Healing Holt

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Healing Holt Page 6

by Shannon Nemechek

  Britney smiled and closed her eyes as they turned to leave, and whispered, “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Wesley and Aspen headed into the kitchen where his dad, Tanner, was already sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and picking at a cinnamon bun.

  “Hey little man, what’s going on?”

  Wesley ran and jumped into his daddy’s lap, laughing as a bright smile stretched across his face. “Well Daddy, I think Penny talked Mom into letting her come and live with us. It was so cool. The baby stopped fussing as soon as Penny told her to.”

  Tanner roared with laughter as he looked past Wesley and toward Aspen. “I guess we are getting a puppy. I can’t resist both of them.”



  * * *

  The house was put back together, and the smells of red beans and rice, fried chicken, and peach cobbler filled the air. Aspen set the peach cobbler on the counter to cool and was finishing the kitchen cleanup when the sound of a vehicle drifted through the open window. Someone shouted, “They’re here!” and the entire house erupted in cheers, the noise almost deafening.

  Everyone piled out the back door as Maggie was opening her door. Jules stepped to the passenger door, and Aspen went to the back to let Gunner out. She clipped his leash to his collar and ordered, “Gunner… Unload.”

  “Aspen, he’s not like any of your rescues. He will only respond to certain people,” a voice from the front seat interjected.

  Gunner cocked his head and looked into her eyes, his ears twitching. He jumped out of the car and sat down. Aspen peered over her shoulder and stuck out her tongue in response to Holt’s assertion. “He only responds to certain people, huh?”

  “Okay, brat, how did you hi-jack my dog?” Holt was out of the car and standing behind her.

  “I guess he knows a good thing when he sees it.” She smiled.

  Holt leaned in and whispered, “So do I, Aspen, and what I see is really good.”

  As the men gathered around the car, Fitz stepped up and pulled Holt into a hug. “Shaggy, sure glad to see you again. I wouldn’t have made it back without you and Gunner.”

  “Ya, we know. You owe us one.” Holt grinned.

  “Ya, I do. And I will spend the rest of my life paying ya back. If you or Gunner need anything, all you have to do is yell. Sammie and I will be here fast as we can. Which, by the way, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, Samantha.”

  Holt widened his smile. “Well, it’s about damned time.”

  “Ya…ya…I know. Well, on that, we better get you inside. All the ladies have been working hard making a feast. So we best get inside before we get ourselves in hot water.” The men opened their circle around Holt and Chief stepped to his side in case Holt needed assistance.

  As they all began to disperse and walk inside, a familiar pickup pulled in next to the car. Holt held the door open for him as he neared the house. “Great to see you, Mr. Knight.”

  Before Holt could do anything, Beau Knight pulled him into a hug. “I’m so happy to have you home, son. Quit worrying this old man like that. You know I love you like you were my own.” Beau quickly stepped back and wiped the stray tear from his eye. Seeing Aspen just inside the house, he called, “Smells good in there, baby girl. What ya got cookin’?”

  “You’re just in time for dinner, Daddy. Come on in the house. Holt, go get Gunner settled inside,” Aspen ordered. Beau and Holt eyed each other, grinned, and did as they were told.

  “Oh, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Do I smell fried chicken with red beans and rice?” Holt took a big breath and held it as he stumbled, holding his heart.

  Jules threw a towel at him with a laugh. “You…big…goof! Go settle into your room and get cleaned up, or no snacks for you.”

  Holt laughed and shook his head as he hobbled into his room, Gunner following closely behind. “Hey, how did you get that desk out of here? Jules, Aspen, you had better of waited for these guys to do that. I know personally how heavy that thing is.”

  Tanner groaned. “Yep, Shaggy, I’m sendin’ ya my chiropractor bill.”

  “The check is in the mail, buddy,” Holt quickly snapped back as he shut his bedroom door so he could cleanup for supper. He was still laughing to himself when he paused for a moment and took in the work everyone had put into making him feel at home again.

