Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1)

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Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1) Page 2

by Sassie Lewis

  Placing the device back to his ear he snapped at his sister. “Rebecca!”

  “Fine, fine. She dropped out last month when her art teacher was a complete asshole over one of her pieces. Fucker’s blind if you ask me.”

  “Language.” Although he had to agree with her. He’d only seen one of Vanessa’s pieces but it was fucking amazing.

  “You’re one to talk about language. Now why the questions about Nessa?”

  “Saw her at Frog’s today, just wondering what she was doing there and not at school.”

  “You were nice to her, right?”

  “Yeah?” He was pretty sure he had been. But then he wasn’t really a nice person. What did it matter to his sister anyway?

  “Fuck you’re an asshole, Chase.”

  “Language. And what the fuck did I do? She started on me the moment she saw me.”

  Becca snorted down the phone line.

  “Are all men fucking idiots or is that just reserved for the ones I’m related to?”


  “Look, Chase the last time you were in town you were an ass to her. But I gotta go, the teacher’s being a cock. Love ya bro, bye.”

  Confused, Chase looked at the blank screen of his phone. The little shit had hung up on him. Dammit, he still had more questions for her.

  What the fuck was it about Vanessa that had him hornier than a man fresh out of prison? The slap to the back of his head stopped the answer from forming and had Chase ready to kill the person who’d hit him. That was until his stepmom placed a soft kiss where she’d clipped him and flopped into the chair next to him. His father quickly picked the woman up and placed her on his lap as he sat in the same seat. It would have been a sickening sight if Chase weren’t so used to seeing it. Not just with them, but with any of his MC brothers who’d settled down. They all fucked whatever moved, and moved onto the next until they claimed an Old Lady. And then it was like they became well trained house dogs. Barely looking at another pussy and none of them would ever be caught fucking some random chick.

  He’d watched his father go through sweet butt after sweet butt, until Bianca walked into their lives. After that his dad turned into a pansy whipped puppy. Within a year, Chase got a stepmom and a baby sister. Which brought him back to his problem.

  “What ya want boy?” his dad asked while rubbing his lips over his wife’s neck.

  “When were you going to tell me Vanessa was living with you?”

  Pissed off eyes snapped at him and his dad pushed Bianca off his lap. With a slap to her ass he asked her to get him a beer. Actually asked, not in the way he’d order one of the sweet butts or his boys to fetch one. But asked her nicely. Fuck the man even used his manners. And why the hell was Chase noticing all this, now?

  When his stepmom left, his father, his Prez, leaned across the table. “You forget who the fuck you talkin’ to boy?”

  Swallowing back his growing frustration, Chase nodded. “Sorry Prez, momentary lapse there.”

  “Don’t let it happen again. You may be back as my VP, but I’m still president of this chapter Chase. And I’m not ready to relinquish that position yet. If you want it, either challenge me or take it to a vote.”

  “Quite happy as your VP. No challenge here, Prez.” Chase raised his hands in surrender. Hell, he wanted the top job, just not for a while yet.

  “Now why the questions about Nessa?”

  Waiting while Bianca placed beers in front of them he thanked her before answering his dad. “Seen her at Frog’s today. She wouldn’t tell me why she wasn’t in school, but she did mention she was living with you guys. I wanted to know why?”

  His dad studied him for a minute. It was like he was looking for an answer to a question he hadn’t asked. The glare in the other man’s eyes made Chase itch.

  “Fine! About a month ago she got into a big blowout at school. Her fucking art teacher’s a jealous fuck if you ask me, ’cause that girl is talented.” Chase had to agree.

  “Anyway her parents are fucking useless. Have always treated her like she was nothing but an inconvenience. I’m not entirely sure what happened but she showed up at our place later that night. She must’ve had the job at Frog’s already lined up, because she started there the next day and told me it wouldn’t be long until she could afford her own place. But ya know what your stepmom and sister are like. That girl ain’t going nowhere unless they’re happy with the place she gets.” His dad picked up his beer and downed it in a few swallows.

