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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Page 191

by William Shirer

  GOEBBELS, JOSEPH: Vom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei. Munich, 1936.

  —, The Goebbels Diaries, 1942–1943, edited by Louis P. Lochner. New York, 1948.

  GOERLITZ, WALTER: History of the German General Staff, 1657–1945. New York, 1953.

  —, Der zweite Weltkrieg, 1939–45. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1951.

  GOUDIMA, CONSTANTIN: L’Armée Rouge dans la Paix et la Guerre. Paris, 1947.

  GREINER, HELMUTH: Die Oberste Wehrmachtfuehrung, 1939–1945. Wiesbaden, 1951.

  GREINER, JOSEF: Das Ende des Hitler-Mythos. Vienna, 1947.

  GUDERIAN, GENERAL HEINZ: Panzer Leader. New York, 1952.

  GUILLAUME, GENERAL A.: La Guerre Germano-Soviétique, 1941. Paris, 1949.

  HABATSCH, WALTHER: Die deutsche Besetzung von Daenemark und Norwegen, 1940, 2nd ed. Goettingen, 1952.

  HALDER, FRANZ: Hitler als Feldherr. Munich, 1949.

  HALIFAX, LORD: Fullness of Days. New York, 1957.

  HALLGARTEN, GEORGE W. F.: Hitler, Reichswehr und Industrie. Frankfurt, 1955.

  HANFSTAENGL, ERNST: Unheard Witness. New York, 1957.

  HARRIS, WHITNEY R.: Tyranny on Trial—The Evidence at Nuremberg. Dallas, 1954. (A selection of the German documents at Nuremberg from the TMWC and NCA volumes.)

  HASSELL, ULRICH VON: The Von Hassell Diaries, 1938–1944. New York, 1947.

  HEGEL: Lectures on the Philosophy of History. London, 1902.

  HEIDEN, KONRAD: A History of National Socialism. New York, 1935.

  —, Hitler—A Biography. New York, 1936.

  —, Der Fuehrer. Boston, 1944.

  HENDERSON, NEVILE: The Failure of a Mission. New York, 1940.

  HERMAN, STEWART W., JR.: It’s Your Souls We Want. New York, 1943.

  HEUSINGER, GENERAL ADOLF: Befehl im Widerstreit—Schicksalsstunden der deutschen Armee, 1923–1925. Stuttgart, 1950.


  HITLER, ADOLF: Mein Kampf. Boston, 1943. This is the unexpurgated edition in English translation published by Houghton Mifflin. (The German original: Munich, 1925, 1927. The first volume, Eine Albrechnung, was published in 1925; the second, Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung, in 1927. Thereafter the two were published in one volume.)

  Hitler’s Secret Conversations, 1941–44. New York, 1953.

  Les Lettres Sécrètes Echangées par Hitler et Mussolini. Paris, 1946.

  HOETTL, WILHELM (WALTER HAGEN): The Secret Front: The Story of Nazi Political Espionage. New York, 1954.

  HOFER, WALTHER: War Premeditated, 1939. London, 1955. (English translation from Die Entfesselung des zweiten Weltkrieges.)

  HOSSBACH, GENERAL FRIEDRICH: Zwischen Wehrmacht und Hitler. Hanover, 1949.

  HULL, CORDELL: The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. 2 vols. New York, 1948.

  JACOBSEN, HANS-ADOLF: Dokumente zur Vorgeschichte des Westfeldzuges, 1939–40. Goettingen, 1956.

  JARMAN, T. L.: The Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany. London, 1955.

  JASPER, KARL: The Question of German Guilt. New York, 1947.

  KELLEY, DOUGLAS M.: 22 Cells in Nuremberg. New York, 1947.

  KESSELRING, ALBERT: A Soldier’s Record. New York, 1954.

  KIELMANNSEGG, GRAF: Der Fritsch Prozess. Hamburg, 1949.

  KLEE, CAPTAIN KARL: Das Unternehmen Seeloewe. Goettingen, 1949.

  KLEIN, BURTON: Germany’s Economic Preparations for War. Cambridge, 1959.

  KLEIST, PETER: Zwischen Hitler und Stalin. Bonn, 1950.

  KNELLER, GEORGE FREDERICK: The Educational Philosophy of National Socialism. New Haven, 1941.

  KOGON, EUGEN: The Theory and Practice of Hell. New York, 1951. (The German original: Der SS Staat und das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager. Munich, 1946.)

  KOHN, HANS, ed.: German History: Some New German Views. Boston, 1954.

  KOLLER, GENERAL KARL: Der letzte Monat. Mannheim, 1949. (The diary of the last Chief of the Luftwaffe General Staff.)

