Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 28

by Jay Aury

  Audra followed Maxine into the house, squinting a little. The architecture reminded Audra starkly of the Isle of Mambo, where she had first met Maxine. A retro sixties look of rounded edges and curving architecture, chairs like eggs sliced in half while gloopy lava lamps spread out a pinkish haze. The carpet was so fuzzy Audra’s feet sank into it like quicksand and from somewhere, bubbly pop music was bouncing off the walls. Through glass windows that consumed an entire wall she could just make out the shine of a pool, the setting sun burning away the last hours of daylight on the horizon.

  Audra looked around the room in satisfaction. “Looks like you’ve been doing well.”

  “Oh, I’ve been doing, like, super good! I’ve been working like crazy on my own projects. Got a new reactor on the go for cold fusion. New style of engine that can run on half the power of a current Tesla. Oh! But this is what I’m the most proud of. Tadaaaa!” she cried, throwing open a mini fridge. “Look! Jello shots made with ginger ale and booze! They’re soooo good Audie!”

  Audra chuckled, shaking her head. “Only you would think jello shots were more important than cold fusion.”

  “Huh?” Maxine said as she sucked one of the jello cups down. “Mmm! So good. Here! Try one.”

  Politely Audra took it, sucking it down. Her eyes shot open as flavour danced around her mouth and sparked down her brain. “F-fuck me! That is good.”

  Maxine giggled. “Knew you’d like it. So! Want to party? Oh! Wait. Duh!” Maxine said, slapping the heel of her hand to her forehead, sending locks of golden blonde bouncing. “Forgot! You wanted to go to the lab. Got my private one all set up in the basement! Quick!” Maxine grabbed a bust, pulling back the head to reveal a button. She slammed it down. “To the bat cave!”

  Audra jumped as the floor under a lounge chair hissed. She turned to see the chair slowly rise, a cylindrical elevator climbing out of the plush carpeting. Jolting to a halt, the door slid open.

  “You use that to get down there?” Audra said.

  “Oh totes!” Maxine chimed as she gathered an arm full of jello cups and bounced into the pod. “I mean, there’s stairs too. But bleh! Who wants to use stairs when you can have hidden elevators! They’re the shit!”

  “Who indeed,” Audra mused with a smile as she squeezed in. The elevator was clearly not designed for two people. Or maybe it was, Audra thought as Maxine playfully rubbed her crotch against Audra’s hip. The elevator slipped into the floor, hissing as it descended once more. Maxine’s fizzy scent quickly filled the limited space, making Audra feel faintly light headed before the door slid open once more, dumping the two of them into a shining lab of chrome.

  Audra staggered out, looking around in awe at the space. Monitors filled an entire half of a wall. Machines whose purposes she couldn’t begin to guess at filled the rest. Work tables and glass dividers split the room into various smaller areas while spidery mechanical arms stretched down from the ceiling over what looked like the bastard silver lovechild of a glider and a rocket.

  “So what’d you need?” Maxine said, downing another jello cup.

  Recalling her purpose, Audra grew serious. “Maxine. I’m in trouble.”

  “Ohhh! I’ve been looking into that. Check it. Birth control without needing a condom or a pill!”

  “What? I- no, Maxine. Not that kind of trouble. Have you been watching the news?”

  Maxine stuck out her tongue. “Pth. That’s all boring. I just watch Jersey Shore. Have you seen the latest episode? Riguel is being such a dick!”

  “He has been. But that’s not important. I’m in trouble, Maxine. Real trouble. They think I killed my boss and that I’m crazy. I’ve got assassins after me.”

  Maxine’s sparkling eyes widened. “Oooh,” she cooed, sucking down another jello cup. “That’s bad!”

  “But I’ve been set up.”

  “Oh no!” Maxine gasped, dropping her supply of jello shots onto the floor. “That’s terrible!” She grabbed Audra’s hands, her blue eyes shining with. “Don’t worry Audie. You can stay here as long as you need! I can set up a bed and stuff in the basement and bring you whatever you need!”

  Audra blinked, honestly touched by the blonde’s eagerness to help. She smiled to herself, feeling strangely giddy and pleased. She hadn’t realized how many would be willing to go so far for her. “I… thank you, Maxine. Honestly. But I don’t need that. Well, not yet. I’m not going to hide. I’m taking the fight to them.”

  “Woo! Girl power!” Maxine said, pumping a fist in the air with a blissful grin.

