Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 17

by Jay Aury


  The world was filled with the hum. Colours washed before Audra’s eyes in a dizzying palate of swaying reds, violets and blues. A psychedelic kaleidoscope shifting and pulsing. Whirling and twirling. Undulating and swallowing her into their senseless dance. And through it all that sweet, sweet mind numbing hum. That sound that said everything would be fine. Everything would be great, if she would just let her head empty. If she would just be a good, stupid, obedient slut.

  She moaned softly. A defiant sound, but weak. So weak she never even registered it. The dying cry of Audra Antoinette. Because she did want it, on some base level. She did want to be a big titted slut whose only concern was getting the best fuck of her life. That desire for pleasure that made her so effective. So much so she could sell being whipped by a crazed Nazi. Fucking a fat gun runner. Seducing lunatics and megalomaniacs and worse. Somewhere, she wanted this.

  And deeper still, some part of her struggled. Yes, she might want it. But not like this. Not like this. But it was a smaller part. Shrinking with every twist of the violets and reds. The dance of the yellows and wriggles of those electric blues.

  “Mnn…” she moaned softly.

  She blinked. Blinked again. The colours were fading. Dying away. Light. Blinding, stabbing white light broke into her world of senseless patterns. She hissed, a shock to her system.

  The sounds were suddenly gone. Hands were on her.

  “Here. Easy does it. Just step out.”

  “Buh?” Audra managed as she staggered out of the pod. She stared blankly, her thoughts sluggish like she’d just woken up from the worst hangover of her life.

  “This might hurt.”

  “What might oh fuck!” she yelped as something was jabbed into her arm. “What was… ooooh…”

  Then Audra fell on her knees and was quite violently sick on the nice sterile floor. A soothing hand patted her back as she ejected the eggs she had that morning and a few other things she tried hard not to focus on too much.

  “There we go. That antibody should get rid of, like, all the little bad things in your tummy and tits. How you feeling?”

  Audra groaned. “Like a truck hit me…”


  Audra raised her head, squinting as Maxine’s face slowly coming into focus, the rest of her, as ever, clad only in a swimsuit that hid absolutely nothing of her curvy assets. The largest of which Audra suddenly found herself crushed into as Maxine wrapped her in a bone breaking hug.

  “Oh Audra! I’m like, so totally sorry! I never wanted her to do this! I never wanted to hurt anyone! I just wanted everyone to feel so good and pretty and sexy but it’s all got so wrong and complicated and I’m just so sorry!” Maxine bawled.

  Audra wheezed, drowned in Maxine’s cleavage and the sweet fizzy liquor scent. “Th… there there,” Audra gasped, patting the other woman on the back. “You can… let me go now… please…”

  “Oh! Yeah. Like, sure.”

  As Maxine’s supporting body retreated Audra leaned against the pod, still tasted her breakfast (which was far from as pleasant coming up than going down). She wiped her mouth and looked at the skittish bimbo shifting her weight from leg to leg. “How… how long was I in there?”

  “Only, like, twenty minutes. I had to get rid of the guards. They were being so mean!” she declared, stamping her foot prettily in indignation. “But I told them to go away or I’d stick them with a needle, and they left right after! So, like, what now?”


  “I don’t know Janie!” Maxine wailed. “I like, just took you out of there but I don’t know what to do next. What do we do? Capria’s going to be soooo mad when she finds out you’re gone. And I don’t know what she’s going to do. She’s being, like, such a bitch right now! We have to get you out of here!”

  The redhead’s face rose in Audra’s mind like some monster emerging from the deeps. The dull weakness that had gripped Audra was blasted away by a sudden surge of anger. Audra grit her teeth, eyes narrowing. “I am not letting her get away with this!”

  “Huh? What do you mean, Janie?”

  “Audra,” Audra said. “Audra Antoinette. That’s my name.”


  “I’m a spy, Maxine. I came here to find out what Capria was doing and put a stop to it.”

  Maxine stared. Then, breathed out gustily. “Oh gosh,” she said. “That’s like, so awesome! You’re like James Bond with great tits!”

