Antoni thought for a while.
“I agree. But we must have a mutual extradition agreement on this. It is better that we have the right to deal with our own in ways that our respective peoples will understand. And by the way, initially they won’t be persecuted for being followers of Y’shua – that would be too blatant. They must be charged, at least initially, with things like sedition, treason, terrorism, fifth column activities and such like. This will enable us to keep an image of tolerance and of being hard on those who would cause harm.”
“You think of everything my friend.” Chou Yi smiled.
The two left the subject and went their own ways.
Chapter 17
The real world
Eli was closely observing the machinations of Lucas’ influence on Antoni and Chou Yi. His heart ached for the many friends he had among the v-people – even those that had preoccupations with the enticements of the v-world yet still believed in Y’shua. But those who were tepid and lukewarm were the most distasteful to him. He loved all passionately but, like any human relationship, the degree of response determined the depth of intimacy.
Those that were truly devoted to Y’shua were a minority of the total v-person population, but as far as Eli was concerned, this made it all worthwhile and countered the sadness he felt for the majority who just wanted to go their own way, live life on their own terms, choose not to know the truth and not to have concerns about their final destiny. Eli knew that some were aware of an existence beyond the life they experienced in the v-world and that somehow they would continue to exist in another world of different dimensions.
Those who ignored Eli and sought only their own selfish ways would have to be separated from Eli’s world. But since they would continue to exist, they would have to have a separate existence with Lucas, because Eli had determined that when his own purposes were complete Lucas would have to be incarcerated and his followers with him – whether v-people or Lucas’ colleagues in the real world. At present Lucas truly believed that he was going to win and rule in Eli’s stead. He initially had some nagging doubts but the intoxication of his arrogance cemented deception firmly in place.
“You seem lost in thought Eli,” chipped Anna as she came through the door. “And I don’t like the way the scenarios in the v-world are unfolding. Are you sure you know what you are doing? Lucas is getting his puppets, Chou Yi and Antoni, to attain complete domination and to finally eliminate all v-people who have any knowledge of, or allegiance to, you. It looks as if your friends in the v-world will undergo much suffering and premature death. I know you have explained before, but I still can’t take it all in.”
“Ah! Anna! The one who had done all the practical mathematics that made this project work. The one who has so much knowledge and insight still cannot see the beginning from the end,” he teased.
“Look,” he went on, “within your own equations you will see what I see. Our position relative to the v-world is of another dimension which means that we can transcend their sense of time and its direction. The speed at which we run the project is not discerned by the v-people themselves, but from our perspective we can see their beginning and their end before they experience it. I want you to look again at the relational mathematics you have been using, but, this time, see how it is that we are living outside the v-world time domain.”
“That’s a difficult assignment Eli. Conceptually I cannot quite see it.”
“Don’t worry if you can’t ‘see it’ at present. Just study the equations themselves and you will recognise that our reality and theirs are different, even though they run in parallel in so many other ways. Let me know your insights once you have done the research.”
Anna looked puzzled but went on her way.
Meanwhile Lucas was boasting to Ramgee about his success so far.
“Eli thinks he knows it all, and he thinks that the mathematics of this project will work in his favour in the end. But I believe I understand the workings of this project better than he does and I know him better than anyone. He has so many scruples that he will not violate. Because of that we will gain the upper hand.”
“So what do you think his ultimate aim is in all this?” Ramgee enquired. “If we do not know his ultimate purpose we may be out manoeuvred.”
“I’ve said it before. He wants v-people of similar character to himself. He will then cause them to become like us by using the self adjusting codes embodied in the v-people. So even if he gets a few we will still out number him and take over the whole project for our own benefit. We can do what he is doing but our plan is to have v-people who are completely submitted to us for our own enjoyment and pleasures. Some of our team have already played around sexually with the v-people – but that was mainly before the v-world flood that Eli sent. That is the difference between us. He wants people like himself; we want people for ourselves.”
“So we cannot let him get too many in his camp I guess.”
“No! I hate Eli and as soon as he has no more believers in Y’shua in the v-world, we would have won. The v-world will be completely under our control – and with it, Eli!”
Lucas went on, “You know my plans Ramgee, and I want you to be very careful and thorough in how you manipulate Chou Yi. I want Antoni, who I will personally deal with, to be the total ruler of the whole of the v-world, and I want Aaron to be totally in charge of all the forms of the Nimrah religion that will hold these people in bondage. Let us not delay any more.”
Anna returned about three weeks later to Eli.
“I have it, I have it!” she said beaming all over.
“Well tell me! What you’ve discovered that is on a par with Archimedes’ discovery of mass and density?”
“I see what you have done. In the virtual world we have created, the only really free choice that the v-people have is that of what, or rather who, they believe. This is an on-going and underpinning activity that permeates everything they do and all the tangible choices they make. But why do they make the belief choices they do?”
“You’re telling me, Anna.”
