Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1)

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Chase (Hell's Exiles MC Book 1) Page 7

by Sassie Lewis

  “So again, we’ve got sweet fuck all!” Quin downed his bourbon. This time he didn’t even get up to pour another one, instead reaching behind himself to grab the bottle.

  Fuck it; they had to be missing something. Chase could feel it in his gut. The first attack would have seemed random if it hadn’t been for the list. Oh, they knew the attack was a direct hit to their Eastern club, but a hit against all of Hell’s Exiles? That wouldn’t have clicked straight away. The list aside, hitting the strip club felt more… direct. Personal. As if they were targeting specific people. The brothers who’d been killed were both descendants of the original four. Logan had been one of the originals’ grandsons and president of the Texas chapter. And Danny was Chase’s second cousin. The fucking kid had been working his way up the ranks. Not yet a full member, he’d taken some time to go visit his mom— Chase’s great aunt, Patty. Shit, he shouldn’t have even been at that club.

  “Who knew Danny was heading down there?”

  Quin sat up straighter, “Pretty sure most the boys here would’ve known. Have no idea about anyone else and I’m not going to ask Patty those kinda questions right now. What ya thinking?”

  Moving closer, Chase sat on the coffee table, “Forget the first attack for a second and concentrate on this one. We’ve got major property damage, yes, but only two dead. Hell, apart from Logan and Danny, we don’t really have any wounded—”

  “Fuck! They’re both descendants.” The glass of bourbon flew across the room as Quin came to the same realization Chase had. “The first attack was just to get us riled. Throw us off.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking. It’s not about territory or some run we’ve fucked up. Whatever this is I have a feeling it goes back a lot further than we could imagine, and it has to do with the original four.” Chase rubbed at his eyes. He was fucking tired. For the past four days he’d been trying to figure this mess out. Even though he felt like they might finally have a lead, he wasn’t sure if it was anything at all, or just his tired mind trying to come up with something plausible.

  “Then how the fuck are we meant to figure it out, Chase? It’s not like my grandfather was a saint. They pissed a lot of people off. And why, if it’s from the past, have the bastards waited this long to act?” Quin ground out the words.

  That was the part that wasn’t making any sense to Chase. Why the fuck wait this long? Fuck, Chase was fourth gen Hell’s Exiles. So if the situation did stem from the original club, it was a long fucking time to hold a grudge or pass it down. But even with all that it was still the only scenario that made sense to him.

  “I don’t know. But I think it’s about time we pulled out the old ledgers—”

  The door to the office banged open, Chase and Quin had their guns drawn and pointed before it bounced back off the wall. A very pissed off Blake took up one side, while a petrified looking Tommy filled the other. Chase’s stomach rolled as a stench like nothing he’d smelled before hit him. Jesus Christ, he’d been around decaying corpses with a better odor. The roll of his stomach quickly stopped as he realized Tommy wasn’t with Nessa; he never would have brought her to the club without letting Chase know first.

  “I’m going to kill her, Quin.” Blake’s words cut through Chase like a blade. Becca had obviously pulled one of her stunts. If his sister put Nessa in danger…

  “Don’t worry Blake, I’m going to kill her myself.”

  “No one’s touching Becca. I’ll deal with her.” Quin bellowed. His hands slamming down on his desk, gaining all their attention. “Do you know where they’ve gone?”

  “Would I fucking-well be here if I did,” Blake growled out, while Tommy shook his head.

  “What the fuck is that smell?” Chase finally asked. The sickly stench made his gag reflex kick in with each breath he took.

  “My guess…”

  Chase turned to face his dad; the man sounded too calm for his liking.

  “…would be the concoction your woman and sister came up with last year. Cost me a fuck load to keep those two in school and pay for the cleaning. Tommy, get outta my office before that shit seeps into the walls. Tomato juice, and lots of it.” While he talked, Quin had pulled out his phone and was staring at the screen.

