Death of a Red Heroine icc-1

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Death of a Red Heroine icc-1 Page 7

by Qiu Xiaolong

  He took the elevator up to General Manager Xiao Chi’s office on the third floor.

  General Manager Xiao greeted him in a spacious office, where the walls displayed an impressive assortment of awards and gold-framed pictures. One of them, Yu noticed, was Guan shaking hands with Comrade Deng Xiaoping at the Tenth Conference of the Party Central Committee.

  “Comrade Guan was an important cadre of our department store. A loyal Party member,” Xiao said. “A big loss to the Party, her tragic death. We will do whatever possible to assist your investigation.”

  “Thank you, Comrade General Manager,” Yu said. “You may start by telling me what you know about her work in the store.”

  “She was a manager of the cosmetics section. She had worked at the store for twelve years. She did her job conscientiously, attended every Party group meeting, and helped other people in whatever way she could. A role model in every aspect of her life. Last year, for instance, she donated three hundred Yuan to Jiangshu flood victims. In response to the government’s call, she also bought a large sum of government bonds every year.”

  “What about people’s opinion of her work?”

  “She was very efficient. A competent, methodical, and highly conscientious manager. People always had a high opinion of her work.”

  “A model worker indeed,” Yu said, knowing that most of General Manager Xiao’s information could have been obtained from her official file. “Well, I’ve got to ask you questions about something else.”

  “Yes, any question you want to ask.”

  “Was she popular-with the other staff?”

  “I think so, but you’ll have to ask them. I can’t think of any reason why she should not be.”

  “And as far as you are aware, Guan had no enemies in the store?”

  “Enemies? Now Comrade Detective Yu, that’s a strong word. She might have had some people who didn’t like her so much. So has everybody. You, too, perhaps. But you don’t go in fear of being murdered, right? No, I wouldn’t say she had enemies.”

  “What about the people in her private life?”

  “That I don’t know,” the general manager said, slowly tracing the line of his left eyebrow with his middle finger. “She was a young woman, she never talked to me about her personal life. What we talked about was work, work, and work. She was very conscious of her position as manager, and as a national model worker. Sorry, I cannot help you.”

  “She had a lot of friends?”

  “Well, she hadn’t too many close friends in the store. No time, perhaps. All the Party activities and meetings.”

  “She had not discussed her vacation plans with you?”

  “Not with me. It wouldn’t have been a long vacation, so she did not have to. I have asked several of her colleagues; she had not talked with them either.”

  Detective Yu decided that it was time to interview the other employees.

  A list of people had been prepared for him.

  “They will tell you whatever they know. If there’s anything else I can do, please contact me,” Xiao said earnestly.

  The interviews were to be held in a formal conference room, spacious enough to seat hundreds of people. The interviewees were waiting in an adjacent room, accessible through a glass door. Detective Yu was supposed to call them in one by one. Pan Xiaoxai, a close friend of Guan’s, was the first. With two small children at home, one of them disabled, she had to hurry back home during the lunch break. She had been sobbing in the waiting room. He could tell that from her swollen eyes.

  “It’s awful-” she said bleakly, taking off her glasses and dabbing her eyes with a silk handkerchief. “I can’t believe that Guan’s dead. .. I mean-what a wonderful Party member. And to think, the last day Guan was in the store, I happened to have the day off.”

  “I understand your feelings, Comrade Pan,” he said. “You were one of her closest friends, I’ve heard.”

  “Yes, we’ve worked together for years-six years.” She wiped her eyes and sniffed loudly, as if anxious to prove the genuineness of their friendship. “I’ve been working here for ten years, but in the toy section first.”

  In reply to Yu’s question about Guan’s personal life, Pan admitted reluctantly, however, that the deceased had not been that close to her. In all those years, she had been to Guan’s dorm only once. In fact, what they had been doing together was mostly window shopping during lunch break, comparing prices, or having curried beef noodles in Sheng’s Restaurant across the street. That was about it.

  “Did you ask her anything about her personal life?”

  “No, I never did.”

  “How could that be? You were close friends, weren’t you?”

  “Um-she had a certain way about her. Difficult to define, but like a line was drawn. After all, she was a national celebrity.”

  At the end of the interview, Pan looked up through her tearstained glasses, “You will find out who did it, won’t you?”

  “Of course we will.”

  Zhong Ailin, who worked with Guan on the morning of May tenth, was next. She started to offer her information immediately. “Comrade Detective Yu, I’m afraid I won’t be helpful. On the morning of May tenth, we talked very little, two or three words at the most. To me, she seemed all right. She didn’t tell me that she was leaving for a real vacation. As far as I can remember, she mentioned that she was going to take only a few days off. That’s quite normal. As the department head, she sometimes worked extra hours. So she had earned a lot of days off.”

  “Did she say anything else to you during that day or that week?”

  “She was a national model worker, always busy, working and serving people wholeheartedly, as Chairman Mao said long ago. So most of the talking she did was to her customers, not to us.”

  “Any idea who might have killed her?”

  “No, none at all.”

  “Could it be somebody who worked with her?”

  “I don’t think so. She was not a difficult person to get along with, and she did her job well.”

