Daddy's Girl: A Daddy Issues Novel

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Daddy's Girl: A Daddy Issues Novel Page 16

by Rebel Wild

  “Say it,” he says.

  He takes off my blindfold. My eyes adjust to see him staring into mine with a look of absolute lust.

  “Please let me come, Daddy.”

  “How do you want Daddy to make you come?” he asks, running his tongue along my jawline. “Shall I use my tongue or my cock?”

  “I…” I start and stop.

  “Say it,” he whispers. The tone of his voice is unfamiliar. It’s desperate for me to respond and it makes me want to.

  “Your… cock,” I whisper back to him. “Please, fuck me with it, Daddy.”

  “Mmm,” he growls, entering me with no finesse.

  “Oh, God,” I say.

  Fuck, she feels so damn good. I’m on my knees pounding into her so hard that it’s making those tits I love so much bounce. Her hands are still above her head and she is consciously not moving them. I know it’s more concern for me than fear of my punishment. Her concern baffles me. I’ve done nothing to deserve it. She nearly cried when she saw her fingernails drew blood on my thighs, but I fucking loved it. I never came so hard just from a sub sucking my cock, but that mouth of hers has been driving me insane.

  Her pussy is getting wetter by the second. She’s close to tipping over the edge. I reposition myself to lie on top of her, resting on the palms of my hands to watch her come. She’s so fucking gorgeous when she does, and I’m the only one that’s ever seen her do it. It’s all mine. She’s all mine.

  “You’re mine, Foxy. Say it.”

  “All yours, Daddy. I’m all yours.”

  As close as she is to coming, she’ll agree to anything and I love that about her, the way I can get her to lose all control of herself. She balls the sheet up in her hands before I move them down to the small of my back.

  “Fuck,” I moan when she grabs my ass and presses me deeper into her.

  “Please, Daddy,” she whimpers.

  Her body starts to shake and I know she is already too far gone to stop now, even if I didn’t give her permission. Not that I would think of denying her right now.

  “Come,” I tell her and her orgasm hits her full force. She bucks and shakes underneath me. Her fingernails digging holes in my ass and I know she’s drawing blood. Damn, I am loving her little sex marks. They once again get me to come hard and I nearly lose consciousness as I shoot my load into her.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I say before I bite down on her neck as I ride the wave that is Sydney, fucking me to death, Warren.

  Her body goes limp underneath me and I fall next to her on the bed. Her eyes are heavy and her breathing is erratic. I don’t even attempt to get her up to clean her as I know she is totally out of it. I dress and I bring what I need to the bed to wipe her up before slipping her robe on. I scoop her up in my arms to carry her next door to her room.

  “You’re still too light,” I whisper to her sleeping face as I carry her out of the playroom. She looks up at me in response, still half asleep. I lay her down gently on her bed, take off her robe, and cover her up, making sure she’s tucked in tight.

  “Thank you, sir,” she mumbles to me as she turns over and gets comfortable.

  “Sweet dreams,” I whisper, pecking her cheek good night.

  Leaving Sydney to sleep, I’m about to go to my office, but I run into Joe in the foyer. He takes one look at me and shakes his head.

  “Mom messed you up, didn’t she?” He asks. “Did she give you the don’t-be-like-your-father guilt trip?” I nod. “Shit, bro, that’s rough. When she used to do that to me, I’d go right out and get high.” He looks me up and down. “I don’t even want to know what you just did.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to talk about it, so change the subject.”

  “All right, well, that cop you hired left a text, said she’s all set for tomorrow,” he says, handing me my phone. “Her name’s Josephine or something.”

  “Joanna,” I correct him. “Is there a reason you’re looking at my messages?” I ask, reading Joanna’s text she left about guarding Sydney while she’s at school.

  “I like pissing you off, Triscuit.”

  “You’re an expert at it.”

  “I’ve had years of practice. By the way, I figured this whole thing about your real-life sex doll going to school all by her little lonesome was bullshit. So much for letting her off her leash. You got a damn cop watching her every move.”

  “She’s not a cop, you idiot. She’s a bodyguard. It’s all purely for Miss Warren’s comfort and convenience.”

  “Because it’s just business.”



  “Joanna’s already been briefed, and she knows under no circumstances is she to interfere with Miss Warren’s day-to-day unless she’s in danger. Do you know how much crime is on college campuses? Rape being number one.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to explain college life being crazy to me, and you know you can call her Sydney around me, right?”

  “That would imply that I’m her friend.”

  “God forbid.”

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than annoy me?”

  “Nope. I’m bored. I never knew how boring I was until I stopped using.”

  “Speaking of which, you have a drug test coming up.”

  “I know. I’m clean.”

  “Let’s keep it that way this time. I’m sick of Mom crying about you.”

  “Yeah, like she doesn’t cry about you. When did this become about me? I’m all good over here, so get off my ass.”

  “Off,” I say, holding my hands up like I’m being arrested.