  Tommy nodded at his Prez before turning to Chase. “I fucked up—”

  “I’ll deal with you later.” Chase didn’t care if it was his sister’s fault, Nessa was without protection. The kid had a job and should’ve done it better.

  “Blake?” Chase turned to the big man, “any idea where my idiot sister was headed?”

  “Not sure, man. The princess took me on a wild chase down the interstate. Pretty sure she scored herself a ticket. But the fucking cops pulled me over instead.” Blake rubbed his hand over his stubble-covered head.

  Pulling his phone from his pocket, Chase dialed Vanessa’s number. Her phone rang through to voice mail and Chase’s frustration flared. His girl was going to have a sore ass when he found her.

  “Got ’em!”

  Chase spun back towards his dad. “Who’s on them?”

  “No one. But your sisters’ a pain in the ass, so I had Zane put a tracker on her car.”

  “And ya didn’t think to tell me this?” Blake prowled towards Quin. Anger visible in every step. He stopped in front of the desk, bigger than Quin. Blake towered over his Prez.

  Quin didn’t even blink. There was a reason he was the president of Hell’s Exiles; the man was one mean motherfucker, who didn’t take shit from anyone, especially one of his boys.

  “Step the fuck back, Blake, before I remind you who’s fucking boss around here.”

  Chase didn’t have time for this, he wanted to get to his woman now, not spend time watching these two have a pissing contest.

  Chase tried to defuse the situation before it got worse. “We’re all tired and frustrated. If you know where the girls are, we go get them. I don’t want my woman unprotected. Not when we don’t know where these fuckers are going to strike next. And I’m sure Blake’s just pissed he didn’t think to put a tracker on Becca himself.” Actually, Chase was pissed he hadn’t thought to do just that with Nessa. She wasn’t as unpredictable as Becca, but she was best friends with the crazy bitch, and that alone should have clued Chase in.

  Blake finally stepped back from the desk, giving his Prez a small nod of his head.

  As one they made their way out of the clubhouse.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Want to go see a movie?” Becca asked as she finished off her burger.

  Nessa pushed the food around her plate; she couldn’t eat. From the moment they’d sat down in the café her skin had begun to crawl. That sense of being watched had her scanning the space again.

  “Um, I think we should head home.” Her unease was growing. She didn’t know what was going on with Hell’s Exiles but she knew Chase looked like shit whenever he got home. Maybe it was time she just asked him outright.

  “Seriously, Nessa. Relax.” Her friend glared at her through her thick lashes, a freshly polished nail tapping against the tabletop.

  A chill ran down her spine and Nessa looked around again. She couldn’t see anyone who seemed out of place but damn if her skin wasn’t crawling like she’d tumbled into an ants’ nest. “Look Becca, I was relaxed and I love hanging with you, but I have this feeling that something isn’t right.” Leaning forward she lowered her voice, “I swear someone is watching us. It’s like I can feel their eyes boring into me.”

  “Of course they’re staring. You look damn hot in that outfit.” Becca wiggled her eyebrows at her. Nessa had changed into one of the new outfits she’d bought. The tight leather skirt, loose rose print top and thigh-high boots were rocking, but nope, whoever was watching her wasn’t appreciating the view. Well, it wasn’t how it felt.

  “This is more like an I-want-to-kill-you-painfully type feeling, than I-want-to-ri
p-your-clothes-off. Look Becca, you know something’s going on with the club. Maybe ditching the guys wasn’t such a good idea.”

  Becca sat back in her chair and studied her for a minute. “Fine, we’ll g–goddammit.”

  “What?” Nessa asked, as Becca pushed her chair back with a screech, her eyes filling with a look of murder. Then her best friend disappeared, up and over the shoulder of one extremely pissed off Blake. The man didn’t say anything, just stormed out the café with a screaming Becca over his shoulder. Nessa’s view of her bestie was blocked by an equally pissed off Chase and an annoyed looking Mr. Anderson.

