History of Beauty

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History of Beauty Page 8

by Meraki P. Lyhne

  “No, they all moved away.” He’d been the baby of the flock, and he actually hated that at the moment. No one else was there to support him, and his youngest oldest sibling was more than fifty years his senior.

  Foldon nodded, looking off toward the town that would be his home. “What’s the House Father like?”

  “A bit strict, but you won’t be staying with him.”

  “I’ll be staying with you,” Foldon said, looking pleased by the fact.

  A rider came toward them, and Elakdon recognized the man as Malte. He was a bit of a jerk, thinking himself very important when, in fact, no one saw him as the authority he wanted to be recognized as. “Announce yourselves.”

  “Hello, Malte,” Elakdon said.

  Malte halted his horse and stared at Elakdon for a beat. “Elakdon. I didn’t think you’d return.”

  “Well, here I am. These are my friends.”

  Malte just nodded, turned his horse around, and rode back to the village.

  “He…seems friendly,” Styrk said, looking skeptical.

  Elakdon chuckled and petted his horse. “Not really, but come on, he’s bound to be going to tell everyone and ruin my surprise.”

  Styrk glanced at Elakdon, then sighed and nudged his horse to run.

  “Hey! What about not pushing the horses?” Elakdon shouted and urged his horse forward to catch up to Styrk.

  “That was before someone was about to ruin your surprise!” Styrk called back.

  Elakdon laughed and sped up, looking behind him to see that everyone was following swiftly, Foldon grinning as he made it up to Elakdon’s side.

  Malte looked over his shoulder, seeing them advancing quickly, and sped up as well.

  Elakdon caught up with Styrk, and the green-eye let Elakdon lead the way to Father’s House. It was calm weather, and everyone was working on fixing up one side of the house. Or maybe he was expanding? Other than the trade for Foldon, Elakdon remembered that two other young Cubi were to be Empowered by his old House Father.

  The purple-eye stopped and looked at them as they rode in with Malte.

  “You have visitors, Harrodon,” Malte shouted, stopping his horse.

  “I see that,” House Father said in a flat tone. He then cocked his head and shielded his eyes from the sun. “Ela?”

  “Yes, Father.” Elakdon hopped off his horse. “And this is Foldon, Styrk, Lokdon, and Nandon, the humans are Helga, Knud, and Tjalfe.”

  “I see, welcome to my home,” Harrodon said, nodding at the traveling party.

  The two purple-eyes hopped off their horse and introduced themselves properly. Then Styrk.

  Father waved a thrall over. “Tend to the horses, please.”

  “Yes, Father.” The thrall pulled off with the horses, the humans traveling with Elakdon helping him.

  “Where’s my mom?” Elakdon asked.

  Father looked around, then waved a breeder over. “Go find Windin, but don’t tell her why.”

  The breeder ran off, and Elakdon’s excitement increased.

  “I am curious, though.” Father stepped up to Foldon, cupping his face. “You are Foldon of Bodin Borghild, correct?”

  “Yes, Father, I am.”

  “Why have you both come?” Father looked at Elakdon. “Was she not pleased with you?”

  “Oh, Mother was very happy with Elakdon,” Foldon said. “But we both return because I have been claimed by our Prince.”

  Father all but gasped, and Elakdon had never seen him that excited. “You have news about him?”

  “I do,” Foldon said, finally glancing at Elakdon.

  Elakdon remained quiet, but a stupid grin spread on his face. He then saw his mother turn a corner and stepped behind Styrk, who laughed and squared his frame to hid Elakdon. He was too tall to pull it off successfully, though, and had to duck behind the green-eye. Nandon stepped up close to Styrk’s side to aid in the attempt to hide Elakdon from his mother.

  “You asked for me here, Father?” she said.

  “I did.”

  Elakdon heard the humorous tone in his voice and nudged Styrk, who stepped to a side, revealing Elakdon. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Ela!” she exclaimed, rushing to clutch him tightly. “By the gods, I didn’t think I’d see you for many, many years!”