  “It feels good to be home!” Staring down at Gunner, who had already found his place on the floor at the side of the bed, he asked the dog, “How do you like the new digs, Gunner?”

  He responded with a “woof” and lay his head on the dog bed. “That looks comfy, boy. I think I will follow your lead and try mine out, too.”

  Holt took a seat on his old bed and lay back, closing his eyes. “Yep, we are home now, Gunner.” He was finally starting to relax when he heard Jules yelling, and his eyes popped open.

  Jules laid out the remaining settings at the table and yelled, “Dinner’s ready. Come on everyone, let’s eat.”

  The house came alive. Everyone filed into the dining room as Jules and Aspen began to bring out the food. Maggie sat down in her place at the head of the table and Beau sat at the other end as everyone else settled in.

  “I hope you’ll allow me some lenience so I can say grace,” Maggie announced. They all joined hands and bowed their heads. “Dear Lord, bless this bounty and the people about to partake in it. I would especially like to thank You for bringing my son home alive and holding him in Your hands to keep him safe. Bless all these friends and family who have stepped in to help make this home a happy one once again. Amen.” Choruses of “amen” followed from the others seated at the table.

  The sounds of thanks echoed throughout the room as they settled down to eat. Conversation and the tapping of silver against china filled the house.

  Fitz was the first to finish. Leaning over to kiss Samantha, he stood up, “Family, I would like to say something. If I may?”

  Maggie nodded her head. “Please do. This is a celebration.”

  “Well, I want to say I owe my life to Holt, Gunner, and the entire squad, and I will spend my life forever in your debt. If it wasn’t for you, I would not be here today, and I would never have met Sammie. Most of you met Sammie a few years ago, but y’all didn’t appreciate it then. Remember that mission when we went in and rescued that female soldier and her partner? Lost my favorite blanket on that mission when I covered that soldier with it. Well, Sammie was that girl. Funny how fate works, huh?”

  The entire room erupted. Bryant interrupted the celebration when he asked, “Well, did ya get your blanket back?”

  Samantha stood and grinning, replied, “As a matter of fact, he got the blanket back as well as a whole lotta thank yous.”

  “Oh, I bet,” Wolverine countered.

  Tanner laughed. “I bet the thank yous were worth the few years without that raggedy blanket, huh?”

  Fitz smiled and nodded his affirmation as Jules and Aspen started clearing plates. Maggie pulled out the peach cobbler for dessert. “Not to interrupt, but is anyone up for some dessert?”

  Holt pulled the freshly whipped cream from the refrigerator and Jules grabbed plates and forks. Aspen cut a few pieces for those who wanted some and the remainder of the bunch moved into the living room. After checking her watch, she realized it was getting close to feeding time for the animals.

  “Hey Jules, I need to go out to feed the animals. Wesley, would you like to come with me so you can put Penny to bed? If it’s okay with your momma and daddy?”

  “Oh, that would be just fine. And when you're done, I need to get Britney and Wes home. It’s been a long day,” Tanner replied.

  “We won’t be long.”

  Wesley grabbed Aspen’s hand, pulling her toward the door. “Let’s go, Aspen.”



  * * *

  As she corralled the puppies and got them fed, Wesley held Penny, kissing her on the head before placing her back wit
h her siblings. “I promise when you get a little bigger and Miss Aspen says it’s okay, I will be back to take you home. I love you, Penny.” He started to cry, and Aspen reached down and picked him up, holding him for a minute.

  “Don’t cry, Wesley. It won’t be too long, and you will be back. I will tell Penny about you every day so she doesn’t forget you.”

  Carrying the boy, she walked back to the house where everyone was already outside saying goodbye. Handing Wesley over to Tanner, Aspen said, “Penny should be good to go in a week. I will get her vaccinated first and give you a call. Here’s my number in case you have any questions.”

  Aspen went into the house to gather her things then back out to her truck where Jules, Holt, and Miss Maggie were still outside saying goodbye to the last of Holt’s unit. Aspen stopped next to Jules to say, “Hey, girl. I’m heading out,” hugging her and Maggie.

