Safe Guard (The DeLuca Family Book 2)

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Safe Guard (The DeLuca Family Book 2) Page 7

by Amy Reece

  “Izzy too,” Finn said.

  “Oh, Izzy knows already. So does Tony,” Mel said breezily.

  “We’ve been here ten minutes! How the hell do you know that?” Finn laughed as he slid his arm around his wife.

  “I could tell by the gloating look they exchanged when Moira said Hugh was bringing his new mystery girlfriend.”

  “You’re scary sometimes, you know that?” Finn said as he tilted her chin up and kissed her.

  The rest of the family was on the back patio, enjoying what would probably be the final weekend of their Indian summer. Cara and Izzy were at the picnic table, fussing over Janey; Seamus and Tony were fetching beer from the cooler; Moira and Big Tony conferenced beside the giant gas grill. Hugh continued to hold her hand as he cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

  “So, Chrissy and I are dating.” He turned to her. “You want a beer?”

  She glanced at him and rolled her eyes, exasperated. That’s how he decides to tell his family? Seriously?

  Cara gasped and ran to hug Chris. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” She turned to her brother. “I will get back at you for keeping it a secret! This is so great! You guys are perfect together!”

  His mother reacted in a similar, if less effusive, manner. Seamus also said he wasn’t surprised and joked that he missed his chance. Hugh’s father, Big Tony, smiled widely and asked her how she liked her steak. She had clearly worried for no reason, as Hugh had said. His family seemed to heartily approve of her as his girlfriend. The last one must have been a nightmare if they’re so eager to welcome me.

  When he dropped her off at her apartment later that night, she wondered if he might expect or want to come in, but although he kissed her passionately in the car, running his hands under her blouse and caressing her breasts, he went home after kissing her softly at her door. She watched him drive away, bemused at his reticence. Did he not want to sleep with her? Was she not sending the right signals or something?


  The next morning, as she worked on a delinquent report and tried not to obsess over her boyfriend’s reluctance to take their relationship to the next level, a barking voice broke the relative silence of the precinct.

  “Hart! My office! Now! Bring your partner!” Captain Silva shouted from his office doorway, then ducked back inside.

  Chris, startled, dropped her pen and knocked her coffee mug over. “Shit,” she muttered and began mopping up. She glanced across the desk at Finn, who grinned and stood, motioning for her to precede him to the captain’s office. She entered but stopped short at the sight of the man standing in front the window. His dark blue suit, short haircut, and general demeanor screamed ‘Fed.’

  “Hart, DeLuca, this is Special Agent Daniels with the FBI. He’s here about the bodies found at the construction site.”

  She and Finn shook hands with the man, but she wondered what on earth the FBI wanted with a local body dump case. How did they even find out? They’d managed to keep it out of the local media, so there was no buzz about it.

  The captain spoke from behind his desk. “Your bullet fragments have raised some interest with the FBI.”

  “How so?” Chris sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  Agent Daniels spoke up. “One of the fragments has raised our interest. I don’t have any information about the other five.”

  “Sir?” Chris addressed the captain.

  He pulled a sheet of paper from a manila folder and handed it to her. “This is the ballistics report. It came in this morning. Agent Daniels arrived a few minutes later. The bullets in five of the bodies were fired from the same gun, a .357 Magnum Colt revolver made in the late 1960s.”

  “But I’m here to talk about the bullet from the sixth body.” Agent Daniels crossed the room to sit in the other chair in front Captain Silva’s desk, leaned back and continued. “It’s from a .38 Special Smith & Wesson Model 13. It’s the sidearm FBI agents typically carried in the late 70s and early 80s. That particular weapon was registered to Special Agent Thomas Barilla, who has been missing since January 12, 1982. He disappeared while working undercover to expose a crime syndicate in New Mexico. It appears you may have discovered where he ended up.”

  “Holy shit, this was a mob hit?” Chris was floored.

