Obsidian Mask

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Obsidian Mask Page 3

by Scarlett Dawn

  Sighing, I gave her a weak high five. Yeah. She might be the wild child of our family, but apparently, I had even surpassed her colorful lifestyle. I covertly glanced at Daniil. He had the pamphlet closed on top of his plate; he hadn’t touched it other than to accept it. He was speaking to a—now—cool and composed Carl. And as if he could feel me looking at him, his gaze darted to mine and his lips twitched before continuing his conversation, accent ever so slowly getting lighter.

  He was coaxing the memory-sound out of my mother’s mind.

  Damn cunning is what it was.

  My aunt casually asked against my curls in an extremely soft voice, “You do realize if your father or mother finds out you’re having sex with the head of the Russian Mafia, they will ship you off to another country, don’t you?” I sucked in a harsh breath, and Daniil’s speech faltered with Carl before continuing, and she snickered. “Don’t worry, dear. Your secret’s safe with me. Although, I will say, aside from the obvious danger and stupidity of your choice, he is a little old for you. Now me, on the other hand…” She tilted back and fluttered her eyelashes at me…and I started having a coughing fit.

  Two glasses of downed water later, demanded by my mother that I drink, I recovered. I trusted my aunt to keep quiet. She was a wild woman herself, but it was still unnerving knowing she had been observant enough to catch on and…well, just that she knew. Daniil understood she knew too, from the way he had assessed her when she wasn’t watching. Probably trying to make sure she wasn’t going to snitch on me. Because the truth was, she wasn’t too far off about what my parents would do if they found out. I was pretty sure neither Daniil nor I was ready to give each other up yet. Our time was definitely not finished with each other.

  Once again, Daniil’s plate was far more appetizing than mine was, but I didn’t see any way to get around stealing his food. The man had a sixth sense and ordered what I wanted, even when I didn’t know. I picked at my food, staring at his, watching as he twirled his fork in his spicy Cajun pasta. Glancing down at my burger, it just looked like a dead cow smashed inside a bun. I felt a little nauseous even looking at it.

  Sometimes, my pickiness in food annoyed even me.

  Daniil rubbed his chest. “I forgot. This will give me heartburn.” He sat his fork down with frustration. “I’ll have to order something else.”

  Artur glanced up from his plate. “That’ll take forever, Papa.”

  I blurted, “I’ll trade you.” I paused when Mom’s gaze shot up in surprise. “I haven’t touched mine yet, same as him. Plus his,” I pointed at his plate, “looks really good.”

  “Deal.” Daniil reached over and swapped out our plates. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” I mumbled, staring down at my new plate. Mmm. I grabbed the fork he had left on the plate and chowed down.

  God, it was good.

  The table sat in companionable silence as we all enjoyed our first few bites.

  With a mouth full of food, I almost choked when Mom said, “Elizabeth, your father and I went ahead and set up a date for you and Don to meet. He’s the young man we were telling you about. His schedule is just as hectic as yours so we had to schedule it in advance.”

  Everyone paused in mid-motion—at least those in the know that I was sleeping with Daniil—as I grabbed my water, taking a hefty gulp, firmly keeping my eyes off my lover. When I had full control of myself, I glanced up. “Mom, I told you I wasn’t interested in any more of your blind dates.”

  Mom waved her hand. “I know you said that, but it’s already scheduled.”

  I felt my features harden as irritation took hold. “Unscheduled it.”

  Mom leaned forward, peering past her sister to me. She smiled. It was hard and determined. “No. I don’t think so.” Staring into my eyes, she stated firmly, “It would be rude to cancel now. You’re going.” She paused. “And besides, you really do have quite a bit in common. And he’s very handsome. We think you’ll get along with him perfectly.”

  She stared me down as the table stayed silent. Those that weren’t in the know, finally catching on there was something amiss, so everyone began to stare at us.

  And…I was pissed.

  She was doing this on purpose. My parents’ intuition skills had led them to believe I was sleeping with someone in this group. Correctly. And she was trying to ruin it. Humiliating me even more in the process.

