The Third Ten

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The Third Ten Page 205

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Dean used his healing agent,” Andrea said. “Wonderful stuff. You got a big dose.”

  Ellen mumbled, “Like ten thousand times the dose.”

  “What?” Andrea asked.

  “I was saying I’d give him a dose ten thousand times over despite Hal not wanting us to.”

  “The Captain didn’t want me to have it?” Elliott asked.

  Ellen shook her head. “Nope. Fought adamantly said you weren’t a guinea pig.”

  Andrea gasped. “My Hal said that? Oh, wait until I talk to the boy.”

  “Where is he?” Elliott asked.

  “Out with Frank. He was blown up.”

  “Hal or Frank?” Elliott asked.

  ‘Frank,” Ellen answered. “He’s fine though.”

  “He stopped dropped and rolled,” Andrea added.

  “Any how ….” Ellen sang out. “We want to run some tests. See where that water came from. It was weird, and then we’ll go from there.” Ellen turned to walk out.

  “Ellen?” Elliott called out. “Is everything alright.”

  “Yes, everything is fine. I’ll be back.” She flashed a smile and stepped back out into the hall, then walked back toward the lab. Ready to call Joe, she stopped when she saw him enter the glass doors. She placed the phone away and approached him.

  “How is Elliott?” Joe asked.

  “Great. Feels normal.”

  “That’s good.” Joe looked beyond her, almost preoccupied. “I want to speak to him.”

  “He doesn’t remember much.”

  “Well, I still want to speak to him.”

  “Okay, where is Dean? Have you seen him?”

  Joe just looked at her.


  Joe shook his head. “Nothing. He’s uh … at the quantum lab.”

  “I’ll call him. I need him. Elliott woke from the coma choking on water, like he was drowning.”

  “Yeah, well you’ll have that.” On his words, a distracted Joe walked by her and down the hall.

  “I’ll have that?” Ellen said to herself. “What is wrong with people today?” Walking into the lab she pulled out her phone and tried to call Dean.


  His head pounded. A throbbing headache that reminded him of his surgery from the brain tumor. At first Johnny worried, then he remembered.


  He was watching his father at the office trailer. His father and uncles, along with Dean were up to something, when he heard the two strange voices sneaking by the trailer.

  They heard him coming and took off, or so Johnny thought. Then he saw Henry.

  “Johnny, what are you doing here?” Henry asked.


  Everything went black.

  He knew Henry was quick and wiry, but he wasn’t fast enough to knock him out. Henry was working with whoever was at his father’s office.

  That was what he deducted.

  As soon as he remembered that, Johnny opened his eyes. It was hard to breathe, the air was thick and he was surrounded by sounds of nature.

  Where was he?

  He was laying on his side, a backpack under his head and his clothes were wet.

  His opened his eyes and saw boots. Beginnings’ issued boots. Surely it was Henry. He tried to move and a wave of dizziness hit him and he fell back.

  “Careful, that drug still hasn’t worn off.”

  Johnny blinked and focused.


  Fort smiled. “Morning sunshine.”

  “Where am I?” Johnny asked. “Where’s Henry?’

  “Who cares where Henry is. Down by the lake. Asshole jumped through.”

  “He was the one that tried to kill my father,” Johnny said.

  Fort laughed. “No he wasn’t.”

  “But he was there and …”

  “Nearest I could figure was he was following me.”

  “That was you by the trailer?”

  Fort raised his hand. “Guilty.”

  “I heard two voices. You and Henry.”

  “No. 9-B-754 came through last night. I guess he ended up lost in time.” Fort laughed. “Don’t know how that happened. He came through the same time as me, probably caught another bend. Anyhow, if I hadn’t seen him wearing that stupid, how would you describe it, ninja outfit, I wouldn’t have spotted him and he would have blended in. All the Strengths wear them. Pretty much clueless strong men who have one job only. To enforce what we do and die if needed.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Johnny asked.

  “You need to know, there will be a lot of questions.”

  Again, Johnny tried to move and fell back down.

