Mastering Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Mastering Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Rachel Clark

  I nod. I know I’m safe. I do. I really do, but it’s not helping to bring my anxiety level down one little bit. I can feel his hand sliding down my stomach, his fingers caressing me softly as he reaches the part of me that aches for him. When Bradley asked me to marry him I thought I’d be able to finally get over his brother, but my reactions to them both proves that it will never happen.

  Ryan moves slowly, his touch firm, confident, knowing. I sigh as he slides a finger over my clit.

  “That’s it, little sub,” he says, praising me even though I had no idea I was doing what I was told. I’m still anxious, but now it’s for a completely different reason. “I’m going to shave you, Mel.” He runs his fingers through the damp hairs covering my pussy. “Bradley is going to keep you distracted.”

  I nod. The anxiety rises the moment he moves away, but Bradley takes his place almost immediately, his loving smile and soft touch to my forehead bringing me back to that place of calm.

  It’s difficult to process the myriad of sensations as Bradley kisses me over and over, his claim on my lips deep, possessive, familiar, the touches on my pussy strange, unusual, thrillingly new. I gasp, unable to move when Ryan pours a cool stream of water over my shaved skin. I try to wriggle away. The fact that I forgot I’m tied down is almost as shocking as the next rush of cold water over my skin.

  “C–C–Cold,” I whisper into Bradley’s mouth.

  He grins, then glances down my body to the man sitting between my trapped legs. “Don’t worry, baby girl, Ryan has a plan to warm you up.”

  The hot touch of Ryan’s tongue answers my next question. Holy heavens, without the hair everything seems more intense. I swear I can feel each individual taste bud as it rasps over my skin. Ryan licks me everywhere, his tongue gliding over all of my newly denuded flesh as Bradley watches my face.

  “Perfect,” Bradley whispers again as he leans over to kiss me.

  I can feel my pussy muscles squeezing and releasing as warmth floods through my system. I never considered the satisfaction that pleasing them might create. I’ve always been a pretty independent woman. I’ve certainly never backed away from a fight or allowed myself to be abused, but there is something inherently wonderful about being able to please a man—well, two men—I care for deeply.

  A whimper escapes me as Ryan unexpectedly thrusts his tongue deep into my pussy, the strange wriggling sensation making my limbs heavy and my breathing shallow as dark arousal flows through me. Every muscle is pulling tight, my entire body tensing, waiting, hovering on the edge of climax. I don’t even realize I’m grinding my teeth until Bradley touches my jaw and shakes his head.

  “Relax, baby girl. Let it happen,” Bradley says with a soft bite to my chin.

  “Can’t,” I manage to say breathlessly, desperately. I almost growl when Ryan stops what he’s doing. Tears of frustration prickle my eyes. I’m so close to orgasm, but being held completely immobile seems to be stopping me from reaching my peak. I’m not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed when Ryan begins undoing my bindings.

  Free from restraints I lie still, feeling deflated, miserable that I’ve failed them. Both men massage my limbs, making certain that the blood flow hasn’t been compromised, before Bradley leans over and kisses me passionately once more. Tears leak from my eyes.

  “Mel, it’s okay. Don’t cry. We’re nowhere near finished.”

  “We’re not?” I ask as I try to drag my emotions back under control. I had vague notions of them giving me my clothes back and sending me home. I know both men better than that, but with so much riding on our three-week contract I can’t seem to think clearly.

  The soft bite on the inside of my thigh has me jolting in reaction. “Not even close,” Ryan says and then dips his head back between my legs.

  Hell. One flick of his tongue over my clit and I’m right back where I was a few moments ago. Oh wow.

  “That’s it, baby girl,” Bradley says, caressing my tender breasts with gentle fingers. “Come for us.”

  Finally, that familiar heat swells through my veins, my limbs shaking violently, my breathing shallow, almost painful, as orgasm takes me. I close my eyes, content to ride the wave, loving the feeling of being with Bradley and Ryan this way.

