Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 14

by Jay Aury

  “You can?”

  “Oh yeah! I’m an expert,” she said. “Like, I help tons of women get the most out of their bodies.”

  Audra fought against the insidious pleasure as Maxine fondled her full breasts. Here. She felt the secret of the Isle of Mambo in those words. She shifted, rubbing her thighs together with a drawn out moan. “You… you do?”

  “Oh yeah,” Maxine giggled, eyes shining with delight. “But I’ll, like, do so much more than that. By the time I’m done, any guy you meet will just die to shove their cock in you.”

  “I… I do pretty well… as is,” Audra gasped.

  Maxine giggled. “I bet I do better,” she chimed playfully.

  “So…” Audra panted. “So… what… what is it you’re going to do?”

  “Oooh,” Maxine hummed. “I don’t know if I should tell you. Cappie said I shouldn’t tell anyone. Anyone could be a spy,” she hissed secretively, nodding her head knowingly.

  If you only knew. “G-guess so,” Audra said. “But I’d like to know a bit more…”

  “Oh! Like, sure! Well, first off I stimulate the pituitary with certain harmonics in order to prime the body, then I inject you with my own special blend of syonin acids along with just a tiny pinch of lacia in order to, like, get your hormones hummin’!”

  Audra blinked, gaping as the bimbo rattled off words she dimly recalled from a long ago class in biology, along with a slew of others she could never guess at.

  “… and then, of course, in order to keep the brain from overproducing, I-“

  “H-hold on,” Audra said, holding up a hand. “That’s… um. A lot to take in.”

  “Oh!” Maxine said, blushing. “Sorry. I just get, like, soooo excited! I love science! It’s just the best! But I love helping people even more. And like, how better to help people than give them, like, the most rockin’ bods they can get!”

  “I suppose…” Audra said.

  “Well, anyway, you’ll, like, totally find out more tomorrow. It’s your first session! So I totes wanted to get you feeling nice and comfortable, and to let you know that I, like, so totally know exactly what I’m doing!”

  Audra smiled. “Yeah. Well, I think you managed that.”

  “Great! But I also wanted to get a good feel of those great tits,” Maxine giggled.

  Audra laughed. “You did that too.”

  “Can I get another?” Maxine asked, wiggling her fingers eagerly. “Pleaaase?”

  Audra rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess.”

  “Yay!” Maxine cheered, lunging forward and grasping Audra’s shapely orbs. Audra gasped, moaning as the bimbo tweaked and stroked the huge orbs, fingers sinking into the soft flesh.

  “Oh gosh. They’re just sooo plush!” Maxine breathed.

  “Mmmm,” Audra moaned deeply, pushing out her chest further into those eager hands.

  “Can I get a taste?”


  But Maxine’s soft, ruby lips had already grasped a hardened nipple between her lips, sucking and toying with the hard bud of flesh. Audra moaned, shifting beneath the shapely bimbo, her breathing growing ragged.

  “Oh… oh fuck Maxine. That’s… that’s good… Mnnn… Ah!” Audra gasped, hips bucking as a finger stroked her hot slit. “O-oooooh f-fuck!” Audra moaned, throwing back her head.

  Maxine giggled, moaned as she nuzzled Audra’s teats, gleefully toying with the buzzing beads of desperate arousal. Audra panted as Maxine’s finger slid under her thong, slipping into her damp cunt.

  “Oh… oh fuck Maxine!” Audra gasped, panting, feeling that familiar tension build. “Oh fuck. F-fuck! I… ahhhhh!” Audra lifted her hips, crying out as she came all over the blonde’s fingers. Maxine pulled her face back, beaming as she drew out her lust damp digits. Audra stared raptly as those fingers slipped past those pouty, cock-sucking lips, the bimbo blonde pulling them free with a wet plop.

  “Mmmn! Tastes like your husband had some fun first.”

  Audra laughed weakly. “Yeah. And I… should probably get back to him.”

  “Sure!” Maxine said, rising with her and walking her to the door. “Can’t wait for tomorrow!”

  Audra smiled over her shoulder as the elevator door slid shut. “Me too.”


