Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2

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Heart of a Wolf: A Wicked Series - Book 2 Page 23

by K. D. Friedrich

  "How can it work?" She sighed. "You're in Pennsylvania and I'm here. There's already an alpha in this region. You know there can't be more than one. It would be crazy. So, living here isn't an option. Besides even if you could, you wouldn't leave your pack and I wouldn't ask."

  His thumb brushed her cheek. "You think too much." He grinned. "Always talking, never listening." As he drew closer for a kiss, she felt a wave of powerful energy.

  Sudden blasts of intense magic struck her like a fist. Both Winter and Tristan tensed.

  "So absorbed in each other you didn't even notice my arrival. That can be a deadly mistake, Alpha. I'm surprised. I've heard you are quite the adversary. And Winter. A top guard and you let a threat sneak up on you with such ease."

  Lex stepped out from behind a nearby tree. He grinned, his stance casual and unaffected by the feral growl rumbling from Tristan's chest. He shook his head.

  Tristan sprang forward, but suddenly froze as if he hit a huge wall.

  "Fucking coward," Tristan shouted.

  Winter reacted to Tristan's entrapment and attempted to throw her own spell to free him. Lex lifted his arm and she felt a frozen chill spread throughout her body as she lifted in the air, floating beside Tristan. She tried to move her arms and legs. Nothing happened. She pinned Lex with a glare.

  "Now, that I have your undivided attention." He strolled up to them. "We need to talk."

  "I'm going to rip your fucking heart out." Tristan fought against the magic bindings. The fight was useless. When a powerful witch wants you immobile, there's little chance of escape and Lex was indeed a powerful witch.

  Lex tsked. "That's no way to greet a friend."

  Winter scowled. "You are no friend of ours."

  "But you don't know what I have to offer you." Lex flashed an arrogant grin.

  Winter hated the male's smugness.

  "We don't care what you're offering." Tristan growled.

  "Oh, that's where you're wrong. I have information on a certain horrific bombing that happened the other night. Not to mention the identity of the one who orchestrated the murder of the vampire's mate and the kidnapping of the alpha female." Winter didn't miss the surprising disgust in the witch's voice. "I might even be able to find out the alphas female's whereabouts. What's her name…oh, yes, Celine."

  "You son of a bitch." Tristan once again struggled against his magical bindings. "Niles is going to tear you apart."

  Lex's fists tightened at his sides. "I had nothing to do with Celine's capture."

  "Just like you had nothing to with mine," Winter challenged.

  "I had no choice when it came to you."

  Winter glared at Lex's response. “There is always a choice."

  "You don't know the power a witch's promise until it's locked onto to you. The pain it inflicts. The day my brother died is the day my agony began. I suffered a decade of it." Winter could see the memory darken his face. She almost felt his suffering. "My failure cursed me. Settling the score was the only way to destroy the curse. I did not revel in your capture nor did I celebrate your being sold to those damn doctors." His eyes landed on Winter.

  "If vengeance broke the curse, then your victim should have been me or Kian, not an innocent," Tristan snapped.

  "I couldn't get to you. I tried. The wards around your woods were too strong. So—"

  "So, you took the easier target even though she had nothing to do with your brother's death, except for sharing the Leerys' blood and then sold her like merchandise to the highest bidder."

  "That was not my idea or intention. She was taken from my care without my knowledge and sold, along with you." His voice grew louder.

  "Your care?" Tristan laughed. "What was your intention then? You know what you needed to do to fulfill the promise and sever the curse. So, what were you going to do to my mate, you bastard?"

  "I don't know." Lex glowered at Tristan.

  "Like hell you didn't. You may not have dropped us off at the mad science lab, cowards never do their own dirty work, but you would have made sure one of your goons got it done."

  "You're right." His admission muted both Tristan and Winter. "In order to free myself I would have had to do what I dreaded. She wouldn't have survived it, and neither would I. I would have come out of it as dark and as soulless as Maxwell. I see that now. At that point, breaking the curse would have been useless, because I would have condemned myself either way. I refuse to fall further into his madness."

