Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1)

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Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1) Page 5

by Sassie Lewis

  Ten of the meanest motherfuckers Chase had ever known sat at the meeting table.

  “So far intel is light and coming up with fuck all. Charleston’s been quiet for a month, and no runs booked for another. Boys were pretty much enjoying a vacation. We’ve got twenty dead. Three families were hit. Motherfuckers didn’t stop from going after kids, either. And at this minute I’ve not got one fucking witness to what happened.”

  “I was talking to one of the girls down there. Not a club chick, works in the liquor shop.” Zane stopped when Chase gave him a questioning look. The man shrugged his shoulders at him. “She’s a good lay. Anyway, Mel said she hasn’t seen anything unusual going on in town, but a couple of bikers come through a few weeks back. Bought booze then she didn’t spot them again.”

  Zane pulled out his phone and tapped a few buttons, and then every phone in the room buzzed. “What y’all looking at, brothers, is a picture she drew for me of some of the patches she could remember. It’s pretty fucking crappy, but maybe someone will recognize something?”

  Chase turned his phone a few times, trying to work out what the hell he was looking at. The girl clearly had no drawing skills.

  “What the fuck is that meant to be?” Rage asked.

  “Look, at the moment it’s all we’ve got. I’m waiting for the boys to comb the site for any phones and computers that might have survived the blast, then I can start doing my thing.” Zane ran a hand through his hair. Fury and frustration poured off him. The man clearly wanted to head out to Charleston and help with the clean up, but their own turf being threatened, Chase couldn’t spare one of his best men.

  “Does anyone else have anything? Because at the minute this girl’s shitty drawing is the topping on sweet fuck all.” A round of head shakes greeted him.

  “Okay, so if it wasn’t for this list we’d probably think it was just an attack on Charleston. Someone wanting to steal that piece of turf. Fuckers either hoping we wouldn’t come after ’em. Or don’t know about the other chapters and don’t care. But that lists tells me they’re after a lot more than just one piece of territory.”

  “Whoever did this, hasn’t rushed. They know how we run.”

  “Why you say that, Blake? I get the fact they know how we do things, but why don’t you think they’ve rushed?”

  The big guy took a pull of his beer before answering. “Something like this would’ve taken planning. Not the actual attack, because anyone can throw a few explosives, but to pull it off with maximum damage and almost no witnesses, that takes time.” Blake sat forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Look, if I’m dealing with someone and I don’t care, or we want ’em to know who came for them, it would take me a few minutes, couple hours max, to get business done. But when we don’t want them knowing I was there, it can take me a few weeks to organize things. Even Zane here, who handles things from a distance, needs time to scout and prepare.”

  “He’s right, boss. I can spend a week to a month on a target before things go down.”

  “So you’re both sayin’ these pricks have been planning this for what? Weeks? Months?”

  His two top enforcers looked at each other nodding their heads.

  “My guess would be at least a couple of months.”

  Chase pushed away from the table and started pacing. Fucking hell. He could deal with war; it was not knowing what was coming, or when, that was driving him crazy. His phone buzzed again.

  Frog: Nessa will be finished in 30.

  Chase typed a quick reply.

  Keep her there. CU in 40.

  Spinning to face the boys again, he shoved his phone back in his pocket. “Fine. Look further back, any runs gone even a little sideways in the past eighteen months, I want to know about it. On top of finding who these assholes are, our main concern is keeping everyone safe. These guys have already proven that no one’s off limits.”

  “Do you really think they’ll leave us till last? Or is the list just a way to get us to scatter while something else goes down?” Horse asked.

  Chase had already been thinking the same thing. The idea that the list was a decoy had plagued him all night. And Chase wasn’t one of those to ignore gut feelings. They’d saved his neck in the past. “Yeah, I’ve already mentioned it to Quin. It’s why we only sent four guys down there. I’m not willing to risk us being spread too thin. Now y’all know what ya gotta do, so do it. Keep me informed and if you can’t get me, don’t leave it, go directly to our Prez. I’m out, gotta pick up my woman.” A few of his brothers laughed at him.