  Audra was less confident the next morning with the pod lying before her and Capria Eisen looming over her shoulder.

  “Not to worry,” Capria said from behind. “It’s perfectly safe. We’ll have you looking simply ravishing in no time at all.”

  Audra grit her teeth. “Oh I have no doubt,” she said with chilly politeness.

  “Okay! All set!” Maxine chimed, her fingers clacking over the keys at the station. She swung around, bouncing over to them. The blonde beamed at Audra. “Okay! So you’re going to have to get totes naked. But like, don’t worry about a thing! I’ve done this tons of times.”

  “Hm. Indeed,” Capria said. She checked her watch. “Well, it seems I must dash. Have fun you two.”

  Audra watched the red head stride away, perfect hips ticking with her catwalk stride.


  She turned back to the egg shaped pod as it rose with a whirr to an angle with the floor. Maxine tapped a lock, opening it to reveal a downy softness within the pod. It reminded Audra a little too much like a coffin, though she had the impression that it was supposed to be more of a tanning bed. Maxine leaned on the lid, her voluptuous breasts pressed against the sterile white. “Like, come on! It’s gonna be, like, so totally tits!”

  Audra gave the busty blonde a nervous smile and pulled her shirt over her head, her skirt joining her bra a moment later, leaving her utterly nude. She felt a subtle flush as Maxine openly ogled her naked flesh, and climbed into the soft confines of the coffin, lying back with a slow exhale.

  “Alright. Now, put these on,” Maxine said, passing her a pair of soft pads.


  “Like, on your titties silly!”

  “And that’s it?”

  “Nope!” Maxine giggled, giving her a pair of headphones.

  Uncertainly, Audra took this new device. “And… this is for?”

  “All part of the process. See, you need to be in, like, a receptive state for the process to take hold. See, bodies, like, vibrate at certain frequencies. And your pretty tits are the same. So we’re going, like, tighten all that sag with harmonics! And we’re going to totally get you all hopped up on hormones and stimulate them with the pod’s radiation! Don’t worry. Totally harmless! You’re going to be so fucking horny, Janie! Oh! Which is why I also got this. You afraid of needles?”

  Audra stared at the syringe the blonde pulled out of her pocket. She wasn’t sure she trusted the somewhat manic light in those sparkling blue eyes. “Um… no…”

  “Great! Hope you’re ready!”

  Audra tightened her hands on the soft interior of the pod. The things she did for G7. She tensed, gasping despite all her efforts as Maxine plunged the needle into your soft breasts one after the next.

  “O-kay!” Maxine chimed, pulling back. “Now we put on those pads and we’ll, like, totally get started!”

  Audra placed the dark pads over her nipples even as a warmth had begun to spread through her chest. She looked back up at Maxine as the busty blonde leaned over, breasts dangling just in front of Audra’s face. She had a sudden, sharp desire to taste them. To suckle and lick the busty blonde. She blinked, shaking her head, and then the soft headphones were over her ears, muffling the world.

  “Have fun!” Maxine chimed, fluttering her fingers in farewell. Then the lid of the pod sealed shut, and Audra was alone.

  She shifted in the soft confines of her womb-like prison. Then the headphones buzzed, and the pod began to glow with a dull light. Audra blinked at the vague colours which radiated from the walls, and as she lay there, the heat in her generous breasts began to spread.

  Despite herself, she found herself beginning to relax. Soothed by the shimmering shift of colours and the s
oft sounds of the headphones. She blinked slowly. The colours were so deliciously bright. And the ache in her breasts had begun to seep through the rest of her. Her breathing evened, her head lying back in the soft pillows. She gave a faint moan as the pads on her nipples began to vibrate, stimulating her tender mounds.

  “Mmm…” Audra moaned softly, shifting, her legs rubbing together as a low heat began to burn in her pussy. “Mmmnnn…”

  She’d always had sensitive breasts. Something Raphael, the old Arab arms dealer had swiftly touched upon and abused most liberally. She thought of the heavy set man leaning over her, his skilled tongue on her tender teats. His easy command so enticing as he took her. Made her scream as she bounced atop his dark cock.