  Quin Anderson picked up Becca’s bags along with her keys and phone and with a nod of his head at Chase walked back out the café.

  * * * *

  It didn’t matter that Chase was beyond pissed, at the first sight of her his cock became a steel pole between his legs. Vanessa was wearing a loose flowing top and a tight leather skirt. And the fuck-me boots she wore had him wanting to bend her over the table and take her right then and there. Damn the girl was screwing with his head. He’d been scared as hell, pissed that she hadn’t obeyed him, and right then, all he could think about was fucking her senseless.

  She blinked up at him. Her breath hitched and look of relief filled her eyes.

  “Did you have fun shopping, Vanessa?” He used her full name, because he knew it pissed her off, but for once she didn’t react.

  “Can we get out of here, Chase? Like now?”

  That had every one of his fight instincts kicking in; Vanessa wasn’t being her normal sassy self. Pulling her into his chest, he held her close as he scanned the café. Nothing seemed out of place but there was feeling deep in his gut they were being watched.

  “Come on baby, let’s get you home.”

  He wasn’t going to let the fact she’d left the house—when he’d fucking told her to stay there—slide, but with the itch in the back of his neck growing it was time for them to jet. Wanting to keep his hands free, Chase didn’t help her collect the bags. When she stood and scanned the room he placed a palm to the middle of her back and led her from the shopping center. A movement to their right caught his attention. Fuck! There was no doubt in his mind the girls had been followed. The guy wearing dirty jeans and a ripped shirt wasn’t one of his boys. And he was too damn out of place to be anything but another biker.

  “Just wait until I get you home, Vanessa. Your ass is going to be so fucking sore,” he seethed through gritted teeth, fear directing his words.

  Growling at the milling shoppers, he picked up speed and got them to his bike in record time. Nessa didn’t say a word when he shoved the helmet on her head and jumped on the bike, dragging her on behind him.

  Anger at the whole fucked up situation raged through him, growing in its intensity as he sped down the highway. He was going to kill his sister for putting his woman in danger. Chase knew Nessa wouldn’t have ventured out of the house if it hadn’t been for Becca. And his stupid sister probably didn’t even understand how close they’d been to that danger.

  The gravel in his driveway flickered across the surface as he skidded to a halt in front of their home. Gritting his teeth, holding back the snarl he wanted to let free, he got off the bike and swung back to face his woman. Her skin was paler than normal. He knew she had to be scared but fuck if he was going to let her off lightly. She’d terrified the shit out of him and she needed to learn that he didn’t take crap from anyone, including her. Especially when it concerned to her safety.

  “Get in the fucking house, Vanessa. No,” he cut her off as she opened her mouth. “You’ve got no fucking idea what’s been going on with the club. When I tell you to do something you will fucking listen,” Chase screamed the last at her. She flinched but didn’t step away. Instead the feisty bitch dropped the bags from her hands and stepped into him, her pale skin flushing pink.

  “I don’t know what’s going on because you don’t tell me shit. And let’s get something straight, asshole, you might have kidnapped me, and have me acting like a cat in heat, but I’m not a piece of property. And fuck if I’m going to let you dictate what I can and can’t do. Furthermore, what the fuck are we to each other?” With each word she poked at him, raising his fury further.

  Snatching her hand away from his chest, he used it to pull her body closer before tugging it behind her back, along with the other one. She snarled up at him, her lush tits rising and falling with each heavy breath she took.

  “Let’s get something straight,” he threw her words back at her. “You are property. My property. Mine to protect. So when I tell you to do something you fucking-well do it.” Chase smashed his lips against hers before she could protest.

  The taste of coffee mixed with the sweetness that was all Nessa, and he ate at the flavor. The worry he’d been feeling since finding out she was without protection didn’t exactly fade, but was overpowered by the need to fuck her. Claim her. Prove to himself that she was safe. Scooping her into his arms, he walked up the porch steps. Nessa wrapped her legs around him, grinding her warm pussy against his stomach. Fuck, he couldn’t wait. The fear of anything bad happening to her, of her being harmed because she belonged to him, drove his need to epic proportions.