  If I said anything to dispute this further, they would make today’s antics look like child’s play with this group. I knew this from past experience. I hadn’t lived with them for eighteen years of my life without learning their ways. And their ways could be ten times worse than what they were doing right now.

  Looking out for my best interests, they always called it.

  Overbearing parents was what I called it.

  I stayed silent until I felt I could speak without yelling. I turned my attention back to my plate. “I understand. I’ll go on the date with him.” A quick glance at her and away. “One date. That’s all.”

  “I promise you’ll really like him. It won’t be a hardship by any stretch of the imagination.” She paused. “We even set the date up at that new club Crimson City. We know you love to dance.”

  I felt my eyes close. Kirill owned that club, one of the Russian men sitting at our table. My parents didn’t know that though, since they didn’t keep up on things like that. It had been just dumb luck on their part. I muttered, “Perfect.”

  Mom stated cheerfully, “We thought so.”

  The silence didn’t last too long because Zane and Stash—I was really beginning to feel like I owed them—started up the conversation at the table.

  Katie said quietly, “He really is a hottie. I’ve seen him.” Waggling her eyebrows, she offered—what she so obviously thought was helpful, “He’s a cop. And he has these green eyes that are so clear…”

  Half the table went silent again, apparently multitasking even better than I sometimes did. Ember asked slowly, “Would Don’s last name happen to be Phillips?”

  My mom’s face lit, and she nodded. “Yes. Do you know him?”

  Ember’s eyes widened and her jaw gaped for a moment. Her eyes began to travel to Daniil, who I hadn’t glanced at yet, but they slammed back to my mom and her mouth snapped shut. She nodded, her lips twitching. “Yeah. I actually went on a few dates with him at one point in my life.” She glanced at me, her gaze utterly amused. “Elizabeth, your mom’s right. It won’t be a hardship for you.”

  Grigori started chuckling softly and quickly cleared his throat even as my aunt grabbed my leg under the table. Brutally. Her fingers digging into my inner thigh.

  Wincing, I tried prying her fingers off as Mom began a conversation with Ember about this Don Phillips guy. But my aunt only gripped my leg tighter, and I glanced at her. Her eyes were huge, and she was staring directly across the table. At Daniil.

  After peeking over at my dad, I ventured a glance at Daniil. And froze.

  He was…upset.

  Very, very upset. Or furious.

  Maybe in a killing mood would be a better way to phrase it.

  Apparently, Mom, Ember, and Katie weren’t lying. And he knew it, too.

  My gut was telling me he had seen Don—who must be fucking gorgeous from Daniil’s reaction—at some point, and most definitely didn’t like me going on this date.

  He stared. At me. Blatantly. His eyes on fire.

  Furious. Possessive. Carnal. Ruthless.

  It was all there. In dark brown, uncompromising orbs.

  Aimed. At. Me.

  Unhurried, he set his cup of coffee down and then moved his hand under the table.

  When it appeared again, there was a cell phone in his grasp.

  His nostrils flared, and he mouthed, “Not. A. Fucking. Chance.”

  Licking my dry lips, I sucked in a breath when I realized I hadn’t breathed since turning toward him. I watched as he—finally—looked away from me, dropping his head slightly, and focused on his cell
. My aunt shivered, apparently no longer trapped by him, and her head snapped toward me as his fingers flew across his touch screen.

  She squeezed my thigh even harder, putting her mouth directly against my ear. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  Licking my lips again, I nodded. Yeah. I knew what I was doing.

  I kicked him under the table.

  His response? A slight eyebrow lift.

  I kicked harder.

  A tiny puff of air left his lips.

  I kicked him as hard as I could right in his shin.

  The response? I shouted when it felt like I broke my foot.

  His hand immediately went under the table, grabbing his gun, which I perceived the briefest flash of when I jumped up, shaking my foot. Everyone watched me hobble about. I felt tears spring to my eyes, and they burned, but I pushed them back and leaned heavily over the table.