  Audra rolled her eyes. “Her office,” Audra said slowly, her tongue still tasting fuzzy from her sudden sickness. “Alistair said she kept a record of where all the girls you changed were sent. We have to get it.” She glanced at Maxine. “Do you think you could fix them?”

  “Oh! Like, yeah! Totally. Just need to, like, make sure to disrupt the harmonic properly, introduce some antibodies and shrink down the amygdala again and they’d be right as rain!”

  Audra exhaled. “Good. Do you have any weapons here?”

  “Um. I got this!”

  “…That’s a sandwich.”

  “Yeah! But it has a ton of carbs. That’s dangerous!”

  Audra sighed. How could someone be so smart yet so stupid?

  It took some doing to get moving. Audra’s clothes were missing (of course they were. Capria probably threw them in the furnace, the bitch) and Maxine’s didn’t fit. In the end, she had to make do with a buttoned up labcoat which strained across the chest. Audra leaned on Maxine for some time as they approached the elevator. A few scientists and patrons gave them curious glances but none interfered, well used to Maxine’s strange comings and goings.

  The doors dinged open and they stepped inside. Audra prodded the button for the top floor but the screen flashed red.


  “Shit,” Audra cursed. “We need a key!”

  “Oh,” Maxine snorted. “Is that all! Here.”

  She leaned in, and Audra couldn’t help but observe how Maxine’s labcoat slid up, exposing her shapely derriere as she fiddled with the scanner. The screen blinked green and the elevator moved. “I figured out how to beat these systems years ago,” Maxine giggled as she tucked a card back between her breasts. “Sometimes I go up to Cappie’s room and rearrange the furniture.”

  Audra tried to suppress a laugh.

  She wasn’t laughing when the door slid open and the two hulking men who had met Audra in her room looked in with surprise.

  The first’s eyes widened seconds before Audra lashed out, punching his broken nose once more. Pain exploded through the man’s face and he toppled, blacking out without a sound. The other grabbed for his gun and in that frantic moment Audra kicked him in the stomach. It was like kicking a plank of wood but the wind rushed out of him in a reassuring whoosh. He doubled over, instinctively wrapping his arms around his stomach and Audra finished him with a chop to the back of the neck.

  Maxine stared at her as Audra massaged her hand. “Oh gosh,” the bimbo breathed, groping her gargantuan tit. “That was suuuuuuper hot.”

  Audra rolled her eyes. “Well, we’ll do something about that later. Come on. Alistair said her office is just this way.”

  Maxine jumped. “Oh! Right. Like, totally!”

  The pair of them dashed across the floor, never noticing the beam of light they feet passed through, or the blinking red eye near the floor.


  “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” Capria said huskily.

  Alistair smiled easily even as he tensed inwardly. Their glasses rang together, then they drank. With a soft, pleased gasp, Capria set her glass down, and as she did so, noticed the button on the side of her watch flashing red. Her smile faded, her eyes narrowing.

  “Something the matter?” Alistair said.

  Her eyes flicked to him. Her smile returned, but he could see the effort it took to put it there. “No. Nothing at all.” She pushed back from her chair. “Will you excuse me for a moment? Something has come up.”

sp; Alistair gave her a curious look but nodded. She moved quickly away, touching a finger to the receiver in her ear. The moment she had walked out of the restaurant Alistair rose and followed at a distance. He stopped at the corner she had vanished around, sneaking a glance around the edge to where Capria stood alone.

  “What is it? I was in the middle of… What? When?” He saw her jaw tighten, her green eyes flame. The mask of the polite and flirtatious spa owner melted away, and again Alistair saw the raw anger of the woman in the boardroom, squeezing the men before her.

  “I’m going. Meet me there with as many men as you can. Come armed. Now.”

  She touched the earpiece and stormed down the hall. Alistair considered his next move in silence. He had little doubt just who had just pissed off Capria that much. He shook his head. Audra. Damn it all! What was she doing?

  He lingered there, torn. If he left, he knew his cover would be blown, as would any chance of getting evidence on Capria’s operations. But he had no illusions about just what was happening. Audra never just got into trouble. The last time she pissed someone off, they’d ended up blowing up a castle. He lingered hesitating.

