Agent Vixen Collection

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Agent Vixen Collection Page 34

by Jay Aury

  Alistair slowly followed her down the icy steps. He watched her jump aboard one, quickly untying the rope. Alistair chuckled. “A speedboat eh? Just like escaping von Hammerstein’s little hideout in Brazil.”

  Audra grinned back. “Exactly.”

  Alistair sighed, shoulders slumping. He lifted the barrel of his gun towards her. Audra froze, blinking. “Alistair?”

  Wearily, Alistair said, “We got away on a truck, Gala. Blasted down the gates of the compound and raced down the road.”

  Gala stared down the barrel. She pouted, straightening. “That’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair. You were good, Gala. Very good. What was your plan when we got onto the open sea?”

  Gala shrugged. “Keep sailing. I have a contact near land. We’d dump the boat and head to the States. Two people like us? We’d have no trouble finding work for any agency. We still could, you know,” Gala breathed, stepping off the boat, sending it rocking on the waters. Her sky blue eyes shone earnestly as she stepped nearer. “We still could leave. Forget all this. Forget Audra. Am I really such a poor replacement?” she asked, fluttering her dark lashes. She ran her hands along her hips, up her slim stomach and cupped her shapely breasts. “You and Capria seemed to think I wasn’t.”

  Alistair grit his teeth against those sultry eyes and teasing smile. She sauntered another step closer, her shapely hips cocking with every stride. “You know you want me, Alistair Smith. I may be a clone, but that doesn’t mean I’m not myself.” She smirked up at him, pushing her chest out. “I know you liked out little sessions in the cells. I know you liked fucking my hot cunt. You’ve lived as lies all your life. What’s one more little one?”

  Alistair swallowed. “That’s not… I won’t do that, Gala.”

  Gala pouted, her eyes flashing. Alistiar tightened his grip on his weapon, but Gala merely sighed, deflating. “Fine. But I do have one piece of news you might still like.”

  Alistair hesitated. “What?”

  She waved a finger before him. “Uh-uh. Not so fast. You should know by now nothing’s free. Especially with me.”

  “How about I don’t shoot you where you stand,” Alistair said.

  She giggled, the sound having that now familiar, slightly maniacal twist to it. “Hmm. Not good enough. How about,” she said, stepping closer, tilting back her head. “A kiss. One last good kiss, my spy. How does that sound?”

  Alistair grimaced, but hesitated. It wasn’t so much, he supposed. He lowered the gun. “Fine.”

  Gala smirked. “Didn’t fight that too hard, did you?”

  Alistair reached out and grabbed her hip, yanking her close. Gala gasped, then his lips were on hers, hot and pressing. She moaned, lashes fluttering, her tongue pushing out to meet his, working against his lips lovingly. Her arms snaked around his neck. Alistair growled as she ground her groin against him, tilting her head back so he could press against her harder, her body molding against his.

  And damned if he couldn’t admit it was a good kiss. Her tongue twisted with his expertly, her mouth hot and welcoming him. She shivered, her breasts pressing into his chest in a way that sent his heart pounding, urging him to grab her, tear off her clothes and plunge his cock into her hot depths.

  He tore his lips from her with a gasp. Gala moaned, lashes fluttering, her tongue flicking across her lips tantalizingly. She smirked up at him, eyes still hot. “Hmm. I really do wonder if you could have shot me. I don’t think you have it in you. I may not be Audra, but I have her face. Have her body. And have… so many other assets. I think you want me, Alistair. Not as Audra’s replacement. But as me…”

  “I think you’re the queen of wishful thinking,” Alistair said.

  “Hm. Maybe. But this.” Alistair sucked in a breath as she reached out and cupped his hardened groin. “This doesn’t lie.”

  Alistair pushed her back, Gala giggling in mocking delight. “What news, Gala?”

  “Oh, only that pretty little Audra is somewhere on the island looking for you. And oh won’t she just be hurt when she doesn’t find you. But,” she added, her eyes flashing wickedly, “there’s all sorts of people here who’d just love to find her.”

  Horror choked Alistair. The gun in his hand shook. “You… you’re lying.”

