Now & Then

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Now & Then Page 18

by John Locke

  When Pim said, “Jack’s a good man,” Hester slapped him as well.

  Then Abby said, “Who the hell is Jack?”

  Pim looked at Jack and shrugged his shoulders as if apologizing for blowing his cover.

  “Look,” Jack said. “There’ll be plenty of time for explanations later on. Right now all you need to know is our lives are in danger, as are the lives of our friends. Hester, Mr. Pim is a bit raggedy now, but he cleans up right proper and he’s wealthy and will make you a fine husband.”

  She looked at Pim and said, “I’m sorry I slapped you. It’s been a vexing day.”

  “And getting worse by the moment,” Jack said. He took Pim far enough aside that the women couldn’t hear, and hurriedly repeated what Charlie had said. “I won’t ask you to give up your land legs, but our mates are ambushed and need our help. Are you with me?”

  “Aye, a course I am.”

  “Good. Now listen. I’ve only got the one horse, so I’ve got to warn the ship. You’ll have to walk to Sinner’s Row and scout things out.”

  “What about the ladies? Leave ’em here?”

  Jack looked at the women a moment, and sighed. “They’ll slow us down, but you better take them.”

  “We could get ’em a room here.”

  Jack shook his head. “If her father comes, it won’t go well for her and the baby.”

  “You truly be the one got her with child?”

  “Let’s just move along with our planning.”

  Pim smiled. “How much should I tell them?”

  “Tell them everything.”

  “Hester might not want me if she knows my past.”

  Jack took a moment to survey his friend’s appearance. “You think you could sink lower in her eyes?”

  Pim shrugged.

  Jack said, “Tell them what you like. But make sure they’re safe.”

  “You got a plan?”

  Jack nodded. “I’m working on it.”

  Pim nodded and said, “Okay then. I guess we’ll go together and listen for your whistle.”

  Jack walked over to Abby and cupped her chin in his hand. They kissed quickly, and when he broke away he looked her in the eyes. “I must warn my friends,” he said.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “You can’t. I’ll have to ride hard. Also, I expect to pass your step-father on the road, searching for you. So look sharp and stay with Mr. Pim.”

  Abby’s face went white. “If Philip finds me he’ll kill me.”

  “Mr. Pim won’t allow it.”

  “You don’t know Philip.”

  “And he don’t know Pim. Okay, I’m off.”

  Chapter 14

  Jack galloped out of town and had gone about a mile when he ran into Philip Winter. Philip angled his horse across the path and held his musket across his chest, bidding Jack to stop.

  “Who might you be?”

  “Henry Ames. And you?”

  “Philip Winter.”

  “You the man sold his wife an hour ago?”

  “The same. Now I’m looking for my daughter.”

  “You planning to sell her too?”

  Philip Winter sized Henry up. “Who knows you around here, Mr. Ames?”

  “You do, for one.”

  Philip aimed his musket at Jack’s face and pulled back the action.

  “I’ll have your horse, Henry, and you on the ground, face down until I decide what to do with you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Jack jerked hard on his reign while kicking his horse’s ribs. His horse slammed into Winter and Jack ducked below the gunshot. By then, Jack had his flintlock out and cocked in one hand, and Winter’s reigns in the other.

  “I don’t know why you’d wish to shoot a fellow traveler, or steal his horse, but it concerns me enough to ask you to dismount.”

  Winter reluctantly stepped down from his horse.

  “What do you intend, sir?”

  Jack wasn’t sure. His first instinct was to kill Winter. But what would he do with the body? He didn’t have time to deal with this right now.

  “I’ll take your horse with me,” Jack said. “You’ll find it at the river crossing, tied to a tree.”

  “I have urgent business. My daughter is missing.”

  “You’ll have to delay the search. I’m sorry.”

  Winters nodded. “If I see you again, I’ll kill you.”