  “Easy, that drug is strong. You won’t be able to really walk for another hour or so. Or really move well.”

  “You shot Elliott.”

  “Yep. I aimed for your father... missed.”

  Johnny tried to lunge, but he was too sluggish.

  Fort laughed again and moved closer to Johnny. “Look, no offence to your dad and all, but I was created out of the Great War. If there is no Great War, if your father changes things, then I cease to exist. In theory. So I didn’t want to take that chance. I had no plans on staying in Beginnings. I was there for the clone, and once I got him I was going to jump elsewhere. Not go back to my pathetic time. But I have to say this ….” Fort lifted his head. “Is pretty beautiful. And you my new friend played into everything brilliantly.”

  “What are you talking about?’

  “See, they let me in the loop. They guessed that whoever was trying to kill Frank would leap through the time machine. Which, by the way, I had no intention of going through the HG Wells. None, I didn’t need to. I was going to jump time after I killed him, hell I had my time device kit hidden in the undeveloped area since I arrived. But when they said,” Fort paused to snicker. “Hal and Robbie and Dean were gonna jump and chase me. I thought. Oh my God. How fucking awesome. Right? I go through, they follow, we all end up a thousand years in the future …”

  “A thousand years?”

  “Oh, yeah. This place is a planet of LEPS,” Fort said. “So as I was saying. We all end up here. I leave, they keep looking for me and now you. Never knowing I left. How would they know? Hopefully they get stuck or die, I’ll be long gone and knowing the Slagels, they won’t give up.” He winked. “Without the Slagel men, there is no way the Great War will be won. And bonus, Henry is stuck here too. He’s probably dead. Knowing how much Robbie hates him, he probably killed Henry before he heard an explanation.”

  Johnny closed his eyes, trying to rid himself of the pain.

  “Are you following? I know you’re in pain. Back has to hurt, I dragged you here. Anyhow, it’s been fun. Henry is here. Your uncles. Dean. All gone forever from Beginnings. Check this out, to throw them off. Me and 9-B, snatched up a few of the street dwellers and locked them away to throw your pap off. Just for fun. So you know, they’re in warehouse four, the third storage room.”

  “Where is your friend now?’

  “Friend? Or he’s not my friend. More of a lackey. He actually believed we were going after the clone last night and not your father. Not the brightest person. Then again, I only worked with him once before. He’s still in Beginnings. Left him there. Convinced him it was best. I figure he’ll blend in there are so many new faces there. I’d tell you what he looks like but, unfortunately he always wears that damn ninja mask. Pay attention Johnny you need to know this.”

  “I need to kill you.”

  “You don’t have the strength. And when you have it, I’ll be gone and you’ll have questions to answer. I just gave the answers to you,” Fort said, then fiddled with a small device in his hand. “My time kit had two return devices. One for me and one for 9-B. Since he won’t need it. Lucky you. You’re going back.”


  “Yeah. Probably a little later than when we left,” Fort said. “But you’re going back. I have no qualms with you and really I like Joe. He has
to have someone in his family left. Me, I have nothing in the future. You can tell them I won’t be there. I’m going to 1984. Ronald Reagan, Bon Jovi, and relaxed immigration laws. I’m gonna use the name your father gave me. Tenanay Fortutu.” He shook his head with a smile. “So funny. Device is set.” He placed the device in Johnny’s pocket. “You’ll be better in an hour. And, Jason was right. I jumped after I killed your dad. Nothing personal, but he had to go. Man was tough to kill. He’s dead now. For sure.”

  Suddenly, Johnny was filled with rage and he had enough strength to give it all his might and swing out at Fort. However, the time sequence occurred and in a flash, he was back in Beginnings just outside of Jason’s lab. His arm completed the swing and when he arrived, instead of punching Fort, his fist connected with an unsuspecting and unprepared Roy.


