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Magnet Page 3

by Viola Grace

  The air of W’lyn was thick, but that could just be the ocean air and the vegetation. The island was a few kilometres wide and long, making it large enough for the Guardian purposes and small enough to defend.

  With a little exploration, she found a pathway through the greenery and she went for a walk to explore her new environment.

  When she heard footfalls approaching her, she ducked back into the brush and watched from her hidey-hole.

  Loesh sprinted past her, paused and backed up. “Why are you in the bushes?”

  She made a face and crept out, accepting his hand to help her over some rocks. “Because climbing a tree was out of the question. If this is your pathway, I wanted to get out of your way.”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t ever worry about that. Aside from one garden, there is no off-limits area on this island.”

  She could see sweat gleaming on his neck, and her mouth went dry. She had the urge to lick her way to the edge of his jaw and then back again. Polly shook her head and stepped back.

  He frowned. “What is wrong?”

  “Just my mind getting away from me.”

  He retained his grip on her hand. “Would you care for a tour?”

  She bit her lip as her hormones urged her to climb him like a tree. “Um, yes, but I don’t think that it would be a great idea.”

  “Tough. Everyone else is down for a nap and you need to learn your territory. Come on.”

  She blinked as he tugged her down the pathway and into the thick expanse of trees. His hand was warm and firm but not tight on hers.

  “Since we are away from the base, do you have any questions about the other Guardians?”

  He led her through the greenery until they stopped at the edge of a cliff that overlooked the ocean with a chunk of land in the distance.

  She stared out at the distant land and listened to the waves for a moment. “Drovin is telekinetic, right?”


  “Toyo has super strength and flight?”

  “Correct as well.”

  “Rand has bioelectrics and his mate, Nanette, melts metal.”

  “You have done your studying.” He chuckled.

  She turned to face him. “You have enhanced senses.”

  He hemmed. “Yes. It is a little more complicated than that, but that is basically it.”


  He stroked her cheek. “I can feel the silk of your skin and remember it, playing it back any time I wish. I can remember the scent of your body and pick you out of a crowd of thousands.”

  “Why me? I just got here.” She bit her lip, as he got closer to her, his lips became her focus as he leaned toward her.

  “Because you are what I want, what I have been waiting for and you seem to be just as attracted as I am.” He brushed his lips across hers with consummate care.

  He wasn’t wrong; she hadn’t been able to look away from him anytime he was in the room, and as he kissed her, the firm touch of his lips caused her to rise on her toes. Her hand in his was the only point of balance as her grip on reality swirled out of control.

  When she felt his hand on her shoulder, pushing her away from him, she opened her eyes and blushed as she took in his amused expression. She backed up and he gripped her shoulder.

  “Not too far. We are on the edge of the cliff.”

  Polly looked back and jerked away from him and back down the path a few steps. “I am sorry.”

  “For what?”

  She scowled. “Didn’t I do something wrong?”

  “No. Of course not. You haven’t met any other W’lyn males, and it would be inappropriate for me to take advantage of you.”

  She touched her lips. “I see.”

  He smiled and stepped toward her, threading a hand through her hair. “Do not get me wrong; I want to take advantage of you, but as we are working together, it is better that you come to me if I am the one that you choose.”

  Polly looked into his eyes and sighed. “Right. I just get the feeling that I have known you longer than I have.”

  Loesh smiled. “I feel the same.”

  He lifted his head and his nostrils flared. “Dinner is just about ready. Wren is an excellent cook and a better caretaker. She has gotten Bebe’s hormones under control and that is a relief to all of us.”


  “Yes, Bebe to her friends.” He steered her back down the pathway and toward the base.

  “She has a hormone issue?”

  He wrinkled his nose. “She got pregnant immediately after mating with Toyo. She had to adapt to the changes in her biology as well as the pregnancy. Her body had its own demands and she got very powerful very quickly. Wren has managed to create a balance of supplements that keeps Bebe on an even keel.”

  “Wow. So, I am guessing I should watch what I eat around here.”

  “Bebe’s cookies and bars are clearly marked. Steer clear of them and you will be fine.”

  His hand was on her back as he walked her toward the base. His sweat had dried, but parts of her felt the distinct dampness that even the light breeze couldn’t take care of. She was wet from the inside out, and it had only been one mind-numbing kiss. She was in over her head.

  Dinner was arranged when they arrived, and they only had to settle in at their places and eat. The afterglow was on every face but hers and Loesh’s. It was a telling expression.

  Beryl smiled, “So, Polly, have you explored the base a little?”

  “I have. There is a little more to discover, but it is a lovely base and charming island.”

  Everyone smiled and ate until Wren asked the fateful question, “So, what did you do before you Volunteered?”

  Polly blotted her lips with a napkin and smiled tightly, “I went from job to job but finally ended up working for a pretend psychic, moving objects around during her readings. I hated it, but it was work close to a Volunteer Centre. It put me where I needed to be.”