  Opening her truck door, she breathed a sigh of relief. The coast was clear, so far. The last thing she wanted was an awkward encounter with Holt. She was just about to make her getaway when she was startled by a slap on the truck hood.

  “Just where are you sneaking off to?” Holt asked.

  Aspen was edging into the cab when she realized Holt was standing right next to the door, stalking her like prey. “Holt, you scared the crap out of me! Why are you skulking about?”

  “Why have you been hiding from me, Aspen?” He caged her against the truck door.

  “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. You poor thing, you must be worn plum out from all the excitement.” Fortunately she was on the inside of the door so she slipped into the driver’s seat and closed the door, giving him a wink. “I’ll be by in the morning to do the feeding. Sleep tight, Holt, bed bugs and all that.”


  Aspen was always a little spitfire but a chicken? Not ever. I must have gotten under her skin more than I thought. When we were young, I always knew she would turn into a beauty, but now she takes my breath away.

  “Hey Mom, Jules, where you at?” Holt listened for a minute to see if there was an answer.

  “Be down in a minute!”

  Holt grabbed his beer and headed into the living room. The only thing that had changed was the arrangement of the furniture. Mom must have had the girls do this for me. I really wish they hadn’t. The last thing I need is to have them walk on eggshells around me and upend their lives. I don’t want them to treat me like I am broken. I’m not a fool; I have a long way to go and I will never be one hundred percent. If I were, I would be back with Ares. Holt spotted an old friend leaning in the corner—his acoustic guitar called to him. He picked up the guitar and gave it a strum; it was still in tune. Aspen must have tuned it.

  Muscle memory took over as he picked out a tune, but a sharp pain shot through his injured arm as he forced it through the motions of the tune. It was the one song his dad taught him: Creedence Clearwater Revival’s As Long As I Can See the Light. It was the one song that always reminded him that home would always be there.


  Aspen high-tailed it out of the Lawson’s driveway as quick as possible and headed to her barn. She was not in the mood to examine all the ways her body was reacting to Holt. Nope, not gonna happen! She pulled over next to her daddy’s truck and grabbed her gloves from the cab.

  “Hey, Daddy. How about I help so we can get home quicker?” He looked up from behind his tailgate.

  “You got it, squirt. Let’s get this finished. What have you been up to? I haven’t seen you at home for the last couple of days. You haven’t been getting yourself in trouble, have you?”

  “Who, me?” Aspen tried for the innocent expression, but when he smirked, she realized she hadn’t quite pulled it off. “I was off taking pictures. I think I have found the house of one of the guys who’s been doing those dog fights.” Her dad was shaking his head. “And I think the guy saw me, but I can’t be sure.” Her eyes turned toward the ground so she could avoid the worry visible in his gaze.

  “You need to not go by there again. I can’t have you getting hurt. Those people are dangerous, Aspen,” he said as he threw a bale of hay to the ground for her. “I can’t lose you. I lost your momma; I would die if I lost you, too.”

  Considering the best way to say what she found there, Aspen decided to yank the Band-Aid off and get it all out at once. “I think I found the rock Helen crawled under. I saw her car—it was parked on the property I was watching. I got a bunch of pictures, too.”

  “If she was there, then the man she is with is really bad news. I’ve picked up rumblings he is in the high ranks of the Satan’s Hounds, a new motorcycle club that popped up. Baby girl, you need to watch yourself. Be very careful. If Helen is involved at all, you will be in danger,” he snapped. The anger in his eyes at the mere mention of Helen was clearly evident.

  As they put the last bale of hay in the barn, Aspen’s dad helped her finish putting the pups to bed. Giving Penny an extra hug for Wesley, she could tell that little girl already missed her buddy. She had really taken to Wes and looked so forlorn without him. I might need to get him out here again so she doesn’t get depressed.

  “Okay squirt, let’s go home,” Beau said as he closed his tailgate.

  “I’ll be right behind you, Daddy.”