  Chase had known Vanessa parents were pricks. Becca had complained a few times to him on the phone about their asshole ways. At the time Chase had just grunted at her. What was it to him how her best friend was treated? Now though, he wished he’d paid a little more attention. At least Vanessa was living in one of the safest houses in town. No one was going to fuck with her while under the Prez of Hell’s Exiles roof.

  “She’s going to do my ink tomorrow.”

  His dad snorted at him. “You sure? She’s good, but I don’t think she likes you much.”

  Why did everyone think that? Fuck’em, Vanessa was going to do his ink. The thought of having her hands on his skin had his cock slamming against the zipper of his pants. It was going to piss his sister off and probably Vanessa as well, but Chase was going to have her. The more he thought about the sassy vixen, wearing tight leather shorts over fishnet stockings a flowery top and those damn knee-high boots, the more he wanted to feel her soft skin under him.

  And like any biker, when there was something he wanted, he wouldn’t stop until he got it.

  Chapter Three

  Nessa hadn’t killed Becca. Oh, she’d been ready to, even picking out the stocking she was going to wrap around the girl’s neck. But when the first thing her bestie said when she’d walked through the door was, “so my prick of a brother’s back in town and acting like a cock, huh?” Nessa lost some of her anger. And when the girl then showered her in Hershey’s Kisses, all thoughts of murder vanished, while Nessa rode a chocolate high. Kisses were the answer to everything. Especially when Hershey was the one handing them out.

  Full of candy, and with her best friend forgiven, Nessa had tried to forget about the asshole. She’d done pretty well until sometime in the middle of the night when her sleeping self had thought it all right to invite Chase to come play. And it wasn’t tic-tac-toe her dream self was interested in. No, it seemed the fifteen-year-old hussy, who long ago had wicked dirty dreams about Chase Anderson, was back with vengeance. Nessa had woken with a hand buried between her legs and the musky scent of her come filling the room. It was that asshole’s fault. Almost three years had passed since she’d woken like that. Why the freakin’ hell did he have to come back to town?

  Hunching over her drawing desk, Nessa ignored the dream which kept wanting to pop back into her mind and instead worked on the bastard’s piece. If Frog was going to force her to ink the man, she was at least going to mark him with her own work. And not someone elses design. She loved Frog’s stuff, but it wasn’t hers.

  Taking a cleansing breath she blocked out the sounds of the shop and the images of a naked Chase and let the drawing come to life. Sketching and shading the vision in her head until it was on the paper.

  “Fuck, you’re good.” Nessa snapped out of the zone at the sound of Sally’s voice. She hadn’t expected to form a friendship with the blonde-bombshell. But Sally was pretty damn awesome.

  “Thanks Sal, let’s just hope the asshole likes it.”

  “You really don’t like the guy do ya?”

  “Nope.” Well, that wasn’t a total lie, she might once have been, and still was lusting after the man’s killer body, but she didn’t like him one little bit. No siree!

  “Fine. But if he doesn’t love this he’s an idiot. Now c’mon, I’m hungry and you’re going to be having a late one, so food.”

  Sally was ri
ght, the piece was going to take her at least four hours to get done. And after hunching over for half that already, she needed to stretch. Looking at the clock, Nessa noted there was only about forty minutes before the asshole would be there. With that thought a swarm of angry bees decided to attack the inside of her stomach.

  Get your shit together, girly. He’s nothing but a client. He may be hot, but he’s an asshole, and just a client.

  Pep talk not really helping, Nessa walked out the shop with Sally. Maybe sugar would do the trick!

