“What is this?” He held up a beaker.
“Don’t drop it.”
“Why would I drop it.”
“Because that’s a sample of the semen from our future LEP.”
With a grunting ‘uh!’ Frank set down the beaker. “That’s sick.”
“Yeah, well, it holds valuable DNA. Gives me some insight into the genetic makeup of the future LEP and a way to save Marcus. He has that control factor that is gonna take his life and I don’t want that to happen.”
“Me either. Hey … how’s Harry?”
“The Killer Fetus? Good. He’s good. Have you seen him?”
“Not since Dan found him.”
“We put him in the false environment and we are fusing him with human DNA.”
“Is it working?” Frank asked.
“Hard to tell right now. We’ll see.”
“Dean, you don’t think that’s the human slash LEP that starts it all, do you?”
Dean shook his head. “No, I’m convinced it’s Jenny’s baby. Unfortunately, we don’t know if she is having an LEP yet.”
“When will that …” Frank pointed to the beaker. “Give you answers.”
“Hard to say. Think you can find me another Killer Fetus. I’m thinking of fusing the future DNA with one.”
“I’ll try. You should mix that sperm with an human egg and see what happens.”
Slowly Dean’s eyes lifted. “That’s not a bad idea.”
“I am the king of good ideas. Just don’t make it Ellen’s. I know she has eggs stored around here. We don’t need another kid. Although a mutated one would be different”
Dean shook his head. “That’s sick.”
“No sick is playing with sperm.”
“Yeah, well, I’d love to get my hands on the future LEP, but unfortunately, that isn’t happening. You guys will kill him first.”
“Can you use the body?”
“Sure.” Dean shrugged. “That would be great.”
“I’ll make sure you get the remains.” Frank grabbed his shirt. “Am I done?”
“Yes, I’m sorry. You are. I know it looks and feels good, but can you do me a favor and just take it easy on that shoulder for a day or so.”
“Can I dance?”
“That’s a matter of opinion.”
Frank laughed. “That was good.”
“Yes, you can dance, Frank. But don’t do that waving arm thing you do.”
“Oh, Dean, I’m crushed, that’s my best move.” A grin across his face, Frank put on his shirt and moved his arm up and down. “This is amazing, Dean. I was shot and it just feel as if I pulled a muscle.”
“It is.”
“You should bottle this stuff you give me.”
“Nah, it was designed for you and I don’t think anyone normal could handle it.”
“I’m not normal?”
“Nope. You’re one of a kind.” Dean turned to the counter and mouthed the words ‘I am’, the same time as Frank said them. He chuckled and waved. “Go have fun, Frank.”
“Night Dean.”
“Night.” Dean heard the door close. His eyes immediately went to the beverage napkin that Frank had used as a bandage. The small white, square napkin had a silver dollar size blood spot. Holding it with two fingers, Dean examined it. He heard the door open, and fully braced himself for a Frank comment. There was none. Dean turned. “Did you forget …”
Roy stood there.
“Something.” Dean cleared his throat and placed down the napkin. “What can I do for you? You didn’t knock.”
“I am sorry. My apologies.” Roy forced a smile. “That napkin is what Frank used for his injury. By all accounts it should be blood soaked and destroyed.”
“By all accounts, yes.”
“The agent. It works. Amazing.” He paused. “But you do not use it on anyone else.”
“I did … on Joe. Because they have basically a similar genetic makeup. But I didn’t bombard Joe.”
Roy stepped closer. “You didn’t give Joe the same thing,”
“What are you talking about?” Dean scoffed. “Of course, I did.
“No, you gave Joe the healing agent consisting of the Jackrabbit DNA. You gave Frank the Jackrabbit, mixed with the LEP DNA. Hence why he runs fast, the Killer Babies and Pubes cannot scent him. The jackrabbit DNA only accelerated the LEP mutation.”
Dean spun to Roy. “Why are you getting on my shit? Frank knows there was LEP DNA in there.”
“No one knows how much. Or how … how often.”
Dean closed his eyes.
“Danny Hoi writes a book in the future. I have brought it. It outlines the Great War, who dies first, what happens since Joe was leader. He was leader because you were saved by knowledge in the Aragon Window. All of ‘future Danny’s’ history and mine is based upon what has happened prior to my arrival.”
“In Aragon Window, you had died in that time frame; therefore you had not given Frank the agent. Is this true?”
“In my history it was noted that Frank possessed certain skills and certain attributes and no one knew why.”
“I’m going to ask what your point is.” Dean stated. “Really. I feel like I am under interrogation here.”
“No, no.” Roy shook his head. “I am merely problem solving out loud, because I believe there is a problem.”
“With Frank?”
Roy nodded. “In the future you went to, was Frank alive?”
“Of course, Frank was alive, but he …” Dean cleared his throat. “He died.”
“At what age?”
“Sixty-two, sixty-three. Died in his sleep.”
“In my future Frank dies in his sleep at the same age.”
“You’re typically guarded about giving away future information. Why are you doing so, right now, to me?”
“Because I believe something changed.” Roy stepped to him. “Something I may have caused and I want to help you fix it.”