  No. I was not sneaky. But it was no less effective when I was able to distract everyone with my foot waving antics and snatch Daniil’s cell from his hand without many noticing. The important ones were my family, and they didn’t see a damn thing because they were too busy standing and evaluating my swollen red foot. In hindsight, it was better not to kick someone made of steel with only flip-flops on.

  Half of the table was looking at me like I was crazy.

  The other half were snickering or flat out laughing.

  And one lone man glared.

  With my family squatting down, seeing to my foot, I mouthed, “Not. A. Fucking. Chance.” Then I smiled. Sweetly. Right before I dumped his cell into my water glass.

  It made an odd burzp sound and then the screen flashed off under water.

  He scowled harder, his gaze downright scary, but I just beamed at him as the table really started hooting. That was until my dad’s head shot up, and he leveled them with a look. He didn’t find it funny that I was hurt. And neither would anyone else as their snickering cut off abruptly, pretty much all of them sheepish in the face at my dad’s displeasure.

  All except Daniil, who took my water glass after Dad turned back to my injury. He stuck two long fingers into the glass, pulled his phone out, and dried it with his napkin calmly. All while staring at me. His expression had turned…to nothing. Calm and quiet.

  Somehow, I didn’t think that was a good thing.

  “I still don’t see how you did that,” Mom griped as we walked out of the restaurant.

  Two ice bags later, I was able to walk normally even if my foot was still red. It wasn’t broken, but it was sore. Trying not to let it show, I complained, “I told you I was popping my foot, and it bent too far.” I wiggled it, keeping the grimace at bay. “See, it’s fine.”

  She bent down, evaluating it one more time before sighing and standing. “Are you sure you don’t want to ride with us instead of going up the bus stairs?” She eyed me skeptically before turning her attention to half the men in the group who she and Dad had pestered all throughout the rest of our meal. Even through dessert. I was never going to live this down.

  “I’m sure. I’ll see you later. I have work to do.” Not completely a lie. I was going to have to deal with Daniil, who had been decidedly mute the rest of the time at the table.

  “Fine.” She kissed my cheek. “We’ll see you later, then.”

  Dad hugged me.

  Aunt Susan winked at me.

  And Katie alternated staring between Torrez, Lev, and Artur.

  When they were out of eyeshot, I walked slowly—my foot seriously killing me—to the group, dreading this, but it needed to be done. Daniil waited until we were halfway through the aisle of the bus, back where only Lion Security could see us, before his hand shot out, gripping the back of my neck where he walked behind me. Yep, he was pissed.

  I didn’t fight him because I wanted to keep this conversation private, away from the competitors in the front of the bus. So I waited until we were seated to start whacking at his arm. “Let me go, Daniil.” I whacked his arm again. “You’re acting like a barbarian.” Another solid whack—doing no good. “You can’t just go around killing everyone who hits on me! Or hasn’t even hit on me, but might. That’s pure lunacy.”

  A split second later, his mouth pounded down on mine.

  My head slammed back against the window where he held me, kissing the shit out of me. Sadly, after the shock wore off, it turned me the hell on. I knew I should probably be upset with him, but knowing and actually doing are two very different things. Instead, all I felt were the damn fireworks. And it felt like the Fourth of July erupted between us.

  Somehow, I was suddenly flat on my back on the two seats with him on top of me. I knew everyone in his group was listening since the back half of the bus was quiet. I shook my head, whispering, “Daniil. Stop.” His mouth went to my hickey where he bit me solidly, gripping me. I hissed, “Your kids, Daniil!”

  “Yes.” Grigori’s voice could be heard, his tone dry. “Your kids, Papa.”

  Eva groaned, sounding like she was getting sick.

  Artur hushed her.

  Roman was the only silent one.

  I guess one out of four wasn’t bad. It could have been worse.

  Daniil stiffened over me, and then licked over his fading mark, being silent. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how silent we had been before. When the explosions went off, the world disappeared around us. He lifted his head, his black hair blanketing down around us as he whispered harshly, “I will kill him if you go on this date.” He was serious.