  "Oh, you mean your business partner. Yeah, you two have been reaping havoc all over town from what my sources say."

  Lex took a deep breath. He folded his hands behind his back and strolled around them. "I'll admit some of my business arrangements are…questionable. But, I do not murder women or betray my people."

  "Yeah, right." Tristan frowned. "You're an upstanding citizen. Man of the fucking year."

  Lex frowned. "Maxwell's greed and love of money has hit an all-time high. He has become dangerous and he's growing insane with it. The bombing at the benefit the other night is proof enough. Damn it, I lost friends there too. People I've know my whole life.

  "The vampire has lost his mind, I tell you. He needs to be stopped." Lex sighed. "Can I release you now? My neck is cramping from staring up at you both. Promise you'll behave."

  Tristan let out a deep animalistic snarl.

  "Well, we know the wolf won't behave. How about you, beautiful? Can I trust you to be a good girl?"

  "I promise I will not attack you as long as you do not hurt us," Winter assured him. The moment she finished her pledge, the locks of the magical binding sprang free. She drifted down to the ground, her feet hitting with a gentle thud.

  Lex glanced at the wolf. "Swear it, half-breed. Give me a witch's promise that you will not fight me. I trust her. You, not so much."

  Tristan snarled. "I swear I will not fight you today, unless you touch her, then I'll kill you. That's a promise."

  Lex rolled his eyes. "Is he always this dramatic?"

  After quick flick of Lex's wrist, Tristan fell on a pile of snow. Winter ran over to Tristan, kneeling beside him. She pinned Lex with a glare.

  "Now, what are we going to do about our friend, Maxwell. He's gained powerful allies, among humans and supernaturals. He also has sort of a cult following, breeding newborn vampires that kiss the ground he walks on like he's a God. You saw their devotion the other day when they blew themselves up for his so-called cause."

  "What cause?" Tristan brushed off snow from his pants.

  "World domination, of course. Maxwell, although a human a few short years ago, hates everything human now. He feels the vampires are the most powerful and deserve the spotlight. Humans should be bred and herded like cattle for vampire dinners. Shifters should be brought to heel and to serve them and witches. Well let's just say he wishes to use us to help his agenda like we're goddamned tools to exploit."

  "Yeah, like you. You've been his tool for months. If I'm not mistaken, you got the fucker out of prison," Tristan snapped.

  "Don't remind me. Biggest mistake of my life." His tone was laced with sincere regret. "I only partnered with him to help me battle this damn witch's promise. Now, I see the error of this union and want out." Lex frowned. "He's losing his sanity. His actions over the last few days prove it. Bombs, murder, selling supernaturals, even his own kind to appease his greed and need for power"

  "I don't trust you." Tristan scowled. Winter seconded the declaration silently.

  "I'm not asking for your trust, wolf. A temporary partnership does not require long-term conviction. But something needs to be done sooner rather than later or we're all fucked."

  "What do you suppose we do?" Winter asked. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  "I will help you take him down, but…"

  "What do you want?"

  "I want it known to the vampire coven and the Peyton pack that I had nothing to do with taking those two females. And I want to be exonerated from any wrongdoing in regard to the at
tack at the hall."

  "The authorities are piecing things together. If you are not involved, then you have nothing to worry about," Winter said.

  "Don't be a fool," snapped Lex.

  Tristan growled.

  "Maxwell has weaseled his way into most of my businesses, legal and not so…lawful. I'll be found guilty by default. I refuse to go down with that madman. I've been attempting to extract him for months from my life, to no avail. He's like a damn cockroach, chop off his head and he continues to squirm around.

  He's been illegally producing newborns without permission, building a strong coven for himself. The only place he hasn't yet infected is my nightclub in Queens. Thank the Goddess. I've managed to keep the place under wraps. But it's only a matter of time before he digs his fangs into that as well."