  “In that case, I hope not to see you again. But since I’m bound for Georgia, I doubt our paths will cross.”

  “You’re heading the wrong way for Georgia, sir.”

  “I’m making a detour. I’m a scout for The Viceroy, and have pirates to kill along the way.”

  “Wait! Why didn’t you say this earlier? I’m part of the plot.”

  “What part is yours?”

  “Why, creating the diversion so all the locals would be in town during the roundup.”

  Jack nodded. “But you intended all along to sell your wife, did you not?”

  “Yes, of course. But the timing added some silver to my pocket.”

  “Mayor Shrewsbury?”

  “The same. So, can I have my horse back?”

  “One thing about being a scout. We don’t trust anyone. You’ll find your horse tethered to a tree by the clearing. You know the place?”

  “Ought to, I live not a hundred yards from the spot.”

  “Very well. In the meantime, if I come across a young lady I’ll assume she’s your daughter. What shall I tell her?”

  “Tell her to get her ass home.”

  “Done, sir. Good luck to you.”

  “And you, sir.”

  Chapter 15

  As Jack approached George and Marie’s home, he stopped his horse and whistled loudly. Within seconds he received a welcome whistle in return. The family gathered round. Johanna wore an angry expression on her face even as she cradled Rugby in her arms. The boys were chattering away about something, and George and Marie seemed puzzled. Jack looked at Rose.

  “Can you really fly?”

  All eyes had turned to Rose. She curled her lips into a humorless smile and said, “Is it the end of days, Henry?”

  The way she said it sent a chill down Jack’s spine.

  Marie grabbed the boys by their shirts and dragged them to the house, kicking and screaming.

  “Henry,” said George. “She’s our daughter. We’ve brought you in and trusted you. What are your intentions?”

  Jack said, “You know nothing of the ambush at Sinner’s Row?”

  “What ambush?”

  “You’ve heard no word of The Viceroy attacking The Fortress?”

  “Of course not. Where have you gotten your information?”

  “From the lips of a dying man.”

  Johanna, less angry now, said, “Henry, what is this about?”

  “My men are being hung one by one at Sinner’s Row. My ship is about to be attacked.”

  “Your men? Your ship?” Johanna said.

  George looked at the two girls.

  “Henry’s a privateer,” he said.

  Rose’s face grew animated. “I knew it! And no ordinary pirate, are you Henry? I’ll tell you who he is, Johanna. He’s Jack Hawley!”

  George’s face went white. “Could that possibly be true?”

  Johanna had a different reaction. She seemed to be putting something together in her head. After a moment she said, “Gentleman Jack Hawley? Well that makes sense, now, doesn’t it!”

  Rose said, “Do you wish to ravish us, Jack Hawley?”

  “Of course not!” Jack said. “Why would someone your age even think to say such a thing?”

  “I’m an old soul, Henry. I’m sure George has told you that.”

  Indeed, George, who’d been known to exaggerate, had told Jack that Rose didn’t appear to age like their other children. She looked the same four years ago when he found her as she did today.

  “What are your intentions, Henry?” George said. “I mean, Mr
. Hawley.”

  “George, we go way back. I like to think we’re friends. I can see you might not have heard the news since the soldiers came from the north. But you’re either with us or against us, and I’ll respect which it is. But you need to cast your lot now, for time is running out on my men.”

  “I’m with you Henry,” Johanna said.

  “My family stands at your service,” George said.

  “And you, miss,” Jack said to Rose. “Tell me truly. Can you fly?”

  Chapter 16

  Jack started a smoke fire while George gathered all his weapons into saddlebags and tied them to four horses. Johanna put Rugby in a basket and tied it to her saddle.

  Jack said, “Where’s Rose?”

  They looked around the yard. And when their eyes returned to the place they’d started, Rose was standing there, a scant four feet away.

  “God’s blood!” Jack swore.

  Rose had rubbed gunpowder all over her face and rimmed her eyes with bright red paint. She stared straight ahead, as if in a trance.