“We cannot predict the individual choices that v-people will make as to what they will believe. They have many things presented to their minds, but will choose to believe that the ‘Unknown One’, as you are sometimes termed in their world, does exist and has a moral order on everything – in spite of what Antoni and Chou may do. Or they choose to believe that somehow they can go their own way independently of you, even when circumstances are pressuring them otherwise. And I have observed that they are not usually aware of what they are deciding or doing.”
“You’re doing well. Keep going.”
“Now the question is; since these v-people can freely choose what they believe, and from those choices flow consequences that affect circumstances in the v-world, how can we know the beginning from the end? I perceive that you know. I had to see it for myself how this is possible, but I can only describe it by reference to quantum physics.”
“Go on.”
“When a beam of light is shone through a diffraction grating, the beam splits and creates light and dark bands on a screen. Now if the light level is so low that individual packets of light energy photons or quanta are passing through the grating, we cannot tell where that individual quantum will go, but we can tell statistically what will happen. What you have done is given individual freedom to the v-people but statistically the predetermined trends and outcomes will occur and will achieve your purposes. The only indeterminate dimension to this is the length of v-world time it takes to work itself out.”
“You have just about got it Anna. From our perspective we can see and know from the equations all the potential v-world scenarios before they happen, and furthermore I have inserted factors that will make certain and specific events to occur anyway. But that is enough for now. Do not be worried about Lucas. I know he gives the appearance of having the upper hand in this project, and he certainly has full control of the v-world people
and environment within the parameters allowed in the initial set up. Let’s proceed to see the outworking.”
The virtual world
Antoni felt pleased with himself and had a sense of his destiny starting to be fulfilled. (Although the concept of destiny, with its implication of a higher reference, seemed at odds with the way he thought of himself.) Yes, he would rule all the nations, and while Chou Yi may be a difficult contender to deal with, fate would be on his side. He almost felt sorry for Chou. He had so many ruthless characteristics like himself that he may miss the adrenaline rush that came from pitting wit against wit and lie against lie.
Chou Yi for his part had similar feelings. His empire had a greater population, his citizens were more disciplined and cooperative than Antoni’s, and he had fewer followers of Y’shua to undermine the affections of his people.
So in accordance with their agreement, Antoni started to find fault with Israel. He started slowly by commenting on a ‘disagreement of perspective’, then creating some trade scams that implicated Israel. He also instructed Aaron to start explaining that the belief in Y’shua was undermining the Nimrah religion from delivering its full potential to the populace. So step-by-step Israel, and the believers in Y’shua, came to be despised. Now a pretext for invasion had to be found and for that purpose Antoni called in Aaron and his chief military and intelligence officers.
“I have called you here so that we can invade Israel, destroy the followers of Y’shua, and eliminate all reference to either El or the “Unknown One”. We need Israel’s wealth and we need to get the expertise she has. We do not want our populations to have any sympathy for Israel but rather we must engender such hatred that we can do any inhumane thing we like, and have the full support of our people!”
Antoni could be brutally blunt when the occasion needed it, and now was such a time. His top staff knew without doubt that his threats would be carried out – and on them if they did not perform! It was summer in Brussels but the participants were feeling decidedly cold. It was best to begin to carry out these orders and well! The fear of Antoni had a unifying effect on his team for each knew that without the help of the others their own performance could be questioned. So for that reason personal pride and ambitions were held in check. Opportunities would come later.
Antoni went on, “Chou Yi has promised to co-operate with us and will allow Israeli refugees into his realm for the purpose of us both getting their expertise. Do not hinder him – at least in the meantime.”
“How much is Israel aware of what we are doing?” someone asked.
“That Jeremy Hilkiah will know what we are up to. He warned the Israeli government previously and seems to know many things before we do. He is a very close follower of Y’shua and often has information revealed to him by someone he calls Hagos Neuma. We have never been able to find this person so it could be an outside ‘influence’ that is helping him. Whatever it is Jeremy seems to know the truth and recognises any lies we might try to put out. He is the most dangerous of our enemies and must be eliminated as quickly as possible. He is probably aware that we are having this conversation now.”
“If he is that good how are we going to get him?”
“He is still human as we are, and if we are determined we will get through the protection around him. I suggest that we invite him to meet with us, ostensibly to discuss our emerging differences and to seek his help as someone with much wisdom and insight.”
“Right I’ll arrange a meeting,” piped up Victor Cabero, Antoni’s Chargé d’Affaires and, incidentally in charge of Antoni’s inner intelligence operations. “But I want you, Pierre, as head of covert military operations to ensure that a suitable means of despatching this Jeremy is in place.”
“Ah that’s what I like to see in my staff,” beamed Antoni. “You know what to do – now do it.”
Jeremy was feeling very uneasy. “What is it Y’shua?” he asked silently, “What am I picking up? I feel such oppression – as if enemies are surrounding me.”