  KORDT, ERICH: Nicht aus den Akten. (Die Wilhelmstrasse in Frieden Und Krieg, 1928–1945.) Stuttgart, 1950.

  —, Wahn und Wirklichkeit. Stuttgart, 1947.

  KREIS, ERNST, AND SPEIER, HANS: German Radio Propaganda. New York, 1946.

  KROSIGK, COUNT LUTZ SCHWERIN VON: Es geschah in Deutschland. Tuebingen, 1951.

  KUBIZEK, AUGUST: The Young Hitler I Knew. Boston, 1955.

  LANGER, WILLIAM L.: Our Vichy Gamble. New York, 1947.

  LANGER AND GLEASON: The Undeclared War, 1940–1941. New York, 1953.

  LAVAL, PIERRE: The Diary of Pierre Laval. New York, 1948.

  LENARD, PHILIPP: Deutsche Physik, 2nd ed. Munich-Berlin, 1938.

  LICHTENBERGER, HENRI: L’Allemagne Nouvelle. Paris, 1936.

  LIDDELL HART, B. H.: The German Generals Talk. New York, 1948.

  —(ed.): The Rommel Papers. New York, 1953.

  LILGE, FREDERIC: The Abuse of Learning: The Failure of the German University. New York, 1948.

  LITVINOV, MAXIM: Notes for a Journal. New York, 1955.

  LORIMER, E. O.: What Hitler Wants. London, 1939.

  LOSSBERG, GENERAL BERNHARD VON: Im Wehrmacht Fuehrungsstab. Hamburg, 1950.

  LUDECKE, KURT: I Knew Hitler. London, 1938.

  LUDENDORFF, GENERAL ERIC: Auf dem Weg zur Feldherrnhalle. Munich, 1937.

  LUDENDORFF, MARGARITTE: Als ich Ludendorffs Frau war. Munich, 1929.

  LUEDDE-NEURATH, WALTER: Die letzten Tage des Dritten Reiches. Goettingen, 1951.

  MANSTEIN, FIELD MARSHAL ERIC VON: Verlorene Siege. Bonn, 1955. (English translation: Lost Victories. Chicago, 1958.)

  MARTIENSEN, ANTHONY K.: Hitler and His Admirals. New York, 1949.

  MEINECKE, FRIEDRICH: The German Catastrophe. Cambridge, 1950.

  MEISSNER, OTTO: Staatssekretaer unter Ebert–Hindenburg–Hitler. Hamburg, 1950.

  MELZER, WALTHER: Albert Kanal und Eben-Emael. Heidelberg, 1957.

  MITSCHERLICH, ALEXANDER, M.D., and MIELKE, FRED: Doctors of Infamy. New York, 1949.

  MONZIE, ANATOLE DE: Ci-Devant. Paris, 1942.

  MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT: History of the United States Naval Operations in World War II. Vol. I, The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939–May 1943. Boston, 1948.

  MOURIN, MAXIME: Les Complots contre Hitler. Paris, 1948.

  MUSMANNO, MICHAEL A.: Ten Days to Die. New York, 1950.

  MUSSOLINI, BENITO: Memoirs 1942–1943. London, 1949.

  NAMIER, SIR LEWIS B.: In the Nazi Era. London, 1952.

  —, Diplomatic Prelude, 1938–1939. London, 1948.

  NATHAN, OTTO: The Nazi Economic System: Germany’s Mobilization for War. Durham, N.C., 1944.

  NEUMANN, FRANZ L.: Behemoth. New York, 1942.

  O’BRIEN, T. H.: Civil Defence. London, 1955. (A volume in the official British history of the Second World War, edited by J. R. M. Butler.)

  OLDEN, RUDOLF: Hitler, the Pawn. London, 1936.

  OUTZE, BORGE, ed.: Denmark during the Occupation. Copenhagen, 1946.

  OVEN, WILFRED VON: Mit Goebbels bis zum Ende. Buenos Aires, 1949.

  OVERSTRAETEN, GENERAL VAN: Albert I–Leopold III. Brussels, 1946.

  PAPEN, FRANZ VON: Memoirs. New York, 1953.

  PECHEL, RUDOLF: Deutscher Widerstand. Zurich, 1947.

  PERTINAX: The Grave Diggers of France. New York, 1944.

  PINNOW, HERMANN: History of Germany. London, 1936.

  POLIAKOV, LEON, AND WULF, JOSEF: Das Dritte Reich und die Juden. Berlin, 1955.

  POTEMKIN, V. V., ed.: Histoire de la Diplomatie. Paris, 1946–47. (A French edition of a Soviet Russian work.)

  RABENAU, LIEUTENANT GENERAL FRIEDRICH VON: Seeckt, aus seinem Leben. Leipzig, 1940.