  “Am I?” She giggled, smile wild and cunning. “Maybe. Maybe not. Can you risk it, big boy?” She gave him a mocking wave. “Bye bye Alistair. Good luck.”

  Alistair glared at her, then turned and ran back the way he came. He had to hurry. If Audra were on the island, who knew what she’d be getting into.

  But experience told him it was nothing good.


  Stevens took a bite of his sandwich as he watched the monitors shift. The security room was a large space, its walls filled with monitors displaying scenes of the island’s interior. He sighed, easing back. It was an easy job. Beat standing at attention outside in the freezing cold, guarding one of the doorways for hours on end. Nothing ever happened on the island anyway. He yawned widely. Rickard sat beside him and glanced his way.


  “Eh,” Stevens said, taking another bite.


  Stevens choked on his sandwich. Rickard swivelling about in surprise. Sterling loomed behind them, the one eyed man watching the screens. Fuck! How did he always manage to do that?

  “Sir,” Rickard said, bolting out of his chair with a sharp salute. Stevens was still choking on his sandwich.

  “Any problems,” Sterling asked as his eye roamed over the screens.

  “No sir. We were just ah… Just watching Gala come in.”


  “Yes, sir. Capria took her to her room again.”

  “Hm,” Sterling said. He slowly cocked his head, eye fixing on one of the screens, watching while Stevens pounded on his chest to try and dislodge a chunk of bread and ham. “Then why is she in the prison?”


  Rickard turned and stared at the screen as Gala opened the doors to the prison cells and stepped inside. “But… I saw Capria take her into her room. I don’t…”

  “Squawk! Up for a reach around! Squawk!”

  Sterling’s brow slowly lowered. He tapped his fingers atop the control panel, face cut in sharp relief by the white glow of the monitors, watching the camera in Alistair’s cell, the man bound atop a table. His eyes narrowed, catching a faint flicker on the screen, a subtle jump in how Alistair was holding his head. “…Assemble a security team. I will meet them at the central column.”

  Rickard nodded, ignoring Stevens as the other man heaved, finally coughing up his chunk of food. “O…kay, sir. Anything else?”

  “Yes,” Sterling said, watching the scene of the cells closely as the flicker repeated. “Send a man around the prison. Immediately.”


  Audra stared at the empty cells blankly.

  That bitch.

  Oh that bitch!

  Gala had lied to her. Audra’s fists clenched so hard they shook. She sucked in a single harsh breath. Damn it. Damn it! She knew she shouldn’t have trusted that psychotic clone. She turned sharply, shoving open the door to the prison cells and stepped outside into the cold corridors of the complex. Shit! Well, now what?

  The answer came in the echoing march of footsteps.

  Oh no.

  Audra turned down an adjoining passage and hurried away. The walls of the complex seemed to close in around her. Herding her deeper into the mountainous fortress. Before she knew it, Audra realized she was following them towards her secondary objective. The central column that Gala had mentioned.

  Likely a trap, Audra thought wrathfully. But, lacking an alternative, she hastened that way. After all, ARM was using this place for something.

  And there it was.

  Around a corner she found herself facing a heavily reinforced metal door. Two guards stood before it, at attention. Audra paused, then steeled herself, walking towards it.

guard looked down at her. He raised a hand. “Sorry, Gala. Again, you’re not allowed in.”

  “Oh?” Audra said, noticing the other guard had cocked his head, listening to a hidden radio bead. She slid her hands behind her back, pushing out her chest. “Even if I sucked your cock?”

  The guard laughed. “Even then.”

  “Eric,” the other guard began.

  Audra giggled. “Oh well. I tried.”

  She drew the pistol she’d hidden in the band of her belt and swung it around. The gunshot echoed through the hallway, even with a silencer on. The first man went down, the second halfway to bringing up his weapon before Audra shot him three times in the chest, the guard slamming against the steel wall with a bang.

  Holstering her gun, Audra grabbed the dead guard slumped against the wall. Ripping off his glove, she pressed his palm against the door’s lock. The print reader beeped and the door slid open with a hiss. Casting a last glance back, Audra ducked through the door.