  Joe recounted in his mind the level of insanity the morning had. First Frank’s office blows up... with Frank none the less, only after he found out Johnny was missing. Of course, Johnny was one of twelve unaccounted for between Beginnings and Bowman. One of which was Creed. He was seven feet tall. Joe hadn’t a clue how he vanished. That was the icing on the cake. Fortunately, Frank was fine, the time culprits went through, his sons and Dean chased them. Elliott emerged from a coma, sending psychic warnings that it was a trap the same time Robbie, battered and broken, bound to a post appeared and disappeared in Jason’s lab.

  Hating to leave the lab, Joe went to see Elliott Ryder. Who, after being shot in the head and torso, was trying to get out of bed and get dressed. Upon seeing that and the fact that Frank magically healed after being burnt, Joe was seriously contemplating putting a halt on the unorthodox experiments of the resident madman Dean.

  But a part of him was happy. He needed Elliott and Joe knew his sons weren’t coming back for a while.

  Just as he was discussing things with Elliott, he received a video call from Danny Hoi.

  “Joe, we have a situation.”

  “Why are you video calling me, Danny?”

  “Because I can and I thought you’d want to see my face.” Danny grinned.


  “Anyhow, we have a situation. I need you to meet me right away. I’ll stop by at Gemma’s bakery, I want a latte.”

  With a groan of irritation, Joe ended the call. “Stay here.” He told Elliott. “Stay in bed. At least … another hour.”

  “I feel fine.”

  “Yeah, well, let’s let Andrea check you out thoroughly. Okay?”

  “Then I can help out?”

  “Yes.” Joe walked to the door. “And Elliott. Glad you’re okay.” He left the room, successfully darted by Ellen and out the front doors.

  He had put Danny in charge. Danny was completely competent enough to handle things. To Joe he called either because it was bad, or Danny just wanted to see Joe’s expression about something.

  It was deemed important, and Joe walked to the bakery.

  Danny was walking out when Joe arrived.

  “What’s the situation?” Joe asked.

  “How’s Elliott. Heard he came out of the coma.”

  “How the hell did you know?”

  “Melissa posted in on Hoi Book.”

  “What the hell is the matter with people? Do they not have anything else to do? He’s better. Now what’s going on?”

  “Walk with me.”

  “Danny …”

  “Come on Joe, this is good,” Danny said and started to walk.

  “It better be.”

  “Anyhow … you put me in charge of finding our missing twelve people.”

  “I did. I take it you found them?” Joe asked.

  “I didn’t. Dan found them.”

  “I thought Dan from Security was on that missing list.”

  “No, that’s Dan Bosworth.”

  “Who the hell is Dan Bosworth?” Joe asked.

  “Skinny guy from Bowman, red hair, has a huge mole on is cheek and walks … anyhow, he’s the one that was missing.”

  “So Dan found them.”

  “He did. Nine of them.”

  “Makes sense considering three went through the time machine. We knew they were taken to throw us.” Joe said. “Are they okay?”

  “Severely hung over. I’ve been talking to them since Dan found them. Well, Dan heard them. Don’t know if you paid attention to the radio chatter …” Danny laughed. “He thought they were monsters. He called Jess, Jess had to run down there. It was funny.”

  “Danny, where the hell were they?”

  “Locked in warehouse four.”

  “What?” Joe asked shocked. “How did nine people get locked in warehouse four?”

  “Easily. Seems they were all lured to the location under the guise they were going to a rave.”

  Joe stopped walking. “A rave?”

  “Yeah, you know. Rave. A massive party, high tech music, things get out of control and …”

  “I know what a rave is!” Joe snapped. “And serves them goddamn right. A rave. When the hell is there ever a rave in Beginnings?”

  “Every other Thursday in various …” Danny slowed down when Joe stared at him. “You didn’t hear that from me.”

  “Of course.”

  “I talked to them briefly, I figured you would want to talk to them more.”

  “Thank you,” Joe said.

  “Apparently, they were all line dancing when they were asked to go, and they went.”

  “Asked by who?” Joe questioned.




  “Son of a bitch.” Joe griped. “And we let him in on everything.”

  “I mean we all thought of him. Right?”

