Obsidian Mask

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Obsidian Mask Page 14

by Scarlett Dawn

  Daniil was free to be himself, even with my parents looking on, staying quiet through the game, their eyes never leaving the two of us. Assessing. Just waiting for me to say I had changed my mind. I wasn’t going to. I wanted to get to know him better, and that wouldn’t happen if I followed the path my parents wanted.

  I smirked, the game only ending a few minutes earlier. “I told you I could play.” I spun and bowed. “Tell me who just schooled you.”

  Daniil’s lips pinched and he crossed his arms, miffed. “You did not just school me. We only lost by five points.”

  I laughed. “Ah. But, you still lost.”

  Daniil’s nose crinkled. He stayed mute. Pouting.

  I ran a finger over the top of his nose. “So…”

  He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to his glistening body. “How about we play one-on-one and see who the winner is?”

  I stared at his chest, and then his neck. His jaw. His lips. All of a sudden, I very much wanted to play “one-on-one.” Just of a different variety. “No. I don’t think so.” He would kick my ass if I went up against him by myself. “But, I think I deserve a treat for my current victory.”

  Daniil paused, obviously hearing the huskiness of my tone. He bent to face level with me, purring, “And what kind of a treat would you like, my sweet?”

  I licked my lips. “You. Me. Tangled in sheets.”

  Daniil pulled me in closer, quietly talking against my cheek, and told me exactly what he had in mind to make those sheets tangled.

  From right next to us, my mom said, “I think everyone’s going to dinner now.”

  I jerked. Shit. I had almost forgotten about them.

  Daniil stilled, stopping his intimate words but slowly standing straight, glancing around the room that was still completely full. His lips twitched, and he smiled down at my mom. It wasn’t a very nice smile. “If we’re going to get to know one another better, it will require some privacy every once in a while.”

  Mom scolded, “Yes. I agree. But that doesn’t have to include,” she gestured to us, “that.” She paused. “In front of everyone else, no less.” She shook her head, embarrassing me. I was positive she hadn’t heard us, but I’m sure we looked pretty cozy. “Use a little discretion, sweetie. It’ll go a long way.”

  Daniil actually chuckled. “She’s pregnant with my child. That, as you so delicately put it, wasn’t anything.”

  I gaped, taking a step back.

  He had not just said that to my parents.

  My parents and I stared.

  None of us were happy with him.

  His laughter cut off immediately, seeing my expression. His eyebrows pinched together as he gazed at me now. He reached for me, and I took another step back, crossing my arms. He was confused for a second. God, he was arrogant. I waited for him to figure it out. Some things you just don’t say to someone’s parents.

  Confusion and fury lit his eyes as I retreated again when he took a step forward, but slowly, his lips pinched. The arrogance fled him. Wearing a bit of a scowl since he didn’t appear to want to say it, he informed my parents, “I’m sorry. That was rude.” He didn’t wait for their response, turning his attention back to me, holding his hand out. “There. Was that good enough?”

  It was a start. I sighed and grumbled, “Just try not to do it again.” I ignored his deepening scowl and placed my hand in his…to be jerked against him and held tight. He was too damn used to getting what he wanted. This was going to be interesting.

  Dinner was a curious affair. There was a mixture of Russian and American dishes placed in the center of the table when our entire group sat down. Daniil put my parents at the end of the table, apparently a place of importance, reserved for honored guests, and placed me at his side where he sat at the head of the table. Grigori sat on his other side with Ember next to him—Nikki and Beth had conked out in the other room on a couch, already having their own dinner brown bag style during the game between cheering. The rest of Daniil’s kids sat next to us. I almost laughed when Artur and Katie sat side-by-side, silent. I think Katie tried to sit somewhere else, but Daniil barked out where everyone was to sit. She didn’t argue.

  After my dad had said grace—no one acted surprised this time—dishes were passed around in a clockwise direction. And most smelled wonderful and looked great…except for a few of the Russian dishes. When Eva went to pass them to me, I grabbed them instinctively, and just about puked when the smell hit me. Daniil was quick on the ball, though, and every dish I reacted to that way—there were only about three—he quickly grabbed it from my hands and gave it to a cook, who stood behind him. And I swear she was staring at my plate and what I put on it, studying it like she was making a mental note of what I ate and what I didn’t.

