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Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  At last, Vane joined Moss on the bed. His lips met Moss’s, but the kiss was short, more like a brush of mouths, reassuring rather than passionate. Still, it fueled the flame inside Moss even further, offering just a slight taste of Vane. He wanted more, to really taste Vane’s unleashed passion, to feel it like he did when Vane bit him.

  Vane had told him during their first meeting that with bloodkin, sex and feeding often came entwined. Would Vane take his blood now? The thought had intimidated in the beginning, but Moss wanted it now.

  Vane’s tongue traveled from Moss’s mouth to his neck. He licked a particularly sensitive spot, the same spot he’d once used to feed. When a slight scrape of fangs scratched his skin, Moss moaned and arched against his master. “Please…”

  “Be patient, my beauty. All in due time.”

  Lower and lower Vane went, lingering over Moss’s nipples for an inordinate amount of time. The tiny nubs peaked and responded at Vane’s touch, and shocks of pleasures swept through him straight into his cock. The hint of fang provided a delicious hint of pain, and Vane’s tongue soothed the slight ache with sensuous motions.

  The slow, seductive sensations worked like drug, and soon, Vane had Moss straining against the bonds. He wanted more, so much more.

  Vane gave him exactly that. He lowered his mouth over Moss’s dick, and Moss cried out, the feeling of being engulfed in the wet cavern too much for him to bear. The overwhelming urge to touch Vane swelled inside him, and he pulled on the silk cravat. The material yielded, and Moss lowered his hands into Vane’s hair.

  Almost instantly, Vane looked up, his expression dark and foreboding. Moss didn’t even have time to figure out what to do next, because his master flipped him on his stomach and tied him up again. Moss couldn’t even tell what Vane had used. The item didn’t seem to have any real consistency. “You’re so disobedient, my beauty. Not to worry. I’ll teach you your place.”

  A harsh slap fell on Moss’s exposed ass, and Moss gasped in pain. The burn sent a peculiar, unfamiliar pleasure through him and pooled straight into his throbbing cock. Another slap fell, this time on the other ass cheek, even harder than the first. At first, Moss took it and wanted more. But when the third slap fell, his enthusiasm started to dwindle. The pain began to overwhelm the pleasure this time, and tears welled in Moss’s eyes.

  A few more hits made him whimper in actual pain. And yet, his cock was still hard as nails, his arousal as powerful as ever, or perhaps even more so than before. How could this be?

  The slaps stopped, much to Moss’s relief and, shockingly, his dismay. Vane’s tongue licked his ass cheeks, soothing the burn. It felt so good Moss couldn’t help but thrust his ass up in a wordless demand for more. He didn’t make the rules here, but he could only hope his master would give him what he craved.

  To his shock, Vane parted his cheeks and licked his crease. Forbidden pleasure exploded through Moss, and this time, he really did moan. “Oh, please, Vane…Master!”

  Vane didn’t answer. He just took his time licking in Moss’s most intimate spot, driving him crazy with lust. Just when Moss thought he wouldn’t be able to take it anymore, Vane thrust his tongue into his anus.

  Just like that, Moss came all over Vane’s immaculate sheets. With his hands immobilized, he couldn’t even support himself. He’d have collapsed if not for Vane’s arm around his waist.

  Behind him, Vane shifted position, although Moss couldn’t have said what his lover was doing. Vane leaned over him, strong hand still holding Moss tight. With their bodies flush together, Vane whispered in Moss’s ear, “Do you want me to fuck you, my beauty?”

  Vane’s cock nudged at Moss’s hole, and the thought of being so intimately connected to Vane made Moss harden once more. “Yes! Vane…Please, yes!”

  Vane didn’t wait to be told twice and thrust inside Moss. Vane’s big dick spread him open, splitting him into two. Vane’s tongue had provided the only preparation, and the spanking from before didn’t help. It hurt, it hurt so badly, and yet so beautifully. When Vane’s cock hit something inside Moss, Moss cried out, the sensations swamping his body. Pain and pleasure tore through him, casting away everything he’d ever thought was real.

