The Third Ten

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The Third Ten Page 145

by Jacqueline Druga



  “Thanks for your help.”

  “Was I right?”



  Hal hung up the phone. “See what I mean? He didn’t know.”

  “But was he?” Danny asked.

  “Was he what?”

  “Was George Washington the name of Patsy and Billy’s dad?”

  “Yes, he was.”

  “Then Frank wasn’t wrong.”

  “Good God man…”

  “No, you were specific. You tricked him. Had you asked, President George Washington is the father of what, Frank would have gotten in.

  Hal tossed his hands in the air. “What can I say? You’re right. Frank’s a shoe in.”

  “Let the competition begin.” Danny turned to the camera. “I want to thank our guests for stopping by. Tune in tomorrow night when we announce those who will be competing in Beginnings Most Smartest Hero contest. Hope to see you tonight at Hoi—Hoi on the Range. I’m Danny Hoi. Good night.”


  “Why exactly are we having a special secret meeting?” Hal asked. “Why do I even live in Bowman? I’m in Beginnings all the time.”

  Hal was ready to go back, but was pulled aside to meet with Frank and Robbie.

  “Shut the fuck up Hal, it’s not that far of a drive,” Frank said. “We have a slight problem.”

  “Please. Please. Please do not tell me this has to do with Bob.”

  “No, I have him duct taped, that should hold him for a while.”

  Robbie laughed. “That’s funny. Has he gotten that out of control?”

  “Robbie.” Hal warned.

  “Yeah,” Frank ignored Hal. “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, I have to deal with something.”

  Hal perked up. “Nothing to do with Bob. The Hero competition?”

  “Nah, piece of cake on that. I’m walking away with the win.”

  Hal laughed, that arrogant, silent laugh where only his mouth opened. “I’m sure.” He dusted his pant leg. “Now, big brother. What’s going on?”

  “Dean.” Frank leaned against his desk. “I can’t blame him. He wants to come home.”

  “To Beginnings?” Hal asked.


  “He can’t do that. Roy is here.”

  “I know,” Frank said.

  Robbie added. “We need Roy. He is a source of info to carefully watch and monitor so we don’t make the same mistakes and end up with the bad future. We’re on the road Frank to achieving that.”

  “I know.”

  “And,” Hal said. “People like Roy much better.”

  “I know. But …” Frank held up his finger. “It’s Dean’s life. Dean’s kids. His lab, work, you name it. It isn’t Roy’s.”

  Hal sat back. “But Roy is enjoyable. Innocent. Not arrogant.”

  “Hal,” Frank said sharp. “Come on. It’s Dean’s life.”

  Robbie tilted his head. “We’re sorry, Frank. You’re right.”

  “What do you need from us?” Hal asked.

  “How can we do it.?” Hal asked. “Options.”

  “Sending him back is not an option,” Robbie said. “I mean, there may not be a Roy in the future he can go back to being.”

  Hal waved at Robbie. “How do you propose we send him back, anyhow?”

  Nonchalantly, Robbie replied. “The HG Wells.”

  “The HG Wells?” Hal questioned.

  “Yeah, I mean, that was what made me say about there not being Roy in the future. When I went … went …” His eyes shifted.

  “Time travel is outlawed.” Frank said.

  “That’s redundant,” Hal stated. “If there’s no working time machine. Unless there is?”

  “No.” Robbie shook his head.

  “But you just said …” Hal pointed.

  ‘I lied.”

  “You lied.”

  “I lied.”

  “He lied.” Frank repeated.

  “Hmm.” Hal gave a smug look. “Ok, let’s assume there is no viable way to send him back. Can we have Roy live in Bowman?”

  “We still have the same problem,” Frank said. “Two Dean’s.”

  “What about the Society?” Robbie questioned. “Can we send him there?”

  “To work with Lars?” Frank chuckled. “Roy or no Roy, the site of him will send Lars into his pick on Dean mode.”

  Hal rubbed his chin. “The easiest solution is to try to live in a perfect world with both Roy and Dean.”