  Pushing her against the still-closed door he tackled his pants with one hand, supporting her with the other.

  Nessa pulled away from his lips, “I’m so fucking mad at you.” Her words were snarled into his face but her hands were busy ripping her shirt off. Chase almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of the leather bra she was wearing.

  “You better have the panties to match this.” He ran his finger against the edge of the soft leather before ripping it down. Each word and action was a show of force, the fight making this coming together almost animalistic.

  Her nipples puckered in the cooling air and Nessa let out a little hiss.

  “Yup. But you might not like your credit card statement when you get it.” She wiggled her pussy against him as she spoke.

  Leaning forward, Chase rolled his tongue over one of her stiffened nipples, relishing her frustrated moans. She was pissed at him, there was no denying that, and that was fine ’cause fuck he was still angry at her. He’d never been so scared in his life. Still, even mad, she responded to his touch, and begged for more. Her hands clawed at his neck as he worked from one side to the other, never taking her caramel buds fully into his mouth.

  “Chase, fuck me already.” She wiggled against him.

  Remembering his promise to redden her ass, Chase lifted his hand and slapped it against the place where her thick thigh met her hip. The sting warmed his palm. Her high pitched yelp echoed through the yard, at the same time as a gush of her cream soaked through his shirt. Christ, he couldn’t wait any longer. Shifting his hips he had his zip down, his cock released, and her panties shoved aside in seconds. The warmth from her cunt bathed the tip of his cock, causing a steady stream of pre-cum to leak from it. Angling her ass, Chase gifted her with another sharp slap at the same moment he slammed his cock home. Her tight canal spasmed around his shaft, her entire body trembled against him, and her scream was almost deafening. Grinding his teeth, Chase held back his own orgasm. No fucking way was he letting her off that easy. He was still pissed. Anything could have happened while she gallivanted around unprotected. She needed to learn, needed to realize that he couldn’t lose her. And if that took him fucking her into submission, so be it.

  Pistoning his hips, Chase started up a brutal rhythm. Nessa’s back banged against the door with every thrust. Her moans became whimpers as he bit at her skin, sucking it with increasing vigor. Marking her. Reminding her that she was his. Even now that she was safe in his arms, he couldn’t help envisioning her lying dead somewhere. With every one of his animalistic thrusts he vowed never to let that vision come to fruition.

  * * * *

  Nessa couldn’t believe the brutality Chase was taking
her with. It hurt, but in a good way. She wasn’t going to be able to walk after but she didn’t care. Prying her eyes open she stared up into his face. His green eyes were filled with storm-clouds of anger, but it wasn’t her they were seeing. That faraway looked frightened her. He was so much bigger and if he truly lost himself that pleasure-pain could quickly lose that pleasure part. However, it was the words tumbling from his lips that made the first twinges of love probe at her heart.

  You can’t die.

  I can’t lose you.

  Mine, Vanessa…You’re mine.

  Another orgasm crashed over her, pulling every muscle in her body taut, yet Chase kept going. His hips pounding with bruising force, her pussy screaming at her that this had to stop, but at the same time Nessa could feel another climax building. With arms that felt like jelly she lifted her hands and caressed his face. His eyes came back into focus and though still filled with anger, he stared back at her. This time seeing her. At the same time her next orgasm hit she gave him what she’d been denying them both. Her acceptance.

  “Yours, Chase. I’m yours.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers as her howled words rang through the yard. His hips locked tightly between her legs and the unmistakable feel of hot semen filled her, setting off another toe-curling tremor.

  Nessa was too exhausted to think about the fact he’d taken her without a condom. Hell, her period was due any day, so they should be fine, right? Her thoughts cut off when she felt a cool breeze on her back and her knees connected with the wooden floor. Chase had changed their positions and slid down the door until they sat on the porch, his cock still twitching inside her..


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