  “Exactly. But I don’t know where they are. They’re called ARM, and I need to find them. Here.” She brought out Tenin’s cellphone. “Their boss, Sylvester Sterling, called me on this. I need to know if we can trace the call back.”

  “Oooooh gimme gimme gimme! We can totes do that! Lemme see.”

  Gladly Audra passed the cellphone over to Maxine. The bimbo looked at it thoughtfully, put it on the table, and smashed it with a hammer.

  Audra stared at the broken shards of the phone, jaw slack. “Wha… I… Maxine! What the fuck!”

  “No worries!” Maxine chimed as she took out a small chip from the ruined pile. “Got the history files! These new phones are so awesome! Got cameras and apps and stuff. They’re so much fun! But they have, like, sooo many security stuff stuffed in there. And we just need this!” She spun, mouth watering teats bouncing as she thrust a hand at the monitors. “Computer! Activate!”

  The vast assembly of monitors hummed as they came to life. The board before it glowed, and to Audra’s surprise projected crackling pink images of the keys. “Just finished it. It’s going to be the absolute shit soon!” Maxine giggled as she bounced to the computer. She inserted the chip into a waiting slot and tapped the keys. Every monitor lit up with a different image. A projection of the globe rose from a deck to slowly spin above the computer in a pink sphere.

  Maxine stuck her tongue out, brow furrowing a little. “Oooh, this is neat! Looks like the signal was being bounced all over the place. Scrambled. Bounced. Then filtered through a shit ton of firewalls!”

  “Shit,” Audra cursed. She knew what that meant. “So you can’t track it?”

  Maxine giggled. “Audie, please! I got this. These big computers aren’t just for, like, show! I can totes decode the scrambled signal. This thing would be proof against, like, any modern system. But I built this computer myself! Just gotta let it work!”

  For the first time in a while, Audra felt her spirits soar. “So you can track it?”

  “Totes! Just be a little bit.”

  With a cry Audra wrapped Maxine in a hug. “Oh thank you!”

  Maxine giggled, returning the hug with bone crushing force. “Like, no problem! Anything for my BFF! But um, I was thinking, while it’s running, could you help me out?”

  “Hm?” Audra gasped as Maxine’s hands enveloped her rear and gave a squeeze. “O-oh!” Audra glanced up at the bimbo’s baby blues, a playful smile working across her face. “What did you have in mind?”

  Maxine giggled. “You remember the treatment I was using on Mambo? The one Cappie had me working on? Weeeeell, I’ve been tweaking it. Like you said, maybe women don’t want to be big titted bimbo’s all the time. But like, they should still have the figures if they want. And the benefits.”

  “Need a guinea pig, hm?” Audra asked.

  Maxine grinned. “Mmmyep! You up for it?”

  Her recent dreams flicked through her mind, but Audra banished them just as quickly. Though she normally would have balked at the idea of repeating the process she’d endured on Mambo, one which had nearly turned her into a cock hungry slut too stupid to do anything but fuck, Audra found her mood too good, and the prospect strangely tantalizing. She slid her hands from around Maxine, groping the blonde’s gravity defying breasts. “Hmmm. Maybe I could.”

  Maxine giggled again. “Oh you’re going to, like, love it! Don’t worry. I got it all figured out. And I made sure we can avoid the whole brainless
slut stuff! Just gotta drain it from you when we’re done.”

  Recalling the last time the bimbo had toyed with her body, Audra couldn’t deny a rush of desire. She normally wasn’t attracted to women. True, she’d hardly avoided the pleasures of the fairer sex. Sometimes, an assignment had demanded it, but she’d never really considered herself bisexual, let alone a lesbian. But as she glanced again over Maxine’s jaw dropping curves, her ditzy beauty and brazen clothes, Audra couldn’t deny a stirring of sweet lust. “Hm. Sounds fun. Let’s do it!”


  Skipping over to the wall, Maxine slapped a huge red button. Gyros whirred as the wall slowly descended, revealing a spacious bed with pink silk sheets and a gathering of throw pillows.

  “You have a bed in the lab?” Audra said.

  “Well, yeah! I mean, you never know when you’re going to want to fuck, huh?”

  Audra shook her head. With a teasing grin she unbuttoned her dark trench coat, peeling it away to reveal her curvy hips and shapely breasts. She pulled off her shirt, shaking out her blonde hair and shucked off her pants and panties, leaving her in little more than a skimpy bra.

  Maxine eyed her hungrily as Audra teasingly undid the clasp, dragging off her lacy bra and letting it coil onto the floor, revealing her heavy breasts, nipples pink and rigid with expectation. “No pods?”