  “But how?” Frank stated. “Short of it looks like we covered something. Which we did. How do we explain the existence of Roy? We don’t want to bring suspicion to him over Dad’s murder.”

  “Obviously, Dean’s fingerprints weren’t on there,” Robbie stated. “So that means, neither were Roy’s. I think if we think about it, we may be able to come up with a plausible story.”

  Frank snapped his finger. “What about stating the truth. That we suspected he was the clone, we hid Dean to bring him out because we thought for sure he was connected to Dad’s death. We announced he was cleared, I approached him, and he maybe said he was chasing the killer through time to stop him or her from killing Dad.”

  Hal shrugged. “That may work.”

  “We’re forgetting one thing,” Robbie interjected. “We’re trying to figure out how to ‘out’ Roy without problems so we can have both Roy and Dean. Right?”

  Both Hal and Frank nodded.

  “Well, are we stopping to consider the fact that, can Dean and Roy coexist?”

  Frank chuckled. “Like two matters occupying the same space?’

  “Frank.” Hal wisped out. “I am impressed at that.”

  Frank pointed to his temple. “I remembered Jason talking about that.”

  Robbie shook his head. “No, it would be a time machine thing. It’s a clone. I’m talking about two Deans. Can they live in the same community? They may cancel each other out.”

  Hal nodded. ‘‘Roy doesn’t have Dean’s ego.”

  “And Dean,” Robbie winked. “Doesn’t have Roy’s intelligence.”

  “Ouch.” Hal winced.

  “Plus, they never met. What happens? Instant friendship. Instant envy?” Robbie shrugged. “Roy wants Dean’s life. Dean will hate how smart Roy is. Can they live in the same province?”

  Frank watched his brothers, and then clapped his hands together once. “Well, there’s one way to find out.” He stood up straight. “Thanks Gentlemen.”

  Hal turned in his chair. “Where are you going?”

  Frank opened the door. “Time for the two Deans to meet.”


  They were almost there. Frank gave specific instruction that the only other person other than himself, Dean and Roy would be Jason.

  “How do I look?” Roy sat up perfectly in the seat.

  “Like you,” Frank said.

  “Why are we going tonight?” Roy asked. “Dean is not going to try to kill me is he?”

  “Nah, that would be killing himself and Dean’s not a suicidal person.”

  “That is good.”

  “Almost there.”

  “What is the reason?”

  “I’ll tell you when we get there.”

  “Does Dean know the reason?”

  “Yes. He is the reason.”

  Roy showed excitement. “Oh! Oh! He wants to meet me.”

  “Not exactly.”

  Roy sulked.

  “Not that he wouldn’t want to meet you. But that wasn’t what he asked for about this meeting.”

  “It is an official meeting? Should I have brought sweets?”

  “No, we’re good.” Frank pulled the truck in front of the house.

  “Is this where we have been hiding Dean.”

  “This is it?” Frank opened his door. “Ready?”

  Roy nodded.


  Dean had no idea that Frank wasn’t coming alone. All he knew was Frank sai
d no one but Jason was to be there.

  Jason parted the curtains. “He is here.”

  “And I hope he has a solution.”

  “If he doesn’t. I can help.”

  “Thanks, Jason.”

  “This should be interesting.” Jason released the curtain and turned to face Dean.


  The doorbell rang.

  Jason pointed.

  Dean, curious, walked to the door and opened it.

  “Hey, Dean.” Frank smiled.

  “Glad you’re here, Frank. Come in.” Dean opened the door wider.

  “Um …” Frank took a step, then stepped. “Someone I need you to finally meet.”

  Dean didn’t have a reaction. In fact, he stood there pretty shocked, just staring at Roy. He had come to the house all dressed up. A crisp plaid shirt, bright bow tie and his kicking new cowboy boots.

  “Hello Dr. Dean Hayes.” Roy extended his hand. “It is an honor to meet my genetic beginning.”

  Dean’s eyes shifted from Roy to Frank.

  Frank twitched his head with a smile, and Dean went back to staring at Roy.