  "The Peyton pack will be made aware you had no involvement in Celine's kidnapping. I will also speak with Magnus and have him assure the vampire coven that you had nothing to do with their female's death."

  "Winter, you can't seriously…"

  Winter held up her hand, silencing Tristan.

  Something told her that a bigger threat existed than Lex Baxter. If his claim of a witch's promise was true, he had no choice, but to satisfy it. Over the years, Winter had seen firsthand the damage an unfulfilled witch's promise can cause. She may not fully trust Lex, but she trusted her instincts and they assured her with certainty that aligning with this man was the only way to find Celine.

  "There's an old saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I think Lex's right. Maxwell needs to be dealt with and soon."

  She glanced back to Lex. "As for the explosion at the ball, I'll try to help you, but I can't guarantee the clues won't lead back to you. They might have already. I can give my word that I'll help you square it away if the time comes. It's the best I can do."

  Tristan grimaced. "What do we do to bring this son of a bitch down?"

  "There is only one man I know with that ability. His son, Kian. No matter how far gone Maxwell is, for some twisted reason, he wants his son by his side. His obsession has become a sick sense of love. He's mentioned the need to turn him on several occasions. Make him immortal, so they can rule together. He also thinks his grandchildren's mixed blood will make him stronger. He's talked of keeping them as feeders once Kian is converted. I won't mention what he plans for Kian's mate."

  "What of the scientists that held us captive? There were others there. Witches, shifters, and humans. We need to know where they were taken."

  Lex nodded. "From what Maxwell told me, they were moved to a new location. Somewhere rural. Maybe upstate or even closer to your territory, wolf. Maxwell owned land in several locations he kept hidden from the authorities at the time of his indictment years ago. The vampire may be a prick, but he's smart. I will have my men look around his office. My trackers had found them before. They can again."

  "How can we contact you?" Winter asked.

  "Go to Club Elementals in Queens. Ask for me. Tell them I am expecting you. They'll contact me. I will meet you shortly after. Bring Maxwell's son with you when you come. We have much to discuss, him and I. Oh, and Winter, wear something…appropriate or you'll stick out like a sore thumb." He grinned. "Something tight, leather, and black. With a bustline low enough so…"

  Tristan snarled. He took a threatening step forward. "I don't trust you."

  "You've said that before. The feeling is mutual." Lex glanced at Winter. "But I trust her. She has honest eyes. Don't you agree?" Lex winked at her.

  Tristan growled.

  "I want a witch's promise that you had nothing to do with Celine's kidnapping or the bombing," blurted Tristan.

  Disgust flashed over Lex's features. "That's what got me in this mess to begin with."

  When Tristan didn't speak, Lex groaned. "Fine, give me your hand, my dear."

  Winter reached out her hand. Tristan grabbed it. "No, he will make the promise to me."

  "Then I make no promise. I don't like you, wolf, and I'll be damned if I'll bound myself to you in any way. She is it if you want this deal. I will only make a witch's promise to a pure-blooded witch, not a filthy half-breed."

  "It's okay, Tristan."

  "I don't like him touching you."

  "I'm not crazy about it either." Winter frowned.

  Lex rolled his eyes. "I am standing right here you know. You'll give me a complex."

  "That I very much doubt." Winter reached across and grabbed Lex's hands. "Lex Baxter, do you swear on your magic that you have no involvement in the murder of the vampire's female or Celine Peyton's disappearance?"

  "I so swear it on my magic."

  "As bound by my elements, if your promise proves false you will be stripped of your power and face shifter justice as seen fit by the Peyton pack. Do you so agree?"

  Lex was silent a second before he responded. "Yes, I agree."

  A sudden wisp of energy spun around their locked hands. Faster and faster until it faded into their skin. Lex fell to his knees. His head dropped between his shoulders.

  He threw his head back as if in pain or ecstasy. Winter wasn't sure.

  "You are a lucky wolf." He leered up at her. "So much power. It makes me harder than steel."

  Tristan roared and lunged, but the witch disappeared.