  “Jack?” George whispered tentatively.


  “We don’t have any red paint here.”

  Jack turned to George. “Surely at some time you did.”

  “Never. No paint of any color. Where would I come by paint?”

  “Where indeed,” Johanna said. She snapped her fingers and Rose came out of her trance-like state. From inside the basket, Rugby hissed savagely.

  Jack said, “How did you know to do that?”

  “Trial and error,” Johanna said, and Jack felt another chill go down his spine.

  He led his party of George, Johanna and Rose back up the trail, past the crossing, beyond the town, and out to Sinner’s Row.

  About a hundred yards from the path that led to the small pier, Jack noticed two brightly colored soldier hats tied to trees six feet off the ground on either side of the road. He halted his horse, and the others fell in behind.

  “What’s that mean?” George said.

  “It means they’re dead,” Rose said.

  Jack nodded. “Mr. Pim must have found them guarding the trail. From the big pier, it looks like they’re still here, standing guard.”

  “There’ll be other guards I’m sure,” George said.

  “If there are, we’ll probably come upon their hats as well.”

  “How much danger are we in, Henry?” Johanna asked.

  “It’s okay to call me Jack, miss. That’s my given name. I’m sorry for the lie.”

  “Jack,” she said, softly. “I like that.”

  “How much involvement do you expect from Rose?” George said. “I can’t let you put her in harm’s way.”

  “I won’t use her till it’s safe.”

  “And when it’s safe, what shall you have her do?”

  Rose said, “Why, scare the life out of someone, right Jack?”

  Jack nodded absently, trying to decide if his plan had any chance of success. The entire rescue depended on a creepy little girl who might very possibly be crazy. Or delusional, if such was different. He didn’t know if Rose was a witch or not, but he knew she had a terrifying laugh. If nothing else about her was supernatural, the laugh alone would likely suffice.

  Jack looked around. It was getting on to dusk, but they were still two hours from dark. He chanced a light whistle and heard nothing in return. They climbed off their horses and led them into the woods until they got to a place where the foliage was thick enough to provide cover. They sat and waited.

  An hour later, they heard a light return whistle. Jack and the others got to their feet, and Jack responded. Moments later, Abby raced into Jack’s camp and threw her arms around him. Johanna arched an eyebrow, but waited politely to be introduced. When Abby started kissing Jack repeatedly, Johanna decided to take matters into her own hands. She started moving toward them, but stopped short as Hester entered the camp.

  When Johanna saw Hester’s face, she gasped, crossed herself, and spit. George did the same. Rugby arched her back, hissed, and jumped into Rose’s arms.

  Rose pointed at Hester and shouted, “Behold! The Devil’s Mistress!”

  Pim and Hester were even more startled by Rose.

  “By the bones of Christ,” Pim said. “Hell’s cat has found its mother.”

  Abby was surprised that Henry wasn’t kissing her back. She was even more surprised to find a thin young girl pulling her by the hair.

  “Ow! Ow! Let go, you bitch!”

  Johanna pulled her off of Jack before letting go of her hair. Abby tried to slap Johanna, but the younger girl evaded it. Abby looked at Jack. “Who is this vile bitch?”

  “This is Johanna,” Jack said, warily.

  “And who are you to pull my hair like a common street urchin?” Abby said to Johanna.

  Johanna said, “I’m Jack’s wife.”

  Chapter 17

  Two months earlier Jack had paddled up the Little River and ate dinner with the Stout family when a man called to them from outside the house. George opened the door and saw a man and woman, and behind them, a young girl tied to the horse rail.

  “State your business,” George said, as Jack passed him a musket. Jack pulled two flintlocks from his coat and held them crossed over his chest.

  “My wife and I are trying to find the source of this feeling. If this is some herb you sell, we’re here to trade for it.”

  George looked at Jack.

