Lost Worlds

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Lost Worlds Page 5

by Luna Lais

  "Courage, be my strength!" The golden power exploded from the tip of the sword, and enveloped his entire body. The light transformed and bonded with his skin, forming the golden armor of the Avatar of Courage, transforming him into the Hero.

  Jimmy ran towards the tree, and swinging his sword, cut right through it. He grabbed the woman and carried her to safety. Before she could say a word, Jimmy heard someone yelling from a nearby apartment complex. The building was on fire, and the woman and her seven children were trapped on the third floor. Jimmy used his boosters to fly to the window and lower them two by two to the ground.

  "What could be behind this," he said to himself. "There has to be more to this." But he had no time to think about it, as he heard more cries for help. He took off in a flash to continue rescuing people.

  * * *

  Lauren was busy writing a paper for class, when she heard the commotion outside. She tried to contact Jimmy, but he wasn't responding, nor was he in his room. She heard loud shrieks throughout the halls of the dorm, increasing in magnitude, to the point every window in the dorm suddenly shattered. Lauren ran into her room and grabbed her sword.

  "Power, be my strength!" Flames burst from within the sword, and it was as if her entire body was on fire. The flames enveloped her in the bronze armor of the Avatar of Power, transforming her into the Dragon Lady.

  "Now, to find where the screams are coming from," she said as she ran through the halls and neckbreak speeds. Her senses suddenly began confusing her‚as she saw ghosts flying through the halls. Lauren ran out the doors to the dorm to find people running in fear from it. Then she turned her attention to the parking lot, which was now a huge gaping hole. Out from that hole crawled the Beastmaster, pulling with him the cage containing Chrissy.

  "Chrissy!" Lauren yelled. Her eyes glowed red and her sword set ablaze. She charged at the Beastmaster, but a force hit her, and she became completely blinded. She swung wildly, but couldn't see her enemy. The Beastmaster began his attack on her, Lauren unable to defend herself. As Chrissy looked on, desperation came over her, and her eyes glowed. It was as if her mind were calling out‚.

  * * *

  Jimmy had just caught a car that fell off the crumbling Market Street Bridge, when suddenly he felt strange. He turned his head and saw a light in the near distance. He instinctively flew towards it, and soon after he saw Chrissy trapped in that cage, and Lauren fighting for her life. Jimmy flew faster, and drew his blade. As Beastmaster took a swing at Lauren, Jimmy blocked it with his sword.

  "That's no way to treat a lady!" he yelled as he pushed Beastmaster back. Jimmy tried to fight back, but it seemed as if his skills matched his own, and he managed to pick Jimmy up and throw him like a rag doll across the street, right through the wall of the Darte Center. Lauren tried to flee, hoping distance might return her sight, but the demon minions grabbed her and held her down. Beastmaster approached her. Jimmy slowly got up from the ground, and looked over. Just as beastmaster was about to take a swing at Lauren, Jimmy flew once again full speed at him. Beastmaster turned and swung at Jimmy, sending him flying to the ground.

  "You fool!" he yelled. "You haven't the wisdom to defeat me! I know everything!"

  Chrissy knew this was the part of the dream where she would wake up, but she wasn't waking up. The dream had become reality, and the reality a nightmare. But then the voice in her head began filling her head with images‚and at once she looked at Jimmy.

  "Jimmy!" she yelled. "Fire your sword blast at my cage!"

  Jimmy instinctively did as she asked, and the beam left his blade heading right for Chrissy. Her eyes glowed as she reached out her hand. The Sword of Wisdom was pulled from its sheath and into her hand, and she deflected the shot at Beastmaster, knocking him down. Jimmy ran to the cage and helped her break the bars with their combined strength.

  "How did you‚" Jimmy asked.