  Elakdon held her close, having missed her as much as it felt like she’d missed him. “We come with news about the new Prince.”

  “Really?” She pulled back, grabbing him by the shoulders.


  Nothing registered on her face but puzzlement. “You?”

  “I am Nol.”

  “Believe me,” Styrk said, looking proud. “I was his second Empowerment, and golden eyes were not what I had expected to see once I dosed him.”

  “Oh.” Windin stumbled back, getting a steadying arm from Father. He, too, looked shocked as he stared at Elakdon. Finally, he pulled Windin to the ground to kneel.

  “Please, Mom, Father, stand. Let us break the news to the others in a different way than them seeing you kneel.”

  Father stood, still holding onto Elakdon’s mother. He looked at the two purple-eye traveling with them. “Are you his Guard?”

  “We have volunteered to the task until the trained Guard hird will arrive,” Nandon said.

  “They have been sent for to arrive here shortly,” Lokdon added.

  “I, too, have volunteered,” Styrk said.

  “How many will come, do you know?” Father asked.

  “Between fifteen and thirty,” Lokdon said. “Those are the latest numbers I received from Mother Bodin.”

  Father nodded. “I shall see to their housing immediately. And to yours, My Prince. Unless you are not planning on staying?”

  “I don’t have plans for the future yet. I am to wait here, Mother Bodin said. She has dispatched for a Royal to come and aid me.”

  “I shall see to your housing as well.”

  “Can I stay with Mom?”

  “Of course, Cub,” she said, smiling. “But you need accommodations that will allow you to feed undisturbed. If what I’ve heard about a Royal’s appetite is true, then you will be spending a lot of time in bed, and the one you left is not suitable.”

  “May I fashion you one?” Styrk asked.

  “Oh, yes. We will then put it to the test.”

  Styrk grinned. “I’ll go find some wood.”

  “Please, come and rest, eat, and freshen up before you do.” Harrodon gestured for them to follow him to the house. “I will then appoint you a thrall to aid you in fashioning our Prince’s new furniture.”

  Windin took Elakdon’s hand, smiling brilliantly as she led him back to Father’s House and inside.

  It was weird being back, and the scent of the house triggered a ton of happy memories.

  “How was your Empowerment?” Windin asked, not letting go of him.

  “It was good. Bodin is a strong woman.”

  “You were happy there?”

  “It was…” Elakdon wondered whether he should keep the hardship it had been to himself. “I was happy, yes.”


  Dammit, she knew him too well. “It was hard until we figured out why I couldn’t feed on humans. I was miserable and thought I was broken.”

  “Oh, Cub,” she said, squeezing his hand.

  “May I offer my chair?” Father asked, pointing to the high chair. “It would only be fitting, My Prince.”

  Elakdon smiled. “Thank you, Father.” He sat on the chair at the head of the table, and the rest took a seat down the long table while Father went off to secure them food and drink.

  He returned a moment later, taking a seat next to Elakdon. “A Prince from my House,” Father said, smiling. Elakdon didn’t remember him ever looking so proud regarding anything to do with Elakdon the Daydreamer. How Foldon had mused it an aspect necessary for a Royal had given Elakdon some peace of mind regarding that nickname. “Just in time, too.”

  That didn’t sound too posit
ive. “How so?” Elakdon asked.

  “Word reached us that an Earl has refused the exchange of Cubs to be empowered. I took a young Succubus in because the Earl threatened the House who was supposed to receive her if they took more in.”

  “When was this?” Elakdon asked, his memory returning to the story Styrk had told on their way to Ladby.

  “Three weeks ago.”

  Elakdon sat forward, staring at the table. Just in time? Father was expecting his future King to deal with it, and Elakdon felt the weight of his future responsibilities, yet he wasn’t sure what he could do about it yet. His eyes hadn’t even changed, he was young, still weak, and he definitely needed to learn much about Ting and how power was distributed in his lands.

  “I need you to teach me, Father. I know too little.”

  “All my knowledge is yours, My Prince. What do you need to know?”

  “Everything about Ting, the distribution of power, and the Cubi people’s place in regard to the humans’ place and governing bodies.”

