Bound By Love

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Bound By Love Page 32

by Reilly, Cora


  “Keep your ears and eyes open, Orazio.”

  “Will do.”

  He hung up and when I turned, Aria was close behind, her palm against her stomach and worry on her face. I forced a smile. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  She tilted her head with a knowing look.

  Matteo and I were on our way out of the Sphere and back home to our wives when a young man at the bar with dark hair caught my attention. He held himself with a certain air of self-assurance and barely restrained violence. His dark eyes locked on mine and he didn’t look away. He was a teenager, but his eyes revealed that he had seen and done more than most grown men. I stopped and so did Matteo.

  “Do you know him?” I asked in a low voice, reaching for my Beretta.

  Matteo shook his head, also reaching beneath his jacket.

  The guy smiled a fucking twisted smile and rose. Scars littered his arms and one crossed his eyebrow. With a last challenging glance, he left my club. Matteo and I followed and the moment we stepped out I pulled my gun, my eyes searching the dark street for a sign of him.

  “Luca Vitiello,” came a voice out of the dark.

  I aimed my gun in that direction. “Step forward,” I ordered.

  And he did, holding up his hands with that same twisted smile on his face. He didn’t show fear. I nodded at Matteo, who lunged and grabbed the guy’s arm and pressed his knife against his throat. The guy didn’t try to defend himself, didn’t even flinch, only stared into my eyes, and I took my own knife out. We’d see how long he’d hold up that twisted smile. Matteo dragged him deeper into the dark and I moved very close to the crazy fucker.

  “Tape?” I asked Matteo.

  He shook his head.

  “I won’t scream,” the crazy fucker said.

  “We will see,” I said quietly. “Who are you?”

  His smile widened, and I lost my shit. I grabbed his arm and brought my knife down. Matteo clamped his hand over the guy’s mouth, but he didn’t need to. The guy shuddered but made no sound, and I wasn’t entirely sure if he didn’t enjoy the pain. A challenge.

  Matteo gave me a look as he dropped his hand from the guy’s mouth.

  “Who are you?” I growled.

  “Remo Falcone.”

  Fuck. “And what, pray tell, are you doing in my territory?”

  “Looking for alliance. I’m going to kill my father and all his men and take over Vegas, and you can either be my ally or my enemy—it’s up to you.”

  Matteo snorted. “To think there’s someone who’s more crazy than you and I.”

  I gave Remo my coldest smile. “How about I kill you now?”

  “Then my brother will have to hurt your wife.”

  I gripped his throat. “What did you just say?”

  “Your penthouse is well guarded,” he pressed out. “There isn’t a good shooting position even for the best shooter from any of the surrounding buildings, except for one. There is one window in a nearby skyscraper that allows a clear shot if someone’s leaning on the banister of your rooftop. It’s a difficult shot. Few men could hit a target from that distance. Few men could have figured out that one spot. Luckily one of those men is my brother Nino, a true genius. And your beautiful wife is leaning against that banister right as we speak.”

  I dropped my hand from his throat, my stomach clenching tightly. Matteo met my gaze, lowering his knife.

  “What do you want?” I said with barely controlled rage. I focused on it because the other emotions would weaken me, and I had a feeling Remo knew how to use weaknesses.

  “Only your attention,” he said. “I have no intention of hurting your wife.” He brought the cut on his arm to his lips and sucked the blood away. “I want you to stay out of my fight, and I don’t want you to help my father no matter what he offers you. I will be Capo soon, and then I want you to remember this day,” he said, lips and teeth covered with his own blood.

  Crazy and dangerous.

  He took a step back.

  “I thought you wanted to know if I was ally or enemy?”

  He tilted his head. “I think you might need more time to think it through. Perhaps one day we can do what should have been done a long time ago: destroy the Outfit and split their territory between us. When my father contacts you, remember that I could have killed your beautiful wife and didn’t, Luca. I don’t care for your territory, but I want what’s mine, and I will do anything to get it.” He walked backwards slowly and disappeared in the shadows, and then the engine of a bike roared up.