  * * * *

  They were shaking; her hands were fucking shaking. How was she meant to draw a straight line with shaking hands? The large milkshake and chocolate cake she’d just downed were threatening to come back up. She couldn’t do this. Couldn’t be this close to Chase. And she definitely couldn’t put her hands on his skin, not with the damn dream popping into her head every five seconds. And what the hell was going on with her clit? Stupid thing was doing the tango against the front of her tight denim shorts. Freakin’ hell, she hated the man, and he wasn’t even in the room yet, but already he was screwing with her head.

  “So you ready to fly solo?”

  Nessa almost fell over at her boss’s voice. The man was a huge freakin’ bear, but she hadn’t even noticed him coming into the room. Jesus she was a mess.


  “Solo? I know you’ve only done a handful of tats, but honestly Nessa you don’t need me or anyone hovering over you.”

  Yes. Yes she did. Any other client, she’d be jumping for joy at not having someone watching over her shoulder. But not this client. “Besides I’ve got another customer coming in.”

  “But. But…I’m…”

  Her words stilted in her throat as the man himself walked through the open door. There were a few spaces out front where basic tattoos could be done. But for the more intimate and intricate stuff, they booked the clients into the private rooms. Jesus she didn’t want to be in a room alone with Chase.

  “Hey, Frog. Vanessa.”

  Then again, maybe while she didn’t have someone hovering, she could pin him down and tattoo her name across his forehead. No way the bastard would get it wrong again.

  “Okay, you know the drill. Ya get stuck call out for me. But Nessa, you’ll be fine.” Frog patted her on the head before turning away.

  Chapter Four

  Fuck he’d almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of her. Were the shorts she’d encased that ass in, even legal? And she had those damn boots on again.

  “You right to go, Chase?”

  Pulling his eyes from Vanessa’s lush body he faced Frog. “Sure, man. Looking forward to seeing what our girl here has come up with.” He almost spun around and flipped Nessa onto the table to prove her wrong, when she hissed, “I’m not your girl.” But he held his ground, keeping his focus on Frog.

  “Checked it out earlier. Kicked my design to the fucking gutter, she did. Anyways, I’m letting you pop her cherry. Be gentle with her.”

  Chase knew the man couldn’t be talking about sex. But fuck if his brain wasn’t envisioning pushing her down on the table and riding her hard. He hadn’t thought about the fact she might be a virgin. Now though, he damn well hoped she was. Because the thought of being the first to push into her tight heat had him harder than anything else.

  “Yeah man, if you don’t mind I’m letting her fly completely solo. I’ve got another client and Nessa really doesn’t need my input. Swear the girl was born with a needle and inkpot in her hand.”

  He heard every word Frog spoke, but Chase was having a hard time thinking about anything but peeling off those denim shorts Vanessa had on.

  “Sure dude. I’m cool.” With a pat on Chase’s back Frog walked out the room, closing the door behind him.

  Kicking off his boots, Chase started unbuckling his jeans.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Her eyes were trained on his hands as she hissed at him. He’d worn briefs, ’cause he hadn’t been sure who’d be in the room with them, but the tight black material wasn’t doing much at holding back his erection. Ignoring her wide-eyed stare he dropped his pants to the floor and stretched out on top of the tattooing table.

  Vanessa spun away from him, her head tilted back as she mumbled to the roof. Chase couldn’t make out all the words but there were a few cussed names going on. Probably at him, but he couldn’t be sure. He was too busy staring at her ass, and the way the end of her braided hair rested between the full globes. She was seriously one short curvy package. He stood a good foot taller than her, but what she lacked in height she sure-as-hell made up with mountains of curves. When she swung back towards him, her loose top flared out giving him a quick glimpse of her soft tummy.

  “Are you staring at my ass?” Her hands went to her hips, emphasizing the indent of her waist.


  “Pig. Gah! Fine, so where’s this going?” She slapped the drawing down on his stomach.

  The question threw him for only a second—because seriously she should have already known that—but he was caught up taking in the piece she’d re-worked. Damn, he’d thought the one Frog had sent through to him was good. Compared to Vanessa’s work, Frog’s now looked like a kid had drawn it.