  Capria spat out the gum, the taste gone. She lay back, panting. Her breasts swelled off her chest in immense globes, but as she massaged them, a thin trickle of cream from them, they began to shrink to a more familiar size. She chewed on her lower lip, her pussy clenching with pleasure.

  “Oh mistress, you don’t look so good.”

  Capria raised her head. Gala looked over her, smiling beatifically.

  “G-Gala,” Capria breathed. “Where’s… that cock you… ah… promised me.”

  Gala giggled. “Don’t have one mistress. How about my pretty lips locked on your fat tit?”

  “I-mnnnn!” Capria moaned, arching as Gala leaned over her, lips locking on a thick nipple. Adoringly Gala began to suckle at her creamy bust, milking her mistress of her cream. Capria moaned as Gala rubbed her curves against the buxom dom, tickling her other fat teat as she worked, milking her mistress with an eager devotion.

  And as she did, Capria’s breasts began to shrink to a more normal size.

  And her thoughts began to slowly clear.

  Tower of Babel

  A vast column of steel rose from a pit that seemed to go on forever. Screens flickered up and down it. Red lights blinked and small antennae stretched out, clawing at the walls that ran up and down the machine. Cables wound up and down it, often stretching out like anchor lines to the walls, others looping like some iron vines to a primordial tree of ancient steel. Now and then, lightning clawed its way up the cold iron column, sparking and licking at the void between the wall and the metal tower.

  Audra stood before it, dumbfounded by the immense device. The catwalk under her feet hummed faintly with the latent power coursing through the vast machine. It wrapped around the wall, ringing the vast column. Others climbed up and down via ladders, some connecting to the vast tower like spider webs of steel. She felt dwarfed. Vaguely frightened at the sheer immensity of the device.

  And worse, confusion. What was she supposed to do about this thing?

  “Agent Vixen.”

  Audra whirled.

  Sylvester Sterling stood at the end of the catwalk, gun in hand, aimed unerringly at her. Flanking him were four guards in their heavy winter uniforms.

  Sterling stepped forward onto the catwalk, the metal ringing under his feet. “So it seems I find you again meddling in ARM’s work. How very unfortunate. But there won’t be an escape this time. Raphael will not come to spirit you away. Your Alistair Smith won’t burst through the doors to rescue you.”

  Audra took a step back. She thought about reaching for her gun, but Sterling’s unerring aim warned her about that. “What is this?” Audra asked warily.

  Sterling glanced at the vast column humming with power. Lighting crackled, light flashing against his one eye. “A vast network array, Vixen.” He glanced at her again. “The world has changed. Once, money, military might, territory, those were the hallmarks of power. No more.

  “ARM has no need of those old yokes,” he said. Voices chimed out of the air. Audra glanced towards the screens spread across the vast tower, her breath catching as they flickered, revealing images of her walking down the street. Footage from security cameras and shuddering stills. “The world is more connected. And more vulnerable collectively than ever before. Information is power, Vixen. And we know everything.”

  “You’re stealing data,” she breathed.

  “We do not need to steal it. It is there. We pluck it from the air itself. Every satellite is tapped by this array. Every piece of data beamed we can read. All the money in the world is at our disposal. Every conversation listened to. We have encouraged the digitization of the world because it is to our benefit. Facial recognition software. CCTV footage. Cellphone conversation. Online transfers of funds. Society has grown ephemeral, Vixen. And with this device, we have a finger on the pulse of the world.

  “The only limitation, is the filtering of that data.”

  “Yeah. Imagine you must have to deal with a lot of porn,” Audra said without thinking. Realization hit her like a freight train. “That’s how you found me,” she breathed. “That’s how you found out about G7! About my meeting with the Director! That’s how Gala kept tracking me down!”

  “Quite,” Sterling said expressionlessly as he continued to advance. “Miss Eisen and von Hammerstein were most useful in narrowing our focus. The Director and your own efforts to hide yourself were good, but once we knew what we were looking for, it was simple enough. But, I am intensely curious how, precisely, you found your way here. And more, how you escaped our clutches to begin with.”