  As Vane began to move in and out of him, Moss forgot everything outside this bed. He curled his fingers around the headboard, nails scraping uselessly against the wood. Vane fucked him hard, relentless in his passion, and Moss took it all. With every thrust, he was propelled into a new world, a place where he didn’t have to be the big brother, the responsible son, or respectable young gentleman. He could just be free, relinquish everything into Vane’s irrefutable hold, and surrender his will with no fear.

  It went on and on, the orgasm so close, and yet so far away. Moss thought he’d surely lose his mind with the onslaught of sensation. And then, Vane embedded his fangs in Moss’s throat, and the ecstasy of feeding flooded Moss’s every pore. Moss heard a voice whisper in his head. “Come for me.”

  Moss exploded, screaming Vane’s name. He rode his orgasm like a wave, pleasure blending with pain and his bliss echoing Vane’s. For the longest time, he just lay there, exhausted and boneless. He felt his hands being released, and he curled his body, wanting to feel Vane’s warmth once more. For some reason, the sheets were cold.

  When he opened his eyes, he realized the same thing had happened as the other time. He’d dreamed the whole thing. Sighing, he cleaned up and went to bed, wondering why he still felt the pressure of invisible bindings biting into his wrists.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Moss woke up still confused and frustrated from his dream. He had no idea what to make of it, especially since it contained a flashback of the horrible episode with his friend. What could have caused it?

  By rights, he shouldn’t have been aroused by being tied up and fucked into the wall by a man—and a bloodkin, at that. His body didn’t seem to care. Even now, Moss’s shaft throbbed, aching for release. Moss groaned, willing it to go away and knowing he had little chances of prevailing over his suddenly lustful body.

  He reached for his cock under the covers and massaged it slowly, rubbing his thumb across the leaking tip. The motion didn’t satisfy him, as he imagined a rougher caress, a more violent, raw passion. In his mind, he relived the dream and sped up the strokes of his hand. His wrists ached once more, as if he were bound and at Vane’s mercy.

  It didn’t take long for him to come. Vane’s scent and taste seemed to surround him, and he found his peak, crying out Vane’s name. As he came down from the high of the orgasm, though, the disappointment and loneliness returned with a vengeance. Shaking himself, Moss got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He had a job to do, and he couldn’t linger in his bed forever and dream about his boss.

  A different thought flashed through him as he scanned through the bathing room. He’d left the cleaning cloth somewhere around here, too exhausted and spent to figure out a better place to put it. He needed to get rid of the evidence of his spent passion. He’d die of shame if Pena or the others saw it.

  Growing up, he’d experienced wet dreams many times, but he’d known the people in his family’s household for years before they’d been laid off. Having strangers wash sheets he’d dirtied with semen wasn’t his idea of a good first impression.

  Moss cleaned up and considered his dilemma. He didn’t have much time since more work awaited on the desk, and Pena or Benson would show up with breakfast soon. Confirming his guess, a knock sounded at the door, drawing him out of his musings. Moss wiped himself dry and put on a robe. When he was decent, he called out. “Yes?”

  As it turned out, he’d been half-right. Benson did, indeed, come in, and bowed shortly. “Good morning, Mister Hayden.”

  Moss shook his head and laughed. “Good morning, Benson. Please, call me Moss.”

  An almost invisible smile graced the butler’s lips. “Very well…Moss. His Lordship summons you for breakfast.”

  Moss’s heart began to beat faster. “He takes
his breakfast at this hour?”

  “Very rarely,” Benson replied, “but I believe he has a short routine break today.”

  The thought Vane might’ve made an exception, just for him, nearly melted Moss right then and there. He tried to preserve his composure, but judging by Benson’s twinkling eyes, he didn’t do a very good job. In the end, Moss gave up on attempting to hide his enthusiasm. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll be right there.”

  “I take my leave then,” Benson answered.

  Benson did exactly that, and as soon as the butler was out the door, Moss rushed to his closet. Benson had, indeed, put all of Moss’s belongings in their proper place, but he’d also provided an additional wardrobe, a fact for which Moss felt very thankful.