  “You were able to practice your magnetic forces there?” Wren asked.

  “Yup. Faking ghosts and waving objects in the air.”

  A distinct ping ran in her ear. “What is that sound?”

  The men got to their feet, and Loesh hauled her up with them. “We are getting a call. We will be briefed on the way.”

  Wren and Beryl said their goodbyes and returned to their meal.

  Loesh and Polly were wearing their suits, so it was up to the others to put some proper clothing on for the mission.

  Polly strapped into a seat, and she waited for the briefing.

  Loesh pulled the file up and he grimaced. “We are being called to the spaceport. Some of the visiting dignitaries don’t want to leave and their visas have expired.”

  “So, we have to get them into their ships and get them off world.”

  “Into their ships will be fine. Currently, they are attacking the security staff.”

  Drovin and Toyo piled in and they replayed the mission briefing.

  Polly brought up the details on the screen and worked out the best placement for her without full exposure to any direct violence.

  She had combat training, but she wasn’t up to a lot of one-on-one fighting.

  Toyo began barking out orders. “Loesh, keep track of Polly. If she is in danger, move her. Drovin, move them back toward their ships; Polly, move their ships into an open space. They can hide far too easily in the spaceport docks.”

  She nodded. “Right. Ships for me, people for you.”

  Toyo gave her a thumbs-up.

  She checked on the shuttles and ships that needed to be moved and wrinkled her nose. She was going to have to get out in the open. She hated getting out in the open.

  She wove her fingers together and held tight until they landed. When she unbuckled her harness, she stilled her mind to do what had to be done.

  She got out of the skimmer with the other Guardians and went to work.

sp; Chapter Five

  The weapons fire was her first clue that they were in the right place. With Loesh next to her, she pointed to her target space and she sprinted along the tarmac with him at her side.

  “Tell me where you need to be and I will get you there.” Loesh’s voice was low in her ear.

  “Lined up with that ship. I need to get near that pylon.”

  Before she could say another word, he picked her up and she had been whooshed to her destination.

  He set her down on her feet, and she beckoned to the ship, pulling it along the ground on a repulsion field. It glided toward her silently, and she pushed it into a launch position.

  She heard shouts of alarm as the ship moved, but she focussed on putting it down and finding her next target.

  Loesh muttered something and grabbed her, spinning her out of the way when shots were fired in their direction.

  She gasped for air when they stopped in front of her next target. Polly pulled it out of its bay and walked it down to a second launch zone.

  Men broke out like roaches when she moved the ship. Their cover was being shifted and they were unhappy. She would have felt better if they were unhappy without the guns.

  A blast skimmed along her arm, searing her and making her hiss.

  Loesh grabbed her and carried her up into the nearest gallery.

  With her out of the way, he was free to attack the aggressors and stuff them into their respective ships.

  She looked at the men around him and made it a fair fight. All the weapons were pulled into the air and wadded together.

  She could see just enough of the second group to do the same thing. Weaponless, they would be far less dangerous.

  Loesh was magnificent. Loesh threw the men around like they weighed nothing and was able to locate the most creative of hiding opponents. Her heart beat a little harder watching him, but this time, when she was targeted, she saw the attacker before they got off a shot.

  The man was surprised to be jerked off his feet, disarmed and stuck to the side of his ship.

  Loesh sprang at him, and the man was ripped from his perch and dropped to the ground with some broken bones.

  Loesh returned to her side and he scooped her up again. “Now, for the briefing with the peacekeepers and we can return to base.”

  “Can you put me down for the briefing?”

  He snorted. “I suppose so, but I will be disappointed.”

  “I can live with that.”

  He grinned and set her on her feet.

  Toyo led them all to the peacekeepers and introduced Polly. “Gentlemen, this is our newest Guardian, Polly. She is one of the Terran talents and is new to the Imperium.”

  The captain grinned and came over to kiss her hand. “Welcome to W’lyn. If you need anyone to show you around the city, do not hesitate to call on me.”

  The other peacekeepers made similar offers, but she merely smiled politely. None of them sparked even a tenth of the reaction she felt with Loesh. It was tepid water versus a full boil.

  Whether or not she and Loesh decided to mate permanently, she was more compatible with Loesh than any of the W’lyn she had met so far. It was definitely worth an experiment.

  She was exhausted by the time they returned to the base. She wanted a shower and a nap before she tried to force her affections on Loesh. The idea that she wanted to do it sooner rather than later might have had something to do with the cooing couples around them as they returned.

  Polly grabbed a shower, and it revitalized her to the point where she felt confident that she could seek Loesh out for a heart to heart.

  Wearing a robe, she left the safety of her room and went in search of Loesh. He wasn’t in his quarters; the door was wide open.

  She thought about where he could be and pattered through the common room before heading to the gym.

  “Bingo.” Polly watched as he strained in the machines, his readout truly impressive.

  Loesh inhaled sharply and he put the bar back in place. “Good evening, Polly.”