  The hard pinch on my breast is unexpected, the firm suction against my clit amazing, the sudden blast of heat startling. I howl, literally howl, as both men force my body into the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced. I’m shaking all over, my arms and legs flailing as I convulse through my climax. Holy fucking hell. I have no control, no understanding, no comparison to this experience. I’m gasping for air, desperate to find an anchor in a world gone mad.

  I never even…

  My thoughts drift away as a heaviness invades my limbs, the lethargy stealing my consciousness as I float in a strange space, neither awake nor asleep but somewhere, somehow in between.

  I don’t even realize I’m crying until Bradley lifts me in his arms, settles in one of the leather sofas, and rocks me gently.

  “It’s okay, baby girl,” my fiancé says in his familiar deep voice. “We’ve got you.”

  I whimper in relief when I finally realize Ryan is beside us, his hand wrapped around my ankle possessively, his touch achingly familiar even if it’s been so many years in between. I nod, unable to find my voice as I drift into sleep.

  * * * *

  Ryan watched as the only woman he’d ever loved fell asleep in his brother’s arms. It was clear that Melody had never experienced the type of orgasm that had just washed through her. It gave him a ridiculous sense of male pride, but it also raised a lot of questions.

  “This is why I asked for your help,” Bradley said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I’ve spent so much time hiding who I am that the sex between us has been…well, it’s been good, but there was always something missing.”

  “Are you sure you want me fucking your fiancée?” Ryan deliberately chose the crude word to say out loud, horrified by the realization that in his mind he considered it an act of love when it came to Melody. “It’s going to make the future pretty awkward.”

  “Not if you stay,” Bradley said quietly.

  Ryan shook his head, denying the words he’d just imagined had come out of his brother’s mouth. Surely he couldn’t have heard that correctly.

  Bradley gave him a sad smile. “Give it some thought. I think you and Mel could be very happy together.”

  “You’re serious?” Ryan asked in surprise.

  “Of course I’m serious,” Bradley said, giving him a strange look. “What did you think this is all about?”

  Ryan shrugged, not certain how to answer. “I thought you wanted help training your submissive.”

  “Our submissive,” Bradley said very deliberately. “You and Mel are perfect for each other, but don’t think for one moment that I’m planning to walk away.”

  “She chose to marry you. I would never ask you to walk away,” Ryan said as his mind spun through some of the disastrous outcomes and exciting possibilities such a course of action could bring. It wasn’t like him to be so unfocused, but Melody seemed to do that to him. “What if her interest in BDSM is just a passing curiosity?” He ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed by the insecure-sounding question but unable to hide his agitation from his younger brother. “What if, when the contract is over, she decides that life was simpler with her vanilla fiancé?”

  “Then we deal with it when it happens,” Bradley said, sounding far more casual than his body language suggested.

  “You have a lot to lose if this backfires and Mel is the one to walk away,” Ryan warned seriously.

  “And a lot to gain if it works out.” Bradley pulled Melody closer, his love for their best friend very obvious in every gentle touch. Fortunately, the woman continued to sleep through their conversation. “Ry, we were happy…we are happy, but something was missing. I think that something is you. Mel needs BDSM, but she also needs vanilla. She’s not a full-time submissive. Ev
en I can see that, but she does need what you can give her.”

  “You’re a trained Dom. You know what to do.”

  “True,” Bradley said with a genuine smile, “but I’ve just always considered it a bit of fun. I don’t take it as seriously as you do.”

  “You could if you wanted to.”

  “But where would that leave you?”

  “On the outside, where I belong.”

  “No,” Bradley said, his anger suddenly flaring. “You have a chance to be happy. We all do. Don’t you dare think like that!”

  “Whoa, settle down, little brother.”

  “Don’t little brother me, you asshole,” Bradley said in a dangerously calm voice. “I’m not the one trying to sabotage a good thing before it’s even begun.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ve obviously had time to think about it. I learned two hours ago that I’m expected to fuck my brother’s fiancée under the guise of submissive training, yet now you’re telling me you want to live a permanent ménage? How the fuck am I supposed to react?”