  "I'll explain later," Chrissy replied, her laser lance once again buzzing to life. Instead of attacking Beastmaster, she sliced a couple of light poles, causing them to fall onto the Beastmaster and electrocute him. She quickly put away the lance, and as Beastmaster began to char to death, she leaped into the air, sword in hand, and drove it clean into his skull to the hilt. Sparks began to fly everywhere, and Chrissy let out a blood curdling scream. Jimmy grabbed Lauren and ran as fast as he could away. There was a huge explosion and a wave of energy flashed over the entire city, restoring the buildings, the structures, everything. When the smoke cleared, the hole in the parking lot was gone, and Chrissy was back in her normal form, lying on the ground. Lauren and Jimmy transformed back to normal and ran to her‚she was still breathing.

  "Are you alright?" Lauren asked. Chrissy coughed, and black smoke puffed out of her mouth.

  "Yeah," she choked out, still coughing. They activated their TDs and took her back to her house.

  Chrissy laid there on the couch, while Lauren and Jimmy sat and talked to her.

  "So what happened out there?" Jimmy asked. "The sword‚"

  "I'm not sure," Chrissy said. "I thought about the sword coming to my hand, and it did. I knew the Beastmaster could read our thoughts and react to the usual, so I had to come up with unusual ways of fighting him."

  "What about the sword," Lauren asked. "You know‚the sword through the skull‚lightning‚.thing?"

  "Part of me still doesn't understand it fully," Chrissy replied. "A feeling comes over me, and I use the energy to transfer the very thoughts of the enemy into my mind, almost absorbing his energy. The only way I could describe it is like the flipbook again. Bits and parts are still clear as day, while others flash by too quickly to understand. He did know alot. Now that wisdom can work for us."

  "I'm just glad you're alright," Jimmy replied.

  "Legandria foretold this," Chrissy said, pointing to the book, and the passage it was opened to.

  In the course of one life,

  Wisdom will be challenged,

  When dream and reality becomes one.

  A beast of knowledge will arise

  To challenge newfound wisdom,

  But shall lose by his lack of therein.

  The one with wisdom, the Dark Woman,

  Shall gain the power of knowledge

  To defeat what lies ahead...

  "As long as we have each other," Jimmy said, "we can defeat anything." He grabbed Lauren's hand, and Cat turned and smiled at him.

  * * *

  In an apartment across town, a woman sits in a chair in front of a computer screen. Her brownish-red hair hides part of her face, and she tried desperately at times to push it back to see the screen. On the screen was the website for Bane University, with a clear map of the entire campus. She instinctively reached with her left hand for something next to the computer‚.a round orb. It began to glow, and a dark mist flowed from it and into her. Her eyes glowed red, and a smirk pursed across her deep red lips‚as if evil had found its mark.

  Chapter 6 -The Red Incident

  * * *


  "The Red Incident"

  Lauren sat alone in her room reading a book. She was engrossed in the story so much that she didn't notice Jimmy walk in.

  "Hey," he said. Lauren jumped a bit, startled.

  "Hey," she replied. "What's up?"

  "I just wanted to let you know there's a storm coming in," Jimmy said. "Might wanna close the windows and get ready for it. Looks like it's gonna be a big one." Lauren nodded, looking out the window.

  "It's an eerie looking sky though," she said. "But it's probably just all in my head."

  "Don't worry about it," Jimmy replied with a smile. He went to leave, but paused half way through the door. He looked back at her. "Are you gonna be alright?"

  "Yeah," she said, looking at him lovingly. "You know where I am." Jimmy turned and left, closing the door behind him. Lauren walked over to the window, and after staring whimsically at the clouds, shook her head and closed the window. She then pulled closed the curtain and sat back down on
her bed to read.

  After a few moments, the wind seemed to pick up, as if the storm were knocking at her window. Then out of nowhere, the curtains were thrown back, and the window mysteriously opened. Through the window floated a woman. She wore a long deep red dress with a slit up the side, long flowing red hair, and deep hazel eyes. Her lips were blood red, and a sly little smirk crossed them as she looked at Lauren. Lauren reached down in front of her bed and withdrew her sword, slowly turning to face the woman.