  “Ooooh. Ohhhhh,” Audra murmured, her lashes fluttering. So easy to relax. So easy to let whatever happened… happen. So easy to be sexy. So easy to be pretty and perky.

  Heat glowed through her. Seeping across her tender flesh in alternating waves of warm and cool. Her whole body tingled. Her hips ached wonderfully and her pussy clenched. It was so empty.

  Her hips rolled, as if fucking herself against some invisible cock. She felt so good. So relaxed.

  So sexy…

  She licked her lips, her lashes fluttering with delight. She let her eye drift shut, only experiencing the tender massage of her ripe, tender breasts. “Ahh… Mnnnn… O-oh f-fuck…”

  And into her slumber echoed that sweet, mind numbing hum.

  Lunch Dates

  Alistair opened the door at the knock. A man stood beyond. Massive, with powerful arms and a head shaved like a bowling ball, he wore the buttoned up whites of the island security, but made Alistair think sharply of an orderly at a sanatorium. His tanned arms were corded with muscle as he bowed his bald head.

  “Miss will see you.”

  Alistair nodded and followed the hulking security agent through the resort. They went deep through the pristine white halls, passing labs that Alistair took in with interest. An elevator beeped to the security guard’s pass, and hummed them up to the fifth floor, past guest quarters, employee homes, and finally, to the upper levels.

  Levels which, Alistair didn’t fail to note, the conference room he had spied on the previous night was on.

  He shifted, wondering how Audra was. Today was the first day of taking the strange treatment so eagerly advertised by the resort. He wondered what it was, and perhaps more importantly, if she would be alright.

  He buried such thoughts, smiling with the face of John Avera as the door slid open and admitted them to a large room. Alistair took it in with a glance, noting the twisting, shapeless white sculptures in the corners, the potted plants, but above all, the large swathes of empty space. It made him think, quite forcibly, of someone who couldn’t be bothered decorating and ordered the room out of a catalogue wholesale.

  A balcony looking over the beach and sea projected out of the side, reached by a pair of glass doors that slid open as he approached. A table was set up outside, two wire deck chairs flowing up like some elaborate white wicker thrones. Capria sat in one, and as the doors slid open she beamed at him.

  “John. So glad you could join me. Please, have a seat.”

  “Thank you,” Alistair said, carefully settling into the other chair. He looked out over the edge of the balcony. “A beautiful view.”

  “Mmm. One of the perks of being the boss,” she said with a smile and snapped her fingers.

  Alistair started as two women stepped away from the wall, having been so still he never even noticed them. Both were dressed in modest white dresses made of a single cloth. Their hair was cut identically short, their eyes dull but smiles bright. They were both quite striking, but not too much so, and Alistair had a sudden vivid feeling that the woman across from him had selected them for exactly that reason. Capria was the kind not to tolerate being shown up.

  Capria picked up a wineglass, lazily holding it out as one of the women produced a bottle of champagne. The head of the resort never turned her jade eyes from Alistair, even as the dangling glass was filled. “You should try it,” she said, swirling the sweet liquor. “Moët & Chandon's Dom Pérignon. Their cuvée de prestige. One of the best in the world. Hard to get here, but we cater to the finest, so we make the effort.”

  “You clearly work hard,” Alistair said as the girl filled his own glass.

  She smirked, and Alistair again saw the hard edge of the woman behind the mask. Ah, he knew that look, he thought as he picked up his wine glass and chimed it against hers. Here was a woman of force. Of personality.

  She shifted, legs curling up onto the chair and under her. “I do indeed,” she said, smiling huskily as she sipped her champagne. She put down the glass and snapped her fingers. Both girls bowed and slid out of the room. “I know what I want, John. And I do what it takes to get it.”

  “I can see that,” he said.

  “I’m sure you can.” She stood up, walking about the table and to his chair. He watched her, not moving as her fingers slid up his arm and along his shoulder. “There’s something about you, John. I know men. I’ve had enough of them. They all come here with their very pretty wives looking to be even prettier. Turn back the clock on time and get back the bodies they remembered.

  “But there’s something about you,” she purred, circling around him, stopping behind him. Her hands settled on his shoulders, and slowly began to knead. “Something familiar. We’re people who get things done,” she said. “And I think we have a lot to talk about.”