  I ripped my mobile out of my back pocket and called Aria.

  The moment she picked up, I hissed, “Get inside now!”

  She sucked in a breath but I heard movement. “Luca, what’s going on?”

  “Where are you?” I asked, already running toward my car. Matteo was close behind, talking to Demetrio and ordering him to send out every available soldier to look for Nino and Remo Falcone.

  “In the living room. Demetrio is letting down the shutters. What’s going on?”

  “Stay inside.”

  I hung up, my pulse racing with fury and fear alike.

  “What the fuck was that?” Matteo muttered.

  “A warning,” I growled. The Camorra had never been in my focus. That would change now.

  The moment I stepped into the penthouse, Aria came running and I clutched her to my body. Orfeo had joined Demetrio. She looked confused and scared. “What’s going on? Nobody’s telling me anything.”

  “False alarm,” I assured her, and she frowned.

  I kissed her forehead then moved to Orfeo. “Find someone who’s been a sniper. I want to find that spot.” Orfeo nodded and rushed off.

  We didn’t find the spot until a letter was taped to the door of the Sphere two days later with directions. I wasn’t sure what kind of game Remo Falcone was playing, but I couldn’t risk a fight with him as well. Dante and the Outfit needed to stay in my focus. I couldn’t deal with the Camorra on top of that.

  chapter 25


  I was starting to count down the days to my due date. I felt like a rhino, and finding a comfortable position at night was near impossible. I propped my hip up against the kitchen counter; even standing was a bother now.

  Luca came into the kitchen and kissed my lips. “How are you?”

  He’d been almost constantly at my side, ever since the incident that prompted Demetrio to let down our shutters and shove me away from the windows. Luca hadn’t shared details with me, but it must have worried him to the very core because Matteo had handled the majority of business in the weeks after. Only in the last two weeks had Luca started to relax a little.

  “Hungry.” I always was. Where in the beginning food had been a struggle, now eating was all I could do. Luckily, I hadn’t gained much weight. I thanked my good genes.

  Luca touched my belly. “And how is she?”

  I put my hand over his. “She’s very active. Doesn’t allow me much sleep at night.”

  “I know. Soon the pregnancy is over.”

  “I doubt we’ll sleep better then.”

  Luca stroked my belly with his thumb.

  Steps rang out, and he straightened and pulled his hand away a moment before Demetrio rounded the corner, then froze. “Will you be staying home today?”

  Luca couldn’t show this type of gentleness in front of his men. At least he didn’t hide his feelings as much when Matteo was around.

  “No,” Luca said. “I have to meet with the Captains.”

  I touched my fingertips briefly to his chest over his heart and tattoo. Be careful. My eyes told him, and he knew. He gave me a brief, possessive kiss before he left.

  Grabbing a book, I headed outside into the garden of the mansion, Demetrio trailing after me. Gianna and Lily were already sunbathing in the late June sun but I couldn’t stand heat in my state for long. I missed New York, but after the incident Luca had insisted I stay in our mansion. However, now that
my due date was approaching I’d have to return to New York in the next couple of days, since that’s where the hospital Luca had chosen was.

  I managed to maneuver my body out of my dress and sank down into one of the sun chairs with a groan. My bikini bottoms were hidden by my belly, and for a moment I wondered if I’d put them on the right way.

  Gianna lifted her sunglasses and exchanged an amused look with Lily.

  “Wait till you’re pregnant and can’t move anymore,” I muttered as I stretched out, groaning again.

  “I have absolutely no intention of getting pregnant, trust me. Neither Matteo nor I want kids.”

  Lily bit her lip. “I’d love to have children with Romero, but we’ll wait a few years until I’m a bit older.”

  I’d never thought I’d become a mother at twenty-three either, but now I was happy.

  Gianna looked over at Demetrio, who sat at the garden table in the shade. “Aren’t you warm in that outfit?”

  He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and black jeans, and looked up in confusion. “I’m not here to enjoy myself.”

  Gianna snorted. “Heaven forbid anyone have fun around here.”