  I walk away from him and go to my office to get some work done, knowing damn well I’m far from being in a working mood. I’m still trying to shake off Mom’s accusations toward Sydney and me. They hit a little too close to home. Thank God, she caught us kissing, or else I wouldn’t have been able to leave with her.

  Of its own accord, my mind drifts to Sydney. She’s so damn unexpected. Never in a million years did I think she would respond to me as well as she does when we’re in the playroom. The first time she saw it, it took everything she had not to run. I had resigned myself to simply tying her up and teasing her. I never expected to be fucking her at this point, but damn, even if it ended up being just once, it would have been worth it.

  I shake my head in anger at the situation she’s in. I had no choice but to use it to my advantage. When an opportunity presents itself to me, I take it. I didn’t get where I am today by not recognizing a good plea deal when it’s put on the table. I sure as hell wasn’t going to let her slip through my fingers. Who the fuck am I kidding? Like it was as innocent as all that. I wanted her and I made it happen. I’m a bastard, but it’s not like she isn’t benefiting from this deal. When this is over, she’ll have her precious daddy back.

  When this is over. Again, who am I kidding? My desire for her is far from over. Usually by the second fuck, my cock is bored and ready to move on, but not with her. Every time he sinks into her, it makes him want her more. It hasn’t even started to taper off yet. I need to find a way to extend the contract. I text April, the assistant district attorney assigned to Roger’s case, telling her to prepare for a possible delay. I’ll bury her father’s case in so much red tape it’ll take another year or two to dig him out. That should be more than enough time to get my little Foxy out of my system.

  Just the thought of her name has my mind drifting back to the feel of her coming undone underneath me and I grow painfully hard. I shift in my seat and my pants scrape up against the nail marks she left on my ass. The feel of them catapults me out of my chair and I’m heading up the stairs to her room, wanting to be inside of her again.

  I enter slowly, like a hunter happening upon his prey. The room is bathed in the soft glow of the light from the window, just enough for me to make her out. She i
s flat on her back with a look of contentment on her face as she sleeps.

  I slip off my clothes and slide under her covers.

  Her warm body is now tucked underneath mine.

  “You have a big day tomorrow,” I whisper to her. Her eyes are still closed, but I know she’s awake. “I should let you sleep.”

  “Mmm,” she moans when I kiss her lips. “But I’m not tired, Daddy.”

  “Mmm, shit,” I say almost coming from her calling me that.

  I growl in pleasure when her hands once again find my ass as I slide into her. I’m breaking all my rules for this bold little submissive, but right now, I just don’t seem to give a fuck.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Shit,” I say, waking up from a deep sleep, one of which I can only get after spending hours perfecting the closing arguments of whatever mock trial I create in my head the nights my demons won’t leave me alone. I argue until my brain’s too fried to do anything else but shut down.

  I glance over at the clock and it’s after seven. I never sleep this damn late. After fucking until we exhausted each other last night, I dragged my ass to my room and just barely made it to bed before I passed out. Here I am in the same damn position I went to sleep in. I didn’t even bother to get under the covers. Good thing I had enough energy to put on some boxer shorts. Bree would have gotten quite the view if she had come in here to wake me up for breakfast.

  I don’t know what possessed me to seek Sydney out last night. Once I put my subs to sleep, I never disturb them. I sure as hell don’t creep into their beds in the middle of the night to fuck. All my fucking is reserved for the playroom. That’s the whole damn point of having it, but this girl has me doing it in the foyer and her bed. I grab my phone from the nightstand and text Mona. She needs to set up an emergency meeting with my therapist, Martin Maloney. I need to figure out why this girl has me doing things I would never in a million years thought I’d be doing before she came here. I can barely control my impulses when she’s next to me. Hell, I’m giving myself too much credit. I cannot control my impulses when she’s in my vicinity.

  The aroma of bacon frying hits my nose and I inhale deeply, the smell making me hungry. I get up and have a quick shower before I pad out to the kitchen. My whole body is still spent and free of tension from my release last night.

  To my pleasurable surprise, I find Sydney in the kitchen. She’s so tempting, fumbling around, trying to find whatever it is she’s looking for. I want to bend her over the table and fuck the shit out of her, but what else is new? From the day I first met her, I wanted to take her with her daddy watching.

  I’m watching her right now, silently fantasizing about places to fuck her while I spank that ass until it hurts. Sitting down causes my own ass to hurt and it goes straight to my cock when I remember her overzealous grabbing of it last night. She was a goddamn tigress and a horny one at that. She turns around only to see me watching her.

  “How long have you been…” she starts, putting the container of orange juice down on the counter, but I raise an eyebrow at her bold demeanor causing her to clear her throat dramatically as she remembers herself. “Good morning, sir,” she says instead.

  “Yes, it is. Hungry, I see.”


  “You could have called Brianna in to fix you something.”

  “I wanted to do it,” she says as she pours some of the orange juice, offering it to me. “I like to keep busy when I’m nervous.”

  “Nervous, why?”

  I need to know what’s troubling her, so I can fix it. The last thing I want is something else stressing her out, and that’s for purely selfish reasons, of course. It fucks up the playroom sessions, having her crying all the damn time.

