Dirty Talk

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Dirty Talk Page 3

by Opal Carew

  Yes, she had changed into a button down shirt. She did everything she could to make this as real as possible. She started unfastening the buttons. Goosebumps danced across her flesh.

  Do it slowly. Think of me watching you. My cock getting harder as you release each button.

  Oh, God, she could imagine her phantom lover, a shadowy shape sitting across from her in the dark, his erection spearing up from his jeans as he stroked it. Watching her. Her vagina clenched with need.

  That’s right, now slip it off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Mmm.

  She did as he said, feeling her skin quivering at the coolness of the air on her shoulders. She ached inside at his soft murmur of approval.

  I know you’re covering yourself with the blanket, but I can see your bare shoulders. See the goose bumps shimmering across your skin.

  Unfasten your bra now, baby. Toss it aside.

  She reached behind her and unhooked the garment, then slipped it away and dropped it to the floor. Her nipples hardened in anticipation. She pulled the blanket tighter around her.

  It’s okay if you want to stay hidden under your blanket.

  For now.

  But I want you to touch your nipples. Just stroke your fingers over them lightly. Teasing. Feel the surge of heat rushing straight to your pussy.

  She touched her hard buds. Pleasure blossomed inside her. Just as he said, her vagina ached with need and she could feel it getting slick.

  Mmm. I bet you’re getting nice and wet. I’m so hot just thinking about it.

  Yeah. Now open the button of your jeans and slide the zipper down. Slowly. Mmm.

  I can hear the soft raspy sound and it’s driving me wild. I wish I could see you.

  She slid down the zipper, the sound seeming to fill the room.

  Slide those jeans down and push them past your panties, which I hope are getting wet. Keep sliding them down your legs and let them drop to the floor.

  Mmm. Nice. Now all you’re wearing are your panties…beneath that soft blanket that caresses your skin. Brushing against your sensitive nipples.

  Her jeans fell to the floor as he talked. As she held the blanket close, she was very conscious of it against her nipples. They swelled, aching for his touch. She stroked them lightly, almost gasping at the contact.

  As you’ve been undressing, I’ve been here in the chair slowly caressing my cock. Stroking my shaft as I watched you. Mmm. Getting more and more turned on.

  He sighed.

  I’m so hard, knowing you’re almost naked under that blanket. Mmm.

  Oh, God, she wished she could see him. Sitting in front of her, stroking his cock. Watching her with appreciation in his deep, blue eyes.

  I want you to use one hand to gently stroke your hard nipple… toying with it… making it harder… while you slowly drag your other hand down your ribs… past your hips…then over your panties.

  She stroked one nipple, delightful sensations humming through her, as she ran her other hand down her body, over the warm, smooth skin, to her panties.

  Mmm. I bet they’re soaking wet. Now stroke the fabric stretched over your pussy…lightly…Yeah, just like that.

  As she ran her fingertips over the crotch, she sighed at the butterfly-soft sensation against her intimate place.

  God, I’m so turned on thinking of how wet you are. Of how much I want to touch you there.

  Now drag your finger along your wet panties. From your opening… slowly over the damp fabric… to your clit.

  Her breath caught as her fingertip glided over her clit.

  Oh, baby, I’m so fucking hard watching you. Mmm. Yeah.

  An image flickered through her mind of her hot phantom lover with his cock in his hand… hard and long… as he stroked it in his big hand. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest.

  While your other hand is stroking your nipple, I want you to lightly tease your clit through the fabric. Back and forth. That’s it. A little faster now. But keep it light.

  She stroked her nipple faster, feeling it tighten even harder until it ached. She ran her fingertip over her clit. Stroking it. Light but fast, just as he instructed. Incredible delight fluttered through her.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned softly.

  Fuck, those soft moans of yours are driving me wild. My cock is throbbing in my hand.

  She arched her hips up to her fingers, moaning softly at the pleasure vibrating from her aching bud.

  Baby, I want you to take off your panties for me. Nice and slow.

  She sucked in a calming breath as she did what he said.

  God, I can see the blanket moving as you slide them down. Let me see them drop from under the blanket.

  Oh, yeah.

  His words were almost a groan.

  Open your legs and touch those soaked folds of flesh. Oh, yeah.

  She dropped her panties and opened her thighs. Her vagina clenched, aching with need.

  Now stroke… just very lightly.

  As soon as her fingers brushed over her intimate flesh, she began to tremble. A small moan escaped her throat. The folds were so slick and wet against her fingers.

  Fuck. Does it feel good, baby? Touching yourself like that? God, I wish I could see it. Your fingers gliding over your slick flesh.

  Pinch your nipple a little harder. Look at me in the chair as you stroke yourself. As you finger your clit.

  Oh, God, it did feel good. She found herself nodding as she kept stroking the wetness. As she pinched her nipple, she imagined him sitting in the chair, staring at her with heat in his eyes.

  Watch my hand glide up and down my swollen dick. So hard for you.

  She saw his cock, thick and hard. Pulsing. His masculine hand traveling up, then down, stroking it over and over.

