Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 20

by Jay Aury

  “As have you,” Raphael chuckled, cupping her breasts, weighing them, his thumbs wandering across her mounds before rubbing their hard peaks. “To be subjected to boys when you needed a man to satisfy you. Ah my sweet,” he sighed, lifting a firm breast to his mouth. “How I have missed the taste of you.”

  Audra gasped as his lips locked on her hard nipple, a spear of pleasure shooting through to her tingling core. Fuck! Her sensitive breasts were little more than playthings in Raphael’s knowing hands. And as a result, so was she, the heat of her need speeding through her on a fiery pulse. “Mmmm! Oh my sultan!” Audra moaned, beginning to roll her hips, fucking her atop his cock. “Yes! Yes! Kiss your slave’s breast! Taste her eager flesh! Ah! Yes!”

  Raphael chuckled, the sound thrumming through his large belly and echoing through her. Audra moaned, slamming her cunt down on his cock, speeding up with ever more eager urgency. She grabbed his head, pulling it against her breast, his skilled tongue swirling around her tingling teat, his unshaven chin scraping at her breast and driving her wild.

  “Yes!” Audra gasped. “Yes! Ah! My Sultan! Mnnn! O-ooooh! I-I’m cumming! Ah! Master! Your slave is… is… ahhhhh!”

  She cried out, her cunt clenching around his cock as she came. She pounded her hips to his with even greater urgency, crying out her ecstasy to the sky. Raphael sharpened her pleasure with a sudden nip at her sensitive nipple, sending a shock of purest pleasure to her trembling core.

  Gasping, Audra fell against him, slowing her undulating hips. “Oh my sultan,” she breathed. “I’m so sorry. Cumming before you.”

  Raphael chuckled, pulling back from her breast and petting her damp golden hair. “Ah, do not worry my sweet. It is the way of the young to find such pleasure so quickly. And the old Bull still has much in him.”

  Audra smiled, her cheeks red with flush. “Oh thank you, my sultan,” she breathed, moving her hips once more, fucking herself even as her cunt continued to tremble with the effects of her orgasm. “You’re so kind to your silly slave.”

  Raphael shrugged his large shoulders. “Ah, well, one must be when dealing with the young. But do not fear, my lovely. I will train you yet to take me for hours. For once you are my wife, I will have ample opportunities to do so.”

  Audra smiled. His utter certainty that she would fall to this overweight Arab’s charms added a certain sharp delight to their lovemaking. She recalled the first time he had taken her, and the strange fear that had held her. A wariness that she might, indeed, submit to being his bride. But such a threat seemed more remote now. Remote, but she had to admit it did carry yet another of the forbidden delights which made their lovemaking so appealing.

  “Oh Raphael,” Audra moaned. “But wouldn’t your wife be jealous if you took me? Wouldn’t she be afraid of your young, lovely American bride stealing your attentions?”

  Raphael laughed. “Ah my sweet! She would thank you for it! For no longer would she need to take this Old Bull’s cock, which robbed her of her youth and figure with our many sons. No,” he breathed, bucking his hips, thrusting his cock so deep into her she gasped. “She would thank you as your belly swelled with my children, and your lovely breasts grew heavy with a milk lovelier than the finest ambrosia.”

  “Oooh,” Audra moaned, her heart beating faster at the vision evoked. “Raphael. Would you lavish me with gifts if I took the veil for you?”

  “Oh yes,” Raphael growled as he began thrusting more earnestly, bouncing her atop his broad lap, his cock driving into her with a sloshing sound of her own spent cum. “You would be a jewel! Dressed in the finest silks. Agleam with treasures and gold. You would dance for me my sweet. And every night I would satisfy you. I would give you this old Bull’s cock to worship.”

  “Mmmmn,” Audra moaned, increasing her pace again. Her blood hot and rushing. Her heart beating. Her cunt squeezing his thick shaft. “Ah. Ah! Y-yes Raphael! F-fuck! Fuck my American cunt! Tame me!”

  His breathing was growing heavy, rushing out hot from his flaring nose like the bull for which he was named. His thrusts grew more eager, her firm bum bouncing. Her cunt clutching him. “Yes!” Audra cried as she felt a second climax near. “Yes! Ah! C-cumming my sultan! I’m cummiiiiing!”