  Smiling softly at Daniil, a little embarrassed, I said, “Thank you. I know what you’re doing. And I do appreciate it, but I hope none of those were your favorites.” I was betting they wouldn’t be placed on his table again when I was around.

  Daniil passed off some corn to Grigori and leaned over kissing my forehead. “You’re welcome. And my favorite is this,” he lifted his filled coffee cup, smiling at it, “and you already said you didn’t have a problem with it.” His eyes glanced at mine quickly, as if looking for confirmation that I hadn’t changed my mind.

  Chuckling, seeing that he seriously had a thing for coffee, I shook my head. “No. It smells nice. You smell like that sometimes.” I had just realized that he did often smell of dark black coffee. He had to drink it a lot. “It’s a good aroma.”

  Lightly, he grinned, taking a sip, his dark eyes on mine over the rim of his cup. “Eat, my sweet. I know you are starving.”

  My tummy grumbled right then, almost louder than the conversation around the table. And said conversation in my immediate vicinity stopped, and they all stared at my stomach. Instinctively, I covered my stomach, pushing a few stray curls back that had come loose from my short ponytail. That just added to my embarrassment.

  Eva’s eyebrows snapped together. “I thought you ate at lunch.”

  “She did. Leave her be,” Daniil stated calmly, bending and placing his hand over mine on my stomach. Softly, he stated, “Ignore them. The food is delicious.” He picked up my spoon and scooped some mashed potatoes and gravy on it, holding it up to my mouth.

  I took the bite, and my eyes instantly hooded as the spices of the gravy and subtle texture of the potatoes hit my taste buds. Mmm. He wasn’t kidding. Grabbing the spoon from him, I did ignore everyone and dug in. And I was in pregnancy heaven. The food was magnificent. So much so that my mom even asked from down the table if she could get the recipe for the chicken and whatever it was drizzled in.

  Daniil answered any question given him, but his eyes stayed glued on me as he ate. I could feel it. I took a breather between corn and the bread, glancing at him. He was smiling softly. He did that a lot.

  That was until Cole stood abruptly from the end of the table, staring down at his own plate.

  The bodyguards standing around the room, whom I had actually grown accustomed to, moved a tiny step his way as if they were all in sync, making me notice them.

  The table went silent, and Daniil placed a hand on the back of my chair—which I was pretty sure he put there so he could toss me if need be, and stated casually, “Is there something wrong, Mr. Donovan?” He didn’t call Brent or Cole by their names when he spoke to them, I had noticed.

  Cole cleared his throat, and his attention went to Ember.

  Ember and Grigori, I noticed had been almost respectful when they were around. Other than that initial kiss to show the world they were together, they kept their touches light and didn’t moon over one another when Brent and Cole were around, like how they had acted yesterday in the limo ride to the airport. I wasn’t sure who made that decision—heck, it may have been mutual—but, they were keeping it low-key in front of them, nevertheless.

  Cole’s eyes weren’t ice like they normally were. There was true pain and hear
tache reflected in his gaze as he stared at her. As Ember’s face turned stony, no emotion showing, she also lost all of her color, her face going white. It appeared she saw what I did through Cole’s features. Cole ran a hand through his hair and said softly to her, “I’m sorry for what I did to you. I’m sorry I’ve made you into the person you are today.” His eyes closed, and he sighed, shaking his head. “I did this to you, and I’m so very sorry.” He opened his eyes and glanced down at Brent, who sat calmly next to him. “I can’t sit here and watch this anymore.” And then…he turned and walked out of the room.

  I bit my lip, not understanding completely, but knowing from the conviction of his heartfelt apology, Cole believed what he was saying wholeheartedly.

  In the silence, all of us hearing Cole’s retreating footsteps in the hallway, Brent leaned forward, and casually wiped his mouth with his napkin. Laying it down gently on the table, he also stood, and bizarrely, he started chuckling. Everyone was silent, watching him as he turned furious and pain filled eyes on Ember, who looked a little faint. “You know, darl—” he stopped, shaking his head, “sorry, Ember. You know, Ember, the one thing that is so damn funny about all of this?”

