Lost Worlds

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Lost Worlds Page 20

by Luna Lais

  "Perhaps," Red said, with a hint of sarcasm. "I still sense something."

  "The portal?" Jimmy asked.

  "I'm not sure," Red replied. "There is so much energy here..." Suddenly, the rubble came to life, coming back together, bringing the monster back to life.

  "It's still alive!" Lauren yelled.

  "You need to get it to the river," Red said.

  "We need to short it out," Chrissy added. "The only way to take him out is with Ultimate Warrior." They crossed swords and focused, and Red held out the orb.

  By the Orb of Light

  May Wisdom, Power, and Courage unite

  Under the power of Triad!

  In a bright flash, their bodies and minds merged into one, and they became Ultimate Warrior. Red fell to her knees, as the orb's power drained her, the dress becoming the brown shirt and jeans, and her eyes changing back from hazel to brown. She breathed heavily as a faint voice echoed in her head.

  I'm still doing this your way...but remember, you can never escape the cold hand of Fate.

  Ultimate Warrior flew strait at the monster, charging their sword with Triad power. As they swung, the resulting wave of energy knocked the monster clear back to River Street. The monster tried to tackle them, but they latched on and lifted off into the air, diving into the river. The monster began to short circuit, and exploded underwater, sending them flying out of the water and onto the shore. The purple haze rose from the water and began to flee, but with their last bit of strength, Ultimate Warrior shot one blast of Triad power at it, and it dissipated into nothingness. As the power faded, the three fell apart and returned to normal, weakened and barely conscious. Karen approached them.

  "I can't escape the cold hand of Fate," she whispered softly, "but my love, you may just have the power to defeat it."

  * * *

  Jimmy lay fast asleep in his bed that night, as the visions once again took hold of him.

  * * *

  Jimmy opened his eyes in the field of his own mind. He stood up and looked at the grassy field stretching over the hills in the distance, but noticed the dark clouds rolling in. Jimmy suddenly felt a presence behind him. He slowly turned as the voice reached his ears.

  "Hello, Joseph," the voice said. Jimmy looked upon her, and kneeled, placing the sword with the tip to the ground in reverence.

  "Lady G’riel," he said. "Why do you come here? Why do you haunt my dreams? I understand the cycle, and I understand the Evil One must be stopped. But what is my destiny? You keep telling me that I am the beginning and the end. If I am both, then where is my destiny? Has it begun and ended already? Please, my lady, tell me who I am and where I belong."

  "I am merely a memory," she replied. "But I hope what I say unto you brings you enough peace to realize that the suffering you will endure will be worth it in the end. Life is an unending cycle, and therefore love is by its very definition. The human heart is but one half of the same whole. This is the weakness of the Hero...but also his greatest strength. When the two halves become whole, he will find the strength to conquer Death itself. I have seen it in my visions. It will come to pass."

  "I don't understand," Jimmy said.

  "You will in time," she replied. "You are the focal point. But you will be something so much more. You will spend a great while searching for the other half of the whole. And she will seek you out. For you are The One...you are the everything. In her courage, you will find your strength...and the true strength of the Avatar of Courage. Life will conquer Death when the two halves become whole again. Until then...have strength, and have faith in your friends. Your own heart may hang by a wire, but your love is everlasting...and that is the greatest gift you can ever give someone willing to receive it."

  Chapter 25 - Good Things

  * * *


  "Good Things"

  Jimmy woke up the next morning with a clear idea of what needed to be done. For the first time, he was more than sure of what needed to happen. He grabbed his things and prepared himself for what was to come. The last thing he grabbed was his repaired time band. He stared at it intently, thinking about all that had happened, and the battles he and the others had fought.

  "I started this," Jimmy said to himself. "Now it's time for me to take action and finish it." He ran out the door and headed for the steps. When he reached the bottom, he noticed that Ron did not meet him on the stairs. "That's odd," he thought. He continued out through the lobby, and noticed that indeed, the cafeteria wasn't hosting any kind of convention...it was completely closed and locked up. Jimmy kept walking out the door and through the campus. As he approached the clock tower, it too was devoid of life. Jimmy began to ponder as he continued on to class.

  "All the good things...these little things that tend to bring life to my day...I almost take them for granted," he said softly. "All the more reason I put this evil to rest before whatever it is takes everything and everyone I love from me. I can think of no greater sorrow...any greater suffrage than that."

  * * *

  During class, Jimmy noticed something odd. Half of the class was missing. The professor didn't seem to take notice, but kept right on teaching. Jimmy leaned over and whispered to Lauren.

  "Meet me after class," he whispered.

  "What for?" she asked.

  "A mission," he replied. She kept listening to the professor, but continued to have a confused look on her face. When class ended, they walked out together. As they rounded the corner, Jimmy started to talk.

  "I'm beginning to understand what it all means," he said. "The visions...the memories...remnants of lady G’riel are trying to warn me about the future. If I just stand by and let it happen, fate will come and destroy us all! We have to act."

  "How?" Lauren asked.