  He chose an outfit and hastily dressed. It took far longer than he’d have liked since he couldn’t quite get his cravat to be impeccably tied, nor could he arrange his hair to perfection. He found himself forced to forgo these details and headed out.

  Just as he closed the door behind him, Moss remembered about the still-dirty cloth in the bathroom. He briefly hesitated before deciding it wouldn’t do to make Vane wait any longer. With luck, Pena wouldn’t arrive to change the sheets until they finished breakfast.

  * * * *

  Breakfast was the exact opposite dinner had been. They talked about nothing in particular, and Moss allowed himself to just listen to the sound of Vane’s voice and enjoy a moment of calm. When they finished eating, Moss fully expected Vane to leave after it, but instead, the bloodkin said, “Let me show around a bit. It occurred to me you’ve put so much work into acquainting yourself with my issues, and the least I could do is help out.”

  Moss couldn’t agree with such a generous assessment of his performance, more so if they took into account the astronomical pay he received for his services. Even so, Moss didn’t intend to complain. He looked forward to any time spent in Vane’s company. Vane led him out, and Moss noted the carriage already waited for them.

  “Could we maybe walk today?” he dared to ask. He ached to unveil the mysteries that hid behind those dark eyes and find out why he felt so drawn to Vane, so he wanted to draw out the experience as much as possible.

  “Certainly,” Vane replied after looking at the sky.

  It was cloudy outside, Moss noted. He recalled the way the bloodkin in Elmya chose to go out mostly at night. “Does the sun hurt you?” he inquired, concerned.

  “It doesn’t hurt me, per se,” Vane answered, “but it does weaken me. I fed last night, so I’ll be just fine.”

  Vane gave Moss a heated look that held so much sensual promise it almost made him lose it right then and there. He averted his gaze, lest he give himself away. Vane made no further comment on that line and instead said, “Come on. Let’s go.”

  Walking toward the city briefly reminded Moss of his own trip from his harbor hovel to the mansion, the night of the interview. During daylight, everything seemed so different, no longer scary and intimidating. Or perhaps Vane’s presence by his side made him feel so safe.

  They left the mansion grounds and headed out into Clavar. People avoided them, but didn’t look in any way startled out of their daily business, so Moss surmised Vane must be shielding them with a glamour, just like he’d done before. He admitted he understood why Vane did so. They couldn’t possibly have a stroll in downtown Clavar without being gaped at or interrupted.

  As they advanced through the city, Vane showed Moss the most important sights, things Moss had always wanted to see but didn’t have time to find. Since he’d come to Clavar, his only foray into the rich sector of the city was his interview at Vane’s. He’d spent most of his time in the harbor district among grimy sailors, barrels of rum, and sacks of provisions. Taking in the complex realities of Clavar, from both perspectives, made him acknowledge the balance of poor and rich, fortunate and unlucky.

  “I’ve lived and worked here for a few decades now,” Vane said as they walked. “You could say I know the city as the palm of my hand.”

  Moss waited for Vane to add more information about his workplace, but the bloodkin never did. Instead, he stopped and nodded toward a lavish building. “Ah…here is the main Courtesans’ Guild.”

  Moss recalled the people he’d met in Vane’s waiting room. “In such a central area?”

  Vane smiled. “You’d be surprised as to how important courtesans can be, especially for bloodkin. I take it you did not have something like this in Elmya.”

  When Moss shook his head, Vane continued, “In a sense, the Guild represents an idea of balance, or rather order. For us, they should provide willing donors, people who do not have to be seduced to give their blood. Of course, we’re not the only ones who make use of their services. In time, they’ve become quite influential.”

  They’d been arrogant for a reason, then. Moss would have to remember to avoid them. A flash of their dismissive words and glances passed through Moss, and he wondered if he could even compare to their skills. His contract with Vane even excluded sexual contact. How could he possibly please Vane in these circumstances?

  Vane’s voice drew him out of his musings. “Moss?” Moss gave his employer a startled look. “Everything all right?” When Moss just stared at him, Vane frowned and continued, “You’ve been quiet. You haven’t heard a thing I’ve said in the past few minutes, have you?”