  Ember shook her head slightly, her breaths becoming a little shallow.

  Brent ran a hand through his blond curls, still very casual even though his graze said differently. “The really fucking funny part of this is that I was once as you are right now. Once, I ran from you. Once, I was also a coward.” He fiddled with the napkin on the table. “Cole’s correct. We did this to you. We made you the coward you are today.” He glanced up and stared at her hard, placing his hands on the table and leaning over it. “Sure, you’re a fierce fighter. Sure, you kept on when we were supposed to be dead. You did the brave thing and didn’t give up your life.” He shook his head, watching as Ember’s eyes hardened even further. “But, you did give up your heart. When we came back, instead of you giving us a real chance, the men that you gave your heart to, you ran to the only man who didn’t have a heart to give. Like you.”

  He stood upright, turning his attention to Grigori, who was staring at him coldly. “Don’t think even for a second that I, or Cole, don’t know everything about your past. Everything. Including the fact that you lost someone you love too, and only have a coward’s heart left.” He shook his head, his eyes shutting like Cole’s had. “And I’m still in love with a woman who has the same issues.” He sucked in a deep breath and opened his eyes, saying casually to Ember, “You know I’ll always love you. Always. We have too much history to change that, but,” he faltered and cleared his throat, “…I can’t sit back and just hurt waiting for you.” He glanced away from her. “Cole and I won’t be home tonight. The girls can stay here with you.”

  Ember’s breathing faltered, and Brent glanced at her, stating, “It’s time to move on.” His eyes flicked to Grigori. “If you can do it, so can I. Or Cole.” Ember’s eyes went to her plate and stayed there, and Brent whispered, “You should have kissed us. Just once. But instead, you ran. You were a coward. You still are. And I wanted you to know that this was your choice.”

  There was silence.

  Grigori was furious. It was all there in his dark expression. And he stood slowly, stating in a deeply accented voice, “You and Cole died to her. And she did move on. Picking up the pieces the best way she knew how to give the children that you left behind—heroic or not—a chance at a normal, healthy life.” He leaned over the table, slashing his hand through the air. “You’re right. You both did this to her. But, have you ever thought, for even one second, she didn’t kiss you because she knew she belonged to someone else?”

  Ember was practically trembling in her seat, and blinking rapidly at her cooling plate of food while Grigori and Brent stared one another down.

  Brent’s jaw clenched, and he hissed, “She may have chosen you to fuck, but has she ever said she loves you? Ever actually said the words?”

  My mom and dad were mute—and by their expressions, they were keeping up, so they must have been reading my articles. That was a good thing they were letting this happen without intervening. Brent and Grigori looked ready to kill one another. Not the time to butt in and try to make peace.

  Grigori sucked in a harsh breath and whispered fiercely, his voice trembling, he was so pissed, “No. She hasn’t, and she doesn’t need to.” He paused and stated with an evil chuckle, “There is something you don’t know. Something that would maybe help you to understand us together and leave her the fuck alone. Not even ten minutes after you and Cole walked out that door years ago, her and I were plastered together in your own damn hallway. You tell me if she ever really loved you if she was kissing me like that before you were even on the fucking plane.”

  The table occupants, who were already silent, completely stilled.

  I didn’t move a muscle as Brent also froze, staring at Grigori, and slowly, eyes on Grigori, he asked, “Ember, is that true?”

  Ember looked positively deathly white, and she closed her eyes from their lowered position, whispering, “Yes.”

  Brent paused and then sucked in a breath, his eyes moving to stare at the wall behind Grigori and Ember. They went a little unfocused, and his hands clenched into fists. A few moments had gone by before he shook his head, murmuring calmly, almost to himself, “There’s always been two. Always two. Never one.” He shook his head harder, taking a step back from the table, turning to stare at Ember again. “You’ve always been a coward. I know that now. You and Grigori are perfect for one another.”