  “Describe the feeling,” George said, though he knew exactly what the man meant.

  “I can’t. It’s just a feeling that’s taken the pain from my gouty foot and my wife’s back. It led me here. I’m Richard Bradford,” the man said, “and this is my wife, Patience, and our daughter, Johanna.”

  “Why is she tied up?” George said.

  “So she won’t run off. She ain’t right in the head, is what she is. We aim to get her married, though, if the price be right. Are you married, sir?”

  George shook his head. After determining the Bradfords weren’t likely to kill anyone, he introduced them to his family and Henry.

  “Are you married, Henry?” Richard said.

  “No. And don’t intend to be.”

  Jack looked at Johanna across the yard. “She looks no more than nine.”

  “She is in fact twelve years old, as will be sworn by her Mum and me. Why not come over and see for yourself what a delightful prize she’d be to a man who knows how to coax with a firm hand?”

  “If you bring a lamp I’ll lift her dress for you, sir,” Patience said, “should you require a peek.”

  Jack had never hit a woman before, and never wanted to till now. But he kept his temper in check and said, “How much?”

  “Twelve pounds sterling, sir, and worth every penny,” Richard said.

  “One for each year,” Patience added.

  Twelve pounds of silver was an exorbitant, ridiculous price for a dowry, which proved to Jack they thought him a fool. Jack said, “Go back inside. I’ll speak to the child and give you my answer afterward.”

  Richard and Patience exchanged a glance, and Patience moved closer to Jack and whispered, “No offense, sir, but do you have the money with you? Because if so, we’d like to conclude the transaction before you put your hands on her. You might, no offense, lower her value by the degree of inspection you’re planning to undertake.”

  While she spoke to Jack, Richard whispered something in the girl’s ear. He left her with a stern glare, walked over to Jack and said, “I’ve told her not to scream should you decide to touch her. However, in the name of fairness, should you choose to sample her wares in a more deliberate manner, remuneration to the parents would be in order, due to her current state of innocence and the effect of wear and tear upon her future value.”

  Jack said, “I can assure you that I shall not be sampling this child’s wares anytime soon, though I wish to speak to her a few moments.

  “But you are interested?” Patience said.

p; “I am.” Jack pressed a crown in each of their greedy hands and waited until they went inside. He picked up a lantern and crossed the yard to the horse post and untied the lead line around her neck and said, “If I untie your hands and promise not to touch you otherwise, will you walk with me a few steps and talk?”

  Johanna nodded her head uncertainly.

  Jack untied her and led her to the bench next to the watering tough. As they walked, he noticed her limping. They sat, and Jack asked some basic background questions and got yes or no answers in return. But when he asked, “How are you being treated by your father at home?” she said, “I cannot answer these questions without receiving severe punishment.”

  “I’ll tell no one.”

  “There is something about you that makes me believe you,” she said. “Something that calms me and makes me want to tell you what you seek to know. But he will certainly wish to know of what we spoke here, and he will beat the truth out of me.”

  Johanna turned her back to him and dropped the top of her shift so he could see her scars from being lashed.

  “These marks are still wet with blood,” Jack said.

  “How else would they have got me to come?”

  “I promise they will not beat you again.”

  “You’d have to marry me to keep that promise.”

  Jack sighed. “I would be inclined to do so if for no other reason than to save you from your father’s brutality. But I can’t keep a wife. I travel and it’s often dangerous places I go.”

  “You could marry me and keep me under any type of shelter that has a roof and walls and I’ll improve the place and be there when you return from your travels. I’m not experienced in wifely ways, but I can chuck rocks well enough to kill small animals to skin and cook in a pot. I can clean and sew and will do as I’m told, though I will be grateful not to be beaten or cuffed about should I vex you unintentionally.”

  For one who seemed so shy at first she was proving to be a chatty little thing.

  “You’re tall enough,” Jack said, “but you seem quite young. Are you even close to the age of consent?”


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