  “Nope. Just lie back, Audie. And take this.”

  She passed Audra something. The spy looked in interest at the small sphere she held. “A pill?”

  “No silly. It’s gum! Strawberry flavour too.”

  Audra laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Oh the wonders of modern medicine.”

  “Totes! So lie back and start chewin’.”

  Smiling with bemused enjoyment, Audra eased back onto the silken sheets and popped the gumball into her mouth and bit down.

  She gasped as sugary sweetness exploded through her mouth. Her lashes fluttered, a quaking moan escaping her as the gumball’s sweetness flowed over her tongue, juices oozing down her throat.

  “Good?” Maxine asked.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” Audra moaned heavily.

  “Thought so! I wanted to make it suuuper good to eat. And I get to munch on something too.”

  “Hmmm?” Audra groaned lazily. She lifted her head as she felt her legs part and saw Maxine slip between her firm thighs. The blonde smiled naughtily, baby blues shining with delight as she hooked Audra’s legs over her shoulder and leaned in. Audra gasped as Maxine’s hot breath washed over her quim, the sensation more acute than she expected. Then Maxine’s tongue gave her slit a long lick, and everything just melted.

  “Mmmmmmnnnn,” Audra moaned, mindlessly chewing the gum. Her thoughts grew hazy, lost in pink clouds of sweet lust. She moved her hips, rocking her pussy against Maxine’s oh so skillfull tongue. The blonde between her thighs giggled, the sound seeming to echo strangely in the chrome of the lab as she lapped at Audra’s already dripping pussy.

  “Oh Audie! You’re already suuuper wet,” Maxine said, Audra twitching, feeling the blonde’s soft, cock-sucking lips form the words against her tender flesh.

  “Mnnn,” Audra moaned, chewing more vigorously.

  “Feel the heat, Audie? That’s the hormones in the gum. Bet it tastes good. Almost as good as you!”

  Oh it did taste good. Audra stretched, flexing her muscular frame with all the lazy contentedness of a sated cat. Her pussy fluttered, her whole body warm and oh so soft and sensitive and sexy. She could practically feel the cold breath of the air conditioner. The heat of Maxine’s curvy body beneath her. And her breasts…

  Oh God her breasts!

  “Mmmmooooo,” Audra moaned, drooling a little as dull heat throbbed through her tits. As Maxine’s tongue got back to work Audra felt her heartbeat quicken. Every thump seeming to radiate through her aching tits, every one hitting her harder, deeper, echoing. Her eyes glowed with increasing eagerness as she rocked against Maxine’s face. Her breath came in short gasps as she frantically chewed the gum.

  She groaned, flexing, pushing out her chest as she felt a subtle pressure in her teats. “Ooooooo!” she moaned, panting. She tilted down her head, watching raptly as her breasts began to expand, swelling with every thudding beat of her heart. “Mmnnnnn fuuuuuck,” she drooled as the flesh stretched out, growing heavier. Firmer. She reached up and grasped her tits. She cried out, hips bucking as her fingers sank into the soft, overflowing flesh of her tits, the sensitive flesh spearing sweet pleasure right into her shuddering cunt. She screamed, quivering, every muscle tightening as her pussy contracted, her orgasm thundering through her.

  Maxine giggled, lapping up Audra’s juices as she came. “Looks like it’s working,” she said delightedly.

  “Mmmmoooo yessssss,” Audra groaned as she fondled her overflowing tits, massaging the soft flesh. The sensation of placidity; of warm satiation overpowered her. Her hips throbbed in tandem as she rocked more lazily to the spearing tongue of the blonde bimbo between her thighs. Everything just felt so wonderful! So perfect and hot and she was soooo fucking horny! She giggled. Then, the shapely blonde found Audra’s clit.

  “F-fuck!” Audra squealed as Maxine wrapped her wonderfully soft lips around the buzzing bead, rolling her tongue over it, sucking and toying with the peaking nub. Audra bucked, ripped to a second orgasm before she new what was happening. Panting, Audra tossed her head, rocking frantically against Maxine’s oh so clever tongue.

  “Mnn! Fuck! Ooooh fuuuuck.”

  With a gasp Maxine pulled her face out of Audra’s cunt. The bimbo grinned, face glistening with Audra’s juices, her glasses fogged from the heat of the other woman’s box.