  Father sat back, looking contemplative. “Ting is for representatives of an area. I meet with the humans of my area, and I have heard rumors from them that something is stirring. I hope the Royal who comes to aid you and empower you to your people will have more knowledge because they are disturbing rumors.”

  “Ting is only for men, right?”

  “And House Mothers, which only very few human men disagree with. We’ve never met as much resistance to our place as we do now, though.”

  “Because of that new God, right?” the purple-eye, Nandon asked.

  Father nodded. “There is no room for the old gods where this new one touches down, and we are only favored because we are said to be the gift to humans after the murder of the beloved As, Balder.”

  “And this new God hates women and copulation for pleasure,” Windin said.

  “Why have I never heard about this?” Elakdon asked.

  “We do not trouble the minds of Younglings with such matters,” Father said. “Younglings must first learn about the world before they can navigate the problems that comes from it. I am sorry that this burden falls upon you before you have even come out of your needs after Empowerment, but I will aid you to the best of my abilities.”

  “Thank you.” Elakdon wondered about the new God they talked about, yet the travels had only ended, and he needed food and sleep before he thought his mind ready for what would undoubtedly be a lengthy conversation.

  “But burdens should not be what we focus on now. Your rise should be celebrated,” Father said. “May I invite all Cubi here for that tonight? Or would you rather wait?”

  Elakdon wanted to wait until he felt relaxed, but it wasn’t about him. “No, my arrival has been awaited, and I see no point in keeping my people in the dark when I am finally here. But may my human father attend?”

  “Of course he may. I shall invite him personally and relay the necessity of silence on the matter.” Father stood, again with a proud look on his face. “Please, use my bed to relax before the celebration, and take whoever you need into it to feed.”

  “Thank you, Father.”

  Harrodon nodded and left.

  Windin took Elakdon’s hand and smiled brilliantly at him. “Tell me news from your travels.”

  “That your son has risen to become Nol is not enough?” Elakdon asked, mock-surprised.

  She giggled. “That does make me a very proud Succubus, but tell me something that will make me a proud mother.”

  Chapter Ten

  How Father managed to throw a party that quickly was not a surprise. Father always had everything partly prepared it seemed. It was all prepared while Elakdon fed on Styrk and then slept.


  Elakdon jolted awake to find his mother smiling at him. Styrk had left the bed and was pulling on his clothes.

  “Mom?” Elakdon sat up, rubbing his face.

  “I have brought you new clothes. Father said for me to wake you as all the guests are arriving.”

  “And dad?”

  “Yes, your dad is here, too.” She perched on the edge of the bed while Styrk left the room. She sighed and looked sad. “I told him. I couldn’t contain myself.”

  “I don’t mind, Mom. I think it is something you were supposed to share with him.”

  She smiled and stroked his cheek. “He’s very proud of you, Nol or not.”

  Elakdon smiled. “I know.” And he was certain about that.

  Elakdon got out of bed and dressed in the clothes his mother had brought. They were new, and great care had been taken with the embroidery. “Did you make this for someone else?”

  “No. I made it while I missed you so much, and I would have sent it with those who brought Foldon to be empowered here.”

  “Thank you.”

  Once done, Elakdon left the bedroom with her, finding the main hall full of people. Elakdon felt the air loaded with excitement.

  Father stood somewhere in the middle of the hall, talking and laughing. He scanned the room, his gaze stopping when it landed on Elakdon. Apparently, he’d only been waiting for Elakdon. Father then looked at Elakdon’s mom, giving her a sharp nod.

  “Come, Cub,” she said, tugging his arm to have him follow.

  Father stepped up onto a table and raised his hand. The room quieted down, and everybody turned to face Father, who looked around, smiling.

  “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I’m guessing you all suspect I have news on our Prince.” Father held his breath for a moment. “And I do.”

  People grumbled and urged Father to get on with it.

  “I will. I will!” Father held up his hands, grinning. “I’ll tell you!” Father turned around. “No, I’ll show you.”

  A gasp raced through the hall.