  “Damn it,” he muttered wrathfully and slipped away.

  Things had just become complicated.

  The Office

  The sterile white room of Capria’s office stared at them. The walls glowed as they entered with a pale, almost indifferent light, giving the impression the room was far larger and much longer than it seemed. A colossal screen consumed the far wall, and at the other end a curving, rounded white desk surrounded a chair. Audra scoffed. She wondered if Capria had a thing against edges.

  She hurried to the solitary desk and slid into the chair. Her fingers danced over the keys, the monitor in its curving frame booting with a low hum. “Okay,” Audra murmured, fingers clacking on the keyboard as she worked. She didn’t know how long they had before they were discovered. She liked to think a while, but she wasn’t that stupid. Sooner or later someone would go into the lab she and Maxine had left, either to check up on them, or see if the treatment had reduced her to a big titted, wide hipped slut. Either way, she had an extremely narrow window of opportunity here.

  And, of course, accessing it was no simple matter either.

  “What would her password be?” Audra asked.

  Maxine tilted back her head. She stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth, her eyes staring at the ceiling in an effort of thought. “Mmm. Try seven.”

  “What? Just the number?”


  Audra rolled her eyes and tapped in seven. “You’re kidding me?” she said as the screen booted up.

  “Did it work?”


  “Yay!” Maxine giggled, bouncing in place. Audra had to fight to tear her eyes off the way Maxine’s breasts bobbed. Focus Audra! Chewing on her lower lip, Audra quickly accessed the files against a background of a summer beach. There were a number of them. Most of them finances and the like. Smirking in triumph, Audra pulled open a drawer, fishing through it until she found a USB stick. Hastily she plugged it in and began copying files.

  As she went through them, she paused, spotting one with Maxine’s name on it. Her finger hovered over the keys, uncertain. She had no illusions about just what would happen if Maxine were taken in the inevitable sweep of the island. Maxine was innocent, but hardly irresponsible of what had happened here. But how do you tell a prosecutor she was too dumb to have known better?

  Audra bit her lip, hesitating. Then, her finger tapped delete. Fuck it. She’d face the music if it ever came up.

  “Got it,” Audra breathed as the files finished copying. She ejected the stick and crammed it into her pocket, rising. “Now, let’s-“

  The ding of the elevator chimed through the room. Audra’s head jerked up, eyes wide in horror. She looked about the room, but the sterile white office was bare of anything but the desk and the massive screen in the wall.

  The heavy tread of large men’s feet thumped across the floor. But that didn’t chill Audra half as much as the hard click of heeled shoes.

  “Quick!” Maxine gasped, shoving Audra under the desk. Audra didn’t have a moment to protest before Maxine sat in the chair, scooting forward and cramming Audra into the far corner, her face an inch from Maxine’s bikini clad mons.

  The footsteps stopped.

  “Hi Cappie!” Maxine chirped happily.

  “Maxine,” Capria said, her voice low and sharp. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Um… Okay. So, like, promise you won’t be mad. But I was going to change the background on your computer.”

  The silence was deafening.

  “What?” Capria said.

  “Yeah!” Maxine huffed. “You were, like, just so mean to me today, Cappie! Bringing Janie down to the pod, and she was so mad at you too!”

  Audra heard Capria’s voice grow tense. “Jane… Maxine. What did you do with the pod?”

  “Oh! I left it running.”

  “There are two men unconscious by the door, Maxine.”

  “Oh, yeah. They wouldn’t let me in. Must have been suuuuper drunk. They just, like, collapsed!”

  Audra could fairly hear Capria’s teeth grinding. “Maxine, I’m afraid I’m going to need you to come with me. Now.”


  “We’re going to check on the pod. You shouldn’t have left Jane alone in it. What if something were to happen?”

  Like being changed into a bimbo slut? Audra thought with a grimace.

  Maxine huffed. “Fine.”