Dean tossed up his hands. “I haven’t a clue what.”
“You bombarded Frank’s system with the agent when he was shot. Have you given him more?”
Dean hesitated in his edgy reply. “I don’t know what difference that makes.”
“You did. You gave him more in the form of three injections. Why?”
Dean huffed. “Because he was facing the invisible soldiers, was facing the Great War, more dangerous obstacles and then the recent news of the LEP.”
“All things I caused. Had they not happened, you wouldn’t have given Frank more.”
“You can’t say that with certainty.”
“No, I can’t. But I can say this. I have read many books. One of which is a classic. Mary Shelby’s Frankenstein. Are you familiar?”
Dean laughed. “Of course.”
“Frank is your Frankenstein’s monster.”
Angry, Dean shot his hand outward in a point. “How dare you say that?”
“Because you … with Frank’s approval, gave him three more injections. You didn’t bombard him. You wanted to experiment to see if you could boost his system even more to prevent injury. To make him indestructible.”
“We need him. He is capable of doing things no other man can.”
“This was a test tonight.”
“I didn’t shoot Frank.”
“I know you didn’t. But this plays into your experiment. This …” Roy lifted the napkin. “Proved it a success. I applaud that success, but in doing so, you did one thing.”
Dean gripped the counter, his head lowered and he exhaled. “We don’t know that.”
“You know what it did to the rabbits.”
“He’s not a rabbit.”
“No, but his body will react the same eventually. It has to work harder to keep up with his abilities and one part of his body is not manipulated. His heart. This is a fact.” Roy said. “Have you tested it?”
“Early on.”
Dean didn’t answer.
“You’re afraid to.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I am.”
“Dean, If Frank died in the future at a fairly young age without further manipulation there is issue with his heart. You know this. It makes sense now that, inadvertently, by making him heal faster, be stronger you have given him an early expiration date.” Roy still held the beverage napkin. “We can find a solution. But we have to know our time frame.”
“I can’t bring him in for testing without telling him why. If I tell him why, he’ll scoff,” Dean stated.
“It’s Frank. You can lie to him and he’ll believe you.”
Dean smiled. “True.”
“Bring him in. Begin the testing so we can begin to find a solution before it’s too late.”
“I will. You’re right. It’s been on my mind a lot.”
“Now you have yourself.” Roy stood proud. “To consult. We have the same make up, the same brain. We are powerful working together. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to return to the party. I must whip my hair.”
Dean gave a tightly closed smile and nod of thanks and Roy walked out. He thought about what Roy had said. It was eerie because it was as if it were his own walking talking conscious speaking to him. Dean stared at the beverage napkin and then placed it in a specimen dish. When he did, he paused and looked puzzled at the door. “Whip his hair?”
Mark waved his hand in front of his face as Danny and Hal leaned over him to peer at the monitors. “Man, I’ll get drunk breathing in your breath. How much did you guys have to drink.”
“Mark, it’s a party,” Danny said.
“And I’m working.”
Hal laid a hand on Mark’s shoulder “Many of my men can sympathize, as they are working as well.”
Mark grumbled.
“What do we have?” Danny asked.
“This.” Mark pulled up the radar. “It hasn’t moved. Not much.”
Hal glanced that the screen that showed dozens of small blips of light surrounding on large one. “What are we looking at?”
“These small lights.” Mark pointed at the Killer Babies and Toddlers. Typically this time of night, they stop zipping around. But they usually are mobile. This big light, I don’t know what it is.”
“Did they bring in an animal?” Danny asked.
“That’s what I thought when it moved in. That’s why I don’t know if it’s a malfunction.” Mark said. “The larger object moved in and stopped. There was some scattering of the Killer Babies, but they stopped. Then the big object left and come back. Now they haven’t moved. I mean, they’re still alive, because they move occasionally. But pretty it’s like their sitting around a campfire.” Mark clicked on the keyboard. “Here watch.”
Danny ran his hand over his chin as he watched the bigger object. “Could this be an animal?”
“Could be,” Mark said. “But the system is either frozen or they’re all really content right now.”
“Mark? How big is this?” Hal questioned.
“Bear size,” Mark replied. Seven foot, four hundred pounds.”
Danny pointed. “IF that was a beer, wouldn’t the babies have eaten him or started, he wouldn’t be that big anymore.”
Hal snapped. “I know that that is.” He pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna call Frank.”
Mark looked over his shoulder. “I heard he was shot.”
“Nah, it’s a flesh wound.” He lifted the phone to his ear. “Frank, hey listen … Frank … Frank.” Hal spoke louder. “I can’t hear you. What the hell … Frank! What … well quit whipping your hair and listen.”
Danny looked at Mark. “Aw, man is that happening now. I wanted to be in it?”
Mark’s mouth dropped open.
Hal winced. “Frank, we have a situation. I don’t know. What is a class three … hold on.” Hal spoke to Mark. “Is this a class three Alpha or higher.”
Mark shook his head. “I wouldn’t say that yet. Tell him it could be soon.”