  Grigori stilled, and then shouted, “Get the fuck out of my house!”

  Brent grinned, his eyes purely evil. “With pleasure.”

  Zane and Stash stood as Brent started walking out of the room, and Stash asked, “You need a DD?”

  Brent paused, glancing at him and ignoring the enraged Grigori. “You won’t want to see this, Stash.”

  When Stash’s lips pinched, Zane slapped Stash’s shoulders herding him toward Brent. “Stash can get drunk, too. I’ll be the DD.”

  Brent shrugged stiff shoulders. “Sounds good.”

  When Brent exited, Zane and Stash paused, glancing at Grigori, and Zane stated calmly, “We’re not leaving because we’ve picked sides.”

  Grigori nodded just as stiffly as Brent had been. “They’re your friends.”

  Stash glanced at Ember, his eyebrows coming together. “So are you two, but they need us more now.”

  “I understand.”

  Zane and Stash nodded at us, and the table in general, and thanked Daniil for dinner before leaving and practically racing after Brent, and whatever he carnal exploits he had planned for the rest of the evening.

  I glanced at Ember and she looked so damn frail sitting there. Her face was white, her breathing was still shallow, and she looked so vulnerable sitting there as Grigori still stood looking furious.

  Oddly, it was my parents who broke the silence that descended on our table. Mom began asking mundane questions to the rest of the group, giving Ember and Grigori a chance to compose themselves. Although, I didn’t think it was going to happen anytime soon.

  Daniil leaned over and placed a hand on Grigori’s arm, and Grigori jerked, glancing down at the hand on his arm. Daniil stared at his son, and I watched as Grigori stared back, slowly coming down from his fury. Daniil patted his arm, then rested back on the seat, and reached over to hold my hand.

  I hadn’t started eating again yet. My stomach was in knots after seeing so much pain being expressed. The reporter’s side of me was intrigued, but now that I had gotten to know these individuals better, I really didn’t like seeing them hurting. Even the wicked redheaded bitch.

  Grigori glanced at Ember as he slowly sat and paused, his teeth clenching seeing her as she was. He finished sitting, and slowly reached over, and took her hand like Daniil had taken mine. Ember’s eyes closed slowly, and it looked like she flinched before gripping his hand in a white-knuckled grip. Grigori stared at their hands before lea
ning over and placing a kiss on her head, and she turned slightly toward him. They stayed like that for a few moments, his lips on her hair, both of their eyes closed before they both moved away from one another—barely—and started to slowly eat their food.

  Daniil squeezed my hand and leaned over picking up my forgotten fork and stabbed a piece of chicken, placing it on my lips. I glanced at him. And my eyes stayed on his. Even though he appeared calm, his eyes told me something else. I realized then, the worry he owned bravely I would know myself eventually. That was a parent’s worry. For a child they loved unconditionally and would do anything for. Daniil was a good ‘papa’ no matter what he did in life that I might not agree with. That much I knew right then and there. Our child would always be loved and cared for, just as he cared for his adult children now.

  And…I smiled. At peace with that thought, taking the offered bite. His eyes darted all over my face and stayed at my mouth, and he gently used his thumb wiping away some of the pink sauce that I had at the corner of my mouth. He was distracted, I could tell that much, his mind elsewhere and yet he still made sure I ate and was happy with it.

  After dinner was finished—albeit much more subdued than it had been in the beginning—I walked my cousins and my parents to the front door alone since Daniil hadn’t seemed in the mood to be overly courteous, staying at the table and sipping his coffee with Grigori while Ember laid Nikki and Beth down in beds upstairs. I figured Daniil was going to stay there and let Grigori talk to him if he needed to.

  My dad stayed mute since we left the dining room, but my mom asked, “Are you staying here tonight?”

  The question was a little uncomfortable coming from my mom, but I nodded. “Yes. I am.” I cleared my throat, ignoring her suddenly pinched lips. “I wanted to thank you for what you both did in there after the…confrontation. Grigori and Ember…well, they have a lot of problems, and you both helped keep the peace after…” I trailed off, not really knowing what to say other than what I had.


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