  She cried out, her whole body tensing as hot pleasure raced through her. The sudden squeezing on his cock sent Raphael over the edge, and with a great groan he came inside her, his seed basting her trembling depths.

  Audra cried out, and with a sudden exhalation like a balloon deflating, Raphael fell back, collapsing on the bed with a grunt. Audra went with him, bouncing off his taut stomach with a gasp and a giggle. She lay atop him, breathing heavily, inhaling her lover’s thick, masculine scent. She stroked his clothed chest and shook her head.

  “Oh Raphael. Look at that. Now I’ll have to take a bath again…”

  Raphael chuckled and shook his head. “Ah my sweet. With delight would I join you. But, I fear I have a meeting I must attend.”

  Audra perked up a little, her natural inclination towards intelligence awakening. “Oh?” she said, rubbing a slow circle against the taut flesh of his stomach. “Anyone I know?”

  Raphael chuckled and patted her firm rump. “Ah my desert rose. Would that I could bring you, but I fear they might suspect such a lovely young western woman. And I fear my friends would not be terribly welcoming to seeing you once more.

  “Of course,” He said, grip tightening possessively on the globe of her ass. “Were you my lovely wife, I would gladly take you to such a meeting.”

  Her curiosity roused even more, and though the idea still had the spice of the erotic, Audra nonetheless gave him a sad smile. “Ah Raphael. I’m sorry. Buy your western slave desires her freedom too much still.”

  Raphael sighed dramatically. “Ah, pity. Pity. Then I must depart.”

  Reluctantly, Audra lifted her hips, unsheathing herself from his cock. As he cleaned off his manhood with her towel, Audra noticed his hat fallen off. A sudden idea took hold. She stretched herself over the bed, retrieving the hat from the floor, and her purse. Reaching inside, she snagged a small receiver and slipped the listening device into the band of his hat. Better not be too wet to work she thought as she pulled back, turning so she was kneeling on the bed. Like some seraglio slave, she offered up to Raphael his hat. “Master? Here.”

  Raphael took it with a chuckle, pressing it down on his head. He patted her hair like he might a dog who had pleased him. “Well done, my sweet. When I return, perhaps I shall take my pleasure from your lovely rear.”

  Audra beamed, wriggling in delight. “Oh master. Your Western slave would enjoy that tremendously.”

  Smiling indulgently, Raphael waddled to the door and out. The moment he was gone, Audra stretched over the bed again and fished out her purse. Quickly opening it, she dug out the ear bud for the receiver. She grimaced at its wetness and quickly shook the lingering water from it. Supposedly it was waterproof, but with this kind of equipment one was never sure…

  She fitted the earpiece and clicked it on. Static crackled through the line for a moment, slowly clearing to the familiar sounds of the bay, albeit slightly muffled. A bell clanged off in the distance, and the creak of wood groaned under a heavy stride. Audra smiled as she settled back on the bed, one leg bent and the other cocked over it as she listened. A door opened.

  “Ah my friends,” Raphael’s voice echoed in her ear. “How good it is to see you again. And how glad I am that we might work once more together despite certain… unpleasantries last we met.”

  “The matter is dealt with.”

  Audra sat up a little straighter, breath catching in her throat. She knew that voice. The cold, almost mechanical tone. Could almost picture the man seated at the table, his one eye staring expressionlessly, his strange, epaulet capped military jacket cape-like over his shoulders.

  “Sterling,” Audra murmured with a shiver. Twice now she had encountered the cold eyed arms dealer. Twice she had escaped him by the skin of her teeth. She had
dealt with evil before; mad men and mercenaries and even warlords. But something about the one eyed man sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Squawk! Show us your tits! Show us your tits!”

  Audra winced at the piercing sound of the parrot’s voice. Yes. No denying it now. That could only be that ungodly bird Sylvester Sterling always carried around. She sat up, cupping the bud against her ear. Nothing involving Sterling could possibly be good.

  She heard the squeak of a chair, then its groan as it struggled to accommodate the sudden weight of Raphael’s presence, yet not even that managed to bring a smile to her face.

  “So what might this old smuggler do for you, my friends? What might ARM require of this old man?”

