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Conversations Page 17

by Poncho Threetrees

not all, of the world’s countries seem to be having the same problems, with more or less violence being done against the people by the government, and by the people against the government. This is probably because “Globalization” has created about the same culture in most countries, and therefore, the same problems. Actually, I think “Globalization” is nothing more than the exportation of the American culture, especially after World War II. That is another reason why I mostly talk about America’s problems and issues.

  The thing is, I realize that not all Americans, or citizens of other nations for that matter, are sheep, brainwashed, and so on. It is just that they have been the victims of so much propaganda, for so many years, and from every angle, that it is only natural for even the best of them to have hidden so deeply in their psyches, paradigms that will influence even the most logical, objective, and scientifically minded of them. It has not just taken years, but generations of propaganda, on a universal level, to bring them to the state that they are in now. I think that the vast majority of people are like this, but not all. I think that it is a testament to the resiliency of the common man, that some are able to, more or less, break away from this programming and see things more objectively. I say more or less, because the powers that control our souls are so powerful and good at what they do, that it is almost impossible to be totally free of their influence. Additionally, it is almost impossible to find the absolute truth about anything recorded with complete objectivity. Some are able to get close to the truth, and see what is going on. I applauded them. I think their numbers are growing.

  Let me give you a concrete example of this effect of such omnipresent propaganda. I like to use the American’s fear and hatred of the Muslim terrorist menace. Even those who do not believe the official fairytale of 911, and the other false flag operations like to London train bombings, the suicide bombings all over the place, the phony Al Queada, etc., still have this knee jerk reaction to Muslims. They don’t realize that this is not the result of what any Muslim did to them, but the result of 1400 years of propaganda. When the West was at its lowest point culturally, Islam was the super power and the high culture. The West hated this, and began a holy war against Islam, not just militarily, but a propaganda war as well. The effect of these 1400 years, when added to the propaganda of the last generation or two, is a very hard thing to overcome, let alone recognize.

  What doesn’t help, is the Muslims continued martyr complex and refusal to defend themselves. They don’t see that this propensity is not simply making them charmingly sweet and good, but it is helping evil to prosper and destroy others, not just themselves, their families, and their culture, but Americans and the rest of the West as well. The Muslims, like the good American white liberals, are so proud of how good they are, how long suffering, non-violent, afraid to own guns, and so on. I am just as sick of hearing how good Muslims are as I am hearing how good the American liberals are. It’s like being proud of being a pansy. These Muslims, thereby, provide the American and other Western governments with perfect patsies for their propaganda war on Islam, and the sweat pea liberals provide the perfect ineffectual opposition. What a boon for these governments and their corrupt regimes.

  I don’t have much positive to say, because blowing sun shine up everyone’s asses is not going to help them. Criticism is much better for them, and for me. I’m just not very gentle or subtle about it.


  WL: Interesting. This brings me to my next question. Why do you write? Why bother with it if things are so impossible? Why not just find an island somewhere and drop out? I’m sure the people who read your writing would love to be rid of you and your criticism.

  PT: I hear what you are saying. I guess I write because I can’t sing or dance. I can’t even write too well, as anyone who reads my writing can plainly see. I think that I’m just an activist who uses a keyboard instead of a sign on a pole. Instead of trying to change the world directly, I have chosen to set myself the goal of trying to wake up the sleeping masses so that they can change things. I use insults, because blowing kisses and praise at them doesn’t do any good.

  I really don’t have any profound philosophies that will solve all of mankind’s problems, or the desire to do this, if I could. I figure it would be enough if I could just point out a few errors that I feel people are making in dealing with the problems that the government and the elites are causing to the peace and prosperity of the people, and the errors the people are making in dealing with their rulers.

  Before people can know what to do, they first have to know, at least, that they have a problem or problems. This problem is they themselves, and the way they try to correct things, using the same old ineffectual methods and attitudes. I try to get them to examine their unexamined paradigms. Things like their unconditional love and patriotism, and their insistence on playing the elites game on their turf, by their rules. Some examples follow:

  It is perfectly acceptable for these people to listen politely to some mild criticism of their country and culture, as long as the critic prefaces his comments with “I love my country but…” or “This is the greatest country in the world but…” Patriotism has to be understood as a given in any criticism or comments on the actions of the government and its institutions. Why? Why is it so important, and such an unexamined given, prior to all other thoughts.

  It seems to me that any normal person, upon observing the mouthing of a patriotic fool, would just politely turn their heads until the idiot finishes expressing his thoughts, but when confronted with the over the top ratings of most Americans, they would tend to stare in disbelief. I guess there are no normal people left in this country though, because it seems to be totally acceptable to madly love the country no matter what new evils the rulers do to their subjects.

  Another reason I write is just to chronicle the naiveté of this generation, and to show that at least there was someone that recognized it, and avoided the hysteria of the rest of the planet.

  I also think that I write out of a vague sense of duty to posterity, and to the people living in this world right here and now. As I stated, I owe them my effort to try to help them to see the world a little more objectively, without the tinted glass of super patriotism, so that they might be able to help themselves better.

  In a way though, I am not writing to help others, so much as to try to protect myself and my family. If I can crack this hold that patriotism and blind support for their nation has over the people, maybe they won’t be so quick to attack me or others who just can’t seem to bring themselves to feel so sure in the rightness and goodness of their beloved nation and culture. By fighting with my pen and keyboard, at least I have a chance of making things better and pouring water on the flames of passion that most people feel for their nation-god. Besides, I am honored to be on the opposite side of the Fascists. After all, It is your enemies, not your friends that define who you are.


  WL: One thing that people would probably say to you is “How dare you criticize your fellow citizens, especially when you criticize the police and military?” For that matter, how dare you criticize others for supporting, not only the police and military, but others who support their government? Isn’t this just a matter of a difference in opinion, and are not we all entitled to our opinions? Your views seem so extreme and out of step with the vast majority of people, even those who also are critical of certain aspects or actions of the government, corporations, etc. What makes you so cock sure that you are right and everyone else is wrong?

  PT: These are many separate questions, but they all seem related to each other.

  First let me explain why I feel that I think the way I do. As I have stated before, I was born and raised in Berkeley California, and grew up there in the 60’s and 70’s. Many people say that Berkeley at that time was like being from another country and culture. The generation that I grew up with, especially around Berkeley, were just
more critical of the nation and its culture than other people. There was not an automatic love and support for “My country right or wrong”. It just wasn’t an expectation. It was a time and a place of discontent with things the way they were. Additionally, there was that terrible war in Viet Nam. For the first time, there was a large amount of questioning of the correctness of a war, and skepticism of why it was being fought. This colored my attitude toward the status quo in general, and led me and others to question many things. Many people, me included, just didn’t have the knee jerk reaction of patriotic acceptance that others had, and that you have since that time. So, this explains why I think like I do, and why I am so out of step with the standard ways of acceptable behavior. To answer the specific points you mention, I offer the following:

  How dare I criticize my fellow citizens? There are many reasons to criticize my fellow citizens. Actually, how dare I not? For that matter, How dare you not – those of you who are beginning to become awake? It is the duty of anyone who sees evil happening, especially when it triumphs so totally, to try to fight against it. As the Koran says,

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