  "Alright, Red. What are you doing here?" Lauren asked.

  "The usual," she replied, "conquer the world, make myself emperess, get rid of you, you know, the same old stuff."

  "I've stopped you before..." Lauren said.

  "You delayed me," she replied. "But you are only delaying the inevitable. Every time the Dragon Lady has attempted to take down the Queen of the Five Kingdoms, she has merely delayed destiny, but denying the people of my kingdom of their rightful ruler." She approached Lauren, but Lauren held her sword at the ready. "Come now, child. You surely don't fear me? I am like the world's mother‚caring for it, caressing it‚.like my own child. Surely you can appreciate that? Surely you wouldn't deprive the children of the world of their own mother?"

  "Your words have no meaning to me," Lauren replied through her teeth. "Your lies and your sick and twisted games started long ago will end now." Red's hands began to glow with energy, as a ball of light began to form. She threw it at Lauren, but she dodged it. Lauren rolled to her feet and raised her sword.

  "Power, be my strength!" The sword sparked and caught fire, and the reflection of the flames were in her eyes. They slowly swirled around her, covering her in the shining bronze armor of the Avatar of Power, transforming her into the Dragon Lady.

  "Let's take this outside," Lauren muttered to her as she swung her sword at her, the beam of energy hitting Red square in the chest, sending her flying out the window. Lauren followed her out, ready to attack. Lauren landed next to her and went to stab her on the ground, but Red kicked the sword away from her. Red punched her several times, her hands aglow with energy, the final blast sending Lauren flying backwards. Lauren rolled to her feet and quickly grabbed her sword.

  "Now we end this," said Lauren as she charged at Red. Red leaped into the air and landed on Lauren's back. Lauren spun wildly trying to get her off, but Red hung on with her long red fingernails. The energy was trying to pierce her armor. Lauren fell backwards, and Red rolled her over, forcing her to release Lauren. Both got to their feet. Lauren pulled her laser whip, but before she could move, Red pulled an orb from inside her dress, and reached her hand out, firing a huge jolt of energy at Lauren. Lauren was hurled back a hundred feet, tumbling end over end, coming to rest against the walls of the dorm building.

  "I have the Orb of Power!" Red boasted. "Nothing can stop me from taking my rightful place as Queen of the Five Kingdoms! Not even your puny sword can stop me now!"

  "Want to make a bet?" Lauren muttered. She stood up quickly. Red charged another blast and Lauren swung her sword. The blast was blocked slightly, but Lauren was still pushed backwards. Lauren rolled to her feet and continued to block the shots.

  "Dragon Lady, you can't win!" Red yelled, as she charged for another blast. But out of the sky cane Jimmy as the Hero, and crossing swords, successfully blocked most of the energy.

  "Who is that?" Jimmy asked her.

  "Look out!" Lauren yelled as Red fired again. They dodged the shot quickly. Jimmy tried to contact Chrissy, but his TD was shorted out. Jimmy turned to face Red and charged. Red fired at him, and he went to block it with his sword. The shot stopped him in his tracks, the energy flowing through him like static. Red held out her hand, absorbing the energy‚and her eyes changed from hazel to glowing blue, to glowing red, back to blue, then back to hazel. She grimaced at him.

  "I see," she said. "You are in love with her, aren't you? I could see it a mile away. You defend her well, but let's see how your virtue and valor stand up against my power!" She leaped into the air and took some shots, and Jimmy pulled Lauren out of the way. Jimmy took off into the air at her, and avoiding the next few blasts, managed to tackle her out of the air to the ground. She kicked him off her, and they sprung to their feet. She quickly reached down and ripped up the grass and pulled it from under Jimmy like a carpet, sending him to the ground. She slowly walked up to him.