Hal huffed. “Frank ... Frank it isn’t but Mark said it has the makings to be. Fine. Fine. Wait for the result. But hurry, because I cannot handle this one.” He hung up.
“What do you think that is?” Mark asked.
“If I’m right. That …” Hal indicated to the large light. “Is our future LEP.”
Hal waited for Frank at a distance from Sector 32. A couple of reasons caused him to wait there. The main one being he didn’t want, what he believed was the future LEP to go anywhere. He kept checking back with Mark and receiving the updates that all was the same.
The Mardi Gras was still going strong, bad karaoke flowed through the night air. Hal pinched the corner of his eyes to squeeze out an impending headache. Oddly, Danny was quiet, his back to Hal. Was he worried? In deep thought? His head was down. Hal inched his way and was quiet so as not to startle him.
“Danny, is …” Hal paused when he looked down to Danny’s hands. He held a different phone and his fingers moved. “Are you texting or playing a game?”
Danny’s head sprang up. “Hey, hey, Hal.”
Danny put his phone in his pocket.
“You’re texting?”
“Um , sort of.”
“Sort of? Can we text? I didn’t think we had the phones for that. Our phones are something out of early cell phone era. Well, except for yours and Robbie’s.”
“We can’t … I can .. We all will …” Danny cleared his throat. “Tomorrow or next day at latest. Robbie’s getting the final things tomorrow for the project that Henry and I have been working on..”
“Why what?”
“Why are we bringing texting back?”
“Because I used to love to text.”
“I find that hard to believe considering how much you talk. My father must be having a fit.”
“He doesn’t know yet. Keep in mind he was dead when I started this.”
“Good God.”
“Yeah, well, it will free the lines. That’s a perk.” Danny said.
“If you are the only one who can text, who are you texting?”
“Myself to the other phone and updating my status.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“My status. I know it’s been years Hal, but you have to remember that term.”
“Like a social network status?” Hal asked. “We don’t have that … never mind. We will?”
Danny grinned.
“Oh, boy.” Hal turned when he saw Frank and Robbie walking over the grade. “Frank it’s about time.”
“I had to wait. And oh, yeah, I am the champion.”
Robbie pointed. “He’s the champ Hal, Injured and all he won hands down.”
“Won what?” Hal asked.
“The Whip my Hair contest.” Frank replied.
“Frank, how did you win a whip your hair contest?”
“Uh, Hal, by whipping my hair.”
“All well and fine, Frank, but you don’t have any hair.”
“You lie. I have hair.”
“Not much.”
“In Frank’s defense …”
Hal held out this hand. “There it is. What are we defending Frank on now?”
“He can whip his hair.” Robbie stated.
“I can. I am the champ. There you have it.”
“You can’t win a whip your hair contest when you don’t have hair to whip. That’s the entire point to whip around your hair. Your hair doesn’t whip Frank.”
“It’s in the motion of the head, Hal. Watch …” Frank jerked his head back and forth and around. “See.”
“You’re a moron, where’s Dad?”
“Please don’t tell me Dad was whipping his hair. Recovering from what?” Hal asked.
“A really bad karaoke moment.” Frank winked.
“Yeah,” Robbie winced. “It wasn’t his best.”
��Besides,” Frank said. “You mentioned Sector 32, this is my baby region. Dad isn’t going to do anything. What’s going on and why is Danny texting.”
Danny looked up. “Practicing. And you like my new phone? The Unique Boutique used to be a Radio Shack. I bought the boxes from Ben. Has great pictures. Smile champ.”
Frank posed.
“Good god.”
“Let me see.” Frank leaned toward Danny’s phone. “Not bad.”
“It can be your profile picture on your Hoibook account.”
“Oh, yeah. I have a profile pic.”
“Will you stop?” Hal barked. “We have bigger problems. Come this way.” He grabbed a spot light from the jeep and waved his hand then started to walk.
Hal arrived first and stopped a good six feet from the perimeter fence. It was dark and the spotlights weren’t on.
“Why are the lights out?” Robbie asked.
“I didn’t want to scare it away.”
“It?” Robbie questioned. “I don’t see anything.”
Frank moved closest to the fence. “You don’t need to. I smell it.” He sniffed. “It’s there.”
“What’s there?” Robbie asked.
“Am I right?” Hal questioned. “It is our future LEP?”
Robbie peeped out a shriek.
“Yep.” Frank stated and held out his hand. “Give me the spot.” He sniffed again. “It’s getting closer.”
Hal handed over the spotlight and stepped back.
Danny inched closer.
Robbie stepped back. “Frank, is that fence gonna hold him.”
“I thinks so. Who cares?” Frank readied the spotlight.
With a high pitch tone, Robbie squealed. “Who care?”
“Shut up. It’s almost here. Listen.” Frank’s eyes stayed focus and he lifted the light. “It’s watching me.”
A ‘sniff’, mocking Frank’s carried through the air.
Frank flicked on the spotlight. When he did, the beam illuminated the future LEP. He was huge and towered across from Frank.
Hal jerked back.
Robbie jumped.
Danny didn’t.
The Third Ten Page 176