  As I slowly pump my cock… gently squeezing the shaft as I glide to the swollen tip… then back down to the base… shivers race through my body. You can see the excitement in my eyes as I watch you.

  Oh, yes. He wanted her. The thought sent shivers through her.

  Now I want you to slowly lower the blanket. I want to see your beautiful, naked body.

  She sucked in a deep breath and drew the blanket down slowly. As she revealed her breasts, she kept teasing her nipple, squeezing it between her fingertips.

  That’s right, baby. Let me see those hard nipples of yours.

  Oh, fuck yeah. That’s right. Tease them with your fingers. Pull on them and make them harder.

  She brought her other hand to her second nipple and stroked it, then tugged it. Hard. Shards of pleasure spiked through her.

  Oh, yeah. Oh fuck you’re turning me on so much. My cock is aching it’s so hard.

  I’m stroking a little faster now. Rocking my hips in the chair.

  She arched her hips, aching for him.

  Play with those hard nipples now. Roll them between your fingertips.

  She squeezed her hard buds, and rolled them, just like he instructed, moaning softly. Her insides were on fire.

  Ohhh, fuck…. That’s so beautiful. I’m so fucking hard with need.

  Now push the blanket the rest of the way off.

  She shoved the blanket aside, letting it fall to the ground.

  Oh, fuck, yeah, you’re so beautiful. My cock is throbbing at the sight of your naked body. Your breasts arching forward. The delicate lips of your pussy exposed.

  Mmm. But I want to see more of your beautiful pussy. Open your legs for me. Dig your heels into the ottoman and spread your thighs wide. Fuck, yeah, that’s right.

  She felt the leather of the ottoman against her feet as she opened for him. Her internal muscles quivered at the thought of him seeing her intimate flesh. She wanted him to see.

  Mmm. I love the sight of that dripping pussy of yours. Keep stroking your nipples. Squeeze them for me.

  She tightened her internal muscles again. Heat throbbed through her body. Her nipples were hard and tight, the aureoles pebbled.

  Yes, just like that, baby. Ahh, I love your
sweet little murmurs as you stroke those tight buds.

  You like that, don’t you? Ah, fuck, baby, you are so sexy.

  Mmm. So beautiful.

  Ahh, my cock is incredibly hard. I need you so badly, baby. Mmm. I want to touch your breasts. Take your throbbing nipple in my mouth. Ah, yeah. So sweet.

  At the thought of his hot mouth closing over her hard bud, she gasped, then moaned.

  Fuck, the sound of your soft whimpers is driving me wild. My cock is aching for you.

  What was that? You wish you could touch me?

  He laughed softly.

  Another time, sweetheart. I promise.

  Oh, God, she did want to touch him. So badly. To feel his hard male flesh—throbbing and thick—in her hand.

  He made that promise every time, building up a deep yearning inside her. To touch him. To stroke him.

  But right now I’m squeezing my rock-hard cock harder… gliding up and down the throbbing shaft faster…

  He groaned softly. Her breath caught at the sound. God, he was as turned on as she was. His cock was hard with desire as he thought about turning her on.

  I’m pretending it’s you touching me. Stroking me.

  Oh, God, yes. She imagined that, too. Her hand gliding up and down his cock. The hard flesh pulsing in her hand.

  Mmm. Yeah. Faster. That’s right. It feels so good. Squeeze me tighter. Ahh.

  He was speaking a little faster now, his voice more urgent. Her fingers teased her nipples faster, pleasure quivering through her. When she heard his groan, her whole body quaked.

  Can you feel me throbbing in your hand?

  She imagined it. His hard flesh in her tight grip. Pulsing in her hand like she had a direct hold on his heart.

  Mmm. Yeah. Your fist is tight around my cock as you pump it faster.

  Oh, that’s right. It feels so good.

  He groaned, sending tingles through her. She cupped her breasts and squeezed, the nipples boring into her palms.

  Do you like hearing me get off for you, baby?

  Oh, God, yes, she did. She loved it.

  Ohhh, fuck! Oh, yeah!

  His voice rumbled through her, then he groaned.

  She whimpered, her fingers squeezing her nipples hard, longing to hear his release. She desperately wanted to hear him experience that pleasure.

  Fuck, I could come right now.

  But then he took a deep breath and released it slowly.

  When he spoke again, his velvety voice was slow and deliberate. Controlled.

  But I need to slow it down now, baby. I’m too close… and there’s so much more I want to do to you.

  He laughed softly, the incredible sound rumbling through her.

  Fuck, I can’t take my eyes off your glistening pussy. I keep imagining my hard cock sliding into you.

  She moaned at the thought. She could just imagine his hot, hard cockhead brushing against her. Slowly pushing inside.

  He sucked in a deep breath.

  I love your legs open for me like that. I love you letting me see your sweet pussy.

  Mmm. Touch yourself there for me. Slide your fingers over your slippery folds.

  She glided her hand down her stomach, then over the slick flesh.

  Yeah. That’s right. Then dip inside your velvety opening. Just a little.