  "You shouldn't love her, you know," she said. "She's very confused‚very dangerous." She picked Jimmy up holding him close and looking through his helm into his eyes. It was as if his torn emotions were paralyzing him‚making him unable to move. She then threw him across the parking lot where he skidded to a halt. Lauren went to charge at her again, but Red managed to turn and kick her in the face, sending her to the ground once again. She came in close to Lauren and held out her hand.

  "This will be the last time Power will stand in the way of my kingdom," she said. Just then, a silver streak came from the sky, and with lance blazing, hit Red from behind, knocking her away from Lauren. Chrissy charged her sword and leaped into the air, ready to drive her sword into Red's skull, but Red turned and caught her with a blast of energy, sending her flying to the ground. Chrissy rolled to her feet, and Red held out her hand. Energy fired from it as her eyes once again changed color, and the blue energy blast hit Chrissy in the forehead. Chrissy stumbled backwards for a moment, then in confusion, her own eyes began to glow. She slowly reached out and blocked the shot with her hand, as if fighting it with her own energy. The two pushed harder and harder as they reached the brink of their concentration.

  "Wisdom," Red muttered. "The strength‚the power‚.memories flooding‚.I won't let the memories stop me‚." Jimmy slowly got up, and with as much energy as he could muster, ran at Red and leaped on her back, covering her eyes. The bond broke, and Chrissy stumbled backwards, holding her head. Lauren ran to her. Red fought hard as she could, then finally ripped Jimmy off her back and threw him, landing next to Chrissy and Cat.

  "We have to hit her with a Triad blast," yelled Lauren. "It's the only way now!" The three crossed swords.

  "Wisdom, Power, Courage!" The blast left the swords strait at Red, but it instead hit the Orb of Power she held in front of her. The blast sent all of them flying backwards, and the orb to the ground. Red's eyes changed from glowing red to hazel, to brown, to hazel, to glowing red, then to brown again.

  "I am in control," she whispered to herself. "You hear me, witch? I am in control!" Her eyes glowed red and returned to hazel. "You are wrong. I will not stand for this insolence." She sprung to her feet. Lauren ran at her, but she leaped into the air out of the way. "You win this time, Power. But when I come back, I will be better prepared, and you won't be so lucky." She pushed back her long red hair, looked over at Jimmy, and with a sly wink and a smirk, she vanished in the blink of an eye. Lauren walked over to the orb on the ground. As she reached down to grab it, it began to glow.

  "I can feel its energy," she said as she picked it up. "This is the Orb of Power. I've heard stories of this."

  "Can you at least fill us in on who that was?" Jimmy asked.

  "Yes," Cat said. "Not out here though. Let's head back inside." They focused on their swords and transformed back to normal. They headed back inside the dorm.

  * * *

  Lauren sat down on her bed, and Chrissy and Jimmy looked on as Lauren began to tell them everything.

  "My grandmother gave me the Sword of Power when I was ten," she said. "She was the last Dragon Lady. She taught me how to fight, but more importantly, taught me about my arch nemesis. You see, each generation of my family had to deal with Red. It is said back in the days of Susira that she was once a great and noble queen that ruled what in those days was called the Five Kingdoms."

  "I remember Susira speaking of this," Jimmy replied.

  "Anyway," Cat continued," when the beast possessed the king and took over, a strange thing happened. The queen became corrupted, and her power became a menace. By the time this had happened,
Courage and Wisdom were 'lost in time', and Power was left to stop her. But they couldn't destroy her, not alone. So instead she was able to cast a containment spell to lock her away. The problem with this was, the spell was cast by someone not of the blood of a true spellcaster. It was weak, and needed to be refreshed every hundred years. This time, the oracle that locked away the evil is completely lost." Chrissy's eyes glowed.

  "She is not the same," Chrissy said. "There are two minds‚.two hearts‚.two souls intertwined. One controls the other." Her eyes stopped glowing. 'I don't know how I know this, but she is also merely a descendant of the Queen of the Five Kingdoms."


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