” He looked at me and then at Willow,

  “What do you think I want to do, Jack?” I looked at him,

  “You’re not really going to kill your own brother are you!? You wouldn’t really kill your own blood would you?” Stake looked at me,

  “He’s already killed our parents Jack, I’m the only family he’s got. I wouldn’t put it past him at this point.” Drogoth then hit Stake across the face with the back of his gun,

  “No one said you could talk, now did they!?” I looked at him,

  “Why would you kill your own parents!?” He started to laugh,

  “Well I think it’s pretty obvious why I would want to do that, I need their Life Energies and I also need Stake’s and same with your Dimension and all other Dimensions! Which means you all must die!” He started laughing maniacally,

  “You're really not that powerful anymore are you Drogoth?” He stopped laughing and he looked down and then back at me, he punched me in the face and I hit the wall and I dropped my gun, and fell down to the ground,

  “Jack!” Willow ran to me and knelt down to check on me, Drogoth walked up to us and kicked Willow away from me,

  “Get away from him bitch ! This is between me and him, you are just a mere observer!” I got up and wiped the blood coming out of my nose, and mouth,

  “You will fucking regret hitting her you fucker!” I then felt something inside me building up and then I felt the Principle and Nepharia Energies in me explode, Drogtoh looked at me in bewilderment and then looked at Stake and walked up to him and grabbed his collar and lifted him up,

  “What did you do brother!” Stake looked at Drogoth and smiled at him,

  “Nothing, all I did was help him realize his inner dormant power.” He threw him down to the ground and the chair broke, I looked at Drogoth,

  “I’m over here, Drogoth or are you too chicken to face me!?” Drogoth looked at me and ran to me and tried to hit me but I dodged it and hit him in the back of the head and he slammed to the ground, he got up and looked at me with a crazed look,

  “I will not be outmatched by the likes of you!” He ran up to me and grabbed my arm and twisted it and threw me against the wall, he started laughing again,

  “No one can defeat me, I am invincible!” Stake walked up to me,

  “You okay Jack?” I looked up at him,

  “I could be better, but I should be fine.” Stake looked over at Drogoth,

  “You're going to die for this Drogoth!” He looked at him,

  “So you want to try again brother?” He smiled at Drogoth,

  “Yes and I'm not going to fail this time.” Drogoth laughed at him,

  “That's what you think little brother!” Drogoth ran up to Stake and tried to hit him, but dodged it and punched Drogoth, Stake looked at me,

  “Jack, you need to get Willow and get out of here now!” I got up and looked at him,

  “No I’m not leaving without you Stake!”

  “No Jack, I already created a portal outside of the house back to Karnos Dimension, now get the fuck out of here now!” Stake took out a sword and so did Drogoth, and they ran towards each other and their swords clashed together. I turned around and picked up Willow, and ran towards the door out of the house, I reached it and opened it and left the house and I saw a portal outside, I looked back at the house,

  “Good luck Stake, I know you can do it.” Just before I walked into the portal, the ground began to shake, Willow began to groan and opened her eyes,

  “What happened Jack?”

  “Me and Drogoth fought and he wrecked me pretty good but now Stake is finishing the job, but we have to leave now!” We ran into the portal, just then we saw a spirit version of Stake,

  “Hey, Jack and Willow, it's me your old pal Stake, if you guys can see me it means only one thing, I have sacrificed myself and killed Drogoth, and unlocked your Dimension. I will miss you both, my dear old f
riends, but my death will not have been in vain, because as you both will soon find out, the Principle and Nepharia Energies have been unlocked, but other creatures in the other Dimensions can now sense your Life Energies and other worlds in your Dimension will have the energy as well and may come to your world and they may be dangerous, so be aware of that, it has happened to us.” When we come out, I see that we’re in a room and I can see Rowan there,

  “Hey Jack, is Willow okay?” I look at him and nod my head,

  “Yeah, she's fine, she just got kicked in the ribs, she may need medical attention.” He nodded and motioned one of his men to come get her, he took her out of my arms, and carried her out of the room,

  “He’s bringing her to our Med Bay, she’ll be fine, don’t worry Jack, but anyways what happened in the Ether Dimension? And where is Stake? I lost contact shortly after you guys entered the Ether Dimension.” I looked down and then back up at Rowan,

  “Well we found Drogoth and we were fighting and then Stake… sacrificed himself to save me and Willow, but before we came back he sent us a telepathic message, telling us that the Principle and Nepharia have been unlocked in our Dimension and that the other Dimensions could now sense us and that other worlds in our Dimension could come after us seeking the Energy, like in your Dimension.” He nodded,

  “Yes it can and will be chaos but you’re a Pariah, with your connection to the Energies, you will be unstoppable!” Just then one of Rowan’s men barged in the room,

  “Sir you need to come check this out now!” Rowan looked at me and we both got up and followed his soldier out of the room and into another room with a T.V. in it, “look at this.” He turned up the T.V.,

  “Hello and welcome to Chicago’s Very Own WGN 9, and my name is Nick Zapata, we have some very big breaking news! We have several eyewitness reports of people with unique powers emerging across the world, some people have been fearing their lives while other people find it fascinating and are posting videos onto YouTube, and the videos are amassing millions of views, now the question will be, are those with powers good or bad? Only time will tell.” Rowan turned off the T.V.,

  “Well it looks like we have succeeded in our mission here, we have unlocked the power that many people didn’t want to believe that existed, now they will know that all the religions are right and are telling the same story.” I looked at him,

  “So now what are you and your men going to do?” He looked down and then back up at me and smiled,

  “Well we still have other tasks to do, in other Dimensions and Drogoth will need to be observed in the Soul Dimension, so he doesn’t try to leave and cause chaos in the Dimensions.”

  “So what’s the plan?” He looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder,

  “We need you and Willow, Jack, you two have a special connection and have the blood of the Elders inside of you and you two may be the strongest of all of the Pariahs, but you don’t have control of your powers, so we can help you with that.” My eyes grew wide,

  “Wait, Willow has the Principle inside of her!?” He smiled and nodded,

  “Yes she’s had it her whole life as did you, but you realized it sooner than she did because of your connection with Stake.” I looked down and then back up at him,

  “I see.” He smiled,

  “So I have a question for you Jack, do you want to join the Guardians of Truth and the DBI? We will ask Willow when she’s better.” He put his hand out, I looked down at it and then back up at him and grabbed his hand,

  “Sure why not?”




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