  She pushed back the chair and stood, leaving the desk. Audra listened intently to the heavy tread of men’s feet. Silence fell for a long moment. Then Audra tensed again, hearing the click of Capria’s heels draw near. Audra covered her mouth, barely daring to breathe as Capria’s shapely legs came into view. The woman stood before the desk for a long, silent moment, looking at the screen of her computer. Sweat trickled down Audra’s back. She had the sudden, lunatic urge to grab Capria’s skirt and yank it down.

  Then, Capria turned and left, her steps snapping through the quiet. Audra held her breath until the footsteps faded away.

  The moment it was gone Audra bolted out from beneath the desk. She raced for the elevator, stabbing the button down. It felt like forever for the elevator to climb back to the suite, slide open, a second eternity trapped in a coffin of steel as it descended to the lab floor.

  It opened and a man stood there. Audra shouted, lashing out with a fist. He blocked, the impact ringing down her arm.


  Audra froze. “Alistair?” she said.

  And suddenly she was in his arms, pulled tight against his chest. Her shock melted away, relief flooding through her as she nestled her head against his chest, listening to the rapid thud of his heart. Her lashes fluttered, a soft sigh escaping her.

  “Thank God you’re alright.”

  Audra nodded. It was horribly tempting to stay there, simply be held in his strong arms. But there was no time. She forced herself back, looking up at him. “Alistair. Quick! We have to save her!”


  “Maxine! She’s being taken back to the lab. When they find out I’m not there, who knows what they’ll do to her!”

  “Audra, she’s a part of all this. We can’t-“

  Audra’s hands tightened on his shirt. She looked up fiercely into his eyes. “She saved me,” Audra said.

  Alistair’s mouth thinned in annoyance. He threw back his head with a sound of frustration. “Damn it. Fine. Come on.”

  He let her go, and the loss of those warm arms was a chill she felt to her very core. She pushed past it, ignoring it for now, and raced after him and down the hall towards the labs. As they ran Audra glanced at Alistair and saw he was no longer wearing the khaki shorts and open polo shirt of some wealthy idler come to enjoy the spa. Somewhere he had secured the uniform of one of the guards. Where did he find those things? Then she rememb
ered he might have killed someone for it. The thought was oddly tantalizing.

  They pushed through to the main labs, walking more easily. Her in her labcoat, him in his sterile uniform moving through the cold white walls, they didn’t get a second look. “Do you have a gun?” she asked.

  He passed her one. The heavy metal felt soothing in her hand. She smiled grimly as they neared the inner labs where the pods lay. She saw figures beyond the powdered glass dividing Maxine’s personal laboratory from the rest.

  “Wait here,” Audra murmured, nodding at the door. “Keep an eye out.”

  He glanced at her. Nodded, and took up position. Smiling faintly, Audra stepped forward, the door sliding open.

  Inside was a scene of chaos. Maxine was against the wall, cringing while Capria loomed before her. Behind them two guards stood, watching uneasily. Tools and machinery was scattered all over the floor, swept down by Capria’s furious hands.

  “Then where is she!” Capria screamed at the cowering Maxine, hurling a case of test tubes to explode against the floor. “Where the fuck is she you stupid whore!”

  “Here!” Audra called, lifting her gun. All four swung towards her in surprise. Capria’s green eyes widened, then narrowed with a terrible hate. The men beside her reached for their own weapons before Audra pointed her gun towards them, ending that thought.

  “Jane,” Capria ground out.

  “No,” Audra said, smiling grimly. “Agent Vixen. And you are under arrest.”

  Capria glanced at the gun, then back to her. “You’ll never get out of here,” she said, biting out every word.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” Audra twitched her gun at the pod. “Get in.”

  Terrror flashed deep in Capria’s eyes. Audra laughed. “Oh no,” she said, grinning maliciously. She stalked forward, barrel of her pistol unwavering. “You’re not getting out of it that easy. I’m not going to melt your brain like you planned to do to me. You’re going to be perfectly aware of everything. You’re going to face the music for everything you did here, Capria. Now get in there.”

  Murder in her eyes, teeth grit so tightly Audra could hear them creak, Capria reluctantly climbed into the pod.


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