  RAUSCHNING, HERMANN: Time of Delirium. New York, 1946.

  —, The Revolution of Nihilism. New York, 139.

  —, The Conservative Revolution. New York, 1941.

  —, The Voice of Destruction. New York, 1940.

  REED, DOUGLAS: The Burning of the Reichstag. New York, 1934.

GERALD: The Final Solution—The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe, 1939–1945. New York, 1953.

  —, The SS—Alibi of a Nation. New York, 1957.

  REYNAUD, PAUL: In the Thick of the Fight. New York, 1955.

  RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON: Zwischen London und Moskau. Erinnerungen und letzte Aufzeichnungen. Leone am Starnberger See, 1953.

  RIESS, CURT: Joseph Goebbels: The Devil’s Advocate. New York, 1948.

  RITTER, GERHARD: Carl Goerdeler und die deutsche Widerstandsbewegung. Stuttgart, 1955.

  ROEPKE, WILHELM: The Solution of the German Problem. New York, 1946.

  ROSINSKI, HERBERT: The German Army. Washington, 1944.

  ROTHFELS, HANS: The German Opposition to Hitler. Hinsdale, III., 1948.

  ROUSSET, DAVID: The Other Kingdom. New York, 1947.

  RUSSELL, BERTRAND: A History of Western Philosophy. New York, 1945.

  SAMMLER, RUDOLF: Goebbels: The Man Next to Hitler. London, 1947.

  SASULY, RICHARD: I. G. Farben. New York, 1947.

  SCHACHT, HJALMAR: Account Settled. London, 1949.

  SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE, PRINZ FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN zu: Zwischen Krone und Kerker. Wiesbaden, 1952.

  SCHELLENBERG, WALTER: The Labyrinth. New York, 1956.

  SCHLABRENDORFF, FABIAN VON: They Almost Killed Hitler. New York, 1947.

  SCHMIDT, PAUL: Hitler’s Interpreter. New York, 1951. (This English translation omits about one half of the original, Statist auf diplomatischer Buehne, 1923–45, Bonn, 1949, which covered the pre-Hitlerian period.)

  SCHOLL, INGE: Die weisse Rose. Frankfurt, 1952.

  SCHRAMM, WILHELM VON: Der 20. Juli in Paris. Bad Woerishorn, 1953.

  SCHROETER, HEINZ: Stalingrad. New York, 1958.

  SCHUETZ, WILLIAM WOLFGANG: Pens under the Swastika, a Study in Recent German Writing. London, 1946.

  SCHULTZ, JOACHIM: Die letzten 30 Tage—aus dem Kriegstagebuch des O.K.W. Stuttgart, 1951.

  SCHULTZ, SIGRID: Germany Will Try It Again. New York, 1944.

  SCHUMANN, FREDERICK L.: The Nazi Dictatorship. New York, 1939.

  —, Europe on the Eve. New York, 1939.

  —, Night Over Europe. New York, 1941.

  SCHUSCHNIGG, KURT VON: Austrian Requiem. New York, 1946. (This is an English translation of the original: Ein Requiem in Rot-Weiss-Rot. Zurich, 1946.)

  —, Farewell, Austria. London, 1938.

  SCOLEZY, MAXINE S.: The Structure of the Nazi Economy. Cambridge, 1941.

  SEABURY, PAUL: The Wilhelmstrasse: A Study of German Diplomats under the Nazi Regime. Berkeley, 1954.

  SHERWOOD, ROBERT E.: Roosevelt and Hopkins. New York, 1948.

  SHIRER, WILLIAM L.: Berlin Diary. New York, 1941.

  —, End of a Berlin Diary. New York, 1947.

  —, The Challenge of Scandinavia. Boston, 1955.

  SHULMAN, MILTON: Defeat in the West. New York, 1948.

  SKORZENY, OTTO: Skorzeny’s Secret Memoirs. New York, 1950.

  SNYDER, LOUIS L.: The Tragedy of a People. Harrisburg, 1952.

  SPEIDEL, GENERAL HANS: Invasion 1944. Chicago, 1950.

  SPENGLER, OSWALD: Jahre der Entscheidung. Munich, 1935.

  STEED, HENRY WICKHAM: The Hapsburg Monarchy. London, 1919.

  STEIN, LEO: I Was in Hell with Niemoeller. New York, 1942.

  STIPP, JOHN L.: Devil’s Diary. Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1955. (A selection of German documents from the NCA volumes.)

  STROELIN, KARL: Stuttgart im Endstadium des Krieges. Stuttgart, 1950.

  SUAREZ, GEORGES, AND LABORDE, GUY: Agonie de la Paix. Paris, 1942.

  TANSILL, CHARLES C: Back Door to War. New York, 1952.