  I shook my head, his hair tickling the sides of my face, leaning up and whispering just as brutally, “You will not! If you keep this shit up, I’m going to walk.” I paused, letting him see that I was serious. “I may not agree with violence, but I do understand protection. I get your mentality on that fact. Protect your family. Your loved ones. Your colleagues. I can only hope with words, not with fists or guns. But you killing him is not about protection. It would be flat out murder. He has done nothing to you, and you’re acting like a spoiled executioner, getting your way with only a few taps on your cell phone.” I stared hard. “Is that what you are, Daniil? A murderer? A monster?”

  He was silent as he stared down at me with a crazy look in his eye. “I have been called that. But only to those who attack me first or threaten my family.” He paused, his head cocking. “Did you call me a spoiled executioner?” Another pause and he nodded. “Yes. You did. Maybe I have become a little lax on how I take care of business. Perhaps I should handle this one personally.” He grinned. “That would be amusing.”

  My head fell back against the seat, and I thumped him on the forehead a few times lightly with my knuckles. “Are you listening to me? I will walk if you hurt someone else because you’re jealous. Do. You. Understand. Me?” We would work on the whole issue of what he thought was a ‘threat’ instigating him with the need to be a ‘monster’ later.

  He stared, still smiling. “You think you can just walk away from me?”

  I stilled as crazy stared down. “Is that a threat?”

  He paused, his smile slowly fading. Sanity emerged in his brown eyes. “No. I would never really threaten you.”

  I nodded bit-by-bit. I must be the cracked one because I believed him. “Good. Now are you going to go after this Don guy? Do I need to walk away now?”

  His jaw clenched. “You haven’t seen him.”

  I shook my head. “Not what I asked.”

  “He’s as good looking as Lev. Maybe better. And he’s young. Like you.” He paused. “And he can dance well from what I’m told.” He appeared thoughtful and shook his head. “No. You’re not going out with him.”

  I smiled. It probably looked a lot like my mom’s had earlier. “That is not your call.” I hushed him when he scowled. “Going on one date to appease my overbearing parents does not equal sex. A date can be just a simple date to keep Mom and Dad off my back. And yours, since they’re on the fucking hunt right now.”

  “You haven’t seen him.” He was furious.
/>   Fuck, Don had to be something special.

  Reaching up, I placed my hands on his cheeks and gently rubbed his stubbles that were already showing from his morning shave. “I’m not going to have sex with him. I promise. This is for my parents. Now calm down.” My eyebrows crinkled as I realized how much effort I had to put into something as simple as being lovers with this man. “You know, when guys normally get jealous, it’s kind of cute. You don’t fit that category very well.”

  He leaned his cheek more into my right hand as I caressed him. “I never said I was an easy lover.” His eyebrows snapped together. “When you’re with me, I consider you mine.”

  Absently, I rubbed where his eyebrows met. “I’m not yours, Daniil. So back off just a little.”

  His jaw clenched again. And he stayed mute, his gaze darting all over my face. He really didn’t like that answer, but it appeared he was trying to contain his frustration. Very sluggishly, he whispered, “This is not easy for me.”

  Ah. “Me either.” I had just figured out his issues with me. He was of a different generation. One where the women weren’t quite so liberal. And from the sound of it, he was used to no one arguing with him in the first place. Those were his problems, whereas mine were that he was so much more experienced than me—in life—and his reigning violent ‘tendencies.’ “It’s a good thing the sex is so extraordinary; otherwise, I think we’d both wise the fuck up.”

  He chuckled but cut it off when all four of his children groaned. Biting his bottom lip, he asked gently, “Can I at least bust one of his knee caps? He won’t dance so well then.”

  I started laughing because, fuck, he was serious. I snorted. “No. You can’t.” I pulled his head down, breathing right against his ear, “If you’re good, I promise to be in your bed that night.”

  Downhearted, he muttered, “I suppose that’s better than nothing.”

  My jaw dropped, and I pinched his ear. “That was not very flattering, smooth talker.”

  He paused, and his nose crinkled. “Shit. That didn’t come out right.” He leaned down, pressing more of his body on me, kissing my neck lightly. “I’ll dance with you that night when you arrive. Out of bed. And in bed.”


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