  “Grateful, excited, pleased…I don’t know, pick one.”

  “Grateful? To you? You’re the asshole who stole her out from under me years ago.”

  Bradley rolled his eyes. “You know that’s not true. You were already pushing her away long before she and I went off to college together.”

  Ryan ground his teeth and refused to comment. He couldn’t really deny it. He’d been barely twenty-two when he’d realized his need to dominate was far more a part of him than he’d first thought. He’d struggled to hide it from Melody, but when Bradley had come home from college without her, Ryan had finally explained what had happened to change things between him and Melody to his brother.

  Melody had stayed an extra year at college, eventually pursuing career options a long way from home. She’d only come back into their lives a few years ago.

  And Ryan had never found the courage to explain to Melody what had gone wrong between them.

  “I was happy for you both when Mel accepted your proposal.”

  “Me, too,” Bradley said with a more natural tone. “But I was happy for you when she wandered into your club.” He shifted slightly, gazing at the woman in his arms as he spoke. “We’ve both loved Mel our entire lives. Will you abandon her again without giving her a chance to understand?”

  Ouch. Low blow, but exceedingly accurate. The fear and confusion he’d felt while questioning his own kinky needs still didn’t excuse the way he’d treated Melody back then. He’d broken both of their hearts by being too much of a coward to explain.

  He shook his head in answer to his brother’s question.

  No, he wouldn’t abandon her. Not ever again.

  He just hoped he wasn’t going to hurt her this time by staying.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I wake feeling surprisingly refreshed. The sunshine streaming through the window, however, is a tad disconcerting. I slept all night?

  It takes another full minute to realize that the arms wrapped around me don’t belong to my fiancé.

  “Good morning, little one,” Ryan says as he pulls me closer. I can feel his hard cock pressed against my ass, and I can’t help but moan softly at the delicious feeling. He laughs quietly as his hand slides up my torso, eventually stopping just under my breast. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good, I think. Embarrassed, maybe. I’m not really sure.”


  “No,” I say, trying to roll in his embrace so that I can see his expression. “Well, I kind of regret falling asleep, but only because I cut our night together short.”

  “So you’re not ready to call us both assholes and run for the hills?”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Good answer,” Bradley says with a wicked grin as he comes into the room. He’s wearing only a towel and has obviously just come out of the shower. “We were talking last night—”

  “While I was asleep?” I ask, trying to hide my annoyance but doing a lousy job.

  “Yes, sleeping beauty,” he says as he sits on the edge of the bed, “while you were asleep.” He reaches over and brushes the hair out of my eyes, his touch sensual, intimate. “I know you took this week off work to organize some things for the wedding, but I think maybe this is more important at the moment.” He rubs at the frown marks on my forehead and leans forward to press a kiss to my nose. “I want you to stay with Ryan this week. Live the life full time. Explore the part of you that you came to his club to find.”

  “What about you?” I ask as my heart starts to pound painfully. With all the things we discussed over the past two weeks, me moving in with Ryan hadn’t been one of them.

  “I need to work during the day, but I’ll be back each night.”

  “But you want me to be Ryan’s sex slave?”

  I feel Ryan’s cock thicken and harden even more against my ass as I ask the sarcastic question. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with Ryan. It’s just that I expected that…Well, I don’t really know what I expected. This just isn’t it.

  “Yes, baby girl, I want you to explore everything about this life,” Bradley says, reaching under the blankets to fondle my breast. Ryan moves his hand away in deference to his brother, but it’s where he moves it to that has my breath jamming in my lungs. “We need to find a balance that suits all of us.” Bradley grins wickedly, obviously aware of what Ryan is up to. “For the next seven days you’ll be mine and Ryan’s full-time submissive and we’ll be your Doms. You’ll do what you’re told, when you’re told, and you won’t argue about it. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Clear? Yes,” I try to say sarcastically, but it’s a little hard to hit the right note when Ryan chooses that moment to shove several fingers deep inside my pussy. “But I don’t think I’m going to like it.” My words are choppy and almost sound like a lie, but I need to get my point across.