  Visions of Maxine, Raphael, and Alistair flashed in her mind. Even her clone, Gala. Her hands tightened into fists. “I’ll never talk,” Audra said.

  “You already have,” Sterling said.

  A screen beside her head flashed. Her voice chimed through it. “Hey Maxine. It’s me.”

  “Audie!” the voice on the other end squealed. “Oh. My. Gosh! It’s been aaaaages! What are you up to?”

  “Actually, I was coming for a visit. On the hush hush. Are you at home?”

  “Totes! Come on over. I’ll, like, totally roll out the red carpet! Oooh! Are you bringing your hunky friend? I could toootally use a nice fuck!”

  Audra looked at Sterling in horror. The parrot on his shoulder squawked and bobbed.

  “Deeper lover boy! Deeper! Squawk!”

  “Your friends will be dealt with soon enough,” Sterling said, his sharp face outlined in the flickering white lights. “We have what we need to find them. But to be sure, I will be extracting any additional information you may have.” His hand lashed out, grabbing her arm before she could move. He yanked her close, his one eye staring down at her. Pinning her with all his indifferent malice. “And I assure you. It will be painful.”

  Audra stared into his dark eye. The parrot bobbed. The screens hissed.

  The mountain shuddered. A hollow booming sounded reverberated through the space. Sterling staggered back as the catwalk squealed and swayed under their feet. He jerked his head about. “What happened?”

  Another shuddering boom shook the walls. The screens flashed, shifted. Images of warships showed themselves, the massive vessels bearing down on the island stronghold. They flickered, showing the airfield and bay, paratroopers landing and exchanging fire with island guards while helicopters strafed the ground with punishing fire.

  “Oh shit!” one of the guards gasped.

  Sterling turned back to Audra. She took the opportunity to wind back, and punch him with all her weight behind it.

  Sterling grunted, staggering back a step. His grip on her loosened and Audra tore her arm free. She spun, delivering a kick to his chest that sent him crashing into his guards. The parrot squawked, flapping into the air as the mountain again shuddered, bits of rock raining down from the ceiling.

  Audra turned and ran.


  Capria moaned, rocking her hips against Gala’s face. “Yes! Yes! Tongue my ass you stupid bitch! Mnnn! Fuck meee
e! Ah!”

  Her orgasm was thunderous, pounding through her. Gala moaned as she frantically tongued her mistress’s ass. Panting, Capria slowly relaxed, her head spinning with the heights of her pleasure.

  The deep boom shook the room. Capria jerked up her head, rising. “What the hell!”

  Sirens began to blare. “Facility under attack! Facility under attack! All personnel to battle stations! Facility under attack!”

  Capria stared about numbly, the last of the gum’s haze clearing with the sudden shot of adrenaline. No. It couldn’t be. This couldn’t be happening! She cursed, scrambling to her feet. “Fuck! Shit!” She grabbed her coat, yanking it over her shoulders. The island was a potent fortress against an attack, but the fact remained that its whole point was secrecy. If it had been found, it was useless!

  But… if it had been, then Sterling would be the one to take the fall. Capria’s fingers slowed on the buttons. Which might mean his position would be open. Her face lit up with the sudden mad hunger of ambition. She whirled to see Gala still sprawled on the bed, the silver haired woman’s face blissful and body striking in its shapely curves. “Gala! Come on. Let’s go.”

  Gala lifted her head, an expression of lazy satisfaction turning her lips. She grinned a little broader and lifted her arm.

  Capria stared uncomprehending at the dark barrel of the gun. She barely felt the bullet as Gala fired. Only a sudden, dim pain. Capria looked down at her chest numbly, watching red bloom against the white fabric of her coat.

  “What…” Capria gasped. She touched the blood. “What…”

  Smooth, sensuous as a snake, Gala flexed her abdominals, lifting herself to a sitting position. She watched with eyes bright as cold stars as Capria sank to the floor. The clone rose from the bed and squatted over the redhead, grinning down at her.

  “Bye, Mistress,” Gala giggled, and watched as the light went from Capria’s green eyes.


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