  Moss’s face heated, but he couldn’t find it in himself to lie. “I’m just a bit distracted, I suppose. This is all so new.”

  “I know.” Vane took Moss’s hand and kissed it. “No worries. We have plenty of time to know each other. We should go back. It’s getting late.”

  They headed back, with Vane still pointing out the occasional interesting thing. This time, Moss didn’t allow himself to fall into glumness. He just enjoyed his time with Vane, and hated the very moment they entered the mansion.

  “There’s one more thing I want to show you,” Vane said as he abandoned his coat and hat in the hands of a servant. “Follow me.”

  Moss did, wondering what other surprises Vane had in store for him. They left the foyer and went up the stairs. Vane continued speaking as they walked. “Perhaps I acted a bit…oddly yesterday. I’m afraid our arrangement will take some getting used to, for both of us.”

  So this was why Vane had offered to take Moss to see the city. In a sense, Moss felt warm inside at the thoughtfulness. Truth be told, he could see why blood and sex came together for Vane’s people and realized it would be difficult for them to keep to the original thought. He cursed himself for being hasty that first night. Then again, perhaps if he hadn’t pointed out his position on the “bed and breakfast,” Vane would have never hired him.

  “It might,” he replied, “but we’ll find a way to work with it.”

  Vane stopped in front of a door and turned to smile at Moss as he opened it. “I’m sure we will. Here we are.”

  Moss’s eyes widened at the sight before him. Thousands and thousands of books lay waiting on dark wood shelves. Scrolls and parchments filled other bookcases, some shielded by protective glass. There were also wide tables and comfortable chairs, obviously meant for study. Moss could barely believe the beauty of it.

  * * * *

  Vane smiled at the open excitement on Moss’s face. He’d been certain the young human would appreciate the wealth of knowledge here. The mansion had many previous owners, and each of them added various shelves to the library, until it had become incredibly extensive and contained books suitable for all tastes. One could find anything from philosophy to religious psalms there. He also owned material needed for his work as a Kin Lord, a copy of the original bloodkin Covenant, as well as many other amendments to the bloodkin legal system. Of course, Vane didn’t keep those within view of prying eyes.

  When he had time, Vane enjoyed coming here. It held a sense of peace and quiet he couldn’t find anywhere else. He’d seen in Moss’s mind the young human also enjoyed reading. It followed as natural that Vane had wanted to show
the library to him.

  “This is unbelievable,” Moss said.

  “Take a look around. You might need some of these books in the future.” And indeed, Moss’s work required a better understanding of the world around them. Even if Moss so obviously enjoyed reading, he hadn’t known any details about the bloodkin. It stood to reason that, to survive and thrive in Vane’s world, he needed to learn more.

  “Thank you,” Moss said, sounding awed. He began to browse and Vane just leaned against the wall, watching the human scan the titles. Moss stopped in front of certain shelves and retrieved volumes, mostly on bloodkin and their history. At one point, he paused at another section. Vane knew it well. Those particular additions had come from Kier, and they were the only thing the elf still kept from his life in his lands. The titles he kept in the library were available to all, however, and Vane knew his friend wouldn’t mind if Moss borrowed one of them. “Those are elven books,” he told Moss. “They’re very rare.”

  Moss put the books he’d chosen so far on a nearby table and retrieved an elven tome. He flipped through the pages almost reverently. “It’s beautiful.”

  Vane nodded, agreeing to the assessment. The elven alphabet was beautiful, difficult to grasp for a human. Bloodkin used the same one, with slight modifications, and Vane had no trouble reading such books, but that wouldn’t be the case for Moss.

  “Maybe one of these days, I’ll teach you.”

  Moss looked up from the tome and met Vane’s gaze. “Would you?”

  Vane’s shaft hardened at the sight of Moss’s beautiful green eyes shining with excitement. “Of course,” he said, voice husky.

  Moss must’ve sensed the change in mood as he placed the elven book back. He continued to search the library, advancing through the shelves. Occasionally, Vane lost sight of him and when he heard Moss’s footsteps stop, he left the door and followed his human.


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