  “It’s starting to look like it,” Silva said. “Have you briefed DeLuca yet?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Looks like you got back just in time for a real shit show, DeLuca. We’re cooperating with the FBI on this one, so I expect you two to play nice with Agent Daniels and anyone else he brings in. Got it? This will not become a pissing contest.”

  “Yes, sir,” Finn and Chris spoke in unison.

  “Good. Why don’t you find Daniels a desk and get to work figuring out what the hell we’re dealing with? I can’t keep it from the media much longer. Goddamn reporters…” They could hear him muttering as they left the office.

  Finn found an empty desk in the corner and moved it adjacent to theirs. Chris was glad to see his limp was less pronounced than it had been a few weeks ago. The doctors had assured him his ankle would eventually heal to be nearly as good as new, but it was a long, painful road.

  Agent Daniels made himself at home, leaning back and propping his ankle on his knee. Chris took note of his short blond curls, tan skin, even white teeth; he looked like he’d be more at home on a surfboard than in his bland FBI-approved suit. He should have taken up modeling. She’d bet her next paycheck he had a great body under those professional layers. Not that she had any desire to know, of course. She was perfectly happy with her boyfriend’s body. Or she was sure she would be, if she ever got the opportunity to see it.

  “Would you like to read the report I’ve been working on?” she asked.

  “Yes, thanks.” He flashed her a crooked grin as she handed him the file.

  “Would you like some coffee or something? It’s terrible, but…” She shrugged, wondering why she felt awkward around the man.

  “Sure, Lieutenant Hart. One sugar, no cream, please.” He smiled at her again, then turned his attention to the report.

  She raised her eyebrows. Lieutenant? He’d apparently looked her up. She crossed to the coffee station, Finn at her heels.

  “I don’t like him.”

  She poured a cup of the swill that passed for coffee at the station, added a sugar packet, and turned to her partner. “Are you worried he’s going to take the title of Best-Looking Cop in the Precinct from you?”

  “You’re hilarious, Chris. Really.” He reached past her to pour himself a refill. “He’s too smarmy for my taste, that’s all.”

  “I’ll reserve judgment for the time being. We need to get along with him. So, the FBI is involved in this. Interesting.”

  “And it looks like we’re about to get a crash course in mafia dealings in New Mexico. I can hardly wait.”

  She led the way back to their desks and handed Daniels his coffee.

  “Thanks.” He winked at her over the rim of the mug.

  She felt Finn nudge her from behind and turned to glower at him before turning back to the FBI agent. “So, how about you tell us what you know? You’ve got our report, so you know everything we know.”

  “Sort of a quid pro quo?”

  “If you like.” Chris was starting to see what Finn meant. “Listen, we’ve been told to cooperate with you, and we’re trying. We need each other’s help—”

  He pushed away from his desk and stood. “Actually, Lieutenants.” He gestured to both Finn and Chris. “You were told to cooperate with me. I wasn’t given quite the same directive.” He took a sip of the awful coffee and set the mug on the desk. “Thanks for the coffee, Lt. Hart. I’ll bring this report back real soon.”

  They watched him leave and Finn huffed out a harsh laugh. “So long, Agent Douchebag. Nice meeting you. Now what?” He addressed the last words to Chris.

  “Now we start investigating.”

  “With what to
go on? Agent Dickhead didn’t share with the class, if you remember.”

  “We’ve got a name, and we know it has something to do with mob activity in Albuquerque. We can start there,” Chris said.

  “Mob activity from more than thirty years ago,” Finn objected.

  Chris grinned at him. “It certainly makes it more of a challenge, huh? How’s your aim, Finn?”

  “My aim?”

  “Yeah. This just turned into a pissing contest.”