  Audra frowned. There was that name again. ARM. She had looked into it since she heard the name from the late Victor von Hammerstein, who had tried to bomb Europe’s capitals with nerve gas. But the information she had turned up had been scanty at best.

  “We are interested in the delivery of items into and out from Brazil. We are aware you have certain contacts in the area and wish nothing to become problematic during their journey.”

  “Hm,” Raphael hummed. Audra could fairly see the indolent Arab rock in his chair, the wood squeaking threateningly. “A most simple prospect. Ah, and yet, certainly no simple goods, or it would be far simpler and cheaper to have me carry them myself. What goods might it be necessary to see to the border?”

  “That is not concerned to the contract,” Sterling said.

  Raphael hummed again. “I seem,” he said lazily, “to recall a recent piece of news. A group of men, drug dealers and growers in Brazil’s deep jungle, happened to have suddenly stopped their work. In fact, they appear to have all vanished most thoroughly, and no man has made contact with them.”

  “Do you have a point?” Sterling said, his voice unreadable.

  “Squawk! Tongue my ass, sweet thing! Squawk!”

  “Ah” Raphael sighed easily. “Perhaps not. Very well. I believe we can work something out. Hmm…”

  The voices continued on, but Audra had stopped listening. She lay still and stiff in the bed, replaying the conversation, and the implications which went with it. Only when they began to speak of locations did she fish out her notepad and quickly record what she heard.


  The photograph revealed a map of thick, leafy greens. In the center of the greenery a red splotch glowed, the aerial view encompassing a wide swathe of land. The date on the corner declared three months ago, the location blurred.

  “The Amazon Basin, Brazil,” the Director stated. Cup of tea in hand, the older man had a dour expression, his suit so grim he might have stolen it from a mortuary. “Three months ago there was a massive surge of heat deep in the region. Satellite imaging revealed this estate, buried deep in the jungle. We had no idea it was there, and wouldn’t have even known it was unless we were told to look.”

  Audra nodded. It had taken some digging to find out what drug dealers Raphael had referenced, but not much. She had some contacts in Brazil still, and such a sudden cessation of supplies had not gone unnoticed by the criminal community. “What did it?” Audra asked.

  “I ran it past some connections I have,” the Director said. “Radiation. A huge spike of it according to them.”

  Audra felt a chill. “Nuclear?”

  “No explosion. We suspect, instead, a generator of some kind.”

  Audra thumbed through the files thoughtfully. “Any word why something like that would be out there?”

  “The why is as important as the who,” the Director said firmly. “The government of Brazil claims there’s nothing out there, and haven’t been willing to investigate. No surprise. The only sorts who go out that far are drug lords and growers. We know the estate’s buried deep in there. But beyond that we have little to go on.”

  Audra nodded slowly. “Maybe a secret nuclear facility?” she asked.

  “We’d better hope not,” the Director said. “It might have been a blip, but I’m not banking on it. We need you to get in there and find out what the hell’s going on. And stop it if necessary.”

  “Alright,” Audra said. “Do we have any back up?”

  “The Brazilians have no idea it’s out there, and wouldn’t help even if they did. They have bigger issues at hand beyond investigating some blip on a radar. And have quite firmly refused any international intervention. Until we have something more concrete, we can’t force them to accept any help. You’ll have to find a way into the area and investigate what’s going on. We can get you to Rio, but beyond that we haven’t much else to offer here, Vixen.”

  “Hmmm,” Audra murmured, leaning back in her booth and eying the swathe of the jungle. She smiled flirtatiously. “I think I can manage something. But, while I’m at it, I think there is one thing you can get me…”



  The grandeur and the poverty of the city was almost baffling in its heights. The hills rolled with slums whose lights shone like stars in the darkest night. Near the shore, hotels and tourist spots glowed like the multicolored swathes of galaxies. The statue of Jesus, arms outspread, loomed over it all with eyes of stone.

  Audra had an excellent view of the city from the window of her hotel, a phone pressed against her ear.

  “So you’ll take us?”

  The man at the other end of the line sighed heavily. “Alright. I cannot land you there. There isn’t a landing strip within a hundred miles of that place. But I can drop you off well enough.”