  “Oh I can’t wait for this. I’ve been dying to see that girl’s ass in the flesh.”

  Horse’s words had a growl rumbling up Chase’s chest. “Keep your fucking eyes off my woman.” Blake grabbed hold of him before he could dive across the table and strangle the other man.

  “Calm the fuck down, Chase. You’re VP and you’ve just declared you’re taking a woman. You know what that means. Same rules apply to every man in this room. So are we doing this or not?”

  Tugging out of Blake’s hold, Chase stormed toward the door. He hadn’t even thought about it. It had been so long since one of them had taken a woman. Out of the eleven in the room only three were married. Fuck, he didn’t think Vanessa was going to like this; not one little bit.

  Pushing open the door, Chase looked back at his brothers. “I’m claiming Vanessa Randall as my woman. When things settle down a little I’ll make it official and make sure she’s committed to me and the club.”

  Blake nodded at him “Heard.”

  Zane’s “Witnessed,” followed.

  The rest of the boys laughed.

  Chapter Ten

  “And I said I didn’t move out and not tell you,” Nessa’s fury rose as she screamed into the phone.

  Her best friend was fucking crazy. Obviously a trait that ran deep within the Anderson family. And between Becca and Chase, Nessa was going to be joining that particular funny farm, sooner rather than later.

  “Then where the fuck is all your shit?” Becca continued to yell at her.

  “How the fuck should I kno–No… no way. I’m going to kill that motherfucking asshole.” Nessa ended the sentence with an earsplitting scream.

  More than a little pissed at the realization which had just hit her, she didn’t even jump when the door to the private tattooing room she was sitting in flew inward; bashing against the thin wall. Skidding through the opening, gun drawn, a panicked looking Chase scanned the room. Good; she wouldn’t have to hunt him down. “I have to go, Becca. I know what’s happened. And I’m going to kill the bastard responsible.”


  Nessa cut off the phone, ready to snatch the gun away from the crazed looking Chase—it was definitely a family trait—and use it to put a few holes in his overbearing ass. All her belongings seemed to have disappeared from the Anderson house. And Nessa was pretty damned sure the man still frantically searching the small space was to blame.

  Gun still in hand and seeming to have realized there was no one else there, Chase stalked towards her, pinning her against the table. His lips slammed against hers. Fighting the kiss was useless, not just because he towered over her, fisting her hair so tightly she could feel the hilt of the gun digging into her skull. But because the moment he put his lips to hers and swept his tongue into her mouth, that fifteen-year-old hussy—the one that had wanted to drop to her knees every time he’d been near—came running back to the fore, bad hair and all. And of their own volition her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer.

  Tangling their tongues, Nessa explored every recess of his mouth. Eating at the taste of primal alpha male. The flavor sent shockwaves of delight directly to her core. Freakin’ hell she was a whore when it came to this man. Rubbing her stomach against his stiff cock, Nessa whined when he pulled his mouth from hers.

  “Gotta get you home.” His
growly panted words doused the flames licking at her pussy and brought her back to reality. Pulling back her arm she planted her closed fist into his chest. Tingles of pain shot from her knuckles straight up her arm. Bastard. Why the hell did he have to be so freakin’ solid?

  Nessa glared up at him, her angry words dying in her throat at the sight. Chase looked like shit. His face was covered in a thick layer of stubble, his eyes red bloodshot pinpoints. And worry lines creased his forehead.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Club shit, baby. C’mon, I need to get you home.”

  “And where would home be Chase? ’Cause it seems that all my things have up and disappeared.”

  “I told you last night, you’re mine, Vanessa. Your stuff’s where it should be.”

  Damn him, she hated when he used her full name. And what kind of answer was that anyway? Was it secret code for aliens have stolen your shit, but that’s fine becacuse you’re mine so the world is cool and fine?

  Ignoring her questioning look, Chase grabbed her arm and dragged her behind him. She had to jog or risk having it pulled from the socket. Frog waved at her as she passed and Nessa threw him the bird. Asshole had kept her there, hadn’t let her leave when she’d finished her last tattoo. He must’ve known Chase was coming to get her. She’d deal with her boss later.