  Chapter Seven


  Okay. So, Chrissy and I are dating. Good, good. But now what? He sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, wondering what in the world he was supposed to do next. He should be putting together a bid for a new job, but he couldn’t focus. It had been a long time—too long—since he’d had to think about dating. He and Lauren had been together so long he’d forgotten how to start a new relationship. He tried to remember what he’d done when he’d first met Lauren, how he’d wooed her, how he’d let her know how special she was, and how interested he was. She’d recently finished law school and was working for a large law firm when they’d met at a party hosted by one of his commercial clients. He was still working for his dad, but Big Tony had announced his intentions to retire within the year. Hugh had been floored by the beauty of the young lawyer and set out to impress her with whatever wit and charm he could muster. Much to his surprise, she’d given him her phone number at the end of the party and had actually agreed to go out with him. He struggled to remember what he’d done, anything particular he’d said. God, he didn’t remember it being so difficult. Then again, he’d been a lot younger and a heck of a lot more naïve back then. He’d had no idea how quickly love could turn to hate. Betrayal did that to a person. Ugh! He sunk his head onto his arms. Reflecting on his failed relationship with Lauren was giving him a headache, and it wasn’t helping him figure out how to move his relationship with Chrissy forward.

  “Well, well, well.” Cara waltzed into his office. She never bothered with something as polite as knocking. “Catching up on your sleep? Chris must be keeping you up very, very late. All night, in fact.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  I wish. But he couldn’t seem to get quite to the point of asking her to stay the night. He wanted to, of course, but it would take their relationship to a level he wasn’t sure they were ready for. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. He could at least be honest with himself. Sleeping with her meant they were serious, at least in his mind. He’d never been one for casual sex, and he didn’t plan to start now. “Did you need something, Cara?”

  “Ooh, someone’s a grumpy bear this morning! Maybe I’ll have a word with Chris and let her know you need more sleep at your advanced age. She should take it easy on you.” Cara folded herself gracefully onto the sofa, a look of mock concern on her beautiful face.

  “Is there a reason you’re gracing me with your presence this morning? Did you get fired from your teaching job?”

  “Yes, I’d love a cup of coffee, Big Brother. Thanks so much.” She raised her eyebrows expectantly until he rose and poured her a cup. “It’s a three-day weekend. I have one glorious day off from teaching hormonal teenagers. I’m stealing Izzy away for a few hours. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Would it even begin to matter if I did? So, why am I blessed with your lounging ass on my sofa if you came for Izzy?” His words were cranky but his tone was even; he’d always had a soft spot for his little sister. He still remembered his first sight of the tiny baby his mother had placed in his arms when he was seven years old. She was red, wrinkled, and adorable. She’d stolen his heart completely and he’d never quite gotten past it. She’d always been able to manipulate him into doing pretty much whatever she wanted. Her divorce five years ago had nearly wrecked him; how could he not have known her marriage was on the rocks? Was he so out of touch with his beloved little sister he missed what was going on right under his nose?

  “I wanted to see you, Hugh! Is that a crime?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Fine. I want to hear all about you and Chris. I can’t believe you told Izzy and Tony before me!” She leaned close and swatted him on the arm.

  “Calm down. I didn’t tell anyone. Tony showed up uninvited when Chrissy was there. Izzy busted in here when Chrissy stopped by to talk about the investigation.”

  “Yeah, that’s what they said. I guess I’ll forgive you.” She sipped her coffee silently. “I’m really glad, Hugh.” She was serious for a moment, reaching out to touch his hand. “You deserve to be happy. She’s really great.”

  “You deserve it too, Cara.” He squeezed her hand and then smiled. “She is great. I’m not exactly sure I know what I’m doing. It’s been a while.” He sighed and stood, crossing his office to pace in front of the window.

  “Hey.” She set her coffee on the table and crossed the room to hug him. “Looks to me like you’re doing fine. I’ve never seen her smile so much. What are you worried about?”

  He had no intention of discussing his sex life, or lack thereof, with his little sister. “It’s been a while since I’ve had to think about planning dates and that sort of thing.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Chris has had a crush on you for months. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled with whatever you do.”

  “She had a crush on me? She told you that?” He was flabbergasted. He’d thought he’d been the only one struggling with infatuation.

  “No, she didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to. I have eyes. I watched the way she undressed you with hers every time you came around—”

  “Shut up.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Do I hear Izzy calling you?”