  Dean was fixing a salad in the kitchen, while Frank stood at the oven. “I thought it would be a good idea to have a talk over dinner. They had pizza at the Bowman Mess Hall.”

  “Thanks for bringing the food. And …. him.” Dean went over and peeked out the kitchen door. Roy was sitting straight up at the table. “Frank he doesn’t even look like me.”

  “Yeah, he does.”

  “No, he doesn’t. How stupid can the people be to buy that is me?”

  “They thought it was a new improved you.”

  “That’s improved.” Dean laughed. “Oh my God, I can only imagine my reputation now.”

  “It’s actually … people like you. You’re a people person now.”

  “Well that will stop.” Dean said. “People will just think it was a phase I went through. Danny can say it was my chip.”

  “Ok ... or … something else.”


  Frank hesitated before answering.


  It was a stare down that Jason seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Rather Dean stared at Roy.

  “Why? Frank?” Dean asked. “Would you think it is a good idea for us both to stay in Beginnings?”

  Jason held up his hand. “If I may, Frank. Dean why wouldn’t you? You are the most intelligent man in Beginnings.” He shifted his eyes to Roy. “That was funny.”

  “Well, yes, I am the most intelligent man in Beginnings.”

  “See.” Dean pointed. “Put him in Bowman.”

  Roy shook his head. “I live Beginnings.”

  “But I’m going to live in Beginnings. So you can’t.”

  “Why?” Roy asked. “We can be great friends.”

  Dean chuckled. “How? You started all this.”

  “No, I did not.” Roy defended. “I tried to make sure the future is good. Not dismal.”

  “By making me out to be the serial mutilator.”

  “It protected you,” Roy said. “When they thought you killed Joe.”

  “You mean when they thought you killed Joe.”

  “I look like you.” Roy smiled.

  “Yeah, with a mullet.”

  Roy looked at Frank. “What is a mullet?”

  “It was that hair do you had before you cut it all off. Long in the back, short on sides.”

  “Oh, I liked that.” Roy smiled. “It made me look like American Legend Icon Billy Ray Cyrus.”

  “Please.” Dean scoffed. “And I can’t believe people buy that you are me.”

  “I think that people will accept and buy,” Roy said. “Anything they like.”

  “Are you saying people don’t like me?”

  “They didn’t.”

  Frank whistled. It was reminiscent of a Joe whistle. He waited for the silence. “There is no reason why the two of you cannot work and live within the same province. None. You both have assets you can share. Dean, Roy knows a lot of shit. But Roy, there is something Dean can do that you cannot.”

  Roy gasped. “I beg your pardon.”

  “Oh, yeah. Got that attitude, Pal?” Frank nodded. “Try doctoring.”

  “I am wondering.”

  “Until you have to put a knife in your hand or stitch someone. One of my security guys complained about the way you sutured them.”

  “Was it wrong?” Roy asked.

  “No, it was normal and wasn’t pretty. Dean does tiny stitches to make sure people don’t scar too much.”

  “He must teach me.”

  “And you teach him stuff.”

  Dean waved his hand about. “Fine. Fine. But how do you explain two Deans.”

  “I will,” Frank said. “Over DBS, tomorrow. I make the announcement. I state the semi truth.”

  “So you’re gonna tell them we’ve been deceiving them.”

  “No, I have been deceiving them.” Frank examined their expressions. “I’ll say it was all my idea for the good of the future.”

  Dean stood up. “You’re gonna look like a bad guy, Frank.”

  “Won’t be the first time. But tomorrow I announce, and unless I come up with a better idea on how to explain it. That will be it.”

  “I hope you come up with a better idea.”

  “I may.” Frank winked. “But pack tonight. Tomorrow you come home.”

  “You know,” Dean said. “I still say if the future is fixed, let’s just send him back.”

  “Dean.” Jason warned.

  Dean walked to the dining room mantle and moved the big clock.

  Another warning call from Jason. “Dean.”

  Roy jumped to his feet. “My machine.”

  “Mine.” Dean smiled. “We fixed it.”