  Tension radiated from where Chase gripped and up her arm as he stepped through the shop doors, his free hand hovering over where the gun was tucked into his pants. A cold shiver ran down her back and she flicked her eyes around the quiet street. Nessa couldn’t see anything, but the hairs on her arms stood on end and a cold chill settled over her. Knowing her argument with Chase had to wait she took the helmet and jacket he passed her and put them on. Keeping his eyes on the street, Chase jumped onto his bike and Nessa followed, locking her arms around his waist. She’d never seen him so…so spooked before. Thinking about it, all the Hell’s Exiles members she had spoken to that day seemed on edge. As if they were waiting for something bad to happen. The fact that the meanest bunch of men she’d ever meet were jumping—okay, more like pointing guns at—shadows freaked her out.

  However, her body came alive as she snuggled into his warm back. Just how many times had she dreamt about this? About holding Chase tightly as the Harley rumbled between her legs? Enough times that it was actually sickening to think about.

  By the time they pulled into the small farm, Nessa’s panties were soaked. She could blame it on the vibrations of the bike, but she really hated lying to herself. And it would be a lie. Because never before had riding got her clit so much as buzzing and the damn thing was doing that tango again.

  Needing some distance between them, Nessa jumped off the bike. She’d never been out to Chase’s place. He’d bought it only a couple of months before he’d taken off. Not that she would have been welcome back then. Or maybe if what he’d said the night before was true, she would have. That thought had a fresh wave of moisture greeting her panties.

  Wandering further away from the tempting man she pulled off the helmet, dropping it to the ground as her world flipped. Nessa had always known Chase was strong but she’d never thought any man would be able to carry her over their shoulder. She was a big girl and she knew it. Not that body image was a problem for her. Nessa had embraced her size eighteen ass a long time ago—much to the breeders’ disgust. And if Chase had a problem with her size, he was yet to indicate it.

  “Put me down, Chase.” She squealed when he slapped the ass she’d just been thinking about.


  Biting her lip, she stopped the giggle wanting to escape. Oh, she was still pissed at him, but the whole situation was just too bizarre. Maybe this was an alternate universe and she was really lying in a hospital bed somewhere, comatose after Tommy had crashed his bike? That scenario made more sense. ’Cause seriously, this kind of stuff didn’t happen in real life! Your childhood crush didn’t come riding back into town, just to carry you off, caveman style. Nope, those kinds of things only happened in movies.

  Grabbing hold of his ass, she held on as he took the porch steps two-at-a-time. He must have had the door already unlocked because they were inside a moment later.

  “Welcome home, Nessa.”

  She wanted to reply it’s not my home, but he’d called her Nessa. And the way the name growled off his tongue threw her off balance. Between being upside down and her hair hanging in her face, she could only see his fine ass and the hard wood floors.

  “Well, I can’t see anything like this.” She slapped his ass for emphasis.

  With a bounce of his arm, Nessa was upright again, the house forgotten as Chase slowly slid her down the hard planes of his body. Heat poured from his eyes before his mouth covered hers. She had kissed quite a few boys over the years, but Chase was no boy. His kiss did things to her that no-one had been able to achieve before.

  Dragging her hand into his hair she fought for control as she felt him move through the house. With each step he took, his cock rubbed the vee between her legs in a teasing caress. If she didn’t stop him now, there’d be no stopping. The question she had to ask herself, was did she want him to keep going? The answer was a resounding, fuck yes!

  Pulling from his mouth, Nessa gulped for air. Only to have it whoosh back out her lungs as she went sailing through the room, landing on top of a firm mattress. Chase still looked exhausted, but there was now a predatory gleam filling those bloodshot eyes. Damn, when he looked at her like that, her flee, fight or fuck instinct kicked in again. At that minute, and as turned on as she was, fuck won out.