  “Thank you Diaz. You’re a star.”

  “Do not thank me yet, minha amada. I cannot be sure of what you will find there.”

  Audra hung up and crossed her arms. She was near naked, only a filmy black bra cupping her generous breasts and a pair of thin black panties hid her body from the world. All the rest of her was brazenly naked as she looked out over the glittering stars of Rio’s skyscrapers and slums.

  There was a knock at the door. “Catering.”

  Audra looked back with a smirk and crossed the room. She opened the door, revealing a man in a white concierge outfit in front of a cart. The man paused, staring with stunned amazement at the near naked woman in the door.


  “Hello, Alistair,” she said.


  Still smiling, she reached up and tore his moustache off. He winced, rubbing his upper lip. “How’d you know?”

  She laughed. “After the amount of times we’ve worked together? Please. You won’t fool me again, Alistair Smith.”

  He took his hand away, smiling with amusement. Before her eyes he seemed to shift. His shoulders straightened and his head lifted. He loosened the tense, servile air he had adopted in favour of his familiar proud, almost arrogant stance that defined the agent, and not the character. He chuckled, even his voice having a deeper, huskier tone. “I guess I must be losing my touch.”

  Audra smirked, stepping nearer to him. She laced her arms around his neck, pulling herself up and pressing her soft breasts against the hardness of his chest. “Hmmm. Let’s hope not.”

  She kissed him, something he returned with a will. She groaned softly as his hands landed on her generous hips, fingers sinking into the firm flesh, pressing her against his front where she felt the telltale bulge of his cock through the fabric. His tongue wrestled with hers, and she tasted him, that now familiar taste of danger and delight. She broke the kiss, her eyes lidded and hot with desire.

  “Mmm. I think I might need more evidence,” she purred, running her hands down his front.

  “I think I can do that.”

  She glanced at the tray. “I don’t suppose you’ve got some plums in there. Do you?”

  He chuckled. “Not today. But I might have something a little… different.”

  “Oh?” She breathed. “Then I guess I should give you… a tip?”

  He sucked in a breath as she cupped the bulge in the front of his pants. He growled. A low,
primal sound that made her heart beat quicker and her quim dampen. He suddenly scooped her up, ignoring her squeal of surprise, then her giggle of delight as he again kissed her, carrying her into the room and kicking the door shut behind them.

  He brought her over to the bed and dumped her onto it. Instantly he was atop her, his lips against hers, his body pressing into her. She moaned, lifting her hips, pressing the bulge of his cock against her gash. He hissed, heat radiating through the fabric that separated them.

  “Take them off,” Audra moaned. “Fuck me.”

  “Gladly,” he breathed between kisses.

  He rose off her, shrugging off his jacket and throwing his shirt off from over his head. Audra’s eyes blazed with desire as his naked chest came into view, his skin slightly tanned, his abs and chest sharply defined like it had been chiselled from rock.

  “Oh, there it is,” Audra breathed, running her fingers across the groove of his skin, biting her lower lip as she felt the definition of his muscular frame. Her hands went lower, touching his belt. The hard shape of his cock. “There it is…”

  She opened his belt, unzipping his pants. She tugged them down, freeing his cock from the tight confines. Again her eyes flashed, a low sound of delight vibrating through her chest as his cock came into view.

  Alistair leaned over her again, kissing her more tenderly now. Audra accepted it eagerly, parting her lips to his testing tongue, wrestling it as it delved into her mouth. She moaned as his hands brushed her front, untying her bra and releasing her generous teats. She gasped as his hand stroked her hardened nipple, her hips bucking, pressing her cloth clad cunt to his hard shaft.

  “Alistair,” she breathed. “Stop teasing. Please. Fuck me.”

  He reached down, pulling down the tight fabric of her lacy panties, baring her flowering lower lips. He ran his finger along the pink gash, stroked her, his touch expert with awareness of her tender spots. Different from Raphael’s almost aggressive certainty. His finger ran up and down, gathering the sweet moisture of her arousal. Drawing out her pleasure as he kissed her. Aggressive, yet not domineering. Tender but firm with knowing just how she loved to be touched, reducing her to a puddle of panting lust before his cock had even touched her.


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