  The Harley breaking through the gates of hell looked like it was in full motion. On closer inspection, in the shadowy background, he could see what looked like ghostly souls chasing the rider. Fucking hell he wished he had been getting the ink somewhere more visible to the public, but the only place large enough on his back was being kept clean for something else.

  “Chase, where you getting it?”

  “Wouldn’t you have needed to know that to draw this?” he held up the sheet.

  “Nope, I just need the dimensions. Soon as I see the skin it’s going on, I can adjust the curvature easily.”

  She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. Chase had enough ink to know it freaking-well was. How many times had the tattooist had to adjust the template to get the natural curves of his skin not to fuck with the image? Too many.

  “Top of my thigh.” He finally answered when she started tapping her booted foot against the floor.

  “Of course.” Blowing out a breath she went through the process of shaving and cleaning the space; her hand shaking a bit. For the first time, Chase actually felt a little nervous. He didn’t want a fucked up tattoo because she was trembling. Grabbing her hand he didn’t let her pull away.

  “Nessa.” She blinked slowly at him. Whether it was the softness in his voice or the fact he used her nickname, he didn’t care. He just needed her full attention. “Calm down. You’ve got this, ’kay?”

  Chase almost growled when she licked her plump lips before nodding. “Mind if I put some music on?”

  “Go for it,” he answered, letting her go. She hit a few buttons on her docking station, and classical music started to play. “You’re shitting me, right? I can’t stand this crap.”

  Vanessa’s giggle had his cock thumping against his briefs. “I hate it too. Funny thing is when drawing, something about it helps me get into the zone. It’s the timing I think.”

  Looking down at his lap again, her face flamed red before she spun away and stormed out of the room. Chase had been about to get off the table and track her down when she walked back in and threw a dishtowel over his aching cock. With a nod of her head she got to work. No transfers for his girl; nope she just pulled out some markers and started drawing directly on his leg. With every brush of her hand and caress of her warm breath his cock twitched. By the time she was setting up the gun, Chase was more than ready for the dragging sting of the needles. Much more of her soft touches and he was going to blow his load.

  As the buzz of the gun started he rested back and closed his eyes. The pain wasn’t doing anything to quell his need for Vanessa. And with the amount of pre-cum his cock was l
eaking he was going to need to shower with his underwear on. Or risk ripping the tip off. He was that primed for her. Gritting his teeth he tried to think about anything other than the way she bit into her lip while concentrating. Or how her breath teased across his legs. The girl was seriously testing his patience. The only reason he hadn’t shoved her head down into his lap, was because he’d balled his hands into tight fists to stop from wrapping them around her braid and pulling her mouth closer to where he really wanted it.

  “You doing okay there, Chase? Need a break?”

  “Fuck no!”

  “Umm… okay. Just checking.”

  He hadn’t meant for his answer to come out so abruptly, but if she stopped now he’d never get the piece finished. He’d have her over the table with his cock buried inside her within seconds. And he wouldn’t let her up until he’d taken her every way imaginable. The only thing that had gotten him this far was telling himself that as soon as she finished marking him with her ink, he was going to claim her with his dick.

  Letting out a slow breath, Chase tried to calm his need, at least for a little while longer. But the moment they were done, all bets were off.

  Chapter Five

  Nessa had freaked when Chase dropped trou, not only because the man had just starred naked in her dream. But…well…damn. Okay, so she liked to surf the net, and porn sites were one of her guilty pleasures; but seriously that thing between his legs couldn’t be real. Could it? Once she’d gotten over her initial frustration at the man for screwing with her head again, Nessa had managed to fall into the zone. Where nothing existed but skin, ink, and her. So what if her panties were wet? She always got pleasure from doing what she loved. And if she told herself that enough times maybe she could convince herself that was the only reason they were wet and that the ache in her cleft had nothing to do with the big biker displaying himself before her.


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