  Sitting up, she ripped at the laces on her boots while Chase took off his jacket and placed the gun on the dresser. Boots finally gone, Nessa also stripped her jacket off, and got a quick glimpse of the Hell’s Exiles insignia on the back. She hadn’t thought about it earlier but the heavy leather had fit her perfectly. Letting the thought go she dropped the jacket on the floor with her boots, then looked back at Chase and almost swallowed her tongue. He’d taken his shirt off. His torso was a work of art, ripped with muscles and covered in ink. Even from across the room, Nessa could tell most of it was Frog’s work. A pinprick of jealousy ran through her that it wasn’t her art covering his body. But at least she could be happy that he hadn’t gone to some two-bit hack to have the ink done.

  As she watched him unbuckle his belt and loosen the top button of his jeans, nerves mixed with a twinge of fear started to niggle at her. What the freakin’ hell was she doing? She might watch porn like it was daytime soap, but when it came to actually having sex, she was the fucking Virgin Mary.

  “Nessa, unless you want those clothes shredded, get them off.” The rasp in his voice sent another gush of wetness down her core. Her brain might think this was crazy, but her body wasn’t having the same problem.

  Peeling off her shirt she laid back and shimmied her shorts down. A growling moan sounded from Chase as she wiggled the material down her legs. Nessa smiled when Chase tore them the rest of the way off, grumbling about her not being fast enough. Then he was on her, crushing her, his lips once again eating at hers. As he rubbed his cock against her, that little trickle of fear spiked again. The only thing stopping him from pushing the monster between his legs into her was his jeans and the thin satin of her panties.

  * * * *

  She was fucking spectacular. She might have thought he’d been joking about taking her three years ago. He hadn’t been. It wasn’t her age that stopped him that day. What Vanessa probably didn’t understand was that Hell’s Exiles Prez thought of her as another daughter. And if Chase had touched her before she was legal, his father would have skinned him alive. Her hair cascaded around her soft, golden skin. And the way she responded to him drove Chase’s need higher. There was nothing meek about Nessa; she gave as good as she got. It was one of the qualities he liked about her. Chase knew he was a hard man and although he was always going to want his way, h
e knew he didn’t want a woman who would just follow him blindly. He needed that spark of challenge to keep him interested. And Nessa had that in spades.

  Working down her neck, Chase ran his tongue over her pulse point before biting down. She jolted beneath him, her soft curves pressing harder into him. And the sweetest sounding moan he’d ever heard echoed through the room. Everything about her had his dick a stiff pole between his legs. Pulling the skin of her neck into his mouth, Chase sucked until he knew it would leave a mark. By the end of the night, anyone who looked at her would know she was taken.

  Working down her chest he licked, bit, and sucked until he reached the upper swells of her tits. Dragging her satin covered nipple into his mouth he laved at the stiff point. His little vixen rolled her hips against his, while thrashing her head from side-to-side.

  Digging in his back pocket, Chase continued to suck at the wet material and flicked open his knife. After all, he had warned her to hurry up and get naked. Pushing up to his knees he placed a hand on her chest before she could follow the move, pinning her against the mattress. Her eyes grew big as he brought the blade forward and lightly ran the tip across the satin bra. Goosebumps pebbled her flesh and a soft breath eased through her lips. With a twist of his hand, Chase used the sharp edge to slice away the thin bow holding the cups together. Nessa’s large, caramel topped globes bounced free as her bra fell away.

  Shuffling back between her spread legs, he slowly traced the blade down her skin to where her panties rested at her hip. Rolling the gleaming metal over his palm, the black satin evidently no match to the sharpness of the blade and his skills with using it. Nessa’s soft moans were driving him crazy. Over playing games, he quickly performed the ceremony to the other leg of her panties. Then Chase dropped the knife to the floor, and ripped the sliced remains away from her body.

  A bolt of electricity raced through his body at the sight of her bare pussy. His woman was completely hairless—something he loved. But it was what decorated her engorged clit that had his balls drawing into tight orbs and had him diving his mouth down. She had a fucking clit piercing. His woman didn’t even have her ears done; yet she’d gone and had a needle pushed through her most intimate flesh. It was the sexiest fucking thing he’d ever seen. His muttered fuck was muffled against her pussy.


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