  Windin poked Elakdon in the back. “Get up there,” she said.

  Elakdon stepped onto the bench, then onto the table, his heart beating faster and faster as he ascended, and he watched the many faces turn his way. He knew most of them. Some of the faces were of people he’d seen every day of his life since he was just a Cub.

  He saw mainly surprise on their faces. But only for a few seconds. Watching devotion grow in their eyes, and seeing relieved smiles at recognizing the fact that a Royal had finally been born to them warmed his heart. He’d looked forward to the day, too, yet he’d never expected himself to be the one to step up and say…what was he supposed to say? Oh, no!

  “Nol-Elakdon!” Father shouted, and Elakdon didn’t have to come up with something to say as anything would have been drowned out by the cheers and shouts and roars from everyone present.

  Father held out his hand for Elakdon to take, and he then pulled him in for a hug. “They all want to know you tonight. They all want to feel seen. It is our most important task as head of a House to always make the ones we are responsible for feel seen.” Father pulled back, smiling at Elakdon.

  His eyes held that intensity and somberness that Elakdon had grown up thinking belonged there, yet he’d seen it replaced by joy and nothing else when he’d realized the news Elakdon had come back home with. The intensity now had to mean Father was handing down a piece of advice regarding Elakdon’s new place.

  “Thank you, Father.”

  “I will keep my eye on you all night, and I will warn your mother and the two functioning as your Guards, too. If you at any time need to pull back from all this attention, do not feel discouraged. You are new to this, and many have come to celebrate you tonight. To celebrate that you come from my House, from their House. But I will see to it that your needs are met so that you may grow to this task gracefully. If you need us and we are too slow to see your need, hold up a fist, and we shall take you from the room immediately.”

  Elakdon had no idea what could overwhelm him like that, and his first nights at the center of his people’s attention had consisted of getting humped by everyone. Elakdon had a sneaking suspicion that that wasn’t what tonight would be.

I will suggest you don’t share yourself feeding-wise tonight. If you grow hungry, feed on the ones who came with you.”

  “Thank you for guiding me, Father.”

  Father smiled wider and squeezed Elakdon’s shoulders. “A House Father’s or Mother’s proudest task is to guide and advise the Cubs in our Houses. To be able to advise my Prince is my proudest task to this day.” Father bowed his head.

  Harrodon was a strong and proud man, and his words and actions made a great impact on Elakdon.

  “Then let’s get down from the table so I can meet them all at eye-level.”

  Father grinned and took the initiative to step down from the table.

  Elakdon followed and immediately looked for eye-contact with someone. A green-eyed Succubis stepped closer, and Elakdon reached for her hand, locking gazes with her. “Yrdin.”

  “My Prince. You’ve grown so tall.”

  “No sneaking through your blackberry bushes undetected now.”

  She laughed loudly at sharing a memory of having chased Elakdon and his then best friend in mischief out from between those bushes.

  She released his hand, and someone else took it. There was another face that he knew, and another comment from his past lightening the mood. It struck Elakdon that all the people there weren’t merely there to see him. They were all there to remind Elakdon that he was a part of something bigger. And not merely as the one they all would soon look to. They were all a part of his past. They’d helped him become the man he was that day. He’d been the Cub stealing blackberries. He’d been the tall, gangly Cub helping Jimmidin pick apples because he could reach further. He’d helped Glendon with his roof and gotten stung by the goat for his troubles, and he’d carried firewood for a week for Pildon because he’d broken his arm on a falling tree.

  Everybody there was a part of his past, and they were all a part of a future only the gods had been able to foresee. Elakdon felt rich. At that moment, everything seemed possible because everything they’d done in Father’s House had always been done together and together, everything had been made possible.

  Elakdon snuck a glance at Father who was smiling and talking to a pregnant Succubus. At that moment, she was the center of his world. They all were at some point for good and for bad. Watching the man now awoke entirely different feelings in Elakdon. Father had been this mysterious and larger than life man who invoked fear and respect. Especially in the Cubs. This was the first time Elakdon really took time to study the man, and his respect for him only grew.


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