  “You will never know unless you try it,” Bradley says as he leans over and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Now be a good little sub, get on your knees, and pleasure your Dom before he goes to work.”

  He grips my hand and helps me out of the bed. I’ve never given him a blow job before. Sure, I messed around with a few guys over the years, but I really didn’t know what I was doing. “I don’t know how,” I whisper worriedly. What if I let him down? What if I can’t be what he needs?

  “It’s okay, little sub,” Ryan says from behind me. “We’ll teach you everything you need to know.”

  Bradley drops the towel, and his hard cock springs free only inches from my face. I sigh as he slides his hand over my neck, fisting the hair at the base of my skull. Fuck, I never realized how excited something as simple as being unable to move my head makes me feel.

  “Open,” he says as he presses his cock against my lips. I do as he says, opening my mouth wider as he slides deep into my throat. He holds there for a moment, watching me closely as I struggle with my gag reflex. He pulls back out and rests his cock against my lips again. “Close your lips this time and suck on my cock, little sub.”

  I try to nod, but his grip tightens and I realize my response is not required. As a submissive I’m not expected to agree with my Dom’s orders. I’m just expected to follow them.

  This time he pushes a little deeper, a little faster, holding me still just a little bit longer. He eases back again, his cock shiny with my saliva as he moves a step away.

  “What do you think, Master Ryan? Is our little sub learning her lesson well?”

  “Perhaps,” Ryan says from his position on the bed. Freed from Bradley’s hold, I turn my head to see Ryan has a hard grip on his own cock, his hand sliding up and down the thick shaft. “But I think maybe you should insist that she swallows this time instead of gagging.”

  “I didn’t gag,” I say defensively. I did a good job controlling my gag reflex.

  “Did we ask your opinion, little sub?” Ryan asks, suddenly standing beside me, his hand gripping the back of my neck almost, but
not quite, painfully.

  “N–No, Sir,” I say, hoping that by remembering to use the correct title he’ll go just a little bit easier on me.

  “Middle of the bed, facedown,” he orders as he drags the bedding to the floor. With that tight grip he guides me into the position he wants. “Don’t move.”

  I want to lift my head. I want to see what’s coming. I have no idea what he has planned. But a good healthy dose of self preservation keeps me exactly where he put me, my head turned away from where he’s rummaging in a drawer.

  I jolt a little in fright when I hear something being unwrapped. I think one of them steps into the bathroom for a moment because I hear a tap running, but he’s back quickly.

  “Hold her open, Master Bradley,” Ryan says in a deep voice that sends both fear and arousal skittering through me. Hold me open? What the hell does he mean by that?

  I almost crawl away when I feel Bradley’s big hands press against my ass, his firm pressure prying apart my butt cheeks, exposing my anus to their gaze. I can’t deny the dark thrill that sweeps through me. I’ve long been curious about anal play. I’ve just never had the courage to try it.

  The cold liquid against my hole is shocking, but I barely have a moment to adjust before something that seems flexible, maybe rubbery, rolls over my anus again and again.

  “Breathe out, little sub,” Ryan instructs as the thing—a butt plug?—pushes past the tight ring of muscle. I gasp as it widens, forcing open my virgin hole. I whimper as the sting grows unbearable. “Almost there, little sub.”

  I sigh with relief when my muscles close around a thinner part. Ryan wiggles it slightly, adjusting it to a more comfortable position, setting off nerve endings I’ve never dreamed were there.

  “Good girl,” Ryan says as he helps me off the bed and back onto my knees. “Now, behave, little sub, and I won’t have to punish you further.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I say a moment before Bradley once again slides his hand into my hair and his cock into my mouth. He pushes to the back of my throat without warning, holding me there, forcing my compliance.


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