  She laughed. “You wish.” She finished the last sip of her coffee and stood. “All right. I’m going.” She reached up on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. “Try not to worry, Hugh. You and Chrissy are perfect together. See you later.”

  He smiled crookedly as she sailed out the door to steal his business partner away for the rest of the day, most likely. He returned to his desk to finish the bid he’d been working on when Cara interrupted. If he could make himself get some damn work done, he might be able to steal an hour or two and stop by to visit with Chrissy. If he was very lucky he’d talk her into going out to lunch with him. He could use the excuse of needing to check in with her about his construction site and when he might be able to re-open it. He rolled his eyes at his own ridiculousness; why in the world did he need an excuse to see his girlfriend?

  He immersed himself in work for a few hours, even managing to set up a meeting with an elusive client for a contract he’d been trying to land for several months. It was close to noon when he closed his laptop and stretched. He stopped by his secretary’s desk on the way out.

  “Malva, would you get this preliminary contract for Gerald Santiago put together this afternoon, please? I just set up a meeting with him for early next week.”

  “Of course, Hugh. Will you be back this afternoon?”

  “I don’t think so. I doubt Izzy will, either. Why don’t you go home a couple hours early since it’s Friday?”

  “Thanks. I may take you up on that.” She smiled at him as he left.

  He wanted to take Chrissy something. Flowers? Classic, but it might embarrass her to receive flowers at the precinct this early in their relationship. Chocolate? She had a sweet tooth, so he decided to pick up a couple of good chocolate bars for her to keep in her desk.

  When he arrived at the low, brick building it was past noon. The receptionist waved him back and he found Finn at his desk, but no Chrissy.

  “She’s in with the ADA. What’s in the bag?” Finn asked.

  “A gift for Chrissy. What’s the ADA?”

  “Assistant district attorney. I was busy questioning a witness, so she’s handling it. It’s apparently a new guy from the District Attorney’s office assigned to one of the cases Chris worked on while I was gone. She should be finished in a few minute
s. What, no gift for your brother? Sheesh! I see how it is.”

  “I doubt it. You mind if I wait for her?”

  Finn motioned for him to sit in the chair next to his desk. “You want to grab some lunch?”

  “Um, I was kind of hoping to take Chrissy. Alone. You don’t mind, do you?” He didn’t particularly want to piss his brother off, but he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend.

  Finn smirked. “A little ‘afternoon delight,’ huh? Good idea. Maybe I’ll go home for lunch and see if my beautiful wife is amenable.”

  Hugh rolled his eyes and both men chuckled. Voices from the back of the room interrupted them and Hugh turned to see Chrissy walking out of a conference room with a petite brunette Hugh assumed must be the assistant district attorney. He smiled as he watched Chrissy walk toward him, smiling at something the woman said. His stomach clenched as the woman turned and he realized he knew her. He knew her well, in fact. It was Lauren, his ex.



  She’d enjoyed meeting the new ADA; the woman seemed sensible, smart, and down to earth. Chris found herself eyeing the petite woman’s dress and heels with envy; she’d love to be able to wear something like that to work, but her job demanded clothing that could stand up to all kinds of situations, therefore she was limited to sensible pants and sturdy shoes. She never knew when she’d be walking through mud, shit, or even chasing down a suspect. This woman, Lauren Babcock, was gorgeous, and made Chris feel frumpy and large in her khakis and button down shirt, but she was also extremely nice and Chris looked forward to working with her.

  They chatted as they crossed the room and Chris glanced up to see Hugh sitting with Finn. What a sweet guy he was to stop by to surprise her. She smiled at her boyfriend, but he didn’t return it. In fact, he didn’t seem to notice her at all. She frowned and tried to determine what had claimed his attention so completely. He was staring at the ADA, a frown on his face. Lauren turned to see what had captured Chris’s attention and froze when she saw Hugh. Chris could feel the sudden tension in the room. What was going on here?


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