  Alistair glanced up at her. “Talk?”

  “Your wife is a lovely woman,” she said. “But you need something more. You need an equal.”

  “Is that right?” Alistair said, relaxing despite himself as Capria’s fingers dug into his shoulders, easing away the tension.

  “Oh yes,” she murmured. “Your wife is beautiful, but that’s all she has. Let’s be honest. You have her for the same reason you wear an expensive watch. A show. A thing to hold on your arm as if to say, ‘I can afford this. This is mine.’ Am I wrong?”

  He felt an anger boil deep inside him. The anger was Alistair Smith, a thing that surprised him, so much so that he nearly let it out. “I love my wife very much,” he said roughly.

  “I’m sure,” she said, and he could hear that amused smile in her voice. She leaned down, her red hair falling against his shoulders, her lips by his ear. “But I think I can make you a better offer,” she said, voice thick and husky. He shivered as her tongue stroked his ear, her lips sucking at the lobe.

  “Miss Eisen. Really now…”

  “We both know why you really married her,” she breathed, her hands sliding down his front, stroking the firm muscles of his chest. “You wanted a pretty cunt to stick your cock in. Well, I’m not averse to that. You can still have her. But you can have me as well. I think we could work very well together.”

  He shifted, hard. Who wouldn’t be? “What makes you say that?”

  “Just something I thought of.” She said. Her breasts pressed against his head as she leaned forward and took his hand in hers, fingers interlacing with his. He could smell her. Cinnamon and spice that made his thoughts whirl. A blend he’d never known before. “But I think I can show you far better.”

  Alistair gave a little resistance, as any husband would with a full blooded and beautiful wife downstairs. But she was there. And Capria Eisen was so very here. He rose and let her lead him by the hand back into the apartment. Through the pristine white living room with its wide open space, and into a bedroom, as white as the room before it, as empty too, with the notable exception of a single massive bed, the sheets so immaculate it was almost a shame to rumple them. Not that he had much of a choice as Capria turned him around and pushed him back.

  He hit the bed with a grunt, and then she was on him. Her knees planted beside his hips, her breasts pressed against his chest, and her lips, those firm, eager lips, were pressed to his in a demanding kiss.

  An equal, Alistair thought even
as his hands stroked up her hips, lifting up her long coat’s hem to bare her richly rounded thighs. That was what she claimed. And now she was testing him. Challenging him. He knew, in one of those strange flashes of insight his skill at characters gave him, that this was far more than simple pleasure. It would be there, oh yes. But more, she was seeing if he had what she wanted. If he could meet her, not try and dominate her like someone who thought she was just another slut looking for a quick fuck. She was a woman used to power. Control. To stand over others. She would never accept a man who could stand above her. And she would have nothing but contempt for a man who would only kneel to her.

  She said she wanted an equal. But what she really wanted was someone close enough to it. An equal on her terms.

  Alright, Alistair thought, his cock straining his pants. I can do that.

  His hands stroked under her skirt and up her plump rump, fingers playing along the spaghetti strand that slid down the crease of her ass. She hummed into their kiss and smiled against his lips. Yes, the kiss seemed to say, that’s good. And the hands on his front, unbuttoning his shirt, said let’s take this a little further, shall we?

  But she wanted a bit more. She wanted to win, but she wanted the conquest. Alistair broke the kiss. “My wife is going to kill me,” he breathed hotly.

  Her eyes flashed. She laughed throatily. “Did you really think she wasn’t doing something similar last night?” she asked tartly, eyes burning. “Women like that are only looking for a good fuck.”

  “And you?”

  “Oh,” she murmured, her hand sliding into his shorts, grasping his shaft and running her thumb up to the head. “I’m looking for a great one.”

  Alistair grunted. He suddenly grabbed her wide hips and spun her about. Capria gasped as she landed on her back, and then he was sliding down her, undoing her sterile white jacket, freeing her palm filling tits to the open air. His lips were kissing her generous breasts, lingering on her dark nipples.

  Capria moaned as he spent his time enjoying the heft and weight of her massive teats, rolling the soft flesh between his fingers even as his tongue swirled around her budding nipple.


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