  "A pre-emptive strike," he replied. "We need to find a way into that realm and hit this 'Master' with everything we've got."

  "Are you crazy?" she asked

  "Yes," he replied. "Any more questions?"

  "How do you propose we do this?" she asked.

  "With this," he replied, showing her the time band. "I reconfigured it to the frequency of the portals. I can open one at will for a short time. We can go in, defeat this thing by catching him by surprise and get out. No more portals, no more monsters, no more attacks."

  "I'm not sure that's such a great idea," she said.

  "It's better than waiting for my own destiny to wipe us all off the face of the earth," he replied. "I have to act or we'll lose everything." He sighed. "Meet us at the dorm later. Come ready for battle." She nodded, and they walked away.

  * * *

  Karen suddenly woke from her bed and sat up. She walked over to her dresser and stared intently into the mirror...as if something were drawing her in, commanding her to do so. Her right hand clasped tightly around the Red Orb, and her head lowered for a moment. When her gaze went back to the mirror, she saw the reflection of herself, with hazel eyes.

  "The Master's plan is unraveling," she said. "You know the Hero's fate cannot be changed!" Karen blinked, her eyes changing brown.

  "You know as well as I do that he is the key to unleashing the power of the elementals," she said. "Just as the book says, our destinies are intertwined!" She blinked again, and her eyes turned hazel.

  "G’riel and her precious Avatars," she laughed. "What makes you think that we...that you are 'The One'? The power of this orb is the only remnant left of that sorceress' legacy. The power of this 'boy' pales in comparison to the master. I can feel his energy...when they draw on the orb's power. He will indeed outlive you...but he will always remain nothing more than a mere child in his own mind!" She blinked again, her eyes turning brown.

  "He has the power to shape fate," she said. "You cannot feel it now, but I feel it every time I touch him. Do you suddenly fear the destruction of the Master? Have you changed your mind about taking back the Five Kingdoms?" She held her head as she slumped over the dresser in pain. When she lifted her head, her eyes turned hazel
once again, they focused, pain stopped, and a grin formed on her face.

  "I have been focused since the day he sent me here," she said laughing. "If you believe this boy has the power to change what will happen, then I will sit back and watch. The only reason I will allow it is to watch the Avatars do my bidding." She paused for a moment. "Is this G’riel's legacy?" She laughed maniacally. "The powers of ultimate good being orchestrated by a criminal! Too fantastic! I will allow this only because it amuses me so much! You humans and your romantic ideals of love and honor...I fail to believe that the very power that fuels my own rage could be so connected to 'love'. G’riel's own power is the science of a whim of illogical emotion!" Her demeanor changed as her eyes turned brown and teared up as she stared at her own reflection.

  "If I am not 'The One'," she said through her tears, "then I will make myself 'The One'. You can have your precious kingdom. All I want is him."

  * * *

  Later that day, Jimmy sat at his computer, as the Hero, his helm set aside on his desk. He patiently awaited Chrissy and Lauren as he continued to tinker with the time band. Then, just as planned, Chrissy and Lauren appeared as Dark Woman and Dragon Lady. They removed their helms.

  "So," Lauren said, "What is the plan?'

  "You didn't think we could just rush in there, did you?" Chrissy asked. "I don't think that even with control over the portals we could enter the realm unnoticed."

  "What should we expect?" Jimmy asked Chrissy

  "Time moves differently there," she replied. "Our perception while there is the same. Power is unimaginable...and the laws that we know don't necessarily apply there. I can only say to go there is doing nothing but giving the enemy the home field advantage."

  "I said it to Lauren, and I'll say it to you," Jimmy said. "The only way to stop the fate G’riel predicted to me is to not sit back and let it happen. And it's not just about my own suffering, but the end of the world. I started this 'cycle'. I have to preserve it."

  "Then we're with you," Chrissy said, placing a hand on Lauren's shoulder. "I know you...if you think we have a chance to do this and make it out alive, I believe you."

  "I don't," Lauren said, "but I'm gonna do it anyway." Karen appeared as the Red Witch behind them.

  "I will come as well," she said, stepping around Chrissy and approaching Jimmy. "I can use my shield to hide you from his forces for a brief time. Perhaps this will give you an advantage."

  "I can't risk something happening to you," Jimmy said.

  "But you can risk us?" Lauren tried to interrupt.

  "We're always at risk," Red replied. "But this is how it must be." She looked into Jimmy's eyes, her own hazel eyes sporting a prominent brown spec in the iris. "I believe, with all my heart, my love, that you can change fate." Jimmy paused for a moment, then nodded to her.

  "Let's not waste any more time," Jimmy said, tinkering with the time band again. At once, a portal opened before them. The three replaced their helms, and the energy of the Avatars sealed them. One by one they leaped through the portal into the unknown.

  * * *

  One by one, they each leaped from the purple haze and into the other realm. As Red came through the portal, it mysteriously closed. Red raised her hands, and an energy field surrounded them all.

  "Was that supposed to happen?" Lauren asked nervously.