  * * *

  They drove past their wheat fields and Aspen pulled up to the house as her daddy drove back to the barn to park. Grabbing her camera, Aspen jumped out of the truck when she spied a golden eagle swoop down to catch his dinner. What a picture this will be, with our silos gleaming in the background and the eagle almost in silhouette.

  Beau came around the barn as she finished snapping away at the eagle and reached back into the truck, grabbing her pack to bring in. “Isn’t nature wonderful?”.

  Ambling around the front of her bumper, Aspen stopped, not quite sure what she was seeing. “Daddy, did you leave the kitchen door open?”

  Coming up from behind her, he exclaimed, “No, squirt! Call 911, we have had a break-in.” Beau moved around his daughter, stepping toward the house.

  Planting her hand on his arm, she countered, “Well I guess we’ll both wait right here. I can’t lose you either.” Her phone was already out and she was dialing.

  “911, what is your emergency?”

  Taking a deep breath, Aspen spoke clearly, “This is Aspen Knight. We have had a break in.”

  The sounds of tapping echoed back through the phone. “Aspen, is the person still in the house?” Must be Shirley on the desk tonight.

  “I’m not sure. Daddy and I haven’t gone in just in case. I didn’t think we should touch anything. We just got back from Maggie’s and found the door kicked in. We looked inside and it’s a mess.”

  Aspen quickly realized she said the wrong thing when Shirley got sidetracked. “Oh, that’s right, Holt came home. How is he?”

  Needing to get Shirley back on track, Aspen quickly shifted focus back on the matter at hand. “He's fine. So, are you sending out Carl?”

  “Looks like Gareth will be there in about five minutes. Carl is on another call. Just keeping you occupied until he gets there.” Maybe she wasn’t as distracted as I thought.

  Five minutes later a sheriff’s vehicle pulled up. “You wait here while I clear the house.” Gareth Nelson went into the house with his gun drawn. Upon entering the living room, just out of view from the doorway, he noticed an inert body and checked for a pulse then radioed dispatch.

  “Shirley, got a copy?”

  A crackle of static came over his radio. “Go for Shirley.”

  He took a deep breath and told her, “I think we need to get a crime scene tech and an ambulance here. The place has been torn up and Helen is beat up in the living room.”

  “Did you say Helen?” Shirley was typing furiously, the clack of the keyboard coming over Gareth’s radio. “You let Beau know I will be calling him later.” Gareth gave Beau an expression of sympathy. “I’ll tell hi
m, Shirley. Out.”

  "Beau, you wanna tell me what happened here?"

  “What do I have to explain? I’ve been with Aspen at Maggie’s house. I had to deliver some hay,” he answered, his expression confused at best.

  "Well then, do you know why Helen is in your living room, knocked out? By the looks of her, she got a pretty good beating.” Beau’s face moved quickly past confused to pissed.

  “What do you mean Helen is in there? I have a restraining no trespass order against her. She better not have stolen anything. Did she do that to our door?”

  When the ambulance pulled up, the EMTs went into the house with a gurney. Twenty minutes later, they came out with Helen, strapped down with a bandage around part of her head, an IV, and an oxygen tube in her nose. “We will be taking her to County Hospital. When she comes to and is cleared by the doctor, you can question her.”

  Gareth nodded and turned toward Beau and Aspen. “Would you like to go in and see if anything is missing?”

  “Well, young man, I think we should.” Beau rubbed his head with frustrated strokes. He and Aspen followed the officer into the house to assess the damage.

  Aspen saw the door was kicked in and the hinges broken. “I might not be law enforcement expert, but there is no way Helen did that. She weighs a hundred pounds soaking wet.”

  Entering the main living area, they saw the real damage. Holes were punched in the walls, furniture overturned, and cushions ripped apart. Aspen saw a piece of paper under the edge of a cushion close to where Helen had been lying. Before she could bend over to pick it up, Gareth put his hand on her arm to stop her.

  “You can’t touch or move anything, Aspen. We need to be able to get prints off of what we can.” Blowing her bangs out of her eyes, she fixed him with a look of exasperation as Judy Knox, the crime scene tech, came in.


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