  She moved toward him as he sat up. “Good evening, Loesh. Getting in a good workout?”

  “Working off some tension.”

  “May I offer you an alternative? No strings attached.” She stood between his knees and pressed a hand to his shoulder.

  “What if I want strings?”

  “We can discuss them tomorrow. Tonight, no strings. Just you and me.”

  He touched her neck and slid his fingers down the edge of her robe, caressing her skin and parting the fabric.

  “Are you sure?”

  She quirked a smile. “Pretty sure.”

  His hair was back in a ponytail, and she reached behind him to remove it, placing her cleavage in his face.

  His lips tasted the skin between her breasts and she heard him inhale deeply. His hands came around her back and held her against his lips as he pushed her robe aside and fed at her nipples with sharp tugs that sent answering quakes into her pussy.

  She gasped and threaded her fingers through his hair; the pale blue strands felt like cool silk against her skin. He opened her robe and pressed his hands to her hips, cupping them and pulling her to him so that she straddled his hips on the weight bench.

  His hands pressed her to him with a strong rhythm, his lips and tongue pulled and plucked at her nipples as he rocked her clit against the ridge of his erection under his suit.

  Polly gasped and closed her eyes as pleasure mounted rapidly, and she moaned long and low as her body spasmed and shook.

  He released her nipple from his mouth with a soft pop, tilting his head up to kiss her. A moment before he made contact, he whispered, “I think that is enough for tonight.”

  When he leaned back from the kiss, he licked his lips. She blushed and tremors quaked inside as he rocked her against him one more time. “But you didn’t…”

  “Who says I didn’t?” He grinned, showing his extended canines. He nuzzled her neck and she felt his teeth graze her skin.

  She wasn’t sure if it was arousal or fear that ran through her, but suddenly, the idea of being bitten during sex wasn’t as frightening as it had been. It might have had something to do with her being on top, but she felt curls of heat moving throughout her body from the portion of her neck he was nibbling.

  Polly moaned and tilted her head, enjoying the heat he was generating. When he pulled away, she blinked in disappointment.

  “I do believe that I will walk you to your quarters now before we get carried away.” Loesh stood up, setting her on her feet as he did so.

  She blushed at the wet stain on his suit the smelled unmistakably of her.

  “Don’t worry about it. I have another suit for the morning.”

  Polly tied her robe with shaking hands. “That didn’t turn out the way I thought.”

  He chuckled. “It is the beginning of your time here. Make sure that you only interact with those you choose.”

  She pressed her lips together and nodded. She had chosen him, but it seemed that he wasn’t as interested in her. Embarrassed, she left the gym as quickly as she could, heading back to her quarters. If Loesh was following behind her, he didn’t catch up before she closed and sealed her door.

  Sex didn’t used to be so confusing.

  * * * *

  Wren opened her eyes and checked the palm scanner she kept bedside. Drovin sat up next to her.

  “What is it?”

  “Loesh sent her to bed alone. That was not a good move.” Wren sighed and cuddled against her mate.

  “Why not?” Drovin tucked her against him and ran his hands over her body, worshipping her, inch by inch.

  “She is insecure and her talent is running her hormones at full bore. She wants, and if she doesn’t find what she needs here, she will have no choice but to seek it elsewhere. I have seen her records, and she is careful, but she has a history of an active sex life. The Volunteer Project interrupted that life and now that
she is settling, she needs it to return.”

  Drovin nuzzled her cheek and whispered, “Why?”

  Wren let his drowsy voice make her sleepy, “Opposites attract and with no opposite, she will lose control of her talent.”

  He nodded slowly and his breath evened into the slow pattern of sleep.

  Wren let his breathing lead her body into rest.

  * * * *

  Drovin turned to his brother on the astral plane. “Did you hear that?”

  “I did. Damn. I thought I was being so clever.”

  “Do you think she is interested in you?”

  “I think so, but now, I am going to have to make sure that she knows it is reciprocated. That may have been lost in translation.”

  Drovin groaned. “Don’t tell me that you insulted her.”

  “No, but I aroused her and then told her I wouldn’t take it further. That may have been an error in judgement.”

  “You should have done what I did.”

  “No, sneaking up on a woman is not for me. I am happy for you and Wren, but there is a different plan of attack that I need to carry out with Polly and it will involve a lot of grovelling.”

  “Good luck.”

  “See you in the morning, brother.”

  * * * *

  What have I done wrong? Doesn’t Loesh like women who are direct? She kicked herself for not playing hard to get, but that had never been her style and she would have lost her concentration halfway through the indirect seduction.

  Polly stared at the ceiling until dawn snuck through the window. She turned and fell asleep, willing herself to manage to cram enough rest into whatever time she had before Wren demanded her presence at breakfast.

  Chapter Six

  Suited up, Polly knew she looked exhausted when she joined the others for breakfast.

  Wren patted her shoulder. “Rand has asked us to visit if there is time today.”

  Polly yawned. “That sounds like fun.”


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