  "Yes," Jimmy replied. "I think." They began to move through the wasteland towards a structure in the near distance. A purple haze filled the air, the ground was dark and devoid of life, and destroyed ancient statues lay scattered across the landscape, a post-apocalyptic world.

  "We must hurry," Red said, straining a bit. "I will hold the field up as long as I can." They moved faster, but as they approached the structure, the field collapsed. Hundreds of cybernetic warriors appeared in front of them, and the Triad pulled their swords. Red, too, pulled a sword from thin air and swung it in front of her.

  "So much for the element of surprise," Lauren said just before charging into the frey. The others followed her, fighting and hacking down the warriors. Jimmy charged his sword and sliced through one, then kicking another down with a round kick. Chrissy’s laser lance buzzed to life as she swung around and cut several in half, pushing her lance through one more. Red held out her hand, levitating one of them, and electrified it, then sent it flying into a crowd of more of them, knocking them down. In the short distance, a figure appeared.

  "Triad!" he shouted. "Did you honestly think you could defeat the Master in his own realm?" Jimmy took a random shot at him. The beam hit him in the forearm. He pulled back and fired it back at them. All four flew backwards through another portal, and landed just outside the dorm. He followed them through the portal. They got back to their feet.

  "Morak!" Red yelled, wiping a trickle of blood from her lip. "Still living as the Master's 'yes man'?"

  "Silence, witch!" he yelled. "The Master's plan doesn't include you, and when he comes, he will begin the destruction of this realm with you and these puny Avatars!" Red reached out to him and closed her eyes.

  "He has surpassed his insanity," she shouted. "Giving you that much of his power...I almost envy you, except for the fact you are just a loyal lackey."

  "I said silence!" he screamed as he fired an energy blast that pummeled Red backwards into the wall of the dorm. Jimmy, Chrissy and Cat all ran at him from separate directions, but in quick succession, he was able to fire energy bolts at them, sending them backwards to the ground.

  "This is impossible," Chrissy said. "I'm feeling the blast through my armor."

  "Me too," Lauren said. "The protection is failing! He's too powerful!"

  "Not for me," Jimmy said. He charged at him, and the energy hit him. It knocked Jimmy backwards, but he kept running. And he felt every blow.

  "Stop, Jimmy!" Lauren yelled. "The force will kill you!"

  "I am the One!" Jimmy yelled. "I am forever! Try to destroy me, and you will fail! I cannot die!" Red focused on the Orb.

  "You understand," a voice in Jimmy's head spoke. "Unleash destiny, Hel Flame!"

  Beams of energy hit them as the Orb's power drained from Red into them, and Karen emerged, returned to normal.

  By the Orb of Light

  May Wisdom, Power, and Courage unite

  Under the power of Triad!

  Lauren's armor burst into flames. It turned bright red as the energy took hold. Her sword split in two, one engulfed in flame, the other extreme cold. The heart of the Immortal Dragon beat within her, and she became the Dragon Warrior.

  Chrissy's armor changed from the silvery color to an onyx, her perception deepened beyond the limits of reason. Her eyes were opened to infinite knowledge as the energy took hold, transforming her into the Dark Warrior.

  Jimmy's armor exploded with golden light. A song he wrote as a child with a hopeful vision in his mind began to ring through his thoughts, strengthening the love in his heart. His courage grew a hundred fold, and the energy emitting from him caused the grass and flowers to grow around him, and the damage from the battle to repair itself...the very power of Life filling him, transforming him into the Ultimate Warrior.

  Jimmy moved forward at the speed of light and clanked swords with Morak. They fought far more rapidly than the eye can see. Lauren joined in, and Chrissy soon after. Morak was indeed skilled, and was able to deflect the blows. He kicked Chrissy back, and hit Lauren with an electrical charge. He locked down Jimmy's sword.

  "Don't be fooled by G’riel's babblings!" Morak told him. "Your own death will break the cycle, and in the end, when Armageddon is upon us, even the immortals shall know Death! All good things shall come to an end!" Jimmy backhanded Morak, sending him flying backwards. Lauren charged her Fire Brand and swung, releasing a wave of flame that hit and severely injured Morak.

  "I can see into your soul," Chrissy yelled, outstretching her hand. Electricity flowed between them. "Open your mind...the corruption of the Ultimate Power is incomplete. Your master's plan to create a break in the cycle is
a futile one. You believe it. I can feel it within you. Release the mortal shell he has given you, or I will tear it from you!" Morak's body violently fell to the ground, and a purple essence flew for the portal. "Lauren!" Lauren charged the Ice Brand, and fired, freezing the essence. She leaped in the air and drove the Fire Brand into the heart of it, shattering it into nothingness.

  "The...portal..." Karen eeked out. Jimmy aimed his sword, and a Triad blast shook the entire city as the wave hit the portal, which then exploded and dissipated. Jimmy turned to walk to the others, grass growing where he walked. This stopped though as the power left them all, and they returned to normal. The essence fueling the power returned to the Red Orb, and a voice echoed in Karen's head.


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