  Joe stared.

  “Maybe not. Well, he brought them here and get this, some guy in a ninja mask locked them in. Jenny said it was believable. They heard music playing and everything.”

  “A man in a ninja mask?” Joe asked.

  “No one knew who he was.”

  Joe huffed out. “Jason said someone came through in the time machine last night. From the future. Fort’s future. Bet he came through to help.”

  “If that’s the case, there’s something to think about.”

  “What’s that?” Joe asked.

  “Where is he?” Danny asked. “Twelve people went missing. Add him, that’s thirteen. To quote Frank, basic math. Three people went through. Nine are in this room. Where is he?”

  “Well, we’ll find him. Ninja mask or not, a stranger will be easy to spot.”

  “You think?” Danny asked. “You didn’t know who Dan Bosworth was.”

  Joe rounded the bend to warehouse four and saw Dan from Security outside with bolt cutters. “Danny, where are our nine people. You said you talked to them.”

  “I did, Joe. Through the door.”

  “I’ll get you water in a minute,” Dan from Security yelled to the door. “Joe’s here.”

  Joe grumbled. “You talked to them through the door? Why are they still in there?”

  “I figured you wanted to be here for the unveiling.”

  “Danny!” Joe yelled.


  “Open the goddamn door and let them out!” Just as Joe barked out that order, his phone rang. “Christ, what now?” He grabbed his phone then looked at Danny. “And do not unleash them to the community until I talk to them.” He took a few steps away, looked to see who was calling, saw it was Jason and reluctantly answered. “Jason, tell me you have news.”

  “I do. Very interesting news,” Jason said. “A time door opened up. Not mine.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  “You’ll find out. I’ll meet you at the clinic. Johnny came through.”

  Joe looked over his shoulder and whispered. “Johnny? The clinic? Is he hurt?”

  “No, Roy needs stitches. We’ll see you there.”

  Joe hung up and looked back at the warehouse. Jenny and the others emerge
d. Arms lifted they all shielded their eyes, looking like cast from ‘People Under the Stairs’. After telling Danny to put them somewhere, Joe headed back to the clinic, but only after stealing Danny’s latte.


  The temperature was soothing warm and Hal finally lost the chill he had from being wet. He dried pretty quickly and the air was hot and dry. They followed the tracks through the woods and then they ended at the edge of small cliff that dropped to a small body of water.

  Chaka was adamant that they jumped over into the water. The tracks just ended.

  They retreated into the woods and to the beach, because it was getting dark. They’d wait it out until first light by the water’s edge, the safest place they could be, according to Chaka.

  Their small fire was concealed by the line of trees.

  Hal poked the fire and looked at Frank. He stood a little bit away with his arm raised high.

  “Frank? What are you doing?” Hal asked.

  “Trying to get a signal.”

  “Good God. You aren’t getting a signal.”

  “You never know.”

  “I do know,” Hal said. “You will not get a signal a thousand years in the future. And even if by some miniscule chance you would, that phone will be dead soon anyhow.”

  “No, it won’t. I have a solar charger.”

  Hal scoffed. “Please there’s no such thing.”

  Robbie interjected, “Uh, yeah, there is Hal. Danny has them.”

  “Yeah,” Frank said. “Brilliant fucking idea, too. You never know when the apocalypse will come.”

  “It has come Frank. We’re in it,” Hal argued.

  “Hal, we’re a thousand years in the future. I’d say the apocalypse hasn’t come.”

  “He has a point,” Henry said.

  “I do.”

  “Frank!” Hal snapped. “Just sit down and join us so we can make a plan for tomorrow.”

  “Fine. And don’t yell,” Frank said. “You’ll wake up Dean. Fucking out like a light.” He stepped to Dean who was curled up, head on a backpack. “Probably jet lag.”

  Robbie laughed.

  “Jet lag?” Hal questioned. “Jet lag.”

  “Hal,” Robbie said. “Did you ever notice how much you are like Dad when he isn’t around? Like, you become him.”


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