  According to Zhong Ailin, some of her colleagues might have been envious of Guan, but it was undeniable that she knew the ropes at the store and was a decent and reliable woman-politics aside.

  “As for her life outside of the store,” Zhong concluded, “I don’t know anything-except that she was not dating anyone-had probably never dated anyone.”

  Zhong was followed by Mrs. Weng, who had worked the afternoon shift on May tenth. Mrs. Weng started by declaring that the investigation was none of her business, and that she had not noticed anything unusual about Guan that last day.

  “There was nothing different about her,” she said. “She might have put a light touch of eye shadow on her eyelids. But it was nothing. We have a lot of free samples.”

  “What else?”

  “She made a phone call.”


  “It would be about six thirty, I think.”

  “Did she have to wait long before she started talking?”

  “No. She started talking immediately.”

  “Anything you happened to overhear?”

  “No. It was short,” she said. “It was her business, not mine.”

  Mrs. Weng talked more than the first two, however, offering opinions even without being asked. And she went on speculating about some information which she believed might be of interest. Several weeks earlier, Mrs. Weng had gone with a Hong Kong friend to the Dynasty KTV Club. In the semi-dark corridor, she saw a woman emerging from a private room with a tall man, practi- cally leaning on his shoulder-the woman’s clothes in disarray, several buttons undone, her face flushed, and her steps reeling. A shameless karaoke girl, Mrs. Weng thought. A private karaoke room was an open secret, almost a synonym for indecent practices. But then it occurred to Mrs. Wen that the karaoke girl looked like someone she knew. As the image of the drunken slut was at such odds with the one flashing through her mind, recognition did not come until a few seconds later-Guan Hongying! Mrs. Wen
g could scarcely believe it, but she thought it was her.

  “Did you take a closer look at her?”

  “When recognition came to me, she had already walked past me. It wouldn’t do for me to chase someone there.”

  “So you’re not positive.”

  “No. But it was my impression.”

  Next on the list was Gu Chaoxi. Gu, though older than Guan by more than fifteen years, had been trained by Guan at the department store.

  “Do you remember anything unusual about Guan before her death?” Detective Yu went directly to the point.

  “Unusual-what do you mean?”

  “Coming in late for work, for instance. Or leaving too early for home. Or any particular change you noticed about her.”

  “No, not that I’m aware of,” Gu said, “but everything has been changing so fast. Our cosmetics section used to have only two counters. Now we have eight, with so many different products, and a lot of them made in the U.S.A. Of course, people are changing, too. Guan’s no exception.”

  “Can you give me an example?”

  “The first day I came to work here-that’s seven years ago-she gave all of us a lecture I still remember, on the importance of adhering to the Party’s hard-working and plain-living tradition. In fact, she had made a point of using no perfume and wearing no jewelry. But a few months ago, I saw her wearing a diamond necklace.”

  “Really,” he said. “Do you think it was genuine?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “I’m not saying there was anything wrong with her wearing a necklace. It’s just in the nineties people are changing. Another example, she went on a vacation half a year ago, last October, I think. And then in less than six months, she took a second one.”

  “Yes, that’s something,” he said. “Do you know where she went last October?”

  “The Yellow Mountains. She showed me pictures from there.”

  “Did she travel alone?”

  “I think she was alone. Nobody else was in the pictures.”

  “And this time?”

  “I knew she was going on vacation, but she did not tell me where, or with whom,” she said, looking at the door. “That’s all I know, I’m afraid, Comrade Detective.”

  Despite the central air conditioning in the room, Detective Yu sweated profusely, watching Gu walk out. He recognized the familiar malaise that preceded a headache, but he had to proceed. There were five more names on the list. The next two hours, however, yielded even less information. He put all the notes together.

  On May tenth, Guan had come to work as usual, around 8 A. M She was amiable as always, a true national model worker, toward her customers as well as her colleagues. She dined at the canteen at twelve o’clock, and she had a routine meeting with other Party members at the store late in the afternoon. She did not mention to her colleagues where she was going, though she said something about a vacation. At five, she could have left for home, but as usual, she stayed late. Around six thirty, she made a phone call, a short one, but no one knew to whom. After the phone call, she left the store, apparently for home. The last time she was seen by anyone there was around seven ten.

  It was not much, and Detective Yu had a feeling that the people had been rather guarded talking about Guan, with Mrs. Weng the only exception. But then her information was not something he could count on.

  It was long past lunchtime, but on his list there was still one person, who happened to have the day off. He left the department store at two forty. At a street corner minimarket, he bought a couple of pork-stuffed pancakes. Peiqin was right in her concern about his missing lunch, but there was no time for him to think about being nutritionally correct. The last person’s name was Zhang Yaqing, and she lived on Yunnan Road. She was an assistant manager working in the cosmetics section, who had called in sick for the day. According to some employees, Zhang had been once regarded as a potential rival for Guan, but Zhang had then married and settled into a more prosaic life.