  “Robbie did not lie. It works?” Roy reached for it as Dean lifted it from the mantel.

  “It works. And I think we should use to just zap you to the future.”

  ‘‘No.” Roy shook his head. “I am needed here and do not wish to return now.” He reached for the HG Wells.

  Dean pulled back.

  “Gentlemen.” Frank called out.

  “Mine.” Roy snapped like a three year old.

  “Not any more.” Dean pulled back.

  Roy grabbed hold, and both Roy and Dean struggled over the box.

  “Frank?” Jason said with caution. “Do something before they break it.”

  At his loudest, Frank shouted. “Hey!”

  It blasted through the room scaring both Roy and Dean and Roy let go. Dean wasn’t ready and the HG Wells flew up in the air, hit the mantle, and did a high air bounce toward the table.

  Princess Leah popped out speaking super high and fast.

  Frank, in an attempted to intercept, only grazed the side, slowing the speed, but the HG Wells dropped hard against the dining room table. It buzzed and shook, the side opened up and a green light appeared.

  “Get down!” Jason warned when the first beam of green shot out.

  They all ducked and the beam shot across the room, hit into the mirror, and the beam divided, reflecting three beams that shot clear out of the window into nothing.

  Jason reached up and shut off the box.

  Everyone slowly rose.

  Dean ran his fingers through his hair. Jason looked at the HG Wells. “Doesn’t seem broke.”

  “What the hell was that?” Frank asked.

  Roy moved his index finger to his own lips. “Uh oh.”

  “Uh oh?” Frank asked. “What is uh oh?”

  “What happened Roy?” Dean asked.

  “It’s theoretical.” Roy shrugged. “I didn’t think … let me see.” He took the box.

  Hands on hips, Frank looked down to him. “Roy, you said uh oh. What’s up?”

  “Ok, Dr. Godrichson, with the Regressionator. What was your fear about the traveler, and what were you working on when Hal, Robbie and Frank went to the future.”

  “An aut
o return,” Jason stated.

  “You actually were ahead of me. I had an auto return but it was more if the travelers separated. It never was tested.”

  “Did we test it tonight, Roy?” Jason asked.

  “Perhaps inadvertently.” Roy said softly as he sat with the HG Wells at the table. “Let me examine it.”

  Dean looked at Jason and Frank. “Was anyone watching what happened?”

  “The side opened and a beam came out” Jason said. “It shot into the mirror.”

  Frank added. “And went three ways out the window.”

  “Oh boy.” Roy whispered.

  All three men turned to him.

  “Ok.” Roy peered up innocently. “The retractor beam was working.”

  Frank folded his arms. “Retractor beam?”

  “Yes, that’s what I’ll call it. I never thought it would be a beam.” Roy shrugged. “The machine is saying a bunch of data. I would have to decipher.”

  “Can you give us anything?”

  Roy nodded. “It shot into the future.”

  Dean questioned. “When, as in how far.”

  “Between 175 and 2000 years.”

  “Holy shit!” Dean grabbed back his bangs. “Holy shit! You can’t tell?”

  “I will. In time.” Roy stayed calm.

  “Where into the future?” Frank asked.

  “Several locations, one time. The mirror split it in three. So I’m trying to decipher the other locations it went to in the future, and three location it returned.”

  “Returned?” Jason quizzed.

  Roy nodded. “Yes, if it indeed worked, the beam returned.”

  “Returned, as in grabbed a subject?” Jason tilted his head.

  Roy nodded. “Maybe not. It is quite possible the beam shot through nothing.”

  “Or a person?” Frank asked.

  “Yes,” Roy stated.

  “They aren’t here.” Frank said.

  “No, I don’t know where the subject was beamed.” Roy exhaled.

  Jason waved his hands about. “Ok. I’m confused. What exactly does this beam look like when it hits its destination? Does it grab, open door, what?”

  Roy shrugged.

  Jason continued, “Because, if it grabs that means it could have brought anyone through. If it’s a door. Someone would have to approach it.”


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