  She pushed her fingertip inside. God, she was so wet. So desperately turned on.

  Fuck, I love that you’re wet because of me. It’s hard not to get too turned on. Thinking of pressing my hard cock against your soft flesh…

  She imagined his cockhead pressing against her, then easing into her opening.

  Of thrusting inside you…

  She gasped softly as she imagined his thick shaft thrusting deep inside.

  He drew in a deep breath.

  Mmm. I’d love to taste that pussy of yours. Run my tongue along your slick flesh.

  “Ohhh, yes,” she whimpered, sweeping her fingertip over her folds as if it were his tongue.

  I think you’d like that. I’d look up at your beautiful face as I use my fingers to open your folds and find your clit. Swollen and hard.

  Then I’d lick it. Mmm. Imagine my breath on you. Brushing over your sensitive pussy.

  “Ahhhh.” Pleasure rippled through her as she imagined his hot tongue gliding over her. His breath a light wisp against her quivering flesh.

  Oh, baby, keep touching yourself there. I love to watch.

  She stroked herself, trembling now.

  Ah, fuck. I’m stroking my cock faster again. It’s so hard. So ready.

  I really want to come for you. I want you to know how fucking turned on you make me.

  Yeah, stroke yourself. Slide your fingertips over that clit. Tease it.

  As she brushed her clit, a small gasp escaped her lips.

  Mmm. Stroke it faster. Your fingers quivering over it.

  Are you getting close, baby?

  She quivered her fingertip over the throbbing bud.

  “Oh, yeah,” she whimpered softly.

  Do you feel that pleasure pulsing inside you?

  Her head bobbed up and down.

  Fuck, I am so fucking close I don’t know if I can hold back. Mmmm.

  Baby, push your fingers inside that wet pussy for me. Keep stroking your clit with your other hand while you push those fingers deep.

  She pushed her fingers inside her silky wet opening. The depth of need in his voice burrowed deep inside her, sending quivers of delight through her.

  Fuck, I can just imagine how slick and warm it is inside. Silky. Ohhh.

  Yeah, just like that, baby. Drive those fingers inside your pussy. Finger fuck yourself for me. I love that. I can barely hold back now.

  She pumped her fingers inside, her pleasure rising, totally captivated by his needy words.

  He groaned.

  Fuck, baby. Fuck!

  Ah, goddamn, I love the sounds you make. So feminine. So needy.

  His voice quivered with urgency.

  She whimpered, blissful sensations rising within her.

  What’s that?

  You want me to come for you?

  “Oh, God, please,” she begged on a breathy whisper.

  Whatever you want, baby. Anything to make you happy.

  The sounds of his groans and sighs of pleasure almost drove her over the edge. But she held back. Wanting to come at just the right time.

  Fuck, I’m so hard. So close. Because of you, baby.

  Ohh… yeah, baby, I’m jacking off for you. Stroking my hard, aching cock. Wishing I was inside you right now.

  She drove her fingers faster inside herself.

  God, the thought of him inside her sent her flying to the edge. Hovering on the precipice.

  Oh, yeah, baby. Stroke yourself, too. I want you to come with me.

  Let me see those fingers moving on your sweet pussy.

  Her fingers rippled over her sensitive flesh, then her fingertips vibrated on her clit. Pleasure coiled tightly inside her, ready to burst at any moment.

  Are you close?

  His soft moan vibrated through her.

  I’m so close I… fuck… I’m going to… come… any… minute.

  “Yes, so close,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with need.

  Come for me, too, baby.

  His soft groan drove her close to the edge.


  Ohhh! Yeah! Yeah! I’m so close… Ahhh…

  Intense need flooded through her at the knowledge he was going to come. Her fingers fluttered over her clit… pushing her pleasure higher and higher… She sucked in a breath, then joy blossomed inside her, expanding in waves of sheer bliss. She moaned her release.

  Yeah, baby. Oh, that’s right. Come for me. I love hearing you moan. Knowing you’re coming because of me.

  Fuck, I can’t hold it. Yeah. Oh, God.

  His groans of pleasure drove her orgasm to incredible heights, her moans filling the room. She gasped and moaned again as his deep, rumbling mo
ans filled her ears.

  Finally, she slumped back on the couch, spent, the sound of his deep breathing washing over her.

  He sighed deeply.

  Fuck, baby, that was incredible. I love what you do to me.

  Ah, baby, I can’t wait ‘til we’re together again. I’ll be looking forward to it.

  Thank you, baby.

  The echo of his last words swirled through her. It always amazed her that he thanked her after he’d given her so much.

  But then, that’s why she loved this man. This phantom lover. He made her feel so… special.

  Sonny lay there, sucking in deep breaths, wishing just like dozens of times before, that her secret lover was real and that she was lying in his arms right now. His strong embrace making her feel cherished.

  But he was gone. Her phantom lover.

  She sighed and pushed herself up, then gathered her clothes and headed to the bedroom.

  Of course, it would be easier if she listened to the audio in bed. Then she could just let herself fall asleep still basking in the glow of her orgasm.


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