by Callie Norse
Greg, Marta, and Steve all held hands. They didn’t know what to think or do. Should they run from the house—or stand still? Suddenly, as they stood holding hands, the house quit shaking. The moans, cries, and rumbling stopped. The house lit up again. There was total calm, not even a whisper of wind—only silence. When the house lit up Marta caught a glimpse of the last of the red substance going down the drain. No one moved for fear it would all start again.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, which had only been a few minutes, Greg asked, “Well, what do you think?”
“That was damn scary, is what I think,” Steve still appeared stunned.
“Do you think that’s the end of it?” Marta asked, trembling and looking a bit pale.
Greg put his arm around Marta, “Hard to tell, all we can do is hope for the best.”
Steve decided he’d had enough excitement for one day. “Let me know if anything more happens,” and he was out the door, headed home.
Marta and Greg went to the parlor and put on some music. He held her closely, as they listened to “If There Hadn’t Been You,” sung by Billy Dean.
When the song finished playing, Greg spoke up, “Sweetie, how about if we get away for a night, and take a break from this house and all the memories, good and bad.”
“That sounds really wonderful, honey.”
“Would tonight be too soon? That is, if Steve and Lori can watch Maggie.”
“That’s great with me, sweetie. The sooner the better.”
Greg phoned Lori. She said she would love to have Maggie overnight. She could run her to school the next morning. Greg then dialed the Eagle Inn and Resort there in Galena and reserved a suite for the night.
“I guess I had better go home and pack a few things and cancel an appointment with a client for tomorrow morning.” Marta was getting anxious.
“I hate to see you leave so soon. Got time for a quickie?” Greg winked.
Marta laughed. “I know you’re just teasing. Besides, I don’t think I’m ready to test the spirits quite yet. I will accept for tonight though, and I don’t mean for a quickie.” She put her arms around Greg and held him tightly. He could tell she didn’t want to leave just yet. Her good-bye kiss showed that. Marta softly and regretfully said, “I had better get going, before we test the spirits.” She reluctantly drove off.
Maggie was delighted to be able to go to the farm. She immediately began packing up Dorothy and Toto. Greg helped her pack a bag so she would have appropriate clothes for school. He called Marta to see how soon she would be ready.
“I’ve been packed and ready for an hour now.”
Greg chuckled, “Okay, Maggie is home and raring to go. I will be there in a few minutes—or would you rather I drop her off first?”
“No, sweetie, come get me first. I can’t stand being away from you another minute.”
Greg chuckled again. He knew how she felt. He felt the same way. Steve greeted them at the door of the farmhouse, “Well? Anything, yet?”
“No, all is quiet,” Greg, answered.
Steve teased, “So, why you leaving then? Scared?”
“We just wanted some time away. We’re going over to Eagle Inn.”
“Oh, I got it. For some romance, huh?”
Greg smiled and went off to find Maggie. She and Toto had gone looking for Tinker Bell. He gave Maggie a hug and told her he would see her after school the next day.
As they drove off in the new, red Porsche, Lori was thinking what a cute couple they made. Lisa had known what she was doing.
“What do you want to do about supper, sweetie? Do you want to stop somewhere to eat first?”
“I’m not really thinking about food right now. What do you want to do?” He winked.
Marta knew what that meant.
“I guess we’ll worry about that later. We will eventually get hungry.”
The room was even more impressive than Greg had expected. He had heard from others how cozy and romantic the suites were, with fireplaces and Jacuzzis. The fireplace was already lit when they arrived. Greg placed some pillows on the floor in front of the fireplace and put on some music—“I’ll Go On Loving You”, sung by Alan Jackson. Greg lay down on one pillow and invited Marta to join him. Wine was chilling on the hearth. He poured two glasses and handed one to Marta. He made a toast, “To us baby!” They listened to the music, as they sipped wine, feeling more romantic with each gentle touch—each kiss.
Greg looked directly into Marta’s eyes, “Marta, sweetie, will you marry me?” With these words, he reached over and took her left hand. He placed a 1.25-carat solitaire diamond ring on the tip of her ring finger and waited for her answer.
“Oh, yes, sweetie, yes, yes!” With this, he slid the sparkling, diamond ring on her finger.
They kissed, passionately, knowing their love would be forever…as long as their forever might be.
Greg and Marta were married six months later. It has been one year since that fabulous night at the Eagle Inn when Greg placed the ring on Marta’s finger. Their love remains as fresh and vibrant as it was that night.
Life at the Carrington Victorian home is much different now. There have been no signs of Isadora and Agatha since the day Greg asked them to leave. There have been no streaks of light, no red, sticky substance, nor any crying portraits. There also are no cries of a baby. Greg assumes that Agatha took Johnny with her.
Greg had Agatha’s remains moved to a nearby cemetery. He searched and found a grave in this cemetery with a marker that read, Johnny Brown, infant son of Agatha Brown. It is here beside this small grave, where Agatha’s remains now rest.
Lisa’s mom appears to come and go. Maggie has adjusted well. She spends much of her time with Toto and has become more interested in her little friends, Kaitlyn and Amy. A few new friends have also come her way. She is now very excited that she soon will have a new baby brother or sister. Marta and Greg will be sure it’s not named after a fairy tale…as how appropriate would a name like Tinker Bell or Toto be for a baby!
Marta is now four months pregnant and just beginning to show. She is even more beautiful; that certain glow of pregnancy is apparent. Greg is thrilled with the prospect of a new baby on the way. He isn’t a bit unhappy with Marta’s enlarging breasts. He can hardly keep his eyes off them. Their sex life is…well…you can imagine! Greg cherishes each and every moment they have together, as he now knows how precious life is. Lisa remains in their memories and in their hearts, as she was so very special to them both.
Callie Norse
As an avid reader, Callie Norse has dreamed of being a published author since junior high. After raising her three children, she developed a short story concept into the book that she had always dreamed of writing. She has completed a sequel to For the Love of Lisa with the hope readers will want to read more of the Carringtons. She resides in Illinois with her husband, and continues to write. You can visit her at
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