He felt the reassuring presence of Y’shua.
“Antoni is plotting against Israel and plans to invade, and he is seeking your own life too.”
“But Y’shua what do you require?”
“Your time is not yet. You will not be killed or taken captive unless it is my will. This is not the time but a time will come soon when they will succeed. This will be for my purposes and your death will bring many in Israel to turn back to me in trust. Do not be afraid for you are greatly loved by me.”
“But what shall I tell Judah? How shall Israel prepare?”
“Tell Judah that his nation has turned from me in the most dangerous of times and my protection has been removed. Antoni will succeed in his plans. Tell him that Israel must experience what is to come and he is to tell his people this. If the nation humbles itself; if they turn from their growing arrogance and hardness toward each other; if they turn from their selfish and self-indulgent living; and if they turn whole-heartedly back to me, I will relent and give them victory.”
“What are the plans being formed against us, and how may we best prepare?”
“It will seem strange to your ears. If Israel submits to Antoni, and allows him to have his way in the land, and if your people do not speak of me, Y’shua, in public, but seek me earnestly, then I will restore their fortunes. Many will be taken captive, and the skills of Israel will become the common property of the nations. Accept the fate that has been decreed and you will prosper and be returned to your former status – but only in the next generation. I will tell you no more but I am with you and will guide you.”
Jeremy was bereft of feeling. Whenever Y’shua spoke to him the sense of truth and reality of what was said was so strong that it was as if he was experiencing it directly.
This is a lonely life he thought to himself, I may know these things but who else is interested?
It was about three days later that he managed to see Judah ben David to tell him what had been revealed. Judah understood the implications but was at a loss to know what to do.
“Events are in train and we cannot stop them. There is no way I can convince the nation to repent and I am even loosing support in the Knesset. Whatever personal views I hold as Prime Minister it will be very difficult to get them accepted,” he said.
“You must explain to the Knesset and the people of this nation what is coming. If they respond and start changing their ways Y’shua may relent. We are like teenage children. We can be told if our behaviour is unacceptable, and that there will consequences if we don’t change, but we are free to choose. Like my own children they will only learn that the consequences are real if they are carried out – which a loving parent will indeed do. The trouble with a nation is that the scale of the issues is so much larger and the time spans between cause and effect, or behaviour and consequence, is also so much greater. But it must be explained.”
Judah called a special sitting of the Knesset.
“Antoni is seeking to invade Israel and destroy us as a nation. His side-kick, Aaron, is determined that no one will be able to live and honour El or Y’shua. What is more, Jeremy Hilkah, whom you all know, has been shown by Y’shua that this will be inevitable. We have, as a nation, in such a short time turned from doing what is right. Now, this is showing in our social statistics. Crime is up, violence has increased and marriages are failing at unprecedented rates. Our welfare budgets are inadequate and mental illnesses are straining our ability to cope. Yet at present we are a rich nation, trade is good and our scientific skills are the best there are. Because we have known the right way, the consequences for the nation going its own way independent of Y’shua will come swiftly. Antoni is provoking us and is looking for a pretext to invade and we cannot stop him.”
“Stop this drivel Judah,” shouted one of the members. “We have never been better off. Our gross national product is higher than it’s ever been. We have good trade relations with many countries. We have allowed the Nimrah religion to flouri
sh and its benefits are here. No more of this talk of defeat and invasion!”
“I agree,” yelled another. “Sure there has been more tension between our citizens and those of the surrounding nations and there has been some strain and diplomatic incidents. But we have overcome these, and will overcome anything else that comes. We will not change our course – we have too much to lose.”
The hubbub in the chamber increased. Those that were faithful to Y’shua were drowned out. The government had made its decision. It would seek to continue to work with and appease Antoni.
Antoni was delighted when he heard the outcome of the Israeli Knesset’s attitude. He called for his Chief of Staff, Ivan Kirchov, and Pierre Larrouse, Head of Covert Military Operations.
“This is what I want to happen,” Antoni began. “You, Pierre, are to stage a ‘terrorist’ attack on the EEMEC headquarters in Brussels. Ensure that a few top people, whose names I will give you later, are there and will be killed. Give the impression that I was to be there also and narrowly missed the disaster because of a last minute delay to my schedule. The incident is to be dramatic, use a passenger plane with explosives in the hold.”
“Then what Antoni?”
“As soon as this happens you are to send an investigation team who will come up with the conclusion that this was the work of the followers of Y’shua. Remember that one of their beliefs is that they do not belong to this world and its rulers. Use that! Your investigators are to conclude that the perpetrators have escaped to Israel and show suitable ‘evidence’ of this. This will provide the pretext needed to invade Israel – to search for these terrorists. That is where you come in Ivan. I want you to prepare even now for the invasion.”
“What if the Israeli Government opposes our presence and state that they will hunt for the terrorists themselves?”
Virtually Real Page 11