  I laughed. “Leave him alone.”

  Demetrio gave me a grateful smile, then returned to letting his gaze wander over the premises. I fell asleep with the sun on my face but eventually woke because Marcella kicked up a storm. I blinked against the sunlight. “What time is it?”

  “No clue,” Gianna said, lowering a book she’d been reading. I glanced out toward the ocean, wondering if we’d manage to go back to Italy next year. These last few weeks of being confined to the mansion made me long for the vast expanse of the sea.

  “When was the last time you were outside?” Gianna asked, regarding me with worry.

  “I’m outside right now.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Romero said it’s for the best that Aria’s pregnancy stays a secret even if people speculate that Aria’s had a mental breakdown being married to Luca.”

  I slanted her a look. “What?”

  Lily grimaced. “Because you’ve disappeared from the public in the last four months. There’s a rumor that you are in rehab or a psychiatric facility, and another that Luca’s locking you in because you are simply too beautiful and he can’t stand others looking at you.”

  “What kind of crap,” Gianna muttered. “That sounds like a rumor Matteo might spread just to be funny.”

  I closed my eyes, laughing softly. “I think I prefer the too beautiful rumor to the nutcase one.” Then I looked down at my protruding belly. “Even if I don’t feel very beautiful right now.”

  “Once you’ve pushed that kid out of you, you’ll have your old body back in no time,” Gianna said.

  “At least Luca isn’t getting a pouch out of solidarity,” Lily said with a grin. “I read that many men gain more weight during pregnancy than their wives. It’s called solidarity pregnancy or something like that.”

  “That’s taking solidarity a bit too far,” Luca said from behind me, and I let out a startled cry, looking over my shoulder. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and was only in his swim trunks.

  Solidarity pregnancy? No, that definitely hadn’t happened to Luca. He was as ripped as always, all muscle, no fat.

  Matteo came up behind his brother, grinning, and patted Luca’s six-pack. “I think I can feel a tiny bulge.”

  “The only bulge I’ll ever have is in my pants, and you will keep your hands off it.”

  “Stop talking about bulges, will you?” Gianna muttered. Matteo leaned over her; he too was dressed only in swim trunks. “Why? You love my bulge.”

  “Okay,” I said, my nose wrinkling, and tried to get into a sitting position. A beetle on its back had more range of motion than me. Luca held out his hand, a smirk playing around his mouth, but in his eyes was something fierce and protective as usual when I displayed my current vulnerability.

  Sighing, I let him pull me to my feet. I touched his muscled stomach. “I almost wish you’d gained weight, then I wouldn’t feel quite so ginormous.”

  Luca leaned down, hand on my belly. “Aria, don’t be ridiculous. You are beautiful and still small.” I was about to protest but his gaze silenced me.

  I couldn’t find a comfortable position. The pain in my lower back had been getting worse in the last week, and tonight it was particularly bad. I repositioned the nursing pillow under my belly then closed my eyes, trying to find sleep. It was only ten but I was tired all the time now. I still had five days to go before my official due date, but time seemed to drag now that the birth drew nearer.

  I must have dozed off, when a sharp pain in my lower abdomen jerked me awake. My eyes flew open, and I gasped. I propped my arm up to push myself into a sitting position, but with the pain it proved twice as difficult. When I’d finally managed to perch on the edge of the mattress, I had to catch my breath. I wasn’t sure if this was it. From the force of the pain, I could only assume I was having contractions.

  I caressed my stomach, waiting for the pain to subside before I reached for my mobile on the nightstand. I considered calling Luca, but I knew he had a meeting with his soldiers tonight regarding a strategy to burn down the Bratva’s labs and probably more he wasn’t telling me about. I didn’t want to disturb him if this proved to be a false alarm. I hesitated, then decided to send him a message. When will you be home?

  I managed to send it off before another contraction rendered me a wheezing mess. Clutching the mattress, I tried to breathe through the pain. It wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped. “Demetrio!” I called when I found my voice. I pushed myself off the bed and crept toward the door, my phone clutched in one hand. It vibrated. I slanted a look at the screen.