  Detective Yu was familiar with that section of Yunnan Road. It was only fifteen minutes’ walk from the store. North of Jinglin Road, Yunnan Road had turned into a prosperous “Delicacy Street” with a number of snack bars and restaurants, but to the south, the street remained largely unchanged, consisting of old, ramshackle houses built in the forties, with baskets, stoves, and common sinks still lined up on the sidewalk outside.

  He arrived at a gray brick house, went up the stairs, and knocked on a door on the second floor. A woman opened the door immediately. She was in her early thirties, with ordinary but fine features, her short hair deep black. She wore blue jeans and a white blouse with the sleeves rolled up high. She was barefoot. She looked rather slender, and she was brandishing a huge cloth strip mop in her hand.

  “Comrade Zhang Yaqing?”


  “I am Detective Yu Guangming, of the Shanghai Police Bureau.”

  “Hello, Detective Yu. Come on in. The general manager has called, telling me about your investigation.”

  They shook hands.

  Her palm was cool, callused, like Peiqin’s.

  “Sorry, I was just cleaning up the room.”

  It was a cubicle of eight square meters, containing two beds and a white dresser. A folding table and chairs stood against the wall. There was an enlarged picture of her with a smiling big man and a smiling little boy. The Happy Family photo. She pulled out a chair, unfolded it, and gestured to him to sit down.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “Just answer a few questions about Guan.”

  “Yes, of course,” she said, settling into another chair.

  She drew back her legs under it, as if intent on hiding her bare feet.

  “How long have you worked with Guan?”

  “About five years.”

  “What do you think of her?

  “She was a celebrated model worker, of course, and a loyal Party member, too.”

  “Could you be a bit more specific?”

  “Well, politically, she was active-and correct-in every movement launched by the Party authorities. Earnest, loyal, passionate. As our department head, she was conscientious and thoroughgoing in her job: The first to arrive, and often the last to leave. I am not going to say that Comrade Guan was too easy to get along with, but how else could she have been, since she was such a political celebrity?”

  “You have mentioned her political activities. Is it possible that through those activities she made some enemies? Did anyone hate her?”

  “No, I don’t think so. She was not responsible for the political movements. No one would blame her for the Cultural Revolution. And to be fair to her, she never pushed things too far. As for someone who might have hated her in her personal life, I’m afraid I don’t know anything about it.”

  “Well-let me put it this way,” Yu said. “What do you think of her as a woman?”

  “It’s difficult for me to say. She was very private. To a fault, I would say.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She never talked about her own life. Believe it or not, she did not have a boyfriend. Nor did she seem to have any close friends, for that matter. That’s something beyond me. She was a national model worker, but that did not mean that she had to live her whole life for politics. Not for a woman. Only in one of those modern Beijing operas, maybe. You remember, like Madam A Qin?”

  Yu nodded, smiling.

  Madam A Qin was a well-known character in Shajiabang, a modern Beijing opera performed during the Cultural Revolution, when any romantic passion-even that between husband and wife-had been considered to detract from people’s political commitment. Madam A Qin thus had the convenience of not living with her husband in the opera.

  “She might have been too busy,” he said.

  “Well, I’m not saying that she did not have a personal life. Rather, she made a point of covering it up. We’re women. We fall in love, get marrie
d, and have kids. There’s nothing wrong with it.”

  “So you’re not sure that she had never had an affair?”

  “I’m telling you everything I know, but I don’t like to gossip about the dead.”

  “Yes, I understand. Thank you so much for your information.”

  As he stood up, he took one more glance around the room, noticing a variety of perfumes, lipsticks, and nail polish on the dresser, some of the brands he had seen on glamorous movie stars in TV commercials. They were obviously beyond her means.

  “There’re all samples,” she said, following his gaze, “from the First Department Store.”

  “Of course,” Yu said, wondering whether Comrade Guan Hongying would have chosen to keep all her cosmetics more discreetly hidden in a drawer. “And good-bye.”

  Detective Yu was not happy about his day’s work. There was not much to talk about with Commissar Zhang, but he had never had much to talk about with the commissar. He called from a public phone booth, but Commissar Zhang was not in the office. Yu did not have to listen to a political lecture delivered by the old commissar, so he went home.

  No one was there. He saw a note on table, saying, “I’m with Qinqin at his school for a meeting. Warm the meal for yourself.”

  Holding a bowl of rice with strips of roast duck, he stepped into the courtyard, where he had a talk with his father, Old Hunter.

  “A cold-blooded rape and murder case,” Old Hunter said, frowning.

  Yu remembered the frustration his father had suffered in the early sixties, dealing with a similar sex murder case, which had taken place in the Baoshan rice paddy. The girl’s body had been found almost immediately. The police arrived on the scene in less than half an hour. One witness had glimpsed the suspect and gave a fairly recognizable description. There were some fresh footprints and a cigarette butt. Old Hunter worked late into the night, month after month, but all the work led to nothing. Several years later, the culprit was caught in the act of selling pictures of Madame Mao as a bewitching second-class actress in the early thirties-a wanton goddess in a low-cut gown. Such a crime at the time was more than enough cause to put him to death. During his examination, he admitted the murder years earlier in Baoshan. The case, as well as the unexpected solution-too late to be of any comfort-had left an indelible impact on Old Hunter.


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