  “I just want to do well in school.”

  “Ah, is that all? You’ll be amazing. You were made for college.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she says, smiling.

  She chatters on nervously about her classes as she prepares our breakfast and by the time she serves us, her nerves break way to excitement. She sets a plate of mouthwatering pancakes and what I realize now is vegan bacon in front of me. I want to tease her and make a big deal about the bacon the way she did with the oysters, but I refrain. I wait until she sits down before I dive in.

  “This is excellent,” I tell her after the first bite.

  “Thank you, sir,” she says again.

  She moans when she takes the first bite of her food and my cock twitches at how much she’s enjoying it. I want to stick him so far down her throat she chokes. I wipe the syrup from the corner of her mouth then suck it off my thumb.

  “Almost as sweet as you,” I tell her. I take her hand and suck syrup off her fingers, paying extra attention to her nails. “Just in case you want to use these on me later.”

  Okay, this is a new side to him. He’s not quite sexually sated, but he’s nowhere close to looking for reasons to punish me either. I watch him in awe. The moment I think I have him figured out, he goes and reveals another part of himself. Thankfully, they’re parts that I like.

  “I have a present for you,” he announces after we’re done eating.

  I clear the plates away while he disappears into his office and comes back with a gift bag. When I realize he literally means a present and it isn’t a reference to some form of kinky sex, I get excited. With his permission, I take the bag and open it, praying that it’s not another collar or some weird matching handcuffs.

  It’s a backpack! I take it out of the bag and hold it up.

  “Thank you, sir,” I tell him, trying not to grin like an idiot, but the coolness on my teeth lets me know I am failing. It’s perfect. I love all the small compartments that are just right to hold all the junk I like to carry. It’s so much like me that I wonder if Brianna picked this out for him, but knowing how meticulous he is about things, I doubt it. “It’s a wonderful gift.”

  “That’s not your gift.”

  “It’s not?”

  My shoulders fall. I hope this isn’t some prelude to a fuck fest. I’m not opposed to it, but I don’t want to go to school smelling like sex the first day. Even after I shower, I still know I just had it and I can still smell it on me somehow.

  “That’s just to hold your keys. Your gift is outside.” I glance over at where the front door would be if the kitchen wall weren’t in the way. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Oh,” I say, getting up.

  He walks with me through the kitchen into the foyer. I comb my messy hair with my fingers while trying to make sure my pajamas are on straight.

  “Stop fixing yourself already,” he tells me when we step outside. “Or I’ll fuck you against the wall and you’ll be late for your first class.”

  No. He wouldn’t do that out here where anyone can see, would he? Of course, he would. I immediately stop and he chuckles at me. I want to roll my eyes at him, but I’d better not press my luck.

  “Oh, my God,” I say when he nods to the car parked in the drive.

  I rush down the steps with him slowly following behind me like a brand-new car isn’t sitting there for us to check out. It’s a white, two-door, convertible Benz with black interior. It’s just what I always wanted. I begged Daddy for it. He was finally going to get it for my birthday, but that didn’t go as planned. Now the person who insists I call him Daddy when he fucks me is standing here dangling the keys of one in front of me. How funny is that?

  “You’re letting me borrow it, sir?”

  “It’s your gift, meaning it’s for you to keep. Consider it a late birthday present.”

  “I can’t accept it. Daddy will kill me…”

  For crying out loud, shut up about what Daddy will do before he makes you fuck him in this damn thing as punishment.

  “You can and you will,” he tells me flat-out, dangling the key in front of me. “It’s ei
ther this or Joe driving you around.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I tell him, grabbing the keys. “It’s…” I look at the car and then back at him, not knowing what to say, or think for that matter.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Is this another way of owning me or something?”

  “Nothing like that. It never crossed my mind. It’s exactly what I said it is: a belated birthday present. I remember how excited you were about finally being old enough to drive and getting your own car, so here it is.”

  “You said you wanted me to tell you when I got it so you could stay off the road.” I laugh.

  “I remember, so don’t make me regret this.”

  “I’m an excellent driver. I got one hundred percent on my test,” I tell him. “Will you… um…”

  “What’s wrong now?” he asks again, frowning.

  “Will you show me how everything works?”

  He rewards me with a kiss on the lips before he opens the door to let me get into the driver’s seat. I slide in easy enough, quickly getting used to it and almost immediately falling in love with it. Mr. Garrett hops in the passenger seat. I pretend to listen as he patiently explains everything I need to know about the car, but I’m distracted by his proximity as he leans into me, pointing out the cruise control options on the steering wheel.

  He smells delicious. I try to sneak and take a whiff of him, but I can tell by the sudden turn of his head and smirk on his face as he looks at me that I’m completely busted.

  “Focus,” he chastises me, but the tone of his voice is one of amusement instead of annoyance.

  “Yes, sir,” I tell him and he continues.

  “Are you sure you have everything?” he asks me for the third time as I get ready to leave.

  I thought he’d be at work by now, but he seems in no hurry today.


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