  Two hours. You okay?

  I reached the door, and held on to the handle for a couple of heartbeats before I managed to open it. “Demetrio!”

  He appeared on the staircase, hair mussed up and face sleepy. He must have fallen asleep. “Is everything okay?”

  “Of course not, or I wouldn’t have called you,” I muttered, then felt bad for taking my pain out on him, but another contraction stopped me from apologizing.

  Demetrio’s eyes widened. “Are you…?”

  “Get Gianna,” I ordered, when it became clear that Demetrio didn’t have a clue what to do. Demetrio ran toward the elevator and jabbed the button, but without the code he wouldn’t be able to send the elevator to Matteo’s apartment. Did I have to do everything alone?

  I held on to the banister, intent on going down the staircase to assist him in his futile endeavor, but halfway down I had to stop to breathe again.

  My cell vibrated again.

  Aria? Are you okay?

  I was clutching the phone so tightly, I was surprised it hadn’t turned to dust yet. “Call Matteo,” I told Demetrio through gritted teeth.

  I didn’t check to see if he followed my order, but a few minutes later the elevator binged and Gianna rushed out, dressed in a bathrobe, and followed by Matteo in boxers and a T-shirt.

  Gianna practically flew up the steps and stopped beside me. She froze with her hands almost touching me. “Aria? What’s wrong? Is the baby on its way?”

  I swallowed a retort, and nodded.

  “Come on, we need to get you to a hospital,” she said, resting her hand lightly on my arm.

  Matteo hovered on the first step and behind him stood Demetrio, all of them watching me as if they needed my guidance.

  “I don’t think I can walk right now,” I got out.

  Gianna paled.

  “Do something. You must know what to do,” Matteo told her, taking another step closer.

  “Why would I know what to do? Because I’m a woman?” Gianna hissed. “I’ve never pushed a baby out of my vagina, as you very well know.”

  Oh God. I really didn’t need their bickering now.

  “Matteo, can you please help me?” I whispered. Gianna wasn’t strong enough to car
ry me, and I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to walk much longer. This was going way faster than I’d thought.

  He came up immediately. “What do you need me to do?”

  Another contraction and I rocked forward, clutching Matteo’s arms. He steadied me. “Call Luca.”

  “You need to let go of me,” he said in a tense voice. No way. I needed something to hold on to, and Matteo could take my grip better than Gianna. I clutched his arms harder and he seemed to realize that I wasn’t going to release him.

  Gianna pulled her own cell out. “Yes, it’s Aria,” was the first thing she said. Of course Luca knew it was because of me when Gianna called him. My text had probably sent him into a panic attack.

  “We’ll take her to the hospital.” She nodded, then ended the call and looked at me. “He’s already on his way.”

  “Can you walk?” Matteo asked.

  I gave a small nod, feeling a tiny bit stronger. I took a step down, Matteo’s grip tight on my arm. It took what felt like forever to descend the remaining steps with Gianna, Demetrio and Matteo watching me like I was a bomb about to detonate.

  Gianna’s phone rang. “No, we’re still at home. Aria is too slow.”

  I scowled at her. Slow? I was surprised I could walk at all the way my insides seemed to be torn to pieces. I paused to catch my breath. Matteo surprised me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and slipping his other under my legs before lifting me in his arms. I knew it couldn’t have been easy for him. I’d gained almost thirty pounds during the pregnancy. I was still not big, but definitely not a lightweight anymore.

  “Thanks,” I murmured.

  His dark eyes softened. Matteo and I had had our conflicts, but I knew he’d get me safely to the hospital.

  “Everything will be all right,” Gianna assured me. It would have been more convincing if she didn’t look like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

  “I’ll get the car,” Demetrio said then disappeared in the elevator. He looked as if the devil was after him.

  “Hey!” Matteo called, but the doors had already closed and it was heading down, leaving us stranded in the penthouse until the elevator returned. “What the fuck is he doing?”


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