  "I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

  "Later. We need to get back to the mansion and talk to Kian. Something tells me the quicker we take down Maxwell, the better we'll all be."

  "You're really going to trust Lex?"

  "Do we have a choice?" She approached Tristan. "Besides, he has much to lose. He took a great risk coming to us and making a witch's promise."

  Tristan nodded. "Let's go."

  Chapter 27

  Back at the Hamilton base, Winter and Tristan filled Kian in on their unexpected meeting with Lex.

  "I have a bad feeling about this," said Kian. He eyed Winter. Behind him, the setting sun cast a bright-orange glow through the bay window of the town house, highlighting the concerned arch of his brow.

  "I agree," Tristan muttered. His arms were crossed tight over his chest. Winter rolled her eyes before focusing back on Kian.

  Kian leaned back on the plush couch. He shook his head as he rested his ankle on his knee and slung one arm over the back of the cushion. Although, he had taken out his piercing plugs a few years ago, he’d added several tattoos to his personal canvas over the years, including one that wrapped around his throat. Her brother-in-law was an imposing sight. Even when relaxed.

  "We can't trust this guy, especially if he's aligned with my father." Kian turned to Winter. "He fucking kidnapped you…remember? I sure as hell didn't."

  "I say we skin the bastard." She not only heard the anger in Tristan's tone, but felt his wolf's fury with her magic.

  This time she gave Tristan her full attention. He'd been in his tense position for the last half hour. She sent a wave of ease his way and wasn't surprised when he rejected it. The stubborn wolf felt his anger was justified and he refused to be placated.

  Winter groaned. "If you threaten to skin him one more time, I'm going to shoot you." She had already heard the suggestion fifty times since the confrontation at the park. The repeated threat grated on her last nerve. "I've been around a lot of bad guys over the years. I have an instinct when a suspect is lying. I didn't get that vibe from him. Is he an innocent?" She chuckled. "Absolutely not, but I doubt he's planning anything other than saving his ass. He's scared and he knows Maxwell is out of control."

  "He should be scared. He's going down." Tristan scowled.

  Winter sighed. "As for kidnapping me…we'll deal with that after. My main concern is bringing Celine home and finding that damn science lab."

  Magnus entered the room followed by Ren. Magnus sat down on the couch in front of Winter. Ren remained standing. Like a pair of bookends, Tristan and Ren stood on opposite ends of the room with their huge biceps locked around their broad chests.

  The Peyton pac
k's top guard's eyes remained cold, his expression serious. Far grimmer than Winter had ever seen him.

  "You may choose to trust the witch, but the Peyton pack does not. We're not convinced that Lex Baxter had no part in Celine's abduction." His tone held a lethal edge no one could mistake. If Lex came before Ren and his pack right this second, he'd be torn apart. "Maxwell and Lex will be brought to justice. Shifter justice."

  For the first time since he entered the room, Ren's lips lifted into a grin.

  Winter cringed. Shifter justice meant punishment dished out by a pack with teeth and claws. Judging by the excited glint in Ren's eyes, he would be leading the pack beside his alpha.

  "He made a witch's promise, Ren. If he betrays us, he will be stripped of his magic. Believe me. No witch would take such a risk if they planned on screwing us over."

  Ren lifted his brow. "Really, a witch's promise? Who was the lucky witch to bind the bastard's power?"

  "She did." Tristan grimaced as he jerked his head in her direction. "Against my better judgment of course."

  "Of course." Ren offered a faint smile.

  Kian frowned. "We all know Winter's stubborn nature."

  Magnus nodded.

  "Can we get back to subject, please?" Winter snapped. "He swore he had no involvement in either the kidnapping of the women or the bombing. I believe him. He didn't even hesitate with his vow. If he had lied about his involvement, he would have lost his power once the spell locked into place and we wouldn't be having this conversation. We would have delivered him to you personally."

  "What if he alerts Maxwell? He is, after all, in business with the man and serves to lose much if he's brought down."

  Tristan spoke. "I will bring him to you myself if he betrays us."


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