  “Not much is sweeter than your pussy!” the bimbo giggled as she pulled her way up Audra’s body. Audra met the other blonde’s kiss with a happy eagerness. Everything just felt so good. So right. And she felt so wonderfully sexy with her new curves. It was all so easy to just go with things. Soft lips moved against each other, tongues sparring, Audra tasting herself on Maxine’s lips and tongue. Audra moaned as Maxine cupped one of her swollen teats, fingers sinking into the soft flesh.

  “Mmmm. Oh gosh Audie. Your tits are just soooo amazing! I could just play with them all day!” Maxine dipped her head between Audra’s massive tits and motorboated them.

  Audra squealed, laughing with the hazy high of sensual desire. “Maxiiiine! Stop,” she laughed.

  Maxine giggled, pulling back and kissing Audra again. Audra laughed a little more, then lost herself in the movements of the other woman’s lips. She reached between them, finding the thin slip of cloth covering Maxine’s pussy. She rolled against the taller blonde, fingers sliding under the fabric and finding the hot gash beneath. Maxine gasped, then purred lovingly as Audra began to finger her gaping cunt.

  “Oh Audie. That feels… like… so goooooood,” Maxine moaned.

  “Good,” Audra sighed, mashing her breasts against Maxine’s overflowing orbs. She rocked against the bimbo, kissing, sighing, pleasuring each other in what felt like a cocoon of bliss. Nothing could penetrate it. The troubles of the world were far away. Unable to influence them atop the silken sheets, the two shapely blondes wrapped around each other in a seemingly endless haze of sweet pleasure.

  Maxine’s tongue dipped into Audra’s mouth, capturing the gum. The flavour squeezed out, basting their mouths with its sugary sweetness. Maxine squealed in pleasure, her inner walls contracting around Audra’s fingers, her hips quaking as her orgasm soaked her bikini bottoms and the other woman’s hand.

  “Oooh fuck Audie! I gotta taste you!”

  Audra giggled again. “You already tasted my pussy. My mouth. What’s left? Oooh! You want to tongue my ass?” she asked eagerly.

  “Oh yeah! That’d be awesome! But later. Right now, I want to taste your tits!”

  “What- oh fuck!” Audra cried, throwing back her head as Maxine’s soft lips captured the peak of her swollen tit. Audra moaned, hugging the blonde bimbo’s head against her teat, s
haking as Maxine massaged her breast, lips suckling at the hardened nub of her nipple.

  “Ooooh fuuuuck! Maxiiiiine! That’s so good… Oh. Oh! Mnnnoooooo,” Audra moaned. Her heart pounded, her head spun in the pink fog suffocating her thoughts. The pressure in her teat increased, drawn upwards towards the peaks. Towards Maxine’s tender, sucking lips. “Oh Maxine… Maxine I’m gonna… I’m… aaaaaaahnnnnnn!”

  Audra crushed the blonde’s face against her tits, screaming in naked lust as she felt the pressure break, the dam breach. Like once before on the insidious Isle of Mambo, Audra felt her breasts burst with the sweet cream of her own milk. Maxine eagerly sucked, gobbling up the warm cream, only a trickle of pearly liquid slipping past her hungry lips to thread its way down Audra’s massive teat. The sensation was too much. Without a touch on her tender slit Audra came, thighs twitching as her juices stained the fine silk sheets.

  “Oooh,” Audra moaned as she came down from that height, though kept perilously close by Maxine’s sinfully skilled lips sucking and her equally clever tongue swirling over the bud of a nipple. “Maxine… S-sorry. Got your… your sheets all messy…”

  Maxine giggled, pulling back. “Like, don’t worry Audie! I keep a whole closet of them.” She grinned, and Audra watched, hypnotized as a bead of milk slipped from the corner of the bimbo’s lips, trickling down her cheek to dangle on her chin.

  “Oh f-fuck,” Audra breathed. “M-Maxine. What… what’s next?”

  “Well,” Maxine said teasingly, squeezing Audra’s other palm filling teat. “I bet the gum’s run out by now. But I, like, should totally milk you out before it’s got a chance to do anything more permanent. Though I just looooove your fat tits, Audie. They’re just, like, the absolute best!”

  “They are,” Audra agreed readily, grinning stupidly as the sweet haze swirled in her thoughts. “But… yeah. You should.”

  “Okie dokie!” Maxine giggled, and latched on hungrily to Audra’s other nipple. The spy cried out, bucking as Maxine sucked hungrily, her hand coaxing her breast to surrender its milky bounty, the other continuing to stroke and tease her other teat to dribble the last of her cream from its nipple, Audra’s teats shrinking slowly, almost reluctantly, as if desperate to retain their absurd size and that sweet hazy pleasure that came with it.


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