  TAYLOR, A. J. P.: The Course of German History. New York, 1946.

  TAYLOR, TELFORD: Sword and Swastika. New York, 1952.

  —, The March of Conquest. New York, 1958.

  THOMAS, GENERAL GEORG: Basic Facts for a History of German War and Armament Economy (mimeographed). Nuremberg, 1945.

  THOMPSON, DOROTHY: Listen, Hans. Boston, 1942.

  THORWALD, JUERGEN: Das Ende an der Elbe. Stuttgart, 1950.

  —, Flight in Winter: Russia, January to May 1945. New York, 1951.

  THYSSEN, FRITZ: I Paid Hitler. New York, 1941.

  TOLISCHUS, OTTO D.: They Wanted War. New York, 1940.

  TOYNBEE, ARNOLD, ed.: Hitler’s Europe. London, 1954.

  TOYNBEE, ARNOLD AND VERONICA M., eds.: The Eve of the War. London, 1958.

  TREFOUSSE, H. L.: Germany and American Neutrality, 1939–1941. New York, 1951.

  TREVOR-ROPER, H. R.: The Last Days of Hitler. New York, 1947.

  VERMEIL, EDMOND: L’Allemagne Contemporaine, Sociale, Politique et Culturale, 1890–1950. 2 vols. Paris, 1952–53.

  VOSSLER, KARL: Gedenkrede fuer die Opfer an der Universitaet Muenchen. Munich, 1947.

  VOWINCKEL, KURT: Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, Vols. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Heidelberg, 1954.

  WAGNER, FRIEDELIND: Heritage of Fire. New York, 1945.

  WEISENBORN, GUENTHER: Der lautlose Aufstand. Hamburg, 1953.

  WEIZSAECKER, ERNST VON: The Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsaecker. London, 1951.

  WELLES, SUMNER: The Time for Decision. New York, 1944.

  WESTPHAL, GENERAL SIEGFRIED: The German Army in the West. London, 1951.

  WEYGAND, GENERAL MAXIME: Rappelé au Service. Paris, 1947.

  WHEATLEY, RONALD: Operation Sea Lion. London, 1958.

  WHEELER-BENNETT, JOHN W.: Wooden Titan: Hindenburg. New York, 1936.

  —, Munich: Prologue to Tragedy. New York, 1948.

  —, The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918–1945. New York, 1953.

  WICHERT, ERWIN: Dramatische Tage in Hitlers Reich. Stuttgart, 1952.

  WILMOT, CHESTER: The Struggle for Europe. New York, 1952.

  WRENCH, JOHN EVELYN: Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times. London, 1955.

  YOUNG, DESMOND: Rommel—The Desert Fox. New York, 1950.

  ZELLER, EBERHARD: Geist der Freiheit. Munich, 1954.

  ZIEMER, GREGOR: Education for Death. New York, 1941.

  ZOLLER, A., ed.: Hitler Privat. Duesseldorf, 1949. (French edition: Douze Ans auprès d’Hitler. Paris, 1949.)

  ZWEIG, STEFAN: The World of Yesterday. New York, 1943.


  HALE, PROFESSOR ORÓN JAMES: “Adolf Hitler: Taxpayer.” The American Historical Review, LX, No. 4 (July 1955).

  HUCH, RICARDA: “Die Aktion der Muenzhner Studenten gegen Hitler.” Neue Schweizer Rundschau, Zurich, September–October 1948.

  HUCH, RICARDA: “Der 18. Februar: Umriss einer deutschen Widerstandsbewegung.” Die Gegenwart, October 30, 1946.

  KEMPNER, ROBERT M. W.: “Blueprint of the Nazi Underground.” Research Studies of the State College of Washington, June 1945.

  THOMAS, GENERAL GEORG: “Gedanken und Ereignisse.” Schweizerische Monatshefte, December 1945.

  WITZIG, RUDOLF: “Die Einnahme von Eben-Emael.” Wehrkunde, May 1945.


  Aa Canal, 728, 731

  Aachen, 291fn., 1088, 1089–90, 1092

  “AB Action,” 662–63

  Abbeville, 718, 727, 728, 731, 738, 741, 746, 759

  Abwehr (Intelligence Bureau), see under OKW

  Abyssinia, see Ethiopia

  Adam, Gen. Wilhelm, 370, 378, 387

  Addis Ababa, 297

  Adlerangriffe (“Operation Eagle”), 774–75

  Adlon Hotel, 444, 595, 597, 616, 648, 807, 1110

  Adolf Hitler Schools, 255

  A.E.G., (Allgemeine Elektrizitaetgesellschaft), 145

  Africa, 82, 305, 804, 805; see also